path: root/testdata/ccc/schedule-35c3.ics
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+PRODID;X-RICAL-TZSOURCE=TZINFO:-//com.denhaven2/NONSGML ri_cal gem//EN
+DESCRIPTION:From Cyberfeminism to XenoFeminism - a short history of radic
+ al appropriations of media. This discussion will question how media is m
+ ade (for whom and for what) and how meaning is produced through differen
+ t contexts. it will feature media hacks and productions spanning a centu
+ ry and three continents.
+ ml
+SUMMARY: C2X: The television will not be revolutionized. - Rama Thiaw\, d
+ ia
+DESCRIPTION:A variety of initiatives aims at encouraging female engagemen
+ t in the hacker and maker scene. We present there some promising approac
+ hes and key learnings in a joint panel discussion.
+ ml
+SUMMARY: Feminist Perspectives - Geraldine de Bastion\, Em O'Sullivan\, L
+ ena Mohr\, Hong Phuc Dang\, Le RESET\, feminist hackerspace
+DESCRIPTION:Sieben Jahre lang musste den Behörden jedes Stück der verspro
+ chenen Aufklärung des NSU-Komplexes abgerungen werden. Das Urteil im ers
+ ten NSU-Prozess zeigt: Deutschland ist nur sehr eingeschränkt bereit\, r
+ echtem Terror entgegenzutreten und ihn aufzuarbeiten\, den Betroffenen\,
+ Geschädigten und Überlebenden zuzuhören und ihnen Schutz zu garantieren
+ . Das zu leisten ist unsere Aufgabe: die Aufgabe der Gesellschaft\, die
+ Aufgabe einer antifaschistischen und antirassistischen Linken.
+ l
+SUMMARY:"Das ist mir nicht erinnerlich." − Der NSU-Komplex heute - Caro K
+ eller (NSU-Watch)
+DESCRIPTION:The Chinese Social Credit System (SCS) has been discussed a l
+ ot in Western media. However\, we do not know currently how the system t
+ hat is supposed to take nationwide effect by 2020 will look like\, as th
+ ere are more than 70 pilot projects currently undertaken. These pilots r
+ ank from commercial royalty and rewards programs (Sesame Credit) to an O
+ rwellian system\, where each action has a predetermined associated score
+ (Rongcheng). In-between\, there’s nebulous algorithmic systems that bas
+ ically act as a Black Box (Honesty Shanghai). This talk\, therefore\, lo
+ oks at some of these pilots and their implementation details\, and throu
+ gh an agent-based modeling framework\, discusses the likely effects of d
+ ifferent implementations. In doing so\, it shows that most of the system
+ s currently being tested are prone to manipulation by leaders from all l
+ evels of government\, and that the ostensible goal of allocating scarce
+ resources more efficiently is unlikely to be served by the new system(s)
+ .
+ l
+SUMMARY:"The" Social Credit System - Toni
+DESCRIPTION:Im Mai 2018 initiierte Reclaim Club Culture (RCC) in Berlin e
+ inen Protest gegen einen Aufmarsch der AfD und die AFDsierung der Gesell
+ schaft. Zusammen mit mehr als 170 Techno Clubs\, Festivals und Veranstal
+ ter*innen organisierten wir innerhalb von zwei Wochen drei Demozüge\, au
+ f denen sich mehr als 60.000 Demonstrant*innen versammelten. Dies ereign
+ ete sich in einem politischen Klima\, in dem die Linke von den Erfolgen
+ der Faschist*innen wie gelähmt schien und ein großer Teil der Gesellscha
+ ft immer weiter nach rechts abdriftete. Ausgehend von einer selbstkritis
+ chen Praxis werden wir der Frage nachgehen\, wie und warum dies (scheinb
+ ar) plötzlich gelang.
