diff options
authorTom Milligan <>2023-10-06 13:32:48 +0100
committerGitHub <>2023-10-06 13:32:48 +0100
commitebe6f7815c9245e012f710996b446fcd9fa98f84 (patch)
parent0fa34a66a0acb4bef303713750b1b7a862705daf (diff)
parentc0c953c865b2a3d501f7969fe73d2b9c103002ac (diff)
Merge pull request #138 from tommilligan/ci-prettier
ci: lint styles with prettier
8 files changed, 533 insertions, 512 deletions
diff --git a/.github/workflows/check.yml b/.github/workflows/check.yml
index 4b1097f..d4e411e 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/check.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/check.yml
@@ -51,6 +51,12 @@ jobs:
toolchain: stable
override: true
+ - name: Install node toolchain
+ uses: actions/setup-node@v3
+ with:
+ node-version: "20"
+ cache: "yarn"
+ cache-dependency-path: compile_assets/yarn.lock
- name: Install additional test dependencies
CARGO_TARGET_DIR: cargo_target
diff --git a/compile_assets/package.json b/compile_assets/package.json
index 826261d..dee59ef 100644
--- a/compile_assets/package.json
+++ b/compile_assets/package.json
@@ -4,9 +4,14 @@
"main": "index.js",
"license": "MIT",
"scripts": {
- "build": "sass --no-source-map scss/mdbook-admonish.scss ../src/bin/assets/mdbook-admonish.css"
+ "build": "sass --no-source-map scss/mdbook-admonish.scss ../src/bin/assets/mdbook-admonish.css",
+ "lint": "prettier --check .",
+ "fix": "prettier --write ."
"dependencies": {
"sass": "^1.49.7"
+ },
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "prettier": "^3.0.3"
diff --git a/compile_assets/scss/admonition.scss b/compile_assets/scss/admonition.scss
index 61aaf3b..3257ea7 100644
--- a/compile_assets/scss/admonition.scss
+++ b/compile_assets/scss/admonition.scss
@@ -30,29 +30,41 @@
/// Admonition flavours
$admonitions: (
// pencil
- note: $clr-blue-a200 "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M20.71 7.04c.39-.39.39-1.04 0-1.41l-2.34-2.34c-.37-.39-1.02-.39-1.41 0l-1.84 1.83 3.75 3.75M3 17.25V21h3.75L17.81 9.93l-3.75-3.75L3 17.25z'/></svg>",
+ note: $clr-blue-a200
+ "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M20.71 7.04c.39-.39.39-1.04 0-1.41l-2.34-2.34c-.37-.39-1.02-.39-1.41 0l-1.84 1.83 3.75 3.75M3 17.25V21h3.75L17.81 9.93l-3.75-3.75L3 17.25z'/></svg>",
// clipboard-text
- abstract summary tldr: $clr-light-blue-a400 "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M17 9H7V7h10m0 6H7v-2h10m-3 6H7v-2h7M12 3a1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1-1 1 1 1 0 0 1-1-1 1 1 0 0 1 1-1m7 0h-4.18C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1c-1.3 0-2.4.84-2.82 2H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V5a2 2 0 0 0-2-2z'/></svg>",
+ abstract summary tldr: $clr-light-blue-a400
+ "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M17 9H7V7h10m0 6H7v-2h10m-3 6H7v-2h7M12 3a1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1-1 1 1 1 0 0 1-1-1 1 1 0 0 1 1-1m7 0h-4.18C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1c-1.3 0-2.4.84-2.82 2H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V5a2 2 0 0 0-2-2z'/></svg>",
// information
- info todo: $clr-cyan-a700 "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M13 9h-2V7h2m0 10h-2v-6h2m-1-9A10 10 0 0 0 2 12a10 10 0 0 0 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 10-10A10 10 0 0 0 12 2z'/></svg>",
+ info todo: $clr-cyan-a700
+ "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M13 9h-2V7h2m0 10h-2v-6h2m-1-9A10 10 0 0 0 2 12a10 10 0 0 0 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 10-10A10 10 0 0 0 12 2z'/></svg>",
// fire
- tip hint important: $clr-teal-a700 "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M17.66 11.2c-.23-.3-.51-.56-.77-.82-.67-.6-1.43-1.03-2.07-1.66C13.33 7.26 13 4.85 13.95 3c-.95.23-1.78.75-2.49 1.32-2.59 2.08-3.61 5.75-2.39 0 .22-.15.42-.35.5-.23.1-.47.04-.66-.12a.58.58 0 0 1-.14-.17c-1.13-1.43-1.31-3.48-.55-5.12C5.78 10 4.87 12.3 5 14.47c.06.5.12 1 .29 1.2.71 1.73 1.08 1.73 2.95 2.97 4.96 3.22 2.14.27 4.43-.12 6.07-1.6 1.83-1.66 2.47-4.32 1.53-6.6l-.13-.26c-.21-.46-.77-1.26-.77-1.26m-3.16 6.3c-.28.24-.74.5-1.1.6-1.12.4-2.24-.16-2.9-.82 1.19-.28 1.9-1.16 2.11-2.05.17-.8-.15-1.46-.28-2.23-.12-.74-.1-1.37.17- 1.06.77 1 1.98 1.44 2.24 1.72-.93 2.27z'/></svg>",
