path: root/src
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diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 61ad61b..6771b93 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -11,11 +11,21 @@ use encoding::Encoding;
mod macros;
+/// An error type that represents the different kinds of errors that may be
+/// encountered during message parsing.
pub enum MailParseError {
+ /// Data that was specified as being in the quoted-printable transfer-encoding
+ /// could not be successfully decoded as quoted-printable data.
+ /// Data that was specified as being in the base64 transfer-encoding could
+ /// not be successfully decoded as base64 data.
+ /// An error occurred when converting the raw byte data to Rust UTF-8 string
+ /// format using the charset specified in the message.
EncodingError(std::borrow::Cow<'static, str>),
+ /// Some other error occurred while parsing the message; the description string
+ /// provides additional details.
Generic(&'static str),
@@ -69,6 +79,11 @@ impl From<std::borrow::Cow<'static, str>> for MailParseError {
+/// A struct that represents a single header in the message.
+/// It holds slices into the raw byte array passed to parse_mail, and so the
+/// lifetime of this struct must be contained within the lifetime of the raw
+/// input. There are additional accessor functions on this struct to extract
+/// the data as Rust strings.
pub struct MailHeader<'a> {
key: &'a [u8],
@@ -118,6 +133,7 @@ fn test_find_from_u8() {
impl<'a> MailHeader<'a> {
+ /// Get the name of the header. Note that header names are case-sensitive.
pub fn get_key(&self) -> Result<String, MailParseError> {
Ok(try!(encoding::all::ISO_8859_1.decode(self.key, encoding::DecoderTrap::Strict))
@@ -144,6 +160,19 @@ impl<'a> MailHeader<'a> {
charset_conv.decode(&decoded, encoding::DecoderTrap::Replace).ok()
+ /// Get the value of the header. Any sequences of newlines characters followed
+ /// by whitespace are collapsed into a single space. In effect, header values
+ /// wrapped across multiple lines are compacted back into one line, while
+ /// discarding the extra whitespace required by the MIME format. Additionally,
+ /// any quoted-printable words in the value are decoded.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ /// ```
+ /// use mailparse::parse_header;
+ /// let (parsed, _) = parse_header(b"Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?=A1Hola,_se=F1or!?=").unwrap();
+ /// assert_eq!(parsed.get_key().unwrap(), "Subject");
+ /// assert_eq!(parsed.get_value().unwrap(), "\u{a1}Hola, se\u{f1}or!");
+ /// ```
pub fn get_value(&self) -> Result<String, MailParseError> {
let mut result = String::new();
let chars =
@@ -214,6 +243,26 @@ enum HeaderParseState {
+/// Parse a single header from the raw data given.
+/// This function takes raw byte data, and starts parsing it, expecting there
+/// to be a MIME header key-value pair right at the beginning. It parses that
+/// header and returns it, along with the index at which the next header is
+/// expected to start. If you just want to parse a single header, you can ignore
+/// the second component of the tuple, which is the index of the next header.
+/// Error values are returned if the data could not be successfully interpreted
+/// as a MIME key-value pair.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// use mailparse::parse_header;
+/// let (parsed, _) = parse_header(concat!(
+/// "Subject: Hello, sir,\n",
+/// " I am multiline\n",
+/// "Next:Header").as_bytes())
+/// .unwrap();
+/// assert_eq!(parsed.get_key().unwrap(), "Subject");
+/// assert_eq!(parsed.get_value().unwrap(), "Hello, sir, I am multiline");
+/// ```
pub fn parse_header(raw_data: &[u8]) -> Result<(MailHeader, usize), MailParseError> {
let mut it = raw_data.iter();
let mut ix = 0;
@@ -291,8 +340,41 @@ pub fn parse_header(raw_data: &[u8]) -> Result<(MailHeader, usize), MailParseErr
+/// A trait that is implemented by the Vec<MailHeader> returned by the parse_headers
+/// function. It provides a map-like interface to look up header values by their
+/// name.