+ l
+SUMMARY:#afdwegbassen: Protest\, (Club-)Kultur und antifaschistischer Wid
+ erstand - Reclaim Club Culture\, Rosa Rave\, Rosa Rave*
+DESCRIPTION:<p>Von unerwünschten Nachrichten über Bedrohungen bis hin zum
+ Intimizid. Allein im Jahr 2017 wurden rund 18.483 Fälle von Stalking po
+ lizeilich erfasst\, die Dunkelziffer wird auf 600.000-800.000 Betroffene
+ geschätzt. Unter dem Begriff Stalking wird allgemein das „wiederholte\,
+ widerrechtliche Verfolgen und Belästigen eines Menschen\, so dass desse
+ n Sicherheit bedroht und er/sie in seiner/ihrer Lebensgestaltung schwerw
+ iegend beeinträchtig wird“ verstanden. Die Ausführungsformen und Intensi
+ tät des Stalkings oder Cyberstalkings sind sehr heterogen\, sodass sich
+ oft die Frage nach der Grenze zur Strafbarkeit stellt.<\\p>
+ ml
+SUMMARY:(Cyber-)Stalking: Wenn Grenzen verschwimmen - Jan Kalbitzer\, Kor
+ ina Winter
+DESCRIPTION:35C3 is run by teams of volunteers. In this event\, they will
+ provide some insight into the challenges they faced while building the
+ GSM\, DECT and IP networks\, running video streams\, or organizing ticke
+ t sales. All graphs will be pointing up and to the right.
+ l
+SUMMARY:35C3 Infrastructure Review - Leon\, Kévin Redon
+DESCRIPTION:Where is the blockchain\, how long is it\, and what does it h
+ ave to do with cryptography? And is it really something completely new?
+ I spent a lot of time in pubs explaining to people what this blockchain
+ hype is all about. It turns out that the best way to do that is to use i
+ mages - literally.\nThe idea behind this talk is to give you a rough und
+ erstanding of the scientific background behind the Blockchain technolog
+ y.
+ l
+SUMMARY:A Blockchain Picture Book - Alex Dirksen
+DESCRIPTION:With the beginning of last year\, two major security vulnerab
+ ilities have been disclosed: Meltdown and Spectre. While mitigations in
+ software and hardware have been rolled out right away\, new variants hav
+ e been continuously released in the following months. With all those con
+ fusing names\, how can you possibly still have a clear overview of all t
+ hose vulnerabilities (SpectreV1\, SpectreV2\, Meltdown\, Spectre-NG\, Sp
+ ectreRSB\, L1TF\, Foreshadow\, ...)? With this talk\, we present a novel
+ classification that will ease the naming complexity of the current jung
+ le of variants. Along with all different attacks\, we will give an overv
+ iew of all proposed mitigations and show how an attacker still can mount
+ an attack despite the presence of implemented countermeasures. Furtherm
+ ore\, we will present new variants of the Meltdown attack\, exploiting d
+ ifferent parts of the CPU.
+ l
+SUMMARY:A Christmas Carol - The Spectres of the Past\, Present\, and Futu
+ re - Moritz Lipp\, Michael Schwarz\, Daniel Gruss\, Claudio Canella
+DESCRIPTION:This lecture tells the story of Internet infrastructure trans
+ formations in Crimea\, the peninsula disputed between Russia and Ukraine
+ between 2014 and 2018. It is based on an extensive year-long study invo
+ lving network measurements and interviews with key players. Crimea has b
+ ecome a "laboratory" where we can observe\, in just 4 years\, a rapid an
+ d profound transition of infrastructure\, that deeply impacted the Inter
+ net Service Provider market\, routing trajectories\, Internet censorship
+ practices in the region. Annexation has transformed the way Crimea is p
+ lugged to the "outer world" - in terms of peering and transit relations
+ between various autonomous systems\, creating a much more centralized in
+ frastructure and monopolized market. This\, in its turn\, had an importa
+ nt impact for Crimean end-users - in terms of quality\, speed\, price of
+ Internet service\, as well as in terms of Internet censorship and vario
+ us traffic anomalies that they experience. Moreover\, server-side geoblo
+ cking by online payment platforms\, Google Play\, Apple and other import
+ ant services\, is imposed on Crimean users\, because of international sa
+ nctions that have a controversial impact\, including a risk of overblock
+ ing\, further isolation of Crimean civil society and reinforcing a more
+ general trend towards "balkanization" of the Internet(s). [1]
+ l
+SUMMARY:A Routing Interregnum: Internet infrastructure transition in Crim
+ ea after Russian annexation - Xenia
+DESCRIPTION:A Web Page in Three Acts is a live coding performance which c
+ ombines principles of choreography within the formal structures of codin
+ g. An assemblage of semi-improvised visuals and composition experiments
+ in web environments. The screen becomes an open stage for the hybrid cod
+ e which links choreography and web programming as well as body and langu
+ age.