+ tip hint important: $clr-teal-a700
+ "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M17.66 11.2c-.23-.3-.51-.56-.77-.82-.67-.6-1.43-1.03-2.07-1.66C13.33 7.26 13 4.85 13.95 3c-.95.23-1.78.75-2.49 1.32-2.59 2.08-3.61 5.75-2.39 0 .22-.15.42-.35.5-.23.1-.47.04-.66-.12a.58.58 0 0 1-.14-.17c-1.13-1.43-1.31-3.48-.55-5.12C5.78 10 4.87 12.3 5 14.47c.06.5.12 1 .29 1.2.71 1.73 1.08 1.73 2.95 2.97 4.96 3.22 2.14.27 4.43-.12 6.07-1.6 1.83-1.66 2.47-4.32 1.53-6.6l-.13-.26c-.21-.46-.77-1.26-.77-1.26m-3.16 6.3c-.28.24-.74.5-1.1.6-1.12.4-2.24-.16-2.9-.82 1.19-.28 1.9-1.16 2.11-2.05.17-.8-.15-1.46-.28-2.23-.12-.74-.1-1.37.17- 1.06.77 1 1.98 1.44 2.24 1.72-.93 2.27z'/></svg>",
// check-bold
- success check done: $clr-green-a700 "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='m9 20.42-6.21-6.21 2.83-2.83L9 14.77l9.88-9.89 2.83 2.83L9 20.42z'/></svg>",
+ success check done: $clr-green-a700
+ "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='m9 20.42-6.21-6.21 2.83-2.83L9 14.77l9.88-9.89 2.83 2.83L9 20.42z'/></svg>",
// help-circle
- question help faq: $clr-light-green-a700 "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='m15.07 11.25-.9.92C13.45 12.89 13 13.5 13 15h-2v-.5c0-1.11.45-2.11 1.17-2.83l1.24-1.26c.37-.36.59-.86.59-1.41a2 2 0 0 0-2-2 2 2 0 0 0-2 2H8a4 4 0 0 1 4-4 4 4 0 0 1 4 4 3.2 3.2 0 0 1-.93 2.25M13 19h-2v-2h2M12 2A10 10 0 0 0 2 12a10 10 0 0 0 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 10-10c0-5.53-4.5-10-10-10z'/></svg>",
+ question help faq: $clr-light-green-a700
+ "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='m15.07 11.25-.9.92C13.45 12.89 13 13.5 13 15h-2v-.5c0-1.11.45-2.11 1.17-2.83l1.24-1.26c.37-.36.59-.86.59-1.41a2 2 0 0 0-2-2 2 2 0 0 0-2 2H8a4 4 0 0 1 4-4 4 4 0 0 1 4 4 3.2 3.2 0 0 1-.93 2.25M13 19h-2v-2h2M12 2A10 10 0 0 0 2 12a10 10 0 0 0 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 10-10c0-5.53-4.5-10-10-10z'/></svg>",
// alert
- warning caution attention: $clr-orange-a400 "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M13 14h-2V9h2m0 9h-2v-2h2M1 21h22L12 2 1 21z'/></svg>",
+ warning caution attention: $clr-orange-a400
+ "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M13 14h-2V9h2m0 9h-2v-2h2M1 21h22L12 2 1 21z'/></svg>",
// close-thick
- failure fail missing: $clr-red-a200 "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M20 6.91 17.09 4 12 9.09 6.91 4 4 6.91 9.09 12 4 17.09 6.91 20 12 14.91 17.09 20 20 17.09 14.91 12 20 6.91z'/></svg>",
+ failure fail missing: $clr-red-a200
+ "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M20 6.91 17.09 4 12 9.09 6.91 4 4 6.91 9.09 12 4 17.09 6.91 20 12 14.91 17.09 20 20 17.09 14.91 12 20 6.91z'/></svg>",
// lighting-bold
- danger error: $clr-red-a400 "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M11 15H6l7-14v8h5l-7 14v-8z'/></svg>",
+ danger error: $clr-red-a400
+ "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M11 15H6l7-14v8h5l-7 14v-8z'/></svg>",
// bug
- bug: $clr-pink-a400 "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M14 12h-4v-2h4m0 6h-4v-2h4m6-6h-2.81a5.985 5.985 0 0 0-1.82-1.96L17 4.41 15.59 3l-2.17 2.17a6.002 6.002 0 0 0-2.83 0L8.41 3 7 4.41l1.62 1.63C7.88 6.55 7.26 7.22 6.81 8H4v2h2.09c-.05.33-.09.66-.09 1v1H4v2h2v1c0 . 1H4v2h2.81c1.04 1.79 2.97 3 5.19 3s4.15-1.21 5.19-3H20v-2h-2.09c.05-.33.09-.66.09-1v-1h2v-2h-2v-1c0-.34-.04-.67-.09-1H20V8z'/></svg>",
+ bug: $clr-pink-a400
+ "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M14 12h-4v-2h4m0 6h-4v-2h4m6-6h-2.81a5.985 5.985 0 0 0-1.82-1.96L17 4.41 15.59 3l-2.17 2.17a6.002 6.002 0 0 0-2.83 0L8.41 3 7 4.41l1.62 1.63C7.88 6.55 7.26 7.22 6.81 8H4v2h2.09c-.05.33-.09.66-.09 1v1H4v2h2v1c0 . 1H4v2h2.81c1.04 1.79 2.97 3 5.19 3s4.15-1.21 5.19-3H20v-2h-2.09c.05-.33.09-.66.09-1v-1h2v-2h-2v-1c0-.34-.04-.67-.09-1H20V8z'/></svg>",
// format-list-numbered