pub trait MailHeaderMap {
+ /// Look through the list of headers and return the value of the first one
+ /// that matches the provided key. It returns Ok(None) if the no matching
+ /// header was found.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ /// ```
+ /// use mailparse::{parse_mail, MailHeaderMap};
+ /// let headers = parse_mail(concat!(
+ /// "Subject: Test\n",
+ /// "\n",
+ /// "This is a test message").as_bytes())
+ /// .unwrap().headers;
+ /// assert_eq!(headers.get_first_value("Subject").unwrap(), Some("Test".to_string()));
+ /// ```
fn get_first_value(&self, key: &str) -> Result<Option<String>, MailParseError>;
+ /// Look through the list of headers and return the values of all headers
+ /// matching the provided key. Returns an empty vector if no matching headers
+ /// were found. The order of the returned values is the same as the order
+ /// of the matching headers in the message.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ /// ```
+ /// use mailparse::{parse_mail, MailHeaderMap};
+ /// let headers = parse_mail(concat!(
+ /// "Key: Value1\n",
+ /// "Key: Value2").as_bytes())
+ /// .unwrap().headers;
+ /// assert_eq!(headers.get_all_values("Key").unwrap(),
+ /// vec!["Value1".to_string(), "Value2".to_string()]);
+ /// ```
fn get_all_values(&self, key: &str) -> Result<Vec<String>, MailParseError>;
@@ -317,6 +399,29 @@ impl<'a> MailHeaderMap for Vec<MailHeader<'a>> {
+/// Parses all the headers from the raw data given.
+/// This function takes raw byte data, and starts parsing it, expecting there
+/// to be zero or more MIME header key-value pair right at the beginning,
+/// followed by two consecutive newlines (i.e. a blank line). It parses those
+/// headers and returns them in a vector. The normal vector functions can be
+/// used to access the headers linearly, or the MailHeaderMap trait can be used
+/// to access them in a map-like fashion. Along with this vector, the function
+/// returns the index at which the message body is expected to start. If you
+/// just care about the headers, you can ignore the second component of the
+/// returned tuple.
+/// Error values are returned if there was some sort of parsing error.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// use mailparse::{parse_headers, MailHeaderMap};
+/// let (headers, _) = parse_headers(concat!(
+/// "Subject: Test\n",
+/// "From:\n",
+/// "To:").as_bytes())
+/// .unwrap();
+/// assert_eq!(headers[1].get_key().unwrap(), "From");
+/// assert_eq!(headers.get_first_value("To").unwrap(), Some("".to_string()));
+/// ```
pub fn parse_headers(raw_data: &[u8]) -> Result<(Vec<MailHeader>, usize), MailParseError> {
let mut headers: Vec<MailHeader> = Vec::new();
let mut ix = 0;
@@ -341,13 +446,44 @@ pub fn parse_headers(raw_data: &[u8]) -> Result<(Vec<MailHeader>, usize), MailPa
Ok((headers, ix))
+/// A struct to hold a more structured representation of the Content-Type header.
+/// This is provided mostly as a convenience since this metadata is usually
+/// needed to interpret the message body properly.
pub struct ParsedContentType {
+ /// The type of the data, for example "text/plain" or "application/pdf".
pub mimetype: String,
+ /// The charset used to decode the raw byte data, for example "iso-8859-1"
+ /// or "utf-8".
pub charset: String,
+ /// The boundary used to separate the different parts of a multipart message.
+ /// This boundary is taken straight from the Content-Type header, and so
+ /// the body will actually contain the boundary string prefixed by two
+ /// dashes.
pub boundary: Option<String>,
+/// Helper method to parse a header value as a Content-Type header. The charset
+/// defaults to "us-ascii" if no charset parameter is provided in the header
+/// value.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// use mailparse::{parse_header, parse_content_type};
+/// let (parsed, _) = parse_header(b"Content-Type: text/html; charset=foo; boundary=\"quotes_are_removed\"").unwrap();
+/// let ctype = parse_content_type(&parsed.get_value().unwrap()).unwrap();
+/// assert_eq!(ctype.mimetype, "text/html");
+/// assert_eq!(ctype.charset, "foo");
+/// assert_eq!(ctype.boundary, Some("quotes_are_removed".to_string()));
+/// ```
+/// ```
+/// use mailparse::{parse_header, parse_content_type};
+/// let (parsed, _) = parse_header(b"Content-Type: bogus").unwrap();
+/// let ctype = parse_content_type(&parsed.get_value().unwrap()).unwrap();
+/// assert_eq!(ctype.mimetype, "bogus");
+/// assert_eq!(ctype.charset, "us-ascii");
+/// assert_eq!(ctype.boundary, None);
+/// ```
pub fn parse_content_type(header: &str) -> Result<ParsedContentType, MailParseError> {
let mut parsed_type = ParsedContentType{
mimetype: "text/plain".to_string(),
@@ -375,15 +511,39 @@ pub fn parse_content_type(header: &str) -> Result<ParsedContentType, MailParseEr
+/// Struct that holds the structured representation of the message. Note that
+/// since MIME allows for nested multipart messages, a tree-like structure is
+/// necessary to represent it properly. This struct accomplishes that by holding
+/// a vector of other ParsedMail structures for the subparts.
