/* * meli - lib.rs * * Copyright 2017 Manos Pitsidianakis * * This file is part of meli. * * meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with meli. If not, see . */ #[macro_use] pub mod dbg { #[allow(clippy::redundant_closure)] #[macro_export] macro_rules! debug { ($val:literal) => { { if cfg!(feature="debug-tracing") { eprint!( "[{:?}] {}:{}_{}: ", std::thread::current() .name() .map(std::string::ToString::to_string) .unwrap_or_else(|| format!("{:?}", std::thread::current().id())), file!(), line!(), column!() ); eprintln!($val); } $val } }; ($val:expr) => { if cfg!(feature="debug-tracing") { let stringify = stringify!($val); // Use of `match` here is intentional because it affects the lifetimes // of temporaries - https://stackoverflow.com/a/48732525/1063961 match $val { tmp => { eprint!( "[{:?}] {}:{}_{}: ", std::thread::current() .name() .map(std::string::ToString::to_string) .unwrap_or_else(|| format!("{:?}", std::thread::current().id())), file!(), line!(), column!() ); eprintln!("{} = {:?}", stringify, tmp); tmp } } } else { $val } }; ($fmt:literal, $($arg:tt)*) => { if cfg!(feature="debug-tracing") { eprint!( "[{:?}] {}:{}_{}: ", std::thread::current() .name() .map(std::string::ToString::to_string) .unwrap_or_else(|| format!("{:?}", std::thread::current().id())), file!(), line!(), column!() ); eprintln!($fmt, $($arg)*); } }; } } #[cfg(feature = "unicode_algorithms")] extern crate text_processing; #[macro_use] mod logging; pub use self::logging::LoggingLevel::*; pub use self::logging::*; pub mod addressbook; pub mod async_workers; pub mod backends; mod collection; pub mod conf; pub mod email; pub mod error; pub mod mailbox; pub mod thread; pub use crate::email::*; pub use crate::thread::*; mod structs; pub use self::structs::*; #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive; /* parser */ #[macro_use] extern crate nom; extern crate chrono; extern crate data_encoding; extern crate encoding; #[macro_use] extern crate bitflags; extern crate fnv; extern crate uuid; pub use crate::conf::*; pub use crate::mailbox::*; pub use crate::backends::{Backends, RefreshEvent, RefreshEventConsumer, SpecialUseMailbox}; pub use crate::email::{Envelope, Flag}; pub use crate::error::{MeliError, Result}; pub use crate::addressbook::*; pub use shellexpand::ShellExpandTrait; pub mod shellexpand { use std::path::*; pub trait ShellExpandTrait { fn expand(&self) -> PathBuf; } impl ShellExpandTrait for Path { fn expand(&self) -> PathBuf { let mut ret = PathBuf::new(); for c in self.components() { let c_to_str = c.as_os_str().to_str(); match c_to_str { Some("~") => { if let Some(home_dir) = std::env::var("HOME").ok() { ret.push(home_dir) } else { return PathBuf::new(); } } Some(var) if var.starts_with("$") => { let env_name = var.split_at(1).1; if env_name.chars().all(char::is_uppercase) { ret.push(std::env::var(env_name).unwrap_or(String::new())); } else { ret.push(c); } } Some(_) => { ret.push(c); } None => { /* path is invalid */ return PathBuf::new(); } } } ret } } }