/* * meli - mailbox module. * * Copyright 2017 Manos Pitsidianakis * * This file is part of meli. * * meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with meli. If not, see . */ use super::{ BackendFolder, BackendOp, Folder, FolderHash, MailBackend, RefreshEvent, RefreshEventConsumer, RefreshEventKind::*, }; use super::{MaildirFolder, MaildirOp}; use crate::async_workers::*; use crate::conf::AccountSettings; use crate::email::{Envelope, EnvelopeHash}; use crate::error::{MeliError, Result}; use notify::{watcher, DebouncedEvent, RecursiveMode, Watcher}; use std::time::Duration; use std::sync::mpsc::channel; //use std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel; //use std::sync::mpsc::SyncSender; //use std::time::Duration; use fnv::{FnvHashMap, FnvHasher}; use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::fs; use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; use std::io::{self, Read, Write}; use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut}; use std::path::{Component, Path, PathBuf}; use std::result; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use std::thread; #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct MaildirPath { pub(super) buf: PathBuf, pub(super) modified: Option, } impl Deref for MaildirPath { type Target = PathBuf; fn deref(&self) -> &PathBuf { &self.buf } } impl DerefMut for MaildirPath { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut PathBuf { &mut self.buf } } impl From for MaildirPath { fn from(val: PathBuf) -> MaildirPath { MaildirPath { buf: val, modified: None, } } } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct HashIndex { index: FnvHashMap, hash: FolderHash, } impl Deref for HashIndex { type Target = FnvHashMap; fn deref(&self) -> &FnvHashMap { &self.index } } impl DerefMut for HashIndex { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut FnvHashMap { &mut self.index } } pub type HashIndexes = Arc>>; /// Maildir backend https://cr.yp.to/proto/maildir.html #[derive(Debug)] pub struct MaildirType { name: String, folders: FnvHashMap, //folder_index: FnvHashMap, hash_indexes: HashIndexes, path: PathBuf, } macro_rules! path_is_new { ($path:expr) => { if $path.is_dir() { false } else { let mut iter = $path.components().rev(); iter.next(); iter.next() == Some(Component::Normal(OsStr::new("new"))) } }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! get_path_hash { ($path:expr) => {{ let mut path = $path.clone(); if path.is_dir() { if path.ends_with("cur") | path.ends_with("new") { path.pop(); } } else { path.pop(); path.pop(); }; let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(); path.hash(&mut hasher); hasher.finish() }}; } pub(super) fn get_file_hash(file: &Path) -> EnvelopeHash { /* let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(2048); let mut f = fs::File::open(&file).unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Can't open {}", file.display())); f.read_to_end(&mut buf) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Can't read {}", file.display())); let mut hasher = FnvHasher::default(); hasher.write(&buf); hasher.finish() */ let mut hasher = FnvHasher::default(); file.hash(&mut hasher); hasher.finish() } fn move_to_cur(p: PathBuf) -> PathBuf { let mut new = p.clone(); let file_name = p.to_string_lossy(); let slash_pos = file_name.bytes().rposition(|c| c == b'/').unwrap() + 1; new.pop(); new.pop(); new.push("cur"); new.push(&file_name[slash_pos..]); if !file_name.ends_with(":2,") { new.set_extension(":2,"); } debug!("moved to cur: {}", new.display()); fs::rename(p, &new).unwrap(); new } impl MailBackend for MaildirType { fn folders(&self) -> FnvHashMap { self.folders .iter() .map(|(h, f)| (*h, f.clone() as Folder)) .collect() } fn get(&mut self, folder: &Folder) -> Async>> { self.multicore(4, folder) } fn watch(&self, sender: RefreshEventConsumer) -> Result<()> { let (tx, rx) = channel(); let mut watcher = watcher(tx, Duration::from_secs(2)).unwrap(); let root_path = self.path.to_path_buf(); watcher.watch(&root_path, RecursiveMode::Recursive).unwrap(); let cache_dir = xdg::BaseDirectories::with_profile("meli", &self.name).unwrap(); debug!("watching {:?