use serde::Deserialize; use std::collections::HashMap; enum ByFilename { Name, Extension, } fn deserialize_by_filename<'de, D>( deserializer: D, by: ByFilename, ) -> Result, D::Error> where D: serde::de::Deserializer<'de>, { let default = match by { ByFilename::Name => IconTheme::get_default_icons_by_name(), ByFilename::Extension => IconTheme::get_default_icons_by_extension(), }; HashMap::<_, _>::deserialize(deserializer) .map(|input| default.into_iter().chain(input).collect()) } fn deserialize_by_name<'de, D>(deserializer: D) -> Result, D::Error> where D: serde::de::Deserializer<'de>, { deserialize_by_filename(deserializer, ByFilename::Name) } fn deserialize_by_extension<'de, D>(deserializer: D) -> Result, D::Error> where D: serde::de::Deserializer<'de>, { deserialize_by_filename(deserializer, ByFilename::Extension) } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)] #[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")] #[serde(deny_unknown_fields)] #[serde(default)] pub struct IconTheme { #[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_by_name")] pub name: HashMap, #[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_by_extension")] pub extension: HashMap, pub filetype: ByType, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)] #[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")] #[serde(deny_unknown_fields)] #[serde(default)] pub struct ByType { pub dir: String, pub file: String, pub pipe: String, pub socket: String, pub executable: String, pub device_char: String, pub device_block: String, pub special: String, pub symlink_dir: String, pub symlink_file: String, } impl Default for IconTheme { fn default() -> Self { IconTheme { name: Self::get_default_icons_by_name(), extension: Self::get_default_icons_by_extension(), filetype: ByType::default(), } } } impl Default for ByType { fn default() -> ByType { ByType { dir: "\u{f115}".into(), //  file: "\u{f016}".into(), //  pipe: "\u{f0232}".into(), // 󰈲 socket: "\u{f01a8}".into(), // 󰆨 executable: "\u{f489}".into(), //  symlink_dir: "\u{f482}".into(), //  symlink_file: "\u{f481}".into(), //  device_char: "\u{e601}".into(), //  device_block: "\u{f072b}".into(), // 󰜫 special: "\u{f2dc}".into(), //  } } } impl ByType { pub fn unicode() -> Self { ByType { dir: "\u{1f4c2}".into(), file: "\u{1f4c4}".into(), pipe: "\u{1f4e9}".into(), socket: "\u{1f4ec}".into(), executable: "\u{1f3d7}".into(), symlink_dir: "\u{1f5c2}".into(), symlink_file: "\u{1f516}".into(), device_char: "\u{1f5a8}".into(), device_block: "\u{1f4bd}".into(), special: "\u{1f4df}".into(), } } } impl IconTheme { pub fn unicode() -> Self { IconTheme { name: HashMap::new(), extension: HashMap::new(), filetype: ByType::unicode(), } } // pub only for testing in pub fn get_default_icons_by_name() -> HashMap { // Note: filenames must be lower-case [ ("a.out", "\u{f489}"), // "" ("api", "\u{f048d}"), // "󰒍" (".asoundrc", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".atom", "\u{e764}"), // "" (".ash", "\u{f489}"), // "" (".ash_history", "\u{f489}"), // "" ("authorized_keys", "\u{e60a}"), // "" ("assets", "\u{f0c7}"), // "" (".android", "\u{f17b}"), // "" (".audacity-data", "\u{e5fc}"), // "" ("backups", "\u{f006f}"), // "󰁯" (".bash_history", "\u{f1183}"), // "󱆃" (".bash_logout", "\u{f1183}"), // "󱆃" (".bash_profile", "\u{f1183}"), // "󱆃" (".bashrc", "\u{f1183}"), // "󱆃" ("bin", "\u{e5fc}"), // "" (".bpython_history", "\u{e606}"), // "" ("build", "\u{f487}"), // "" ("bspwmrc", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("", "\u{f0ad}"), // "" (".cache", "\u{f00e8}"), // "󰃨" ("cache", "\u{f00e8}"), // "󰃨" ("cargo.lock", "\u{e68b}"), // "" ("cargo.toml", "\u{e68b}"), // "" (".cargo", "\u{e68b}"), // "" (".ccls-cache", "\u{f00e8}"), // "󰃨" ("changelog", "\u{e609}"), // "" (".clang-format", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("composer.json", "\u{e608}"), // "" ("composer.lock", "\u{e608}"), // "" ("conf.d", "\u{e5fc}"), // "" ("", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("config.el", "\u{e632}"), // "" ("", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".config", "\u{e5fc}"), // "" ("config", "\u{e5fc}"), // "" ("configure", "\u{f0ad}"), // "" ("content", "\u{f0c7}"), // "" ("contributing", "\u{e60a}"), // "" ("copyright", "\u{e60a}"), // "" ("cron.daily", "\u{e5fc}"), // "" ("cron.d", "\u{e5fc}"), // "" ("cron.deny", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("cron.hourly", "\u{e5fc}"), // "" ("cron.monthly", "\u{e5fc}"), // "" ("crontab", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("cron.weekly", "\u{e5fc}"), // "" ("crypttab", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".cshrc", "\u{f1183}"), // "󱆃" ("csh.cshrc", "\u{f1183}"), // "󱆃" ("csh.login", "\u{f1183}"), // "󱆃" ("csh.logout", "\u{f1183}"), // "󱆃" ("css", "\u{e749}"), // "" ("custom.el", "\u{e632}"), // "" (".dbus", "\u{f013}"), // "" ("desktop", "\u{f108}"), // "" ("docker-compose.yml", "\u{f308}"), // "" ("dockerfile", "\u{f308}"), // "" ("doc", "\u{f02d}"), // "" ("dist", "\u{f487}"), // "" ("documents", "\u{f02d}"), // "" (".doom.d", "\u{e632}"), // "" ("downloads", "\u{f024d}"), // "󰉍" (".ds_store", "\u{f179}"), // "" (".editorconfig", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".electron-gyp", "\u{e5fa}"), // "" (".emacs.d", "\u{e632}"), // "" (".env", "\u{f462}"), // "" ("environment", "\u{f462}"), // "" (".eslintrc.json", "\u{f462}"), // "" (".eslintrc.js", "\u{f462}"), // "" (".eslintrc.yml", "\u{f462}"), // "" ("etc", "\u{e5fc}"), // "" ("favicon.ico", "\u{f005}"), // "" ("favicons", "\u{f005}"), // "" ("fstab", "\u{f1c0}"), // "" (".fastboot", "\u{f17b}"), // "" (".gitattributes", "\u{f1d3}"), // "" (".gitconfig", "\u{f1d3}"), // "" (".git-credentials", "\u{e60a}"), // "" (".github", "\u{e5fd}"), // "" ("gitignore_global", "\u{f1d3}"), // "" (".gitignore", "\u{f1d3}"), // "" (".gitlab-ci.yml", "\u{f296}"), // "" (".gitmodules", "\u{f1d3}"), // "" (".git", "\u{e5fb}"), // "" (".gnupg", "\u{f08ac}"), // "󰢬" ("go.mod", "\u{e627}"), // "" ("go.sum", "\u{e627}"), // "" ("", "\u{e627}"), // "" ("gradle", "\u{e660}"), // "" ("", "\u{e660}"), // "" ("gradlew", "\u{e660}"), // "" ("gradlew.bat", "\u{e660}"), // "" ("group", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("", "\u{e611}"), // "" ("gruntfile.js", "\u{e611}"), // "" ("", "\u{e611}"), // "" ("gshadow", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