- example: $clr-deep-purple-a200 "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M7 13v-2h14v2H7m0 6v-2h14v2H7M7 7V5h14v2H7M3 8V5H2V4h2v4H3m-1 9v-1h3v4H2v-1h2v-.5H3v-1h1V17H2m2.25-7a.75.75 0 0 1 .75.75c0 .2-.08.39-.21.52L3.12 13H5v1H2v-.92L4 11H2v-1h2.25z'/></svg>",
+ example: $clr-deep-purple-a200
+ "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M7 13v-2h14v2H7m0 6v-2h14v2H7M7 7V5h14v2H7M3 8V5H2V4h2v4H3m-1 9v-1h3v4H2v-1h2v-.5H3v-1h1V17H2m2.25-7a.75.75 0 0 1 .75.75c0 .2-.08.39-.21.52L3.12 13H5v1H2v-.92L4 11H2v-1h2.25z'/></svg>",
// format-quote-close
- quote cite: $clr-grey "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M14 17h3l2-4V7h-6v6h3M6 17h3l2-4V7H5v6h3l-2 4z'/></svg>",
+ quote cite: $clr-grey
+ "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M14 17h3l2-4V7h-6v6h3M6 17h3l2-4V7H5v6h3l-2 4z'/></svg>"
) !default;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -62,16 +74,13 @@ $admonitions: (
// Admonition variables
:root {
@each $names, $props in $admonitions {
- --md-admonition-icon--#{nth($names, 1)}:
- url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,#{nth($props, 2)}");
+ --md-admonition-icon--#{nth($names, 1)}: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,#{nth($props, 2)}");
- --md-details-icon:
- url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M8.59 16.58 13.17 12 8.59 7.41 10 6l6 6-6 6-1.41-1.42Z'/></svg>");
+ --md-details-icon: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M8.59 16.58 13.17 12 8.59 7.41 10 6l6 6-6 6-1.41-1.42Z'/></svg>");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Admonition
:is(.admonition) {
display: flow-root;
@@ -86,7 +95,9 @@ $admonitions: (
border: 0 solid black;
border-inline-start-width: 0.4rem;
border-radius: 0.2rem;
- box-shadow: 0 0.2rem 1rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 0 0.1rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);;
+ box-shadow:
+ 0 0.2rem 1rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05),
+ 0 0 0.1rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
// [print]: Omit shadow as it may lead to rendering errors
@media print {
@@ -125,20 +136,22 @@ a.admonition-anchor-link {
position: absolute;
left: -1.2rem;
// Ensure we have enough padding, so that we can move the mouse to click on it
- padding-right: 1.0rem;
+ padding-right: 1rem;
- &:link, &:visited {
+ &:link,
+ &:visited {
// Don't make links colored (override to standard text color)
// variable provided downstream by mdbook
color: var(--fg);
- &:link:hover, &:visited:hover {
+ &:link:hover,
+ &:visited:hover {
// No underline on hover
text-decoration: none;
&::before {
- content: '§';
+ content: "§";
@@ -182,17 +195,16 @@ a.admonition-anchor-link {
content: "";
// Show anchor link on hover over title
&:hover a.admonition-anchor-link {
- display: initial
+ display: initial;
summary.admonition-title {
details.admonition > &::after {
position: absolute;
- top: .625em;
+ top: 0.625em;
inset-inline-end: 1.6rem;
height: 2rem;
width: 2rem;
@@ -205,7 +217,7 @@ summary.admonition-title {
-webkit-mask-size: contain;
content: "";
transform: rotate(0deg);
- transition: transform .25s;
+ transition: transform 0.25s;
details[open].admonition > &::after {
@@ -261,7 +273,8 @@ summary.admonition-title {
-.ayu, .coal {
+.coal {
& :is(.admonition) {
background-color: var(--theme-hover);
@@ -273,7 +286,8 @@ summary.admonition-title {
color: var(--sidebar-fg);
& .admonition-anchor-link {
- &:link, &:visited {
+ &:link,
+ &:visited {
color: var(--sidebar-fg);
diff --git a/compile_assets/scss/material-color.scss b/compile_assets/scss/material-color.scss
index b9bf198..1446d82 100644
--- a/compile_assets/scss/material-color.scss
+++ b/compile_assets/scss/material-color.scss
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
// ==========================================================================
// List of base colors
@@ -38,668 +37,651 @@
// $clr-black
// $clr-white
// Red
$clr-red-list: (
"base": #f44336,
- "50": #ffebee,
- "100": #ffcdd2,
- "200": #ef9a9a,
- "300": #e57373,
- "400": #ef5350,
- "500": #f44336,
- "600": #e53935,
- "700": #d32f2f,
- "800": #c62828,
- "900": #b71c1c,
+ "50": #ffebee,