+ l
+SUMMARY:A WebPage in Three Acts - Joana Chicau
+DESCRIPTION:It is now 27 years since MS-DOS 5.0 was released. During its
+ day there was the threat of viruses breaking your system or making it ac
+ t in unpredictable ways. Due to its age and near total lack of consumer
+ use it is safe to assume that all of the viruses for MS-DOS have been wr
+ itten. Using community archives and modern analysis methods we can uncov
+ er how they worked and reflect on how things have changed.
+ l
+SUMMARY:A deep dive into the world of DOS viruses - Ben Cartwright-Cox
+DESCRIPTION:A major part of software development is maintenance\, i.e. ti
+ nkering with software that should already be completed but still somehow
+ does not work as it should. Software developed by tinkering is the anti
+ thesis to resilient technology\, and a growing threat to our profession
+ and our lives. Working on this kind of software crushes the soul. Yet th
+ is is exactly how most IoT devices (and computers in general) are progra
+ mmed these days. We need to replace the dead technology-oriented objects
+ of the past with supple models enriching our domains and our souls. Thi
+ s talk shows how it is done.\n
+ l
+SUMMARY:A farewell to soul-crushing code - Mike Sperber\, Nicole Rauch
+DESCRIPTION:Performance lecture by Cornelia Sollfrank that makes a (techn
+ o-)feminist comment on the entanglements of gender\, technology and info
+ rmation politics exemplified by the case of Julian Assange and Wikileaks
+ . The artist takes us in her text assemblage on an adventurous trip into
+ the realm of zeros and ones\, of data and pure information\, of ciphers
+ \, signifiers and figures. On the other side of reality we encounter sus
+ pected heroes\, leaks and phreaks\, engineers of escape who control our
+ secret desires. Rape can be performed in many ways. In a state of total
+ transparency: what shall we eat\, when society feeds upon the repressed?
+ Knowing yourself means knowing what to look for.
+ l
+SUMMARY:A la recherche de l'information perdue - Coco Sollfrank
+DESCRIPTION:Let's think "Beyond Slavery": Afroroutes is a one-of-a-kind V
+ R experience conceived as a journey through 3 displaced African heritage
+ s\, immersing users in Rituals and Ceremonies to experience that well-co
+ nserved memory form\, but also to feel the power of Music as a strong an
+ thropological tool. Connecting Afro-diasporic narratives: alterity and h
+ eritage transcendence within the digital era\, Afroroutes is a trigger t
+ o open a crucial debate about diasporic identity.\n
+ ml
+SUMMARY:Afroroutes: Africa Elsewhere - Sélim Harbi
+DESCRIPTION:"All Creatures Welcome sketches a utopian image of society in
+ the digital era. Accompanied by the appeal to “use hacking as a mindset
+ \,” the viewers immerse themselves\, together with the filmmaker\, in a
+ documentary adventure game and explore the world of digital communities
+ at the events held by the Chaos Computer Club\; a real-world reflection
+ of the virtual spectrum." – after the rough cut screening at the 34c3 we
+ will show now the final version. \nJoin us and be part of the moment wh
+ en we put the movie online and make it freely available under a creative
+ commons license at the beginning of the screening!
+ l
+SUMMARY:All Creatures Welcome - Sandra Trostel\, Thies Mynther
+DESCRIPTION:Plötzlich geht alles ganz schnell: Online-Behandlungen und el
+ ektronische Gesundheitsakten sind dieses Jahr für Millionen Krankenversi
+ cherte Wirklichkeit geworden. Zu einem hohen Preis: Bereits einfache Ang
+ riffe lassen das Sicherheitskonzept der Apps und Plattformen zusammenbre
+ chen. Warum das so ist\, welche kritischen Fehler Vivy & Co. gemacht hab
+ en und wie das möglicherweise verhindert werden kann\, das soll dieser V
+ ortrag zeigen - denn in spätestens drei Jahren sollen auch die Gesundhei
+ tsdaten aller übrigen Versicherten zentral gespeichert und online abrufb
+ ar sein.
