[package] name = "mail" version = "0.6.11" authors = ["Philipp Korber "] categories = [] keywords = ["mail", "rfc5322", "mime", "smtp", "template"] description = "mail, facade for a number of mail related crates for creating and sending mails" license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0" readme = "./README.md" repository = "https://github.com/1aim/mail" autoexamples = true [features] smtp = ["mail-smtp"] handlebars = ["mail-template/handlebars-bindings"] traceing = ["mail-internals/traceing", "mail-headers/traceing"] test-utils = ["mail-core/test-utils"] serde-impl = ["mail-core/serde-impl", "mail-headers/serde-impl"] [[example]] name = "mail_by_hand" path = "examples/mail_by_hand.rs" [[example]] name = "mail_from_template" path = "examples/mail_from_template/main.rs" required-features = ["handlebars"] [[example]] name = "send_mail" path = "examples/send_mail/main.rs" required-features = ["smtp"] [package.metadata.docs.rs] features = [ "handlebars", "smtp", "serde-impl" ] [dependencies] mail-internals = { version = "0.2.3", path = "../internals" } mail-headers = { version = "0.6.6", path = "../headers" } mail-core = { version = "0.6.2", path = "../core" } mail-template = { version = "0.6.1", path = "../template" } mail-smtp = { version = "0.2.2", path = "../smtp", optional = true } [dev-dependencies] rpassword = "2.0.0" tokio = "0.1.1" serde = "1.0.10" serde_derive = "1.0.10" soft-ascii-string = "1.0" futures = "0.1.0" failure = "0.1.1" [badges] maintenance = { status = "deprecated" }