+ "100": #ffcdd2,
+ "200": #ef9a9a,
+ "300": #e57373,
+ "400": #ef5350,
+ "500": #f44336,
+ "600": #e53935,
+ "700": #d32f2f,
+ "800": #c62828,
+ "900": #b71c1c,
"a100": #ff8a80,
"a200": #ff5252,
"a400": #ff1744,
- "a700": #d50000
+ "a700": #d50000,
-$clr-red: map-get($clr-red-list, "base");
-$clr-red-50: map-get($clr-red-list, "50");
-$clr-red-100: map-get($clr-red-list, "100");
-$clr-red-200: map-get($clr-red-list, "200");
-$clr-red-300: map-get($clr-red-list, "300");
-$clr-red-400: map-get($clr-red-list, "400");
-$clr-red-500: map-get($clr-red-list, "500");
-$clr-red-600: map-get($clr-red-list, "600");
-$clr-red-700: map-get($clr-red-list, "700");
-$clr-red-800: map-get($clr-red-list, "800");
-$clr-red-900: map-get($clr-red-list, "900");
+$clr-red: map-get($clr-red-list, "base");
+$clr-red-50: map-get($clr-red-list, "50");
+$clr-red-100: map-get($clr-red-list, "100");
+$clr-red-200: map-get($clr-red-list, "200");
+$clr-red-300: map-get($clr-red-list, "300");
+$clr-red-400: map-get($clr-red-list, "400");
+$clr-red-500: map-get($clr-red-list, "500");
+$clr-red-600: map-get($clr-red-list, "600");
+$clr-red-700: map-get($clr-red-list, "700");
+$clr-red-800: map-get($clr-red-list, "800");
+$clr-red-900: map-get($clr-red-list, "900");
$clr-red-a100: map-get($clr-red-list, "a100");
$clr-red-a200: map-get($clr-red-list, "a200");
$clr-red-a400: map-get($clr-red-list, "a400");
$clr-red-a700: map-get($clr-red-list, "a700");
// Pink
$clr-pink-list: (
"base": #e91e63,
- "50": #fce4ec,
- "100": #f8bbd0,
- "200": #f48fb1,
- "300": #f06292,
- "400": #ec407a,
- "500": #e91e63,
- "600": #d81b60,
- "700": #c2185b,
- "800": #ad1457,
- "900": #880e4f,
+ "50": #fce4ec,
+ "100": #f8bbd0,
+ "200": #f48fb1,
+ "300": #f06292,
+ "400": #ec407a,
+ "500": #e91e63,
+ "600": #d81b60,
+ "700": #c2185b,
+ "800": #ad1457,
+ "900": #880e4f,
"a100": #ff80ab,
"a200": #ff4081,
"a400": #f50057,
- "a700": #c51162
+ "a700": #c51162,
-$clr-pink: map-get($clr-pink-list, "base");
-$clr-pink-50: map-get($clr-pink-list, "50");
-$clr-pink-100: map-get($clr-pink-list, "100");
-$clr-pink-200: map-get($clr-pink-list, "200");
-$clr-pink-300: map-get($clr-pink-list, "300");
-$clr-pink-400: map-get($clr-pink-list, "400");
-$clr-pink-500: map-get($clr-pink-list, "500");
-$clr-pink-600: map-get($clr-pink-list, "600");
-$clr-pink-700: map-get($clr-pink-list, "700");
-$clr-pink-800: map-get($clr-pink-list, "800");
-$clr-pink-900: map-get($clr-pink-list, "900");
+$clr-pink: map-get($clr-pink-list, "base");
+$clr-pink-50: map-get($clr-pink-list, "50");
+$clr-pink-100: map-get($clr-pink-list, "100");
+$clr-pink-200: map-get($clr-pink-list, "200");
+$clr-pink-300: map-get($clr-pink-list, "300");
+$clr-pink-400: map-get($clr-pink-list, "400");
+$clr-pink-500: map-get($clr-pink-list, "500");
+$clr-pink-600: map-get($clr-pink-list, "600");
+$clr-pink-700: map-get($clr-pink-list, "700");
+$clr-pink-800: map-get($clr-pink-list, "800");
+$clr-pink-900: map-get($clr-pink-list, "900");
$clr-pink-a100: map-get($clr-pink-list, "a100");
$clr-pink-a200: map-get($clr-pink-list, "a200");
$clr-pink-a400: map-get($clr-pink-list, "a400");
$clr-pink-a700: map-get($clr-pink-list, "a700");
// Purple
$clr-purple-list: (
"base": #9c27b0,
- "50": #f3e5f5,
- "100": #e1bee7,
- "200": #ce93d8,
- "300": #ba68c8,
- "400": #ab47bc,
- "500": #9c27b0,
- "600": #8e24aa,
- "700": #7b1fa2,
- "800": #6a1b9a,
- "900": #4a148c,
+ "50": #f3e5f5,
+ "100": #e1bee7,
+ "200": #ce93d8,
+ "300": #ba68c8,
+ "400": #ab47bc,
+ "500": #9c27b0,
+ "600": #8e24aa,
+ "700": #7b1fa2,
+ "800": #6a1b9a,
+ "900": #4a148c,
"a100": #ea80fc,
"a200": #e040fb,
"a400": #d500f9,
- "a700": #aa00ff
+ "a700": #aa00ff,
-$clr-purple: map-get($clr-purple-list, "base");
-$clr-purple-50: map-get($clr-purple-list, "50");
-$clr-purple-100: map-get($clr-purple-list, "100");
-$clr-purple-200: map-get($clr-purple-list, "200");
-$clr-purple-300: map-get($clr-purple-list, "300");
-$clr-purple-400: map-get($clr-purple-list, "400");
-$clr-purple-500: map-get($clr-purple-list, "500");
-$clr-purple-600: map-get($clr-purple-list, "600");