("", "\u{e610}"), // "" ("gulpfile.js", "\u{e610}"), // "" ("", "\u{e610}"), // "" ("heroku.yml", "\u{e77b}"), // "" ("hidden", "\u{f023}"), // "" ("home", "\u{f015}"), // "" ("hostname", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("hosts", "\u{f0002}"), // "󰀂" (".htaccess", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("htoprc", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".htpasswd", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".icons", "\u{f005}"), // "" ("icons", "\u{f005}"), // "" ("id_dsa", "\u{f0dd6}"), // "󰷖" ("id_ecdsa", "\u{f0dd6}"), // "󰷖" ("id_rsa", "\u{f0dd6}"), // "󰷖" (".idlerc", "\u{e235}"), // "" ("img", "\u{f1c5}"), // "" ("include", "\u{e5fc}"), // "" ("init.el", "\u{e632}"), // "" (".inputrc", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("inputrc", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".java", "\u{e256}"), // "" ("jenkinsfile", "\u{e66e}"), // "" ("js", "\u{e74e}"), // "" (".jupyter", "\u{e606}"), // "" ("kbuild", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("kconfig", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("kdeglobals", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("kdenliverc", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("known_hosts", "\u{e60a}"), // "" (".kshrc", "\u{f489}"), // "" ("libexec", "\u{f121}"), // "" ("lib32", "\u{f121}"), // "" ("lib64", "\u{f121}"), // "" ("lib", "\u{f121}"), // "" ("", "\u{e60a}"), // "" ("licenses", "\u{e60a}"), // "" ("license.txt", "\u{e60a}"), // "" ("license", "\u{e60a}"), // "" ("localized", "\u{f179}"), // "" ("lsb-release", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".lynxrc", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".mailcap", "\u{f01f0}"), // "󰇰" ("mail", "\u{f01f0}"), // "󰇰" ("magic", "\u{f0d0}"), // "" ("maintainers", "\u{e60a}"), // "" ("", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("makefile", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("manifest", "\u{f292}"), // "" ("md5sum", "\u{f0565}"), // "󰕥" ("", "\u{f0ad}"), // "" ("metadata", "\u{e5fc}"), // "" ("metadata.xml", "\u{f462}"), // "" ("media", "\u{f40f}"), // "" (".mime.types", "\u{f0645}"), // "󰙅" ("mime.types", "\u{f0645}"), // "󰙅" ("module.symvers", "\u{f471}"), // "" (".mozilla", "\u{e786}"), // "" ("music", "\u{f1359}"), // "󱍙" ("muttrc", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".muttrc", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".mutt", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".mypy_cache", "\u{f00e8}"), // "󰃨" ("neomuttrc", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".neomuttrc", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("netlify.toml", "\u{f233}"), // "" (".nix-channels", "\u{f313}"), // "" (".nix-defexpr", "\u{f313}"), // "" (".node-gyp", "\u{e5fa}"), // "" ("node_modules", "\u{e5fa}"), // "" (".node_repl_history", "\u{e718}"), // "" ("npmignore", "\u{e71e}"), // "" (".npm", "\u{e5fa}"), // "" ("nvim", "\u{e62b}"), // "" ("obj", "\u{e624}"), // "" ("os-release", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("package.json", "\u{e718}"), // "" ("package-lock.json", "\u{e718}"), // "" ("packages.el", "\u{e632}"