+ l
+SUMMARY:All Your Gesundheitsakten Are Belong To Us - Martin Tschirsich
+DESCRIPTION:Facebook monopoly is an issue\, but looking for replacements
+ it is not enough. We want to develop critical judgment on algorithms\, o
+ n why data politics matter and educate\, raise awareness for a broad aud
+ ience. With <a href="">our tool</a>\,
+ we enable an individual to collect evidence and see how Facebook's algor
+ ithm truly shares their data. Not data about themselves\, but the bias o
+ f facebook treats data\, re-shares certain content over other content. C
+ ollectively we can analyze the algorithm\, understand Facebooks agendas
+ and show how little agency users have.
+ l
+SUMMARY:Analyze the Facebook algorithm and reclaim data sovereignty - Cl
+ audio Agosti
+DESCRIPTION:Jeder Nutzer hat das Recht bei seinen Dienstanbietern eine Ko
+ pie seiner Daten anzufordern. Doch wer macht das schon? Wir haben genau
+ das getan. Das Ergebnis war nicht nur eine intensive und emotionale Brie
+ ffreundschaften mit der Datenschutz-Abteilung von Amazon. Das Ganze hat
+ auch sehr viel Datenmüll zu Tage befördert.
+ l
+SUMMARY:Archäologische Studien im Datenmüll - Letty\, Katharina Nocun
+DESCRIPTION:Why do navigation systems have feminine voices? We know Tay\,
+ Eliza\, Siri not only as female names\, but also as chatbots and softwa
+ re\, which directly interact with humans. Although computer programs are
+ per se genderless\, gender seems not to be cancelled out in human-machi
+ ne interaction\, but why?
+ l
+SUMMARY:Are machines feminine? - Polaris
+DESCRIPTION:When a electrical device needs to be a piece of art or used a
+ s a mechanical component\, a printed circuit board is more than a piece
+ of fiberglass with wires embedded in it. In chemical engineering applica
+ tions internal holes which allow fluids to be transported through the PC
+ B need to be placed in complex precise patterns. As art\, holes can be u
+ sed to create positive and negative space\, allowing you to see a charli
+ eplexed LED display as a snowflake. Creating complex shapes in PCB desig
+ n software is difficult to impossible. However\, it is easy in CAD softw
+ are. In this talk I will present the project workflow I use to design an
+ d manufacture my PCBs. Additionally\, I will discuss the problems I have
+ run into during manufacturing and how these problems were resolved.
+ l
+SUMMARY:Artistic PCB Design and Fabrication - hammes hacks
+DESCRIPTION:In this talk\, I discuss how to reliably find bugs in the Chr
+ ome IPC system with the goal of escaping the sandbox. I show how to enum
+ erate the attack surface\, how to identify the weak areas\, and how to f
+ uzz those areas efficiently to consistently produce bugs.
+ l
+SUMMARY:Attacking Chrome IPC - nedwill
+DESCRIPTION:In this talk\, I’ll present several attacks that leak the pla
+ intext of OpenPGP or S/MIME encrypted emails to an attacker. Some of the
+ attacks are technically interesting\, i.e. the two different efail atta
+ cks\, some are somewhat silly\, yet effective. Some abuse HTML emails\,
+ some also work with plain ASCII emails. Furthermore\, I’ll discuss our l
+ essons learned and describe the efail-related changes to mail clients an
+ d the OpenPGP and S/MIME standards.
+ l
+SUMMARY:Attacking end-to-end email encryption - Sebastian Schinzel
+DESCRIPTION:There has been a lot of talk about Virtual Reality (VR)\, but
+ still there are very little applications to enhance our everyday lives
+ outside of entertainment. Augmented Reality (AR)\, the less known siblin
+ g of VR\, has the power to have a more profound impact on our lives than
+ VR ever could. Instead of replacing the real world with a virtual one\,
+ AR enhances the reality with virtual content. Therefore\, AR can be a g
+ ateway for people in accessing and understanding todays technology and c
+ ould provide vast possibilities to support our everyday lives\, e.g.\, f
+ or navigation\, traveling\, or education.\nThis talk will give an overvi
+ ew on AR in general and explain its possible benefits and use cases\, as
+ well as the issues that may arise\, e.g.\, regarding privacy\, data sec
+ urity\, as well as psychological and sociological challenges. The talk r
+ equires no special knowledge and is suited for people with little exposu
+ re to AR and mixed reality\, but it will also give insights into current
+ relevant research and development.