-$clr-purple-700: map-get($clr-purple-list, "700");
-$clr-purple-800: map-get($clr-purple-list, "800");
-$clr-purple-900: map-get($clr-purple-list, "900");
+$clr-purple: map-get($clr-purple-list, "base");
+$clr-purple-50: map-get($clr-purple-list, "50");
+$clr-purple-100: map-get($clr-purple-list, "100");
+$clr-purple-200: map-get($clr-purple-list, "200");
+$clr-purple-300: map-get($clr-purple-list, "300");
+$clr-purple-400: map-get($clr-purple-list, "400");
+$clr-purple-500: map-get($clr-purple-list, "500");
+$clr-purple-600: map-get($clr-purple-list, "600");
+$clr-purple-700: map-get($clr-purple-list, "700");
+$clr-purple-800: map-get($clr-purple-list, "800");
+$clr-purple-900: map-get($clr-purple-list, "900");
$clr-purple-a100: map-get($clr-purple-list, "a100");
$clr-purple-a200: map-get($clr-purple-list, "a200");
$clr-purple-a400: map-get($clr-purple-list, "a400");
$clr-purple-a700: map-get($clr-purple-list, "a700");
// Deep purple
$clr-deep-purple-list: (
"base": #673ab7,
- "50": #ede7f6,
- "100": #d1c4e9,
- "200": #b39ddb,
- "300": #9575cd,
- "400": #7e57c2,
- "500": #673ab7,
- "600": #5e35b1,
- "700": #512da8,
- "800": #4527a0,
- "900": #311b92,
+ "50": #ede7f6,
+ "100": #d1c4e9,
+ "200": #b39ddb,
+ "300": #9575cd,
+ "400": #7e57c2,
+ "500": #673ab7,
+ "600": #5e35b1,
+ "700": #512da8,
+ "800": #4527a0,
+ "900": #311b92,
"a100": #b388ff,
"a200": #7c4dff,
"a400": #651fff,
- "a700": #6200ea
+ "a700": #6200ea,
-$clr-deep-purple: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "base");
-$clr-deep-purple-50: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "50");
-$clr-deep-purple-100: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "100");
-$clr-deep-purple-200: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "200");
-$clr-deep-purple-300: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "300");
-$clr-deep-purple-400: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "400");
-$clr-deep-purple-500: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "500");
-$clr-deep-purple-600: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "600");
-$clr-deep-purple-700: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "700");
-$clr-deep-purple-800: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "800");
-$clr-deep-purple-900: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "900");
+$clr-deep-purple: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "base");
+$clr-deep-purple-50: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "50");
+$clr-deep-purple-100: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "100");
+$clr-deep-purple-200: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "200");
+$clr-deep-purple-300: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "300");
+$clr-deep-purple-400: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "400");
+$clr-deep-purple-500: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "500");
+$clr-deep-purple-600: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "600");
+$clr-deep-purple-700: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "700");
+$clr-deep-purple-800: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "800");
+$clr-deep-purple-900: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "900");
$clr-deep-purple-a100: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "a100");
$clr-deep-purple-a200: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "a200");
$clr-deep-purple-a400: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "a400");
$clr-deep-purple-a700: map-get($clr-deep-purple-list, "a700");
// Indigo
$clr-indigo-list: (
"base": #3f51b5,
- "50": #e8eaf6,
- "100": #c5cae9,
- "200": #9fa8da,
- "300": #7986cb,
- "400": #5c6bc0,
- "500": #3f51b5,
- "600": #3949ab,
- "700": #303f9f,
- "800": #283593,
- "900": #1a237e,
+ "50": #e8eaf6,
+ "100": #c5cae9,
+ "200": #9fa8da,
+ "300": #7986cb,
+ "400": #5c6bc0,
+ "500": #3f51b5,
+ "600": #3949ab,
+ "700": #303f9f,
+ "800": #283593,
+ "900": #1a237e,
"a100": #8c9eff,
"a200": #536dfe,
"a400": #3d5afe,
- "a700": #304ffe
+ "a700": #304ffe,