}", root_path); let hash_indexes = self.hash_indexes.clone(); thread::Builder::new() .name("folder watch".to_string()) .spawn(move || { // Move `watcher` in the closure's scope so that it doesn't get dropped. let _watcher = watcher; loop { match rx.recv() { /* * Event types: * * pub enum RefreshEventKind { * Update(EnvelopeHash, Envelope), // Old hash, new envelope * Create(Envelope), * Remove(EnvelopeHash), * Rescan, * } */ Ok(event) => match event { /* Create */ DebouncedEvent::Create(mut pathbuf) => { debug!("DebouncedEvent::Create(path = {:?}", pathbuf); if path_is_new!(pathbuf) { debug!("path_is_new"); /* This creates a Rename event that we will receive later */ pathbuf = move_to_cur(pathbuf); } let folder_hash = get_path_hash!(pathbuf); let file_name = pathbuf .as_path() .strip_prefix(&root_path) .unwrap() .to_path_buf(); if let Some(env) = add_path_to_index( &hash_indexes, folder_hash, pathbuf.as_path(), &cache_dir, file_name, ) { debug!( "Create event {} {} {}", env.hash(), env.subject(), pathbuf.display() ); sender.send(RefreshEvent { hash: folder_hash, kind: Create(Box::new(env)), }); } } /* Update */ DebouncedEvent::NoticeWrite(pathbuf) | DebouncedEvent::Write(pathbuf) => { debug!("DebouncedEvent::Write(path = {:?}", &pathbuf); let folder_hash = get_path_hash!(pathbuf); let mut hash_indexes_lock = hash_indexes.lock().unwrap(); let index_lock = &mut hash_indexes_lock.entry(folder_hash).or_default(); let file_name = pathbuf .as_path() .strip_prefix(&root_path) .unwrap() .to_path_buf(); /* Linear search in hash_index to find old hash */ let old_hash: EnvelopeHash = { if let Some((k, v)) = index_lock.iter_mut().find(|(_, v)| *v.buf == pathbuf) { //TODO FIXME This doesn't make sense? *v = pathbuf.clone().into(); *k } else { /* Did we just miss a Create event? In any case, create * envelope. */ /* Drop the lock manually as add_path_to_index would deadlock * */ drop(index_lock); drop(hash_indexes_lock); if let Some(env) = add_path_to_index( &hash_indexes, folder_hash, pathbuf.as_path(), &cache_dir, file_name, ) { sender.send(RefreshEvent { hash: folder_hash, kind: Create(Box::new(env)), }); } return; } }; let new_hash: EnvelopeHash = get_file_hash(pathbuf.as_path()); if index_lock.get_mut(&new_hash).is_none() { debug!("write notice"); let op = Box::new(MaildirOp::new( new_hash, hash_indexes.clone(), folder_hash, )); if let Some(env) = Envelope::from_token(op, new_hash) { debug!("{}\t{:?}", new_hash, &pathbuf); debug!( "hash {}, path: {:?} couldn't be parsed", new_hash, &pathbuf ); index_lock.insert(new_hash, pathbuf.into()); /* Send Write notice */ sender.send(RefreshEvent { hash: folder_hash, kind: Update(old_hash, Box::new(env)), }); } } } /* Remove */ DebouncedEvent::NoticeRemove(pathbuf) | DebouncedEvent::Remove(pathbuf) => { debug!("DebouncedEvent::Remove(path = {:?}", pathbuf); let folder_hash = get_path_hash!(pathbuf); let mut hash_indexes_lock = hash_indexes.lock().unwrap(); let index_lock = hash_indexes_lock.entry(folder_hash).or_default(); let hash: EnvelopeHash = if let Some((k, _)) = index_lock.iter().find(|(_, v)| *v.buf == pathbuf) { *k } else { debug!("removed but not contained in index"); continue; }; if let Some(path) = &index_lock[&hash].modified { debug!( "envelope {} has modified path set {}", hash, path.display() ); continue; } index_lock.remove(&hash); sender.send(RefreshEvent { hash: folder_hash, kind: Remove(hash), }); } /* Envelope hasn't changed */ DebouncedEvent::Rename(src, dest) => { debug!( "DebouncedEvent::Rename(src = {:?}, dest = {:?})", src, dest ); let folder_hash = get_path_hash!(src); let old_hash: EnvelopeHash = get_file_hash(src.as_path()); let new_hash: EnvelopeHash = get_file_hash(dest.as_path()); let mut hash_indexes_lock = hash_indexes.lock().unwrap(); let index_lock = hash_indexes_lock.entry(folder_hash).or_default(); if index_lock.contains_key(&old_hash) { debug!("contains_old_key"); sender.send(RefreshEvent { hash: get_path_hash!(dest), kind: Rename(old_hash, new_hash), }); index_lock.remove(&old_hash); index_lock.insert(new_hash, dest.into()); continue; } else if !index_lock.contains_key(&new_hash) { debug!("not contains_new_key"); let file_name = dest .as_path() .strip_prefix(&root_path) .unwrap() .to_path_buf(); debug!("filename = {:?}", file_name); /* Drop the lock manually as add_path_to_index would deadlock * */ drop(index_lock); drop(hash_indexes_lock); if let Some(env) = add_path_to_index( &hash_indexes, folder_hash, dest.as_path(), &cache_dir, file_name, ) { debug!