), // "" ("pam.d", "\u{f08ac}"), // "󰢬" ("passwd", "\u{f023}"), // "" ("pictures", "\u{f024f}"), // "󰉏" ("pkgbuild", "\u{f303}"), // "" (".pki", "\u{f023}"), // "" ("portage", "\u{f30d}"), // "" ("profile", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".profile", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("public", "\u{f415}"), // "" ("__pycache__", "\u{e606}"), // "" ("pyproject.toml", "\u{e606}"), // "" (".python_history", "\u{e606}"), // "" (".pypirc", "\u{e606}"), // "" ("rc.lua", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("readme", "\u{e609}"), // "" (".release.toml", "\u{e68b}"), // "" ("requirements.txt", "\u{f0320}"), // "󰌠" ("robots.txt", "\u{f06a9}"), // "󰚩" ("root", "\u{f0250}"), // "󰉐" ("rubydoc", "\u{e73b}"), // "" ("runtime.txt", "\u{f0320}"), // "󰌠" (".rustup", "\u{e68b}"), // "" ("rustfmt.toml", "\u{e68b}"), // "" (".rvm", "\u{e21e}"), // "" ("sass", "\u{e603}"), // "" ("sbin", "\u{e5fc}"), // "" ("scripts", "\u{f489}"), // "" ("scss", "\u{e603}"), // "" ("sha256sum", "\u{f0565}"), // "󰕥" ("shadow", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("share", "\u{f064}"), // "" (".shellcheckrc", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("shells", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".spacemacs", "\u{e632}"), // "" (".sqlite_history", "\u{e7c4}"), // "" ("src", "\u{f19fc}"), // "󱧼" (".ssh", "\u{f08ac}"), // "󰢬" ("static", "\u{f0c7}"), // "" ("std", "\u{f0171}"), // "󰅱" ("styles", "\u{e749}"), // "" ("subgid", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("subuid", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("sudoers", "\u{f023}"), // "" ("sxhkdrc", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("template", "\u{f32e}"), // "" ("tests", "\u{f0668}"), // "󰙨" ("tigrc", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("timezone", "\u{f43a}"), // "" ("tox.ini", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".trash", "\u{f1f8}"), // "" ("ts", "\u{e628}"), // "" (".tox", "\u{e606}"), // "" ("unlicense", "\u{e60a}"), // "" ("url", "\u{f0ac}"), // "" ("user-dirs.dirs", "\u{e5fc}"), // "" ("vagrantfile", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("vendor", "\u{f0ae6}"), // "󰫦" ("venv", "\u{f0320}"), // "󰌠" ("videos", "\u{f03d}"), // "" (".viminfo", "\u{e62b}"), // "" (".vimrc", "\u{e62b}"), // "" ("vimrc", "\u{e62b}"), // "" (".vim", "\u{e62b}"), // "" ("vim", "\u{e62b}"), // "" (".vscode", "\u{e70c}"), // "" ("webpack.config.js", "\u{f072b}"), // "󰜫" (".wgetrc", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("wgetrc", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".xauthority", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".Xauthority", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("xbps.d", "\u{f32e}"), // "" ("xbps-src", "\u{f32e}"), // "" (".xinitrc", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".xmodmap", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".Xmodmap", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("xmonad.hs", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("xorg.conf.d", "\u{e5fc}"), // "" (".xprofile", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".Xprofile", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".xresources", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".yarnrc", "\u{e6a7}"), // "" ("yarn.lock", "\u{e6a7}"), // "" ("zathurarc", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".zcompdump", "\u{e615}"), // "" (".zlogin", "\u{f1183}"), // "󱆃" (".zlogout", "\u{f1183}"), // "󱆃" (".zprofile", "\u{f1183}"), // "󱆃" (".zsh_history", "\u{f1183}"), // "󱆃" (".zshrc", "\u{f1183}"), // "󱆃" ] .iter() .map(|&s| (s.0.to_owned(), s.1.to_owned())) .collect::>() } // pub only for testing in pub fn get_default_icons_by_extension() -> HashMap { // Note: extensions must be lower-case [ ("1", "\u{f02d}"), // "" ("2", "\u{f02d}"), // "" ("3", "\u{f02d}"), // "" ("4", "\u{f02d}"), // "" ("5", "\u{f02d}"), // "" ("6", "\u{f02d}"), // "" ("7", "\u{f02d}"), // "" ("7z", "\u{f410}"), // "" ("8", "\u{f02d}"), // "" ("a", "\u{e624}"), // "" ("ai", "\u{e7b4}"), // "" ("ape", "\u{f001}"), // "" ("apk", "\u{e70e}"), // "" ("ar", "\u{f410}"), // "" ("asc", "\u{f099d}"), // "󰦝" ("asm", "\u{f471}"), // "" ("asp", "\u{f121}"), // "" ("avi", "\u{f008}"), // "" ("avro", "\u{e60b}"), // "" ("awk", "\u{f489}"), // "" ("bak", "\u{f006f}"), // "󰁯" ("bash_history", "\u{f489}"), // "" ("bash_profile", "\u{f489}"), // "" ("bashrc", "\u{f489}"), // "" ("bash", "\u{f489}"), // "" ("bat", "\u{f17a}"), // "" ("bin", "\u{eae8}"), // "" ("bio", "\u{f0411}"), // "󰐑" ("bmp", "\u{f1c5}"), // "" ("bz2", "\u{f410}"), // "" ("cc", "\u{e61d}"), // "" ("cfg", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("cjs", "\u{e74e}"), // "" ("class", "\u{e738}"), // "" ("cljs", "\u{e76a}"), // "" ("clj", "\u{e768}"), // "" ("cls", "\u{e600}"), // "" ("cl", "\u{f0172}"), // "󰅲" ("coffee", "\u{f0f4}"), // "" ("conf", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("cpp", "\u{e61d}"), // "" ("cp", "\u{e61d}"), // "" ("cshtml", "\u{f1fa}"), // "" ("csh", "\u{f489}"), // "" ("csproj", "\u{f031b}"), // "󰌛" ("css", "\u{e749}"), // "" ("cs", "\u{f031b}"), // "󰌛" ("csv", "\u{f1c3}"), // "" ("csx", "\u{f031b}"), // "󰌛" ("cts", "\u{e628}"), // "" ("c++", "\u{e61d}"), // "" ("c", "\u{e61e}"), // "" ("cue", "\u{f001}"), // "" ("cxx", "\u{e61d}"), // "" ("cypher", "\u{f1c0}"), // "" ("dart", "\u{e798}"), // "" ("dat", "\u{f1c0}"), // "" ("db", "\u{f1c0}"), // "" ("deb", "\u{f187}"), // "" ("desktop", "\u{f108}"), // "" ("diff", "\u{e728}"), // "" ("dll", "\u{f17a}"), // "" ("dockerfile", "\u{f308}"), // "" ("doc", "\u{f1c2}"), // "" ("docx", "\u{f1c2}"), // "" ("download", "\u{f43a}"), // "" ("ds_store", "\u{f179}"), // "" ("dump", "\u{f1c0}"), // "" ("ebook", "\u{e28b}"), // "" ("ebuild", "\u{f30d}"), // "" ("eclass", "\u{f30d}"), // "" ("editorconfig", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("egg-info", "\u{e606}"), // "" ("ejs", "\u{e618}"), // "" ("elc", "\u{f0172}"), // "󰅲" ("elf", "\u{f489}"), // "" ("elm", "\u{e62c}"), // "" ("el", "\u{f0172}"), // "󰅲" ("env", "\u{f462}"), // "" ("eot", "\u{f031}"), // "" ("epub", "\u{e28a}"), // "" ("erb", "\u{e73b}"), // "" ("erl", "\u{e7b1}"), // "" ("exe", "\u{f17a}"), // "" ("exs", "\u{e62d}"), // "" ("ex", "\u{e62d}"), // "" ("fish", "\u{f489}"), // "" ("flac", "\u{f001}"), // "" ("flv", "\u