use std::fmt::{self, Display}; use nom::IResult; use soft_ascii_string::{SoftAsciiChar, SoftAsciiStr, SoftAsciiString}; use vec1::Vec1; #[cfg(feature="serde")] use serde::{ Serialize, Serializer, Deserialize, Deserializer, de::Error }; use internals::error::EncodingError; use internals::encoder::{EncodingWriter, EncodableInHeader}; use ::{HeaderTryFrom, HeaderTryInto}; use ::error::ComponentCreationError; use ::data::{ Input, SimpleItem }; /// # Implementation Details /// /// This is used for both message-id/content-id, but /// depending on usage and support for obsolete parts there /// are two "kind" of id's one which allows FWS(/CFWS) in /// some places and one which doesn't. This implementation /// only supports the later one. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct MessageId { message_id: SimpleItem } impl MessageId { /// creates a message id from a string without checking for validity /// /// The string is expected to have the format ` "@" `, /// i.e. it should not include the `"<"`, `">"` surrounding message id's in /// more or less all places they are used. pub fn from_unchecked(string: String) -> Self { let item = match SoftAsciiString::from_string(string) { Ok(ascii) => ascii.into(), Err(err) => err.into_source().into() }; MessageId { message_id: item } } pub fn new(left_part: &SoftAsciiStr, right_part: &SoftAsciiStr) -> Result { use self::{parser_parts as parser}; match parser::id_left(left_part.as_str()) { IResult::Done( "", _part ) => {}, _other => { return Err(ComponentCreationError::new_with_str( "MessageId", format!("{}@{}", left_part, right_part))); } } match parser::id_right(right_part.as_str()) { IResult::Done( "", _part ) => {}, _other => { return Err(ComponentCreationError::new_with_str( "MessageId", format!("{}@{}", left_part, right_part))); } } let id = SoftAsciiString::from_unchecked( format!("{}@{}", left_part, right_part)); let item = SimpleItem::Ascii(id.into()); Ok(MessageId { message_id: item }) } //FIXME make into AsRef for MessageId pub fn as_str( &self ) -> &str { self.message_id.as_str() } } #[cfg(feature="serde")] impl Serialize for MessageId { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result where S: Serializer { serializer.serialize_str(self.as_str()) } } #[cfg(feature="serde")] impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for MessageId { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: Deserializer<'de> { let as_string = String::deserialize(deserializer)?; let as_ascii = SoftAsciiStr::from_str(&as_string) .map_err(|err| D::Error::custom(format!("message id is not ascii: {}", err)))?; let split_point = if as_ascii.as_str().ends_with("]") { as_ascii.as_str() .bytes() .rposition(|bch| bch == b'[') .and_then(|pos| pos.checked_sub(1)) .ok_or_else(|| D::Error::custom("invalid message id format"))? } else { as_ascii.as_str() .bytes() .rposition(|bch| bch == b'@') .ok_or_else(|| D::Error::custom("invalid message id format"))? }; let left_part = &as_ascii[..split_point]; let right_part = &as_ascii[split_point+1..]; MessageId::new(left_part, right_part) .map_err(|err| D::Error::custom(format!("invalid message id format: {}", err))) } } impl Display for MessageId { fn fmt(&self, fter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { fter.write_str(self.as_str()) } } impl HeaderTryFrom for MessageId where T: HeaderTryInto { fn try_from( input: T ) -> Result { use self::parser_parts::parse_message_id; let input = input.try_into()?; match parse_message_id(input.as_str()) { IResult::Done( "", _msg_id ) => {}, _other => { return Err(ComponentCreationError::new_with_str("MessageId", input.as_str())); } } Ok( MessageId { message_id: input.into() } ) } } impl EncodableInHeader for MessageId { fn encode(&self, handle: &mut EncodingWriter) -> Result<(), EncodingError> { handle.mark_fws_pos(); handle.write_char( SoftAsciiChar::from_unchecked('<') )?; match self.message_id { SimpleItem::Ascii( ref ascii ) => handle.write_str( ascii )?, SimpleItem::Utf8( ref utf8 ) => handle.write_utf8( utf8 )? } handle.write_char( SoftAsciiChar::from_unchecked('>') )?; handle.mark_fws_pos(); Ok( () ) } fn boxed_clone(&self) -> Box { Box::new(self.clone()) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] #[cfg_attr(feature="serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))] pub struct MessageIdList( pub Vec1 ); deref0!