-$clr-indigo: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "base");
-$clr-indigo-50: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "50");
-$clr-indigo-100: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "100");
-$clr-indigo-200: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "200");
-$clr-indigo-300: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "300");
-$clr-indigo-400: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "400");
-$clr-indigo-500: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "500");
-$clr-indigo-600: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "600");
-$clr-indigo-700: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "700");
-$clr-indigo-800: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "800");
-$clr-indigo-900: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "900");
+$clr-indigo: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "base");
+$clr-indigo-50: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "50");
+$clr-indigo-100: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "100");
+$clr-indigo-200: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "200");
+$clr-indigo-300: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "300");
+$clr-indigo-400: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "400");
+$clr-indigo-500: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "500");
+$clr-indigo-600: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "600");
+$clr-indigo-700: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "700");
+$clr-indigo-800: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "800");
+$clr-indigo-900: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "900");
$clr-indigo-a100: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "a100");
$clr-indigo-a200: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "a200");
$clr-indigo-a400: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "a400");
$clr-indigo-a700: map-get($clr-indigo-list, "a700");
// Blue
$clr-blue-list: (
"base": #2196f3,
- "50": #e3f2fd,
- "100": #bbdefb,
- "200": #90caf9,
- "300": #64b5f6,
- "400": #42a5f5,
- "500": #2196f3,
- "600": #1e88e5,
- "700": #1976d2,
- "800": #1565c0,
- "900": #0d47a1,
+ "50": #e3f2fd,
+ "100": #bbdefb,
+ "200": #90caf9,
+ "300": #64b5f6,
+ "400": #42a5f5,
+ "500": #2196f3,
+ "600": #1e88e5,
+ "700": #1976d2,
+ "800": #1565c0,
+ "900": #0d47a1,
"a100": #82b1ff,
"a200": #448aff,
"a400": #2979ff,
- "a700": #2962ff
+ "a700": #2962ff,
-$clr-blue: map-get($clr-blue-list, "base");
-$clr-blue-50: map-get($clr-blue-list, "50");
-$clr-blue-100: map-get($clr-blue-list, "100");
-$clr-blue-200: map-get($clr-blue-list, "200");
-$clr-blue-300: map-get($clr-blue-list, "300");
-$clr-blue-400: map-get($clr-blue-list, "400");
-$clr-blue-500: map-get($clr-blue-list, "500");
-$clr-blue-600: map-get($clr-blue-list, "600");
-$clr-blue-700: map-get($clr-blue-list, "700");
-$clr-blue-800: map-get($clr-blue-list, "800");
-$clr-blue-900: map-get($clr-blue-list, "900");
+$clr-blue: map-get($clr-blue-list, "base");
+$clr-blue-50: map-get($clr-blue-list, "50");
+$clr-blue-100: map-get($clr-blue-list, "100");
+$clr-blue-200: map-get($clr-blue-list, "200");
+$clr-blue-300: map-get($clr-blue-list, "300");
+$clr-blue-400: map-get($clr-blue-list, "400");
+$clr-blue-500: map-get($clr-blue-list, "500");
+$clr-blue-600: map-get($clr-blue-list, "600");
+$clr-blue-700: map-get($clr-blue-list, "700");
+$clr-blue-800: map-get($clr-blue-list, "800");
+$clr-blue-900: map-get($clr-blue-list, "900");
$clr-blue-a100: map-get($clr-blue-list, "a100");
$clr-blue-a200: map-get($clr-blue-list, "a200");
$clr-blue-a400: map-get($clr-blue-list, "a400");
$clr-blue-a700: map-get($clr-blue-list, "a700");
// Light Blue
$clr-light-blue-list: (
"base": #03a9f4,
- "50": #e1f5fe,
- "100": #b3e5fc,
- "200": #81d4fa,
- "300": #4fc3f7,
- "400": #29b6f6,
- "500": #03a9f4,
- "600": #039be5,
- "700": #0288d1,
- "800": #0277bd,
- "900": #01579b,
+ "50": #e1f5fe,
+ "100": #b3e5fc,
+ "200": #81d4fa,
+ "300": #4fc3f7,
+ "400": #29b6f6,
+ "500": #03a9f4,
+ "600": #039be5,