( "Create event {} {} {}", env.hash(), env.subject(), dest.display() ); sender.send(RefreshEvent { hash: folder_hash, kind: Create(Box::new(env)), }); continue; } else { debug!("not valid email"); } } else { sender.send(RefreshEvent { hash: get_path_hash!(dest), kind: Rename(old_hash, new_hash), }); debug!("contains_new_key"); } /* Maybe a re-read should be triggered here just to be safe. sender.send(RefreshEvent { hash: get_path_hash!(dest), kind: Rescan, }); */ } /* Trigger rescan of folder */ DebouncedEvent::Rescan => { /* Actually should rescan all folders */ unreachable!("Unimplemented: rescan of all folders in MaildirType") } _ => {} }, Err(e) => debug!("watch error: {:?}", e), } } })?; Ok(()) } fn operation(&self, hash: EnvelopeHash, folder_hash: FolderHash) -> Box { Box::new(MaildirOp::new(hash, self.hash_indexes.clone(), folder_hash)) } fn save(&self, bytes: &[u8], folder: &str) -> Result<()> { for f in self.folders.values() { if f.name == folder { let mut path = f.path.clone(); path.push("cur"); { let mut rand_buf = [0u8; 16]; let mut f = fs::File::open("/dev/urandom") .expect("Could not open /dev/urandom for reading"); f.read_exact(&mut rand_buf) .expect("Could not read from /dev/urandom/"); let mut hostn_buf = String::with_capacity(256); let mut f = fs::File::open("/etc/hostname") .expect("Could not open /etc/hostname for reading"); f.read_to_string(&mut hostn_buf) .expect("Could not read from /etc/hostname"); let timestamp = std::time::SystemTime::now() .duration_since(std::time::SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) .unwrap() .as_millis(); path.push(&format!( "{}.{:x}_{}.{}:2,", timestamp, u128::from_be_bytes(rand_buf), std::process::id(), hostn_buf.trim() )); } debug!("saving at {}", path.display()); let file = fs::File::create(path).unwrap(); let mut writer = io::BufWriter::new(file); writer.write_all(bytes).unwrap(); return Ok(()); } } Err(MeliError::new(format!( "'{}' is not a valid folder.", folder ))) } } impl MaildirType { pub fn new(f: &AccountSettings) -> Self { let mut folders: FnvHashMap = Default::default(); fn recurse_folders>( folders: &mut FnvHashMap, p: P, ) -> Vec { let mut children = Vec::new(); for mut f in fs::read_dir(p).unwrap() { 'entries: for f in f.iter_mut() { { let path = f.path(); if path.ends_with("cur") || path.ends_with("new") || path.ends_with("tmp") { continue 'entries; } if path.is_dir() { let path_children = std::dbg!(recurse_folders(folders, &path)); if let Ok(f) = MaildirFolder::new( path.to_str().unwrap().to_string(), path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().to_string(), None, path_children, ) { f.children .iter() .map(|c| folders.get_mut(c).map(|f| f.parent = Some(f.hash))) .count(); children.push(f.hash); folders.insert(f.hash, f); } } } } } children }; let path = PathBuf::from(f.root_folder()); if path.is_dir() { if let Ok(f) = MaildirFolder::new( path.to_str().unwrap().to_string(), path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().to_string(), None, Vec::with_capacity(0), ) { let l: MaildirFolder = f; folders.insert(l.hash, l); } } if folders.is_empty() { let children = recurse_folders(&mut folders, &path); children .iter() .map(|c| folders.get_mut(c).map(|f| f.parent = None)) .count(); } else { let root_hash = *folders.keys().nth(0).unwrap(); let children = recurse_folders(&mut folders, &path); children .iter() .map(|c| folders.get_mut(c).map(|f| f.parent = Some(root_hash))) .count(); folders.get_mut(&root_hash).map(|f| f.children = children); } let hash_indexes = Arc::new(Mutex::new(FnvHashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher( folders.len(), Default::default(), ))); { let mut hash_indexes = hash_indexes.lock().unwrap(); for &fh in folders.keys() { hash_indexes.insert( fh, HashIndex { index: FnvHashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(0, Default::default()), hash: fh, }, ); } } MaildirType { name: f.name().to_string(), folders, hash_indexes, path: PathBuf::from(f.root_folder()), } } fn owned_folder_idx(&self, folder: &Folder) -> FolderHash { *self .folders .iter() .find(|(_, f)| f.hash() == folder.hash()) .unwrap() .0 } pub fn multicore(&mut self, cores: usize, folder: &Folder) -> Async>> { let mut w = AsyncBuilder::new(); let cache_dir = xdg::BaseDirectories::with_profile("meli", &self.name).unwrap(); let handle = { let tx = w.tx(); // TODO: Avoid clone let folder: &MaildirFolder = &self.folders[&self.owned_folder_idx(folder)]; let folder_hash = folder.hash(); let tx_final = w.tx(); let path: PathBuf = folder.path().into(); let name = format!