package main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "log" "os" "path/filepath" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "text/tabwriter" "time" "unicode" "unicode/utf8" "" "" "" ) const gEscapeCode = 27 var gKeyVal = map[tcell.Key]string{ tcell.KeyEnter: "", tcell.KeyBackspace: "", tcell.KeyTab: "", tcell.KeyBacktab: "", tcell.KeyEsc: "", tcell.KeyBackspace2: "", tcell.