+ "700": #0288d1,
+ "800": #0277bd,
+ "900": #01579b,
"a100": #80d8ff,
"a200": #40c4ff,
"a400": #00b0ff,
- "a700": #0091ea
+ "a700": #0091ea,
-$clr-light-blue: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "base");
-$clr-light-blue-50: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "50");
-$clr-light-blue-100: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "100");
-$clr-light-blue-200: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "200");
-$clr-light-blue-300: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "300");
-$clr-light-blue-400: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "400");
-$clr-light-blue-500: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "500");
-$clr-light-blue-600: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "600");
-$clr-light-blue-700: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "700");
-$clr-light-blue-800: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "800");
-$clr-light-blue-900: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "900");
+$clr-light-blue: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "base");
+$clr-light-blue-50: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "50");
+$clr-light-blue-100: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "100");
+$clr-light-blue-200: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "200");
+$clr-light-blue-300: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "300");
+$clr-light-blue-400: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "400");
+$clr-light-blue-500: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "500");
+$clr-light-blue-600: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "600");
+$clr-light-blue-700: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "700");
+$clr-light-blue-800: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "800");
+$clr-light-blue-900: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "900");
$clr-light-blue-a100: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "a100");
$clr-light-blue-a200: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "a200");
$clr-light-blue-a400: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "a400");
$clr-light-blue-a700: map-get($clr-light-blue-list, "a700");
// Cyan
$clr-cyan-list: (
"base": #00bcd4,
- "50": #e0f7fa,
- "100": #b2ebf2,
- "200": #80deea,
- "300": #4dd0e1,
- "400": #26c6da,
- "500": #00bcd4,
- "600": #00acc1,
- "700": #0097a7,
- "800": #00838f,
- "900": #006064,
+ "50": #e0f7fa,
+ "100": #b2ebf2,
+ "200": #80deea,
+ "300": #4dd0e1,
+ "400": #26c6da,
+ "500": #00bcd4,
+ "600": #00acc1,
+ "700": #0097a7,
+ "800": #00838f,
+ "900": #006064,
"a100": #84ffff,
"a200": #18ffff,
"a400": #00e5ff,
- "a700": #00b8d4
+ "a700": #00b8d4,
-$clr-cyan: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "base");
-$clr-cyan-50: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "50");
-$clr-cyan-100: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "100");
-$clr-cyan-200: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "200");
-$clr-cyan-300: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "300");
-$clr-cyan-400: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "400");
-$clr-cyan-500: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "500");
-$clr-cyan-600: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "600");
-$clr-cyan-700: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "700");
-$clr-cyan-800: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "800");
-$clr-cyan-900: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "900");
+$clr-cyan: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "base");
+$clr-cyan-50: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "50");
+$clr-cyan-100: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "100");
+$clr-cyan-200: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "200");
+$clr-cyan-300: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "300");
+$clr-cyan-400: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "400");
+$clr-cyan-500: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "500");
