pub use soft_ascii_string::{ SoftAsciiStr as _SoftAsciiStr }; /// Defines a new header types with given type name, filed name and component /// /// Note that the name is not checked/validated, it has to be ascii, a valid /// header field name AND has to comply with the naming schema (each word /// separated by `'-'` starts with a capital letter and no capital letter /// follow, e.g. "Message-Id" is ok **but "Message-ID" isn't**). /// /// This macro will create a test which will check if the used field names /// are actually valid and appears only once (_per def_header macro call_) /// so as long as test's are run any invalid name will be found. /// /// Note that even if a invalid name was used and test where ignored/not run /// this will _not_ cause an rust safety issue, but can still cause bugs under /// some circumstances (e.g. if you have multiple differing definitions of the /// same header with different spelling (at last one failed the test) like e.g. /// when you override default implementations of fields). /// /// The macros expects following items: /// /// 1. `test_name`, which is the name the auto-generated test will have /// 2. `scope`, the scope all components are used with, this helps with some /// name collisions. Use `self` to use the current scope. /// 3. a list of header definitions consisting of: /// /// 1. `` the name the type of the header will have, i.e. the name of a zero-sized /// struct which will be generated /// 3. `unchecked` a hint to make people read the documentation and not forget the the /// folowing data is `unchecked` / only vaidated in the auto-generated test /// 4. `""` the header name in a syntax using `'-'` to serperate words, /// also each word has to start with a capital letter and be followed by lowercase /// letters additionaly to being a valid header field name. E.g. "Message-Id" is /// ok, but "Message-ID" is not. (Note that header field name are on itself ignore /// case, but by enforcing a specific case in the encoder equality checks can be /// done on byte level, which is especially usefull for e.g. placing them as keys /// into a HashMap or for performance reasons. /// 5. `` the name of the type to use ing `scope` a the component type of /// the header. E.g. `Unstructured` for an unstructured header field (which still /// support Utf8 through encoded words) /// 6. `None`/`maxOne`/``, None, maxOne or the name of a validator function. /// The validator function is used to validate some contextual limitations a header field /// might have, like that it can appear at most one time, or that if a `From` with multiple /// mailboxes is given a `Sender` field needs to be given too. /// If `maxOne` is used it will automatically generate a function which makes sure that /// the header appears at most one time. This validator functions are used _after_ creating /// a header map but before using it to encode a mail (or anywhere in between if you want to). /// Note that validators are kept separate from the headers and might be run even if the header /// does not appear in the header map passed to the validator, as such if a validator can not find /// the header it should validate or if it finds it but it has an unexpected type it _must not_ /// create an error. /// /// # Example /// /// ```norun /// def_headers! { /// // the name of the auto-generated test /// test_name: validate_header_names, /// // the scope from which all components should be imported /// // E.g. `DateTime` refers to `components::DateTime`. /// scope: components, /// // definitions of the headers or the form /// // , unchecked { }, , /// Date, unchecked { "Date" }, DateTime, maxOne, /// From, unchecked { "From" }, MailboxList, validator_from, /// Subject, unchecked { "Subject" }, Unstructured, maxOne, /// Comments, unchecked { "Comments" }, Unstructured, None, /// } /// ``` #[macro_export] macro_rules! def_headers { ( test_name: $tn:ident, scope: $scope:ident, $( $(#[$attr:meta])* $name:ident, unchecked { $hname:tt }, $component:ident, $maxOne:ident, $validator:ident ),+ ) => ( $( $(#[$attr])* #[derive(Default, Copy, Clone)] pub struct $name; impl $crate::HeaderKind for $name { type Component = $scope::$component; fn name() -> $crate::HeaderName { let as_str: &'static str = $hname; $crate::HeaderName::from_ascii_unchecked( as_str ) } const MAX_ONE: bool = def_headers!{ _PRIV_mk_max_one $maxOne }; const VALIDATOR: ::std::option::Option<$crate::map::HeaderMapValidator> = def_headers!{ _PRIV_mk_validator $validator }; } def_headers!{ _PRIV_mk_marker_impl $name, $maxOne } )+ //TODO warn if header type name and header name diverges // (by stringifying the type name and then ziping the // array of type names with header names removing // "-" from the header names and comparing them to // type names) #[cfg(test)] const HEADER_NAMES: &[ &str ] = &[ $( $hname ),+ ]; #[test] fn $tn() { use std::collections::HashSet; use $crate::__internals::encoder::EncodableInHeader; let mut name_set = HashSet::new(); for name in HEADER_NAMES { if !name_set.insert(name) { panic!("name appears more than one time in same def_headers macro: {:?}", name); } } fn can_be_trait_object( v: Option<&EN> ) { let _ = |en| en as &EncodableInHeader ); } $( can_be_trait_object::<$scope::$component>( None ); )+ for name in HEADER_NAMES { let res = $crate::HeaderName::new( $crate::soft_ascii_string::SoftAsciiStr::from_str(name).unwrap() ); if res.is_err() { panic!( "invalid header name: {:?} ({:?})", name, res.unwrap_err() ); } } } ); (_PRIV_mk_marker_impl $name:ident, multi) => (); (_PRIV_mk_marker_impl $name:ident, maxOne) => ( impl $crate::MaxOneMarker for $name {} ); (_PRIV_mk_marker_impl $name:ident, $other:ident) => (def_headers!{ _PRIV_max_one_err $other }); (_PRIV_mk_validator None) => ({ None }); (_PRIV_mk_validator $validator:ident) => ({ Some($validator) }); (_PRIV_mk_max_one multi) => ({ false }); (_PRIV_mk_max_one maxOne) => ({ true }); (_PRIV_mk_max_one $other:ident) => (def_headers!{ _PRIV_max_one_err $other }); (_PRIV_max_one_err $other:ident) => ( compile_error!(concat!( "maxOne column can only contain `maxOne` or `multi`, got: ", stringify!($other) )); ); }