{ +mut MessageIdList => Vec1 } impl EncodableInHeader for MessageIdList { fn encode(&self, handle: &mut EncodingWriter) -> Result<(), EncodingError> { for msg_id in self.iter() { msg_id.encode( handle )?; } Ok( () ) } fn boxed_clone(&self) -> Box { Box::new(self.clone()) } } mod parser_parts { use nom::IResult; use internals::grammar::{is_atext, is_dtext}; use internals::MailType; pub fn parse_message_id( input: &str) -> IResult<&str, (&str, &str)> { do_parse!( input, l: id_left >> char!( '@' ) >> r: id_right >> (l, r) ) } pub fn id_left(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { dot_atom_text(input) } pub fn id_right(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { alt!( input, no_fold_literal | dot_atom_text ) } fn no_fold_literal( input: &str ) -> IResult<&str, &str> { recognize!( input, tuple!( char!( '[' ), take_while!( call!( is_dtext, MailType::Internationalized ) ), char!( ']' ) ) ) } fn dot_atom_text(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { recognize!( input, tuple!( take_while1!( call!( is_atext, MailType::Internationalized ) ), many0!(tuple!( char!( '.' ), take_while1!( call!( is_atext, MailType::Internationalized ) ) )) ) ) } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use nom; use super::*; #[test] fn rec_dot_atom_text_no_dot() { match dot_atom_text( "abc" ) { IResult::Done( "", "abc" ) => {}, other => panic!("excepted Done(\"\",\"abc\") got {:?}", other ) } } #[test] fn rec_dot_atom_text_dots() { match dot_atom_text( "abc.def.ghi" ) { IResult::Done( "", "abc.def.ghi" ) => {}, other => panic!("excepted Done(\"\",\"abc.def.ghi\") got {:?}", other ) } } #[test] fn rec_dot_atom_text_no_end_dot() { let test_str = "abc."; let need_size = test_str.len() + 1; match dot_atom_text( test_str ) { IResult::Incomplete( nom::Needed::Size( ns ) ) if ns == need_size => {} other => panic!("excepted Incomplete(Complete) got {:?}", other ) } } #[test] fn rec_dot_atom_text_no_douple_dot() { match dot_atom_text( "" ) { IResult::Done( "", "abc" ) => {}, other => panic!( "excepted Done(\"\",\"abc\") got {:?}", other ) } } #[test] fn rec_dot_atom_text_no_start_dot() { match dot_atom_text( ".abc" ) { IResult::Error( .. ) => {}, other => panic!( "expected error got {:?}", other ) } } #[test] fn no_empty() { match dot_atom_text( "" ) { IResult::Incomplete( nom::Needed::Size( 1 ) ) => {}, other => panic!( "excepted Incomplete(Size(1)) got {:?}", other ) } } } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use internals::MailType; use internals::encoder::EncodingBuffer; use super::*; ec_test!{ new, { MessageId::new( SoftAsciiStr::from_unchecked(""), SoftAsciiStr::from_unchecked("[]") )? } => ascii => [ MarkFWS, Text "", MarkFWS ]} ec_test!{ simple, { MessageId::try_from( "affen@haus" )? } => ascii => [ MarkFWS, // there are two "context" one which allows FWS inside (defined = email) // and one which doesn't for simplicity we use the later every where Text "", MarkFWS ]} ec_test!{ utf8, { MessageId::try_from( "↓@↑.utf8")? } => utf8 => [ MarkFWS, Text "<↓@↑.utf8>", MarkFWS ]} #[test] fn utf8_fails() { let mut encoder = EncodingBuffer::new(MailType::Ascii); let mut handle = encoder.writer(); let mid = MessageId::try_from( "abc@øpunny.code" ).unwrap(); assert_err!(mid.encode( &mut handle )); handle.undo_header(); } ec_test!{ multipls, { let fst = MessageId::try_from( "affen@haus" )?; let snd = MessageId::try_from( "obst@salat" )?; MessageIdList( vec1! [ fst, snd ]) } => ascii => [ MarkFWS, Text "", MarkFWS, MarkFWS, Text "", MarkFWS, ]} }