path: root/rust/module/src/
diff options
authorMiguel Ojeda <>2020-09-12 14:38:29 +0200
committerMiguel Ojeda <>2020-09-12 17:06:06 +0200
commit493d0d6440128a42b81fa4797212bf5966b9f54f (patch)
treeaf64a01138b2baa7454b4448168e0ef999a775a2 /rust/module/src/
parente280b81cab4477f0709e9f519c86944af44a913c (diff)
Parameter support
To have more flexibility, switch to a procedural macro instead. Signed-off-by: Miguel Ojeda <>
Diffstat (limited to 'rust/module/src/')
1 files changed, 355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rust/module/src/ b/rust/module/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..721f9337c3b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/module/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+//! Implements the `module!` macro magic
+extern crate proc_macro;
+use proc_macro::{TokenStream, TokenTree, Group, Delimiter, token_stream};
+fn expect_ident(it: &mut token_stream::IntoIter) -> String {
+ if let TokenTree::Ident(ident) = {
+ ident.to_string()
+ } else {
+ panic!("Expected Ident");
+ }
+fn expect_punct(it: &mut token_stream::IntoIter) -> char {
+ if let TokenTree::Punct(punct) = {
+ punct.as_char()
+ } else {
+ panic!("Expected Punct");
+ }
+fn expect_literal(it: &mut token_stream::IntoIter) -> String {
+ if let TokenTree::Literal(literal) = {
+ literal.to_string()
+ } else {
+ panic!("Expected Literal");
+ }
+fn expect_group(it: &mut token_stream::IntoIter) -> Group {
+ if let TokenTree::Group(group) = {
+ group
+ } else {
+ panic!("Expected Group");
+ }
+fn expect_end(it: &mut token_stream::IntoIter) {
+ if let None = {
+ } else {
+ panic!("Expected end");
+ }
+fn get_ident(it: &mut token_stream::IntoIter, expected_name: &str) -> String {
+ assert_eq!(expect_ident(it), expected_name);
+ assert_eq!(expect_punct(it), ':');
+ let ident = expect_ident(it);
+ assert_eq!(expect_punct(it), ',');
+ ident
+fn get_literal(it: &mut token_stream::IntoIter, expected_name: &str) -> String {
+ assert_eq!(expect_ident(it), expected_name);
+ assert_eq!(expect_punct(it), ':');
+ let literal = expect_literal(it);
+ assert_eq!(expect_punct(it), ',');
+ literal
+fn get_group(it: &mut token_stream::IntoIter, expected_name: &str) -> Group {
+ assert_eq!(expect_ident(it), expected_name);
+ assert_eq!(expect_punct(it), ':');
+ let group = expect_group(it);
+ assert_eq!(expect_punct(it), ',');
+ group
+fn get_byte_string(it: &mut token_stream::IntoIter, expected_name: &str) -> String {
+ let byte_string = get_literal(it, expected_name);
+ assert!(byte_string.starts_with("b\""));
+ assert!(byte_string.ends_with("\""));
+ byte_string[2..byte_string.len() - 1].to_string()
+fn build_modinfo_builtin_string(module_name: &str, name: &str, string: &str) -> String {
+ format!(
+ "
+ // Built-in modules prefix their modinfo strings by `module_name.`
+ #[cfg(not(MODULE))]
+ #[link_section = \".modinfo\"]
+ #[used]
+ pub static {name}: [u8; {length}] = *b\"{module_name}.{string}\\0\";
+ ",
+ module_name = module_name,
+ name = name,
+ length = module_name.len() + 1 + string.len() + 1,
+ string = string,
+ )
+fn build_modinfo_string(module_name: &str, name: &str, string: &str) -> String {
+ format!(
+ "
+ // Loadable modules' modinfo strings go as-is
+ #[cfg(MODULE)]
+ #[link_section = \".modinfo\"]
+ #[used]
+ pub static {name}: [u8; {length}] = *b\"{string}\\0\";
+ ",
+ name = name,
+ length = string.len() + 1,
+ string = string,
+ ) + &build_modinfo_builtin_string(module_name, name, string)
+/// Declares a kernel module.