{f008}"), // "" ("font", "\u{f031}"), // "" ("fpl", "\u{f0411}"), // "󰐑" ("fsi", "\u{e7a7}"), // "" ("fs", "\u{e7a7}"), // "" ("fsx", "\u{e7a7}"), // "" ("gdoc", "\u{f1c2}"), // "" ("gemfile", "\u{e21e}"), // "" ("gemspec", "\u{e21e}"), // "" ("gform", "\u{f298}"), // "" ("gif", "\u{f1c5}"), // "" ("git", "\u{f1d3}"), // "" ("go", "\u{e627}"), // "" ("gradle", "\u{e660}"), // "" ("gsheet", "\u{f1c3}"), // "" ("gslides", "\u{f1c4}"), // "" ("guardfile", "\u{e21e}"), // "" ("gv", "\u{f1049}"), // "󱁉" ("gz", "\u{f410}"), // "" ("hbs", "\u{e60f}"), // "" ("heic", "\u{f1c5}"), // "" ("heif", "\u{f1c5}"), // "" ("heix", "\u{f1c5}"), // "" ("hh", "\u{f0fd}"), // "" ("hpp", "\u{f0fd}"), // "" ("hs", "\u{e777}"), // "" ("html", "\u{f13b}"), // "" ("htm", "\u{f13b}"), // "" ("h", "\u{f0fd}"), // "" ("hxx", "\u{f0fd}"), // "" ("ico", "\u{f1c5}"), // "" ("image", "\u{f1c5}"), // "" ("img", "\u{f1c0}"), // "" ("iml", "\u{e7b5}"), // "" ("info", "\u{e795}"), // "" ("in", "\u{f15c}"), // "" ("ini", "\u{e615}"), // "" ("ipynb", "\u{e606}"), // "" ("iso", "\u{f1c0}"), // "" ("j2", "\u{e000}"), // "" ("jar", "\u{e738}"), // "" ("java", "\u{e738}"), // "" ("jinja", "\u{e000}"), // "" ("jl", "\u{e624}"), // "" ("jpeg", "\u{f1c5}"), // "" ("jpg", "\u{f1c5}"), // "" ("jsonc", "\u{e60b}"), // "" ("json", "\u{e60b}"), // "" ("js", "\u{e74e}"), // "" ("jsx", "\u{e7ba}"), // "" ("key", "\u{f0306}"), // "󰌆" ("ksh", "\u{f489}"), // "" ("kt", "\u{e634}"), // "" ("kts", "\u{e634}"), // "" ("kusto", "\u{f1c0}"), // "" ("ldb", "\u{f1c0}"), // "" ("ld", "\u{e624}"), // "" ("less", "\u{e758}"), // "" ("lhs", "\u{e777}"), // "" ("license", "\u{e60a}"), // "" ("lisp", "\u{f0172}"), // "󰅲" ("list", "\u{f03a}"), // "" ("localized", "\u{f179}"), // "" ("lock", "\u{f023}"), // "" ("log", "\u{f18d}"), // "" ("lss", "\u{e749}"), // "" ("lua", "\u{e620}"), // "" ("lz", "\u{f410}"), // "" ("mgc", "\u{f0d0}"), // "" ("m3u8", "\u{f0411}"), // "󰐑" ("m3u", "\u{f0411}"), // "󰐑" ("m4a", "\u{f001}"), // "" ("m4v", "\u{f008}"), // "" ("magnet", "\u{f076}"), // "" ("malloy", "\u{f1c0}"), // "" ("man", "\u{f02d}"), // "" ("markdown", "\u{e609}"), // "" ("md", "\u{e609}"), // "" ("mjs", "\u{e74e}"), // "" ("mkd", "\u{e609}"), // "" ("mk", "\u{f085}"), // "" ("mkv", "\u{f008}"), // "" ("ml", "\u{e67a}"), // "" ("mli", "\u{e67a}"), // "" ("mll", "\u{e67a}"), // "" ("mly", "\u{e67a}"), // "" ("mobi", "\u{e28b}"), // "" ("mov", "\u{f008}"), // "" ("mp3", "\u{f001}"), // "" ("mp4", "\u{f008}"), // "" ("msi", "\u{f17a}"), // "" ("mts", "\u{e628}"), // "" ("mustache", "\u{e60f}"), // "" ("nim", "\u{e677}"), // "" ("nimble", "\u{e677}"), // "" ("nix", "\u{f313}"), // "" ("npmignore", "\u{e71e}"), // "" ("odp", "\u{f1c4}"), // "" ("ods", "\u{f1c3}"), // "" ("odt", "\u{f1c2}"), // "" ("ogg", "\u{f001}"), // "" ("ogv", "\u{f008}"), // "" ("old", "\u{f006f}"), // "󰁯" ("opus", "\u{f001}"), // "" ("orig", "\u{f006f}"), // "󰁯" ("org", "\u{e633}"), // "" ("otf", "\u{f031}"), // "" ("o", "\u{eae8}"), // "" ("part", "\u{f43a}"), // "" ("patch", "\u{e728}"), // "" ("pdb", "\u{f0aaa}"), // "󰪪" ("pdf", "\u{f1c1}"), // "" ("pem", "\u{f0306}"), // "󰌆" ("phar", "\u{e608}"), // "" ("php", "\u{e608}"), // "" ("pkg", "\u{