use std::fs; use std::process::Command; use assert_cmd::prelude::*; macro_rules! test_install { ($inputfile:expr, $msg:expr) => { let input = include_str!($inputfile); let expected = include_str!(concat!($inputfile, ".output")); let tmp = tempfile::tempdir().expect("can't create tempdir"); let book_toml = tmp.path().join("book.toml"); fs::write(&book_toml, input).expect("can't write book.toml"); let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin("mdbook-mermaid").unwrap(); cmd.arg("install").current_dir(tmp.path()); cmd.assert().success(); let output = fs::read_to_string(&book_toml).expect("can't read book.toml"); pretty_assertions::assert_eq!( expected, output, "Mismatched data in {}: {}", $inputfile, $msg ); assert!( tmp.path().join("mermaid.min.js").exists(), "Failed to copy mermaid.min.js" ); assert!( tmp.path().join("mermaid-init.js").exists(), "Failed to copy mermaid.min.js" ); }; } #[test] fn empty() { test_install!("empty.toml", "should add all configuration options"); } #[test] fn full() { test_install!("full.toml", "should leave it untouched"); } #[test] fn some() { test_install!("some.toml", "should add missing configuration options"); } #[test] fn missing_js() { test_install!("missing-js.toml", "should add missing javascript file"); }