+/// The `typename` argument should be a type which implements the [`KernelModule`] trait.
+/// Also accepts various forms of kernel metadata.
+/// Example:
+/// ```rust,no_run
+/// use kernel::prelude::*;
+/// module!{
+/// typename: MyKernelModule,
+/// name: b"my_kernel_module",
+/// author: b"Rust for Linux Contributors",
+/// description: b"My very own kernel module!",
+/// license: b"GPL v2",
+/// params: {},
+/// }
+/// struct MyKernelModule;
+/// impl KernelModule for MyKernelModule {
+/// fn init() -> KernelResult<Self> {
+/// Ok(MyKernelModule)
+/// }
+/// }
+/// ```
+pub fn module(ts: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
+ let mut it = ts.into_iter();
+ let typename = get_ident(&mut it, "typename");
+ let name = get_byte_string(&mut it, "name");
+ let author = get_byte_string(&mut it, "author");
+ let description = get_byte_string(&mut it, "description");
+ let license = get_byte_string(&mut it, "license");
+ let params = get_group(&mut it, "params");
+ expect_end(&mut it);
+ assert_eq!(params.delimiter(), Delimiter::Brace);
+ let mut it =;
+ let mut params_modinfo = String::new();
+ loop {
+ let param_name = match {
+ Some(TokenTree::Ident(ident)) => ident.to_string(),
+ Some(_) => panic!("Expected Ident or end"),
+ None => break,
+ };
+ assert_eq!(expect_punct(&mut it), ':');
+ let param_type = expect_ident(&mut it);
+ let group = expect_group(&mut it);
+ assert_eq!(expect_punct(&mut it), ',');
+ assert_eq!(group.delimiter(), Delimiter::Brace);
+ let mut param_it =;
+ let param_default = if param_type == "bool" {
+ get_ident(&mut param_it, "default_")
+ } else {
+ get_literal(&mut param_it, "default_")
+ };
+ let param_permissions = get_literal(&mut param_it, "permissions");
+ let param_description = get_byte_string(&mut param_it, "description");
+ expect_end(&mut param_it);
+ // TODO: more primitive types
+ // TODO: other kinds: arrays, unsafes, etc.
+ let param_kernel_type = match param_type.as_ref() {
+ "bool" => "bool",
+ "i32" => "int",
+ _ => panic!("Unrecognized type"),
+ };
+ params_modinfo.push_str(&build_modinfo_string(
+ &name,
+ &format!("__{}_{}_PARMTYPE", name, param_name),
+ &format!("parmtype={}:{}", param_name, param_kernel_type)
+ ));
+ params_modinfo.push_str(&build_modinfo_string(
+ &name,
+ &format!("__{}_{}_PARM", name, param_name),
+ &format!("parm={}:{}", param_name, param_description)
+ ));
+ params_modinfo.push_str(
+ &format!(
+ "
+ static mut __{name}_{param_name}_VALUE: {param_type} = {param_default};
+ struct __{name}_{param_name};
+ impl __{name}_{param_name} {{
+ fn read(&self) -> {param_type} {{
+ unsafe {{ __{name}_{param_name}_VALUE }}
+ }}
+ }}
+ const {param_name}: __{name}_{param_name} = __{name}_{param_name};
+ // FIXME: does the `align` do the right thing here?