+ l
+SUMMARY:Augmented Reality: Bridging the gap between the physical and the
+ digital world - preip
+DESCRIPTION:Mit (u. a.): Rainer Rehak\, Anna Biselli\, Andre Meister\, ..
+ .\n\nWas für die Breitbandversorgung in Deutschland gilt\, gilt auch für
+ Transparenz: Überall Demokratie-Funklöcher\, die man stopfen muss\, am
+ besten mit Klagen. Wir erzählen\, was das Informationsfreiheitsgesetz in
+ diesem Jahr für die Demokratie-Infrastruktur getan hat\, welche Rolle d
+ abei Klagen gespielt haben und was die IFG-Meisterschaften damit zu tun
+ haben.
+ l
+SUMMARY:Best of Informationsfreiheit - Arne Semsrott\, Rainer Rehak\, And
+ re Meister\, Anna Biselli
+DESCRIPTION:Ich möchte euch zeigen\, wie ich mir aus einem Raspberry PI e
+ in Smartphone baue. Auf welche Probleme und Schwierigkeiten ich dabei ge
+ stoßen bin und welche Lösungen ich gefunden habe. Das Projekt ist noch n
+ icht abgeschlossen\, es fehlen noch ein paar Kleinigkeiten. Trotzdem wil
+ l ich euch schon mal mein Smartphone in der praktischen Butterbrotdose z
+ eigen und euch erzählen wie es entstanden ist.
+ l
+SUMMARY:Butterbrotdosen-Smartphone - bücherratten
+DESCRIPTION:The deepening of global Internet infrastructure comes accompa
+ nied with an invigorated capacity and intent by adversaries to control t
+ he information that flows across it. Inextricably\, political motivation
+ s and embedded power structures underlie the networks through which we i
+ nterpret and understand our societies and our world - censorship threate
+ ns the integrity of the public sphere itself. The increasing technical s
+ ophistication of information controls deployed by censors in adversarial
+ network environments around the world can be uniquely viewed and resear
+ ched by circumvention tool providers\, whose work continues to preserve
+ access to the open Internet for all communities. Through this presentati
+ on\, we endeavour to share insights gained from the front lines of this
+ technical contest.
+ l
+SUMMARY:Cat & Mouse: Evading the Censors in 2018 - kmc
+DESCRIPTION:Six years ago the idea behind CensoredPlanet started\, that i
+ s now launched at We had a simple (yet essential) gu
+ iding principle: measurements that may be politically sensitive should b
+ e done without volunteer participation. In this talk\, besides a detaile
+ d scientific overview of the techniques and the current state of Censore
+ dPlanet\, I plan to talk about my experience in developing the project f
+ rom the ground up.\n\nDespite the pervasive nature of Internet censorshi
+ p and the continuous evolution of how and where censorship is applied\,
+ measurements of censorship remain comparatively sparse. Current censorsh
+ ip projects\, including OONI\, depend on participants within countries t
+ o help them collect measurements. While these projects are valuable\, we
+ have empirically seen that there are issues relating to continuity in t
+ erms of measurement\, coverage of the geographical area\, and ethical di
+ lemmas when user participation is a requirement. Censored Planet use ten
+ s of thousands of *remote infrastructural and organizational vantage poi
+ nts* from over 170 countries to conduct it’s measurements\, thereby remo
+ ving the need for user participation. This allows us to regularly measur
+ e Internet disruptions over a longer period of time in significantly mor
+ e countries in a safer way. \n\nThe research we conduct at Censored Plan
+ et provides unique insights and data points on Internet disruptions. Thi
+ s information is extremely valuable to researchers in diverse fields fro
+ m political science to computer science as well as to activists and jour
+ nalists living and operating in countries where Internet disruptions are
+ prevalent. By making our data easily accessible to the public\, we aim
+ to encourage future research in the field. Link to our data: https://cen
+ l
+SUMMARY:Censored Planet: a Global Censorship Observatory - Roya Ensafi
+DESCRIPTION:Chaos meets Poetry Slam. \nDer humoristische Dichterwettstrei
+ t mit Informatikhintergrund. Mitmachen ausdrücklich erwünscht.