pub struct ParsedMail<'a> {
+ /// The headers for the message (or message subpart).
pub headers: Vec<MailHeader<'a>>,
+ /// The Content-Type information for the message (or message subpart).
pub ctype: ParsedContentType,
+ /// The raw bytes that make up the body of the message (or message subpart).
body: &'a [u8],
+ /// The subparts of this message or subpart. This vector is only non-empty
+ /// if ctype.mimetype starts with "multipart/".
pub subparts: Vec<ParsedMail<'a>>,
impl<'a> ParsedMail<'a> {
+ /// Get the body of the message as a Rust string. This function tries to
+ /// unapply the Content-Transfer-Encoding if there is one, and then converts
+ /// the result into a Rust UTF-8 string using the charset in the Content-Type
+ /// (or "us-ascii" if the charset was missing or not recognized).
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ /// ```
+ /// use mailparse::parse_mail;
+ /// let p = parse_mail(concat!(
+ /// "Subject: test\n",
+ /// "\n",
+ /// "This is the body").as_bytes())
+ /// .unwrap();
+ /// assert_eq!(p.get_body().unwrap(), "This is the body");
+ /// ```
pub fn get_body(&self) -> Result<String, MailParseError> {
let transfer_coding = try!(self.headers.get_first_value("Content-Transfer-Encoding"))
.map(|s| s.to_lowercase());
@@ -406,6 +566,39 @@ impl<'a> ParsedMail<'a> {
+/// The main mail-parsing entry point.
+/// This function takes the raw data making up the message body and returns a
+/// structured version of it, which allows easily accessing the header and body
+/// information as needed.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// use mailparse::*;
+/// let parsed = parse_mail(concat!(
+/// "Subject: This is a test email\n",
+/// "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=foobar\n",
+/// "\n",
+/// "--foobar\n",
+/// "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n",
+/// "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\n",
+/// "\n",
+/// "This is the plaintext version, in utf-8. Proof by Euro: =E2=82=AC\n",
+/// "--foobar\n",
+/// "Content-Type: text/html\n",
+/// "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n",
+/// "\n",
+/// "PGh0bWw+PGJvZHk+VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgPGI+SFRNTDwvYj4gdmVyc2lvbiwgaW4g \n",
+/// "dXMtYXNjaWkuIFByb29mIGJ5IEV1cm86ICZldXJvOzwvYm9keT48L2h0bWw+Cg== \n",
+/// "--foobar--\n",
+/// "After the final boundary stuff gets ignored.\n").as_bytes())
+/// .unwrap();
+/// assert_eq!(parsed.headers.get_first_value("Subject").unwrap(), Some("This is a test email".to_string()));
+/// assert_eq!(parsed.subparts.len(), 2);
+/// assert_eq!(parsed.subparts[0].get_body().unwrap(), "This is the plaintext version, in utf-8. Proof by Euro: \u{20AC}");
+/// assert_eq!(parsed.subparts[1].headers[1].get_value().unwrap(), "base64");
+/// assert_eq!(parsed.subparts[1].ctype.mimetype, "text/html");
+/// assert!(parsed.subparts[1].get_body().unwrap().starts_with("<html>"));
+/// ```
pub fn parse_mail(raw_data: &[u8]) -> Result<ParsedMail, MailParseError> {
let (headers, ix_body) = try!(parse_headers(raw_data));
let ctype = match try!(headers.get_first_value("Content-Type")) {