BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
cargo-fmtRun cargo-fmt on codebaseMatthias Beyer4 years
cargo-toml-own-workspaceLet all Cargo.tomls in the workspace use the workspace in development modeMatthias Beyer4 years
decoderWIP: Implement Decoder based on source code of EncoderMatthias Beyer4 years
disposition-serdeReplace hand implementation of Deserialize, Serialize with derive()Matthias Beyer4 years
fix-metadataFix "repository" setting in Cargo.toml filesMatthias Beyer4 years
fix-testsFix testsMatthias Beyer4 years
mastercargo: Update author and maintenance badge.Philipp Korber5 years
minorFix typo: modies -> bodiesMatthias Beyer4 years
parser/port-content-dispositionWIPMatthias Beyer4 years
parsingReplace own error type with failureMatthias Beyer4 years
travisRemove unsupported rust versionsMatthias Beyer4 years