+ l
+SUMMARY:Chaos Communication Slam - Thorben Dittmar
+DESCRIPTION:Seit Juli 2016 darf ich – nominiert unter anderem vom CCC – d
+ en Bereich "Internet" im Fernsehrat des ZDF vertreten. Nach gut zwei Jah
+ ren ist es Zeit für eine Zwischenbilanz: Was macht ein Fernsehrat\, was
+ machen öffentlich-rechtliche Angebote im Netz\, und was sollten sie eige
+ ntlich tun?
+ l
+SUMMARY:Chaos im Fernsehrat - Leonhard Dobusch
+DESCRIPTION:Video identification is the process of establishing the ident
+ ity of a person via video chat. The person to be identified has to show
+ his face as well as her official ID card to the camera. This lecture giv
+ es a step-by-step tutorial on how such video streams can be augmented wi
+ th computer-generated official ID cards\, including all visible watermar
+ ks.
+ l
+SUMMARY:Circumventing video identification using augmented reality - Jan
+ Garcia
+DESCRIPTION:Technology is the solution: What is the problem? This seems t
+ o be the motto. Algorithms may be about to control our free speech whil
+ e tracking technologies could control our bodies and communications. Wi
+ ll we react or stay quiet?
+ l
+SUMMARY:Citzens or subjects? The battle to control our bodies\, speech an
+ d communications - Diego Naranjo (EDRi)\, Andreea Belu (EDRi)
+DESCRIPTION:Hier hört es auf.
+ l
+SUMMARY:Closing Event - rufus\, rixx
+DESCRIPTION:Voicemail systems can be compromised by leveraging old weakne
+ sses and top of current technology. The impact goes way beyond having yo
+ ur messages exposed.
+ l
+SUMMARY:Compromising online accounts by cracking voicemail systems - Mart
+ in Vigo
+DESCRIPTION:Welchen Dialekt spricht eine Geflüchtete aus Syrien? Was verr
+ ät das Handy eines Asylsuchenden aus dem Irak darüber\, wo er herkommt?
+ Und ist der Name Wasef eigentlich typisch für Afghanistan? Über diese Fr
+ agen entscheiden im Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) zuneh
+ mend Computer. Sie spucken Wahrscheinlichkeiten für Herkunftsländer aus\
+ , die entscheidend dafür sind\, ob Geflüchtete Asyl bekommen - oder nich
+ t. Kurz: Menschliche Schicksale hängen von Maschinen ab. Diese Maschinen
+ wissen nichts darüber\, ob einem Menschen in seiner alten Heimat Verfol
+ gung\, Folter und Tod drohen. Mitarbeiter des BAMF verlassen sich auf di
+ ese Ergebnisse\, auch wenn sie falsch sein können. Recherchen und bisher
+ unveröffentlichte Dokumente zeigen\, warum das schiefgehen muss und wel
+ che schweren Folgen für Schutzsuchende das haben kann.\n
+ l
+SUMMARY:Computer\, die über Asyl (mit)entscheiden - Anna Biselli
+DESCRIPTION:We are going to outline the ingredients necessary to perform
+ measurements at the LHC\, starting from an ordinary bottle of hydrogen.
+ Let us take you on a journey following the path of the protons from this
+ bottle to being ready for collisions in one of the detectors. Once the
+ collisions are recorded we show the approaches and tools on how to extra
+ ct the metaphorical needle in the haystack.