f187}"), // "" ("pl", "\u{e67e}"), // "" ("plist", "\u{f302}"), // "" ("pls", "\u{f0411}"), // "󰐑" ("plx", "\u{e67e}"), // "" ("pm", "\u{e67e}"), // "" ("png", "\u{f1c5}"), // "" ("pod", "\u{e67e}"), // "" ("pp", "\u{e631}"), // "" ("ppt", "\u{f1c4}"), // "" ("pptx", "\u{f1c4}"), // "" ("procfile", "\u{e21e}"), // "" ("properties", "\u{e60b}"), // "" ("prql", "\u{f1c0}"), // "" ("ps1", "\u{f489}"), // "" ("psd", "\u{e7b8}"), // "" ("pub", "\u{f0306}"), // "󰌆" ("slt", "\u{f0221}"), // "󰈡" ("pxm", "\u{f1c5}"), // "" ("pyc", "\u{e606}"), // "" ("py", "\u{e606}"), // "" ("rakefile", "\u{e21e}"), // "" ("rar", "\u{f410}"), // "" ("razor", "\u{f1fa}"), // "" ("rb", "\u{e21e}"), // "" ("rdata", "\u{f07d4}"), // "󰟔" ("rdb", "\u{e76d}"), // "" ("rdoc", "\u{e609}"), // "" ("rds", "\u{f07d4}"), // "󰟔" ("readme", "\u{e609}"), // "" ("rlib", "\u{e68b}"), // "" ("rl", "\u{f11c}"), // "" ("rmd", "\u{e609}"), // "" ("rmeta", "\u{e68b}"), // "" ("rpm", "\u{f187}"), // "" ("rproj", "\u{f05c6}"), // "󰗆" ("rq", "\u{f1c0}"), // "" ("rspec_parallel", "\u{e21e}"), // "" ("rspec_status", "\u{e21e}"), // "" ("rspec", "\u{e21e}"), // "" ("rss", "\u{f09e}"), // "" ("rs", "\u{e68b}"), // "" ("rtf", "\u{f15c}"), // "" ("rubydoc", "\u{e73b}"), // "" ("r", "\u{f07d4}"), // "󰟔" ("ru", "\u{e21e}"), // "" ("sass", "\u{e603}"), // "" ("scala", "\u{e737}"), // "" ("scpt", "\u{f302}"), // "" ("scss", "\u{e603}"), // "" ("shell", "\u{f489}"), // "" ("sh", "\u{f489}"), // "" ("sig", "\u{e60a}"), // "" ("slim", "\u{e73b}"), // "" ("sln", "\u{e70c}"), // "" ("so", "\u{e624}"), // "" ("sqlite3", "\u{e7c4}"), // "" ("sql", "\u{f1c0}"), // "" ("srt", "\u{f0a16}"), // "󰨖" ("styl", "\u{e600}"), // "" ("stylus", "\u{e600}"), // "" ("sublime-menu", "\u{e7aa}"), // "" ("sublime-package", "\u{e7aa}"), // "" ("sublime-project", "\u{e7aa}"), // "" ("sublime-session", "\u{e7aa}"), // "" ("sub", "\u{f0a16}"), // "󰨖" ("s", "\u{f471}"), // "" ("svg", "\u{f1c5}"), // "" ("svelte", "\u{e697}"), // "" ("swift", "\u{e755}"), // "" ("swp", "\u{e62b}"), // "" ("sym", "\u{eae8}"), // "" ("tar", "\u{f410}"), // "" ("taz", "\u{f410}"), // "" ("tbz", "\u{f410}"), // "" ("tbz2", "\u{f410}"), // "" ("tex", "\u{e600}"), // "" ("tgz", "\u{f410}"), // "" ("tiff", "\u{f1c5}"), // "" ("timestamp", "\u{f43a}"), // "" ("toml", "\u{e60b}"), // "" ("torrent", "\u{f048d}"), // "󰒍" ("trash", "\u{f1f8}"), // "" ("ts", "\u{e628}"), // "" ("tsx", "\u{e7ba}"), // "" ("ttc", "\u{f031}"), // "" ("ttf", "\u{f031}"), // "" ("t", "\u{e769}"), // "" ("twig", "\u{e61c}"), // "" ("txt", "\u{f15c}"), // "" ("unity", "\u{e721}"), // "" ("unity32", "\u{e721}"), // "" ("video", "\u{f008}"), // "" ("vim", "\u{e62b}"), // "" ("vlc", "\u{f0411}"), // "󰐑" ("vue", "\u{f0844}"), // "󰡄" ("wav", "\u{f001}"), // "" ("webm", "\u{f008}"), // "" ("webp", "\u{f1c5}"), // "" ("whl", "\u{f487}"), // "" ("windows", "\u{f17a}"), // "" ("wma", "\u{f001}"), // "" ("wmv", "\u{f008}"), // "" ("woff2", "\u{f031}"), // "" ("woff", "\u{f031}"), // "" ("wpl", "\u{f0411}"), // "󰐑" ("xbps", "\u{f187}"), // "" ("xcf", "\u{f1c5}"), // "" ("xls", "\u{f1c3}"), // "" ("xlsx", "\u{f1c3}"), // "" ("xml", "\u{f121}"), // "" ("xul", "\u{f269}"), // "" ("xz", "\u{f410}"), // "" ("yaml", "\u{e60b}"), // "" ("yml", "\u{e60b}"), // "" ("zip", "\u{f410}"), // "" ("zig", "\u{e6a9}"), // "" ("zshrc", "\u{f489}"), // "" ("zsh-theme", "\u{f489}"), // "" ("zsh", "\u{f489}"), // "" ("zst", "\u{f410}"), // "" ] .iter() .map(|&s| (s.0.to_owned(), s.1.to_owned())) .collect::>() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::IconTheme; use