# libical This library aims to be a high-level idomatic Rust crate for ical data handling and manipulation. It uses the famous [libical](https://libical.github.io/libical/) via the [libical-sys](https://github.com/Valodim/libical-sys) crate. ## Status / Progress * v0.2.0 is a (pending) refactoring effort to make this library more idomatic for rust development. * [v0.1.0](https://crates.io/crates/libical) was published after the codebase was extracted from the [khaleesii](https://github.com/Valodim/khaleesi) project. ## License LGPL-2.1 or MPL-2.0, at your opinion (see ./LICENSE.lgpl or ./LICENSE.mpl respecticely).