+ l
+SUMMARY:Conquering Large Numbers at the LHC - Carsten Bittrich\, Stefanie
+ Todt
+DESCRIPTION:Private Unternehmen müssen nicht so transparent sein wie Behö
+ rden - selbst wenn sie sich wie Behörden benehmen. \nWelche Mittel könne
+ n wir nutzen\, um trotzdem Lichts ins Dunkel der Konzerne zu bringen? Wi
+ r stellen zwei Projekte mit unterschiedlichen Herangehensweise vor: Zum
+ einen OpenSchufa\, das das Scoring-Verfahren der Schufa rekonstruieren s
+ oll und erste Ergebnisse vorstellen kann. Zum anderen OffeneGesetze\, da
+ s alle Bundesgesetzblätter seit 1949 erstmals kostenfrei und zur freien
+ Weiterverwendung bereitstellt und jetzt dafür möglicherweise verklagt wi
+ rd.
+ l
+SUMMARY:Court in the Akten - Arne Semsrott
+DESCRIPTION:Through the hacking of surveillance techniques\, machine lear
+ ning\, and big-data analytics\, DISNOVATION.ORG’s trilogy of internet bo
+ ts is uncovering and repurposing some of the influential and opaque oper
+ ating systems of our online environment.
+ l
+DESCRIPTION:Der Datenschutz ist als erst relativ frisch erkämpftes Abwehr
+ recht von Bürgern gegen Firmen und Staat ein wichtiges\, aber häufig mis
+ sverstandenes Rechtsgebiet. Zuletzt ist es durch die Grundverordnung auf
+ europäischer Ebene in den Blick der Netzöffentlichkeit geraten.\n\nDies
+ er Vortrag soll einen niedrigschwelligen Einstieg in den Datenschutz geb
+ en und aus Perspektive einer Datenschützerin mit zehnjähriger Erfahrung
+ im Gebiet die aufregenden Aspekte und Herausforderungen aufzeigen\, dem
+ Bürgerrecht Leben einzuhauchen.
+ l
+SUMMARY:Datenschutz für Neulandbürger - Beata Hubrig
+DESCRIPTION:Für Journalisten bieten soziale Netzwerke eine Vielzahl von Q
+ uellen und Informationen\, in einem Ausmaß\, das vor Jahren unvorstellba
+ r war. Doch damit steigt auch das Risiko immer weiter\, auf Manipulation
+ en und „Fake News“ hereinzufallen. In Zeiten von „Lügenpresse“-Rufen ste
+ llt das Journalisten vor neue Herausforderungen. Der Vortrag zeigt\, wie
+ die Verifizierung von Bildmaterial bei großen Medienhäusern abläuft – u
+ nd warum auch normale Nutzer diese Möglichkeiten kennen und benutzen sol
+ lten.
+ l
+SUMMARY:Desinformation und Fake News - Bekämpfung und Verifizierung leich
+ t gemacht - Robert Clausen
+DESCRIPTION:Ein kurzer Grundlagenabriss über die Institution der Europäis
+ chen Union\, insbesondere zur Funktionsweise und Zusammenarbeit
+ ml
+SUMMARY:Die EU und ihre Institutionen - Dustin Hoffmann
+DESCRIPTION:Wir wenden uns gegen Gentrifizierung\, Luxussanierung und Spe
+ kulation mit Häusern. Das Mietshäuser Syndikat ist ein bundesweiter Verb
+ und linker\, selbstverwalteter Hausprojekte mit dem Ziel der Initiierung
+ und dauerhaften Erhaltung von gemeinschaftlich genutztem und bezahlbare
+ m Wohn- und Gewerberaum. Der Grundgedanke: Gemeineigentum wird geschaffe
+ n und dauerhaft dem Markt entzogen. Die Mieter*innen sind zugleich Besit
+ zer*innen ohne private Gewinnerzielungsabsichten\, sie transferieren Kno
+ whow und oft auch Direktkredite an andere Hausprojekte.
+ l
+SUMMARY:Die Häuser denen\, die darin wohnen! - Elke Manz\, fuzzle/fr\, Sc
+ hmidt\, Lina Hurlin
+DESCRIPTION:Kann man empirischen Studien trauen oder nicht? Wie kann ich
+ gute Studien von schlechten unterscheiden? Und was mache ich\, wenn es z
+ u einem Thema Studien mit gegensätzlichen Befunden gibt? Der Vortrag sol
+ l helfen\, Antworten auf diese Fragen zu finden und empirische Studien b
+ esser zu verstehen.