crate::theme::Theme; fn partial_default_yaml() -> &'static str { r#"--- name: .trash:  .cargo:  .emacs.d:  a.out:  extension: go:  hs:  rs:  filetype: dir:  file:  pipe: 󰈲 socket: 󰆨 executable:  symlink-dir:  symlink-file:  device-char:  device-block: 󰜫 special:  "# } fn check_partial_yaml(def: &IconTheme, yaml: &IconTheme) { assert_eq!(def.filetype.dir, yaml.filetype.dir,); } #[test] fn test_default_theme() { let def = IconTheme::default(); let yaml = Theme::with_yaml(partial_default_yaml()).unwrap(); check_partial_yaml(&def, &yaml); } #[test] fn test_tmp_partial_default_theme_file() { use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write; let dir = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let theme = dir.path().join("icon.yaml"); let mut file = File::create(&theme).unwrap(); writeln!(file, "{}", partial_default_yaml()).unwrap(); let def = IconTheme::default(); let decoded = Theme::from_path(theme.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap(); check_partial_yaml(&def, &decoded); } #[test] fn test_empty_theme_return_default() { // Must contain one field at least // ref let empty: IconTheme = Theme::with_yaml(" ").unwrap(); let default = IconTheme::default(); check_partial_yaml(&empty, &default); } #[test] fn test_partial_theme_return_default() { // Must contain one field at least // ref let empty: IconTheme = Theme::with_yaml("filetype:\n dir: ").unwrap(); //  is the default value let default = IconTheme::default(); check_partial_yaml(&empty, &default); } #[test] fn test_serde_dir_from_yaml() { // Must contain one field at least // ref let empty: IconTheme = Theme::with_yaml("filetype:\n dir: ").unwrap(); assert_eq!(empty.filetype.dir, ""); } #[test] fn test_custom_icon_by_name() { // When a user sets to use 📦-icon for a cargo.toml file, let theme: IconTheme = Theme::with_yaml("name:\n cargo.toml: 📦").unwrap(); // 📦-icon should be used for a cargo.toml file. assert_eq!("cargo.toml").unwrap(), "📦"); } #[test] fn test_default_icon_by_name_with_custom_entry() { // When a user sets to use 📦-icon for a cargo.toml file, let theme: IconTheme = Theme::with_yaml("name:\n cargo.toml: 📦").unwrap(); // the default icon  should be used for a cargo.lock file. assert_eq!("cargo.lock").unwrap(), "\u{e68b}"); } #[test] fn test_custom_icon_by_extension() { // When a user sets to use 🦀-icon for *.rs files, let theme: IconTheme = Theme::with_yaml("extension:\n rs: 🦀").unwrap(); // 🦀-icon should be used for *.rs files. assert_eq!(theme.extension.get("rs").unwrap(), "🦀"); } #[test] fn test_default_icon_by_extension_with_custom_entry() { // When a user sets to use 🦀-icon for *.rs files, let theme: IconTheme = Theme::with_yaml("extension:\n rs: 🦀").unwrap(); // the default icon  should be used for *.go files. assert_eq!(theme.extension.get("go").unwrap(), "\u{e627}"); } }