+$clr-cyan-600: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "600");
+$clr-cyan-700: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "700");
+$clr-cyan-800: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "800");
+$clr-cyan-900: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "900");
$clr-cyan-a100: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "a100");
$clr-cyan-a200: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "a200");
$clr-cyan-a400: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "a400");
$clr-cyan-a700: map-get($clr-cyan-list, "a700");
// Teal
$clr-teal-list: (
"base": #009688,
- "50": #e0f2f1,
- "100": #b2dfdb,
- "200": #80cbc4,
- "300": #4db6ac,
- "400": #26a69a,
- "500": #009688,
- "600": #00897b,
- "700": #00796b,
- "800": #00695c,
- "900": #004d40,
+ "50": #e0f2f1,
+ "100": #b2dfdb,
+ "200": #80cbc4,
+ "300": #4db6ac,
+ "400": #26a69a,
+ "500": #009688,
+ "600": #00897b,
+ "700": #00796b,
+ "800": #00695c,
+ "900": #004d40,
"a100": #a7ffeb,
"a200": #64ffda,
"a400": #1de9b6,
- "a700": #00bfa5
+ "a700": #00bfa5,
-$clr-teal: map-get($clr-teal-list, "base");
-$clr-teal-50: map-get($clr-teal-list, "50");
-$clr-teal-100: map-get($clr-teal-list, "100");
-$clr-teal-200: map-get($clr-teal-list, "200");
-$clr-teal-300: map-get($clr-teal-list, "300");
-$clr-teal-400: map-get($clr-teal-list, "400");
-$clr-teal-500: map-get($clr-teal-list, "500");
-$clr-teal-600: map-get($clr-teal-list, "600");
-$clr-teal-700: map-get($clr-teal-list, "700");
-$clr-teal-800: map-get($clr-teal-list, "800");
-$clr-teal-900: map-get($clr-teal-list, "900");
+$clr-teal: map-get($clr-teal-list, "base");
+$clr-teal-50: map-get($clr-teal-list, "50");
+$clr-teal-100: map-get($clr-teal-list, "100");
+$clr-teal-200: map-get($clr-teal-list, "200");
+$clr-teal-300: map-get($clr-teal-list, "300");
+$clr-teal-400: map-get($clr-teal-list, "400");
+$clr-teal-500: map-get($clr-teal-list, "500");
+$clr-teal-600: map-get($clr-teal-list, "600");
+$clr-teal-700: map-get($clr-teal-list, "700");
+$clr-teal-800: map-get($clr-teal-list, "800");
+$clr-teal-900: map-get($clr-teal-list, "900");
$clr-teal-a100: map-get($clr-teal-list, "a100");
$clr-teal-a200: map-get($clr-teal-list, "a200");
$clr-teal-a400: map-get($clr-teal-list, "a400");
$clr-teal-a700: map-get($clr-teal-list, "a700");
// Green
$clr-green-list: (
"base": #4caf50,
- "50": #e8f5e9,
- "100": #c8e6c9,
- "200": #a5d6a7,
- "300": #81c784,
- "400": #66bb6a,
- "500": #4caf50,
- "600": #43a047,
- "700": #388e3c,
- "800": #2e7d32,
- "900": #1b5e20,
+ "50": #e8f5e9,
+ "100": #c8e6c9,
+ "200": #a5d6a7,
+ "300": #81c784,
+ "400": #66bb6a,
+ "500": #4caf50,
+ "600": #43a047,
+ "700": #388e3c,
+ "800": #2e7d32,
+ "900": #1b5e20,
"a100": #b9f6ca,
"a200": #69f0ae,
"a400": #00e676,
- "a700": #00c853
+ "a700": #00c853,
-$clr-green: map-get($clr-green-list, "base");
-$clr-green-50: map-get($clr-green-list, "50");
-$clr-green-100: map-get($clr-green-list, "100");
-$clr-green-200: map-get($clr-green-list, "200");
-$clr-green-300: map-get($clr-green-list, "300");
-$clr-green-400: map-get($clr-green-list, "400");
-$clr-green-500: map-get($clr-green-list, "500");
-$clr-green-600: map-get($clr-green-list, "600");
-$clr-green-700: map-get($clr-green-list, "700");
-$clr-green-800: map-get($clr-green-list, "800");
-$clr-green-900: map-get($clr-green-list, "900");
+$clr-green: map-get($clr-green-list, "base");
+$clr-green-50: map-get($clr-green-list, "50");
+$clr-green-100: map-get($clr-green-list, "100");
+$clr-green-200: map-get($clr-green-list, "200");
+$clr-green-300: map-get($clr-green-list, "300");
+$clr-green-400: map-get($clr-green-list, "400");
+$clr-green-500: map-get($clr-green-list, "500");
+$clr-green-600: map-get($clr-green-list, "600");
+$clr-green-700: map-get($clr-green-list, "700");
+$clr-green-800: map-get($clr-green-list, "800");
+$clr-green-900: map-get($clr-green-list, "900");
$clr-green-a100: map-get($clr-green-list, "a100");
$clr-green-a200: map-get($clr-green-list, "a200");
$clr-green-a400: map-get($clr-green-list, "a400"