use clap::{crate_version, Arg, ArgMatches, Command}; use mdbook::errors::Error; use mdbook::preprocess::{CmdPreprocessor, Preprocessor}; use mdbook_mermaid::Mermaid; use toml_edit::{value, Array, Document, Item, Table, Value}; use std::{ fs::{self, File}, io::{self, Write}, path::PathBuf, process, }; const MERMAID_JS: &[u8] = include_bytes!("assets/mermaid.min.js"); const MERMAID_INIT_JS: &[u8] = include_bytes!("assets/mermaid-init.js"); const MERMAID_FILES: &[(&str, &[u8])] = &[ ("mermaid.min.js", MERMAID_JS), ("mermaid-init.js", MERMAID_INIT_JS), ]; pub fn make_app() -> Command { Command::new("mdbook-mermaid") .version(crate_version!()) .about("mdbook preprocessor to add mermaid support") .subcommand( Command::new("supports") .arg(Arg::new("renderer").required(true)) .about("Check whether a renderer is supported by this preprocessor"), ) .subcommand( Command::new("install") .arg( Arg::new("dir") .default_value(".") .help("Root directory for the book,\nshould contain the configuration file (`book.toml`)") ) .about("Install the required assset files and include it in the config"), ) } fn main() { env_logger::init_from_env(env_logger::Env::default().default_filter_or("info")); let matches = make_app().get_matches(); if let Some(sub_args) = matches.subcommand_matches("supports") { handle_supports(sub_args); } else if let Some(sub_args) = matches.subcommand_matches("install") { handle_install(sub_args); } else if let Err(e) = handle_preprocessing() { eprintln!("{}", e); process::exit(1); } } fn handle_preprocessing() -> Result<(), Error> { let (ctx, book) = CmdPreprocessor::parse_input(io::stdin())?; if ctx.mdbook_version != mdbook::MDBOOK_VERSION { eprintln!( "Warning: The mdbook-mermaid preprocessor was built against version \ {} of mdbook, but we're being called from version {}", mdbook::MDBOOK_VERSION, ctx.mdbook_version ); } let processed_book =, book)?; serde_json::to_writer(io::stdout(), &processed_book)?; Ok(()) } fn handle_supports(sub_args: &ArgMatches) -> ! { let renderer = sub_args .get_one::("renderer") .expect("Required argument"); let supported = Mermaid.supports_renderer(renderer); // Signal whether the renderer is supported by exiting with 1 or 0. if supported { process::exit(0); } else { process::exit(1); } } fn handle_install(sub_args: &ArgMatches) -> ! { let proj_dir = sub_args .get_one::("dir") .expect("Required argument"); let proj_dir = PathBuf::from(proj_dir); let config = proj_dir.join("book.toml"); if !config.exists() { log::error!("Configuration file '{}' missing", config.display()); process::exit(1); } log::info!("Reading configuration file {}", config.display()); let toml = fs::read_to_string(&config).expect("can't read configuration file"); let mut doc = toml .parse::() .expect("configuration is not valid TOML"); let has_pre = has_preprocessor(&mut doc); if !has_pre { log::info!("Adding preprocessor configuration"); add_preprocessor(&mut doc); } let added_files = add_additional_files(&mut doc); if !has_pre || added_files { log::info!("Saving changed configuration to {}", config.display()); let toml = doc.to_string(); let mut file = File::create(config).expect("can't open configuration file for writing."); file.write_all(toml.as_bytes()) .expect("can't write configuration"); } let mut printed = false; for (name, content) in MERMAID_FILES { let filepath = proj_dir.join(name); if filepath.exists() { log::debug!( "'{}' already exists (Path: {}). Skipping.", name, filepath.display() ); } else { if !printed { printed = true; log::info!( "Writing additional files to project directory at {}", proj_dir.display() ); } log::debug!("Writing content for '{}' into {}", name, filepath.display()); let mut file = File::create(filepath).expect("can't open file for writing"); file.write_all(content) .expect("can't write content to file"); } } log::info!("Files & configuration for mdbook-mermaid are installed. You can start using it in your book."); let codeblock = r#"```mermaid graph TD; A-->B; A-->C; B-->D; C-->D; ```"#; log::info!("Add a code block like:\n{}", codeblock); process::exit(0); } fn add_additional_files(doc: &mut Document) -> bool { let mut changed = false; let mut printed = false; let file = "mermaid.min.js"; let additional_js = additional(doc, "js"); if has_file(&additional_js, file) { log::debug!("'{}' already in 'additional-js'. Skipping", file) } else { printed = true; log::info!("Adding additional files to configuration"); log::debug!("Adding '{}' to 'additional-js'", file); insert_additional(doc, "js", file); changed = true; } let file = "mermaid-init.js"; let additional_js = additional(doc, "js"); if has_file(&additional_js, file) { log::debug!("'{}' already in 'additional-js'. Skipping", file) } else { if !printed { log::info!("Adding additional files to configuration"); } log::debug!("Adding '{}' to 'additional-js'", file); insert_additional(doc, "js", file); changed = true; } changed } fn additional<'a>(doc: &'a mut Document, additional_type: &str) -> Option<&'a mut Array> { let doc = doc.as_table_mut(); let item = doc.get_mut("output")?; let item = item.as_table_mut()?.get_mut("html")?; let item = item .as_table_mut()? .get_mut(&format!("additional-{}", additional_type))?; item.as_array_mut() } fn has_preprocessor(doc: &mut Document) -> bool { doc.get("preprocessor") .and_then(|p| p.get("mermaid")) .map(|m| matches!(m, Item::Table(_))) .unwrap_or(false) } fn add_preprocessor(doc: &mut Document) { let doc = doc.as_table_mut(); let empty_table = Item::Table(Table::default()); let item = doc.entry("preprocessor").or_insert(empty_table.clone()); let item = item .as_table_mut() .unwrap() .entry("mermaid") .or_insert(empty_table); item["command"] = value("mdbook-mermaid"); } fn has_file(elem: &Option<&mut Array>, file: &str) -> bool { match elem { Some(elem) => elem.iter().any(|elem| match elem.as_str() { None => true, Some(s) => s.ends_with(file), }), None => false, } } fn insert_additional(doc: &mut Document, additional_type: &str, file: &str) { let doc = doc.as_table_mut(); let empty_table = Item::Table(Table::default()); let empty_array = Item::Value(Value::Array(Array::default())); let item = doc.entry("output").or_insert(empty_table.clone()); let item = item .as_table_mut() .unwrap() .entry("html") .or_insert(empty_table); let array = item .as_table_mut() .unwrap() .entry(&format!("additional-{}", additional_type)) .or_insert(empty_array); array .as_value_mut() .unwrap() .as_array_mut() .unwrap() .push(file); }