("parsing {:?}", folder.name()); let root_path = self.path.to_path_buf(); let map = self.hash_indexes.clone(); let closure = move || { let name = name.clone(); let root_path = root_path.clone(); let map = map.clone(); let tx = tx.clone(); let cache_dir = cache_dir.clone(); let path = path.clone(); let thunk = move || { let mut path = path.clone(); let cache_dir = cache_dir.clone(); path.push("new"); for d in path.read_dir()? { if let Ok(p) = d { move_to_cur(p.path()); } } path.pop(); path.push("cur"); let iter = path.read_dir()?; let count = path.read_dir()?.count(); let mut files: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(count); let mut ret = Vec::with_capacity(count); for e in iter { let e = e.and_then(|x| { let path = x.path(); Ok(path) })?; files.push(e); } let mut threads = Vec::with_capacity(cores); if !files.is_empty() { crossbeam::scope(|scope| { let cache_dir = cache_dir.clone(); let chunk_size = if count / cores > 0 { count / cores } else { count }; for chunk in files.chunks(chunk_size) { let cache_dir = cache_dir.clone(); let tx = tx.clone(); let map = map.clone(); let root_path = root_path.clone(); let s = scope.builder().name(name.clone()).spawn(move || { let len = chunk.len(); let size = if len <= 100 { 100 } else { (len / 100) * 100 }; let mut local_r: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(chunk.len()); for c in chunk.chunks(size) { //thread::yield_now(); let map = map.clone(); let len = c.len(); for file in c { /* Check if we have a cache file with this email's * filename */ let file_name = PathBuf::from(file) .strip_prefix(&root_path) .unwrap() .to_path_buf(); if let Some(cached) = cache_dir.find_cache_file(&file_name) { /* Cached struct exists, try to load it */ let reader = io::BufReader::new( fs::File::open(&cached).unwrap(), ); let result: result::Result = bincode::deserialize_from(reader); if let Ok(env) = result { let mut map = map.lock().unwrap(); let map = map.entry(folder_hash).or_default(); let hash = env.hash(); map.insert(hash, file.clone().into()); local_r.push(env); continue; } }; let hash = get_file_hash(file); { let mut map = map.lock().unwrap(); let map = map.entry(folder_hash).or_default(); (*map).insert(hash, PathBuf::from(file).into()); } let op = Box::new(MaildirOp::new( hash, map.clone(), folder_hash, )); if let Some(e) = Envelope::from_token(op, hash) { if let Ok(cached) = cache_dir.place_cache_file(file_name) { /* place result in cache directory */ let f = match fs::File::create(cached) { Ok(f) => f, Err(e) => { panic!("{}", e); } }; let writer = io::BufWriter::new(f); bincode::serialize_into(writer, &e).unwrap(); } local_r.push(e); } else { debug!( "DEBUG: hash {}, path: {} couldn't be parsed", hash, file.as_path().display() ); continue; } } tx.send(AsyncStatus::ProgressReport(len)); } local_r }); threads.push(s.unwrap()); } }); } for t in threads { let mut result = t.join(); ret.append(&mut result); } Ok(ret) }; let result = thunk(); tx_final.send(AsyncStatus::Payload(result)); }; Box::new(closure) }; w.build(handle) } } fn add_path_to_index( hash_index: &HashIndexes, folder_hash: FolderHash, path: &Path, cache_dir: &xdg::BaseDirectories, file_name: PathBuf, ) -> Option { let env: Envelope; debug!("add_path_to_index path {:?} filename{:?}", path, file_name); let hash = get_file_hash(path); { let mut map = hash_index.lock().unwrap(); let map = map.entry(folder_hash).or_default();; map.insert(hash, path.to_path_buf().into()); debug!( "inserted {} in {} map, len={}", hash, folder_hash, map.len() ); } let op = Box::new(MaildirOp::new(hash, hash_index.clone(), folder_hash)); if let Some(e) = Envelope::from_token(op, hash) { debug!("add_path_to_index gen {}\t{}", hash, file_name.display()); if let Ok(cached) = cache_dir.place_cache_file(file_name) { debug!("putting in cache"); /* place result in cache directory */ let f = match fs::File::create(cached) { Ok(f) => f, Err(e) => { panic!("{}", e); } }; let writer = io::BufWriter::new(f); bincode::serialize_into(writer, &e).unwrap(); } env = e; } else { debug!( "DEBUG: hash {}, path: {} couldn't be parsed in `add_path_to_index`", hash, path.display() ); return None; } Some(env) }