# mail / mail-api   Documentation can be [viewed on docs.rs](https://docs.rs/mail-api). Facade which re-exports functionality from a number of mail related crates. The facade should re-export enough functionality for using the mail carate to create/modify/encode mail, send them over smtp (feature) or use a handlebars based template engine to create them from a template (feature). Functionality steming from following crates is re-exported: - `mail-core` provides a `Mail` type and the core functionality around creating/modifing/encoding mails. - `mail-headers` provides implementations for the headers of the mail. This also includes a number of header components which appear in mail header bodies but are also re-used in other placed (e.g. `MediaType` stemming from the `Content-Type header or `Domain`). - `mail-smtp` bindings to `new-tokio-smtp` to make it easier to send mails over smtp. This also includes functionality to automatically derive the _smtp_ sender/receiver from the mail if no sender/receiver is explicitly given (Smtp by it's standard does not use the `From`/`To` headers of a mail. Instead it treats the mail, including it's headers mostly as a opaque block of data. But in practice the addresses in `From`/`To`/`Sender` tend to match the smtp sender/recipient). - `mail-template` provides a simple way to bind template engine to generate mails. It has a feature which if enable directly includes bindings to `handlebars`. This feature is re-exported in the crate as the `handlebars` feature. - `mail-internals` provides some shared mostly internal parts the other crates use. This is normally only needed if you write your own mail header implementations. But even then the does this crate re-expost the parts most likely needed (in the `header_encoding` module). ## Examples ### [`mail_by_hand`](./examples/mail_by_hand.rs) Creates and encodes a simple mail without using any fancy helpers, templates or similar. ### [`mail_from_template`](./examples/mail_from_template/main.rs) Uses the bindings for the `handlebars` template engine to create a mail, including alternate bodies and an attachment. ### [`send_mail`](./examples/send_mail/main.rs) A simple program which queries the user for information and then sends a (simple) mail to an MSA (Mail Submission Agent). While it is currently limited to STARTTLS on port 587, Auth Plain and only simple text mails this is a limitation of this cli program not the mail libraries which can handle other forms of connecting and authenticating etc. Note that this is meant to send data to an MSA NOT a MX (Mail Exchanger), e.g. `smtp.gmail.com` is a MSA but `gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com` is an MX. Also note that some mail providers do not accept Auth Plain (at least not without enabling it in the security settings). The reason for this is that they prefer that applications do not use username+password for authentication but other formats e.g. OAuth2 tokens. Rest assured that the authentication data is only sent over a TLS encrypted channel. Still if you don't trust it consider using some throw away or testing mail service e.g. `ethereal.email`. Lastly the examples uses the same unique seed every time, which means that Message-ID's, and Content-ID's are not guaranteed to be world unique even through they should (again a limitation of the example not the mail crate). Nevertheless given that it also doesn't use its "own" domain but a `.test` domain it can't guarantee world uniqueness anyway and would fail many spam filters, so if you use it make sure to change this to the right values for your use case. ## Features ### `smtp` Provides bindings to `new-tokio-smtp` under `mail::smtp` by reexporting the `mail-smtp` crate ### `handlebars` Provides a `mail-template` engine implementation using the `handlebars` crate. It can be found under `mail::template::handlebars::Handlebars`; ### `traceing` Enables the `traceing` debugging functionality in the `EncodingBuffer` from `mail-internals`, this is only used for testing header implementations and comes with noticeable overhead. **As such this should not be enabled except for testing header implementations**. Also `EncodingBuffer` isn't re-exported as it can be seen as an internal part of the implementation which normally doesn't need to be accessed directly. ## License Licensed under either of - Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) - MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) at your option. ### Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.