+ // `core::mem::size_of(usize)`
+ #[repr(C,align(8))]
+ struct __{name}_{param_name}_RacyKernelParam(kernel::bindings::kernel_param);
+ unsafe impl Sync for __{name}_{param_name}_RacyKernelParam {{
+ }}
+ #[cfg(not(MODULE))]
+ const __{name}_{param_name}_NAME: *const kernel::c_types::c_char = b\"{name}.{param_name}\\0\" as *const _ as *const kernel::c_types::c_char;
+ #[cfg(MODULE)]
+ const __{name}_{param_name}_NAME: *const kernel::c_types::c_char = b\"{param_name}\\0\" as *const _ as *const kernel::c_types::c_char;
+ #[link_section = \"__param\"]
+ #[used]
+ static __{name}_{param_name}_STRUCT: __{name}_{param_name}_RacyKernelParam = __{name}_{param_name}_RacyKernelParam(kernel::bindings::kernel_param {{
+ name: __{name}_{param_name}_NAME,
+ mod_: core::ptr::null_mut(),
+ ops: unsafe {{ &kernel::bindings::param_ops_{param_kernel_type} }} as *const kernel::bindings::kernel_param_ops,
+ perm: {permissions},
+ level: -1,
+ flags: 0,
+ __bindgen_anon_1: kernel::bindings::kernel_param__bindgen_ty_1 {{
+ arg: unsafe {{ &__{name}_{param_name}_VALUE }} as *const _ as *mut kernel::c_types::c_void,
+ }},
+ }});
+ ",
+ name = name,
+ param_type = param_type,
+ param_kernel_type = param_kernel_type,
+ param_default = param_default,
+ param_name = param_name,
+ permissions = param_permissions,
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ format!(
+ "
+ static mut __MOD: Option<{typename}> = None;
+ // Loadable modules need to export the `{{init,cleanup}}_module` identifiers
+ #[cfg(MODULE)]
+ #[no_mangle]
+ pub extern \"C\" fn init_module() -> kernel::c_types::c_int {{
+ __init()
+ }}
+ #[cfg(MODULE)]
+ #[no_mangle]
+ pub extern \"C\" fn cleanup_module() {{
+ __exit()
+ }}
+ // Built-in modules are initialized through an initcall pointer
+ // and the identifiers need to be unique
+ #[cfg(not(MODULE))]
+ #[link_section = \".initcall6.init\"]
+ #[used]
+ pub static __{name}_initcall: extern \"C\" fn() -> kernel::c_types::c_int = __{name}_init;
+ #[cfg(not(MODULE))]
+ global_asm!(
+ r#\".section \".initcall6.init\", \"a\"
+ __{name}_initcall:
+ .long __{name}_init - .
+ .previous
+ \"#
+ );
+ #[cfg(not(MODULE))]
+ #[no_mangle]
+ pub extern \"C\" fn __{name}_init() -> kernel::c_types::c_int {{
+ __init()
+ }}
+ #[cfg(not(MODULE))]
+ #[no_mangle]
+ pub extern \"C\" fn __{name}_exit() {{
+ __exit()
+ }}
+ fn __init() -> kernel::c_types::c_int {{
+ match <{typename} as KernelModule>::init() {{
+ Ok(m) => {{
+ unsafe {{
+ __MOD = Some(m);
+ }}
+ return 0;
+ }}
+ Err(e) => {{
+ return e.to_kernel_errno();
+ }}
+ }}
+ }}
+ fn __exit() {{
+ unsafe {{
+ // Invokes `drop()` on `__MOD`, which should be used for cleanup.
+ __MOD = None;
+ }}
+ }}
+ {author}
+ {description}
+ {license}
+ // Built-in modules also export the `file` modinfo string
+ {file}
+ {params_modinfo}
+ ",
+ typename = typename,
+ name = name,
+ author = &build_modinfo_string(
+ &name,
+ &format!("__{}_AUTHOR", name),
+ &format!("author={}", author),
+ ),
+ description = &build_modinfo_string(
+ &name,
+ &format!("__{}_DESCRIPTION", name),
+ &format!("description={}", description),
+ ),
+ license = &build_modinfo_string(
+ &name,
+ &format!("__{}_LICENSE", name),
+ &format!("license={}", license),
+ ),
+ file = &build_modinfo_builtin_string(
+ &name,
+ &format!("__{}_FILE", name),
+ &format!("file={}", std::env::var("RUST_MODFILE").unwrap()),
+ ),
+ params_modinfo = params_modinfo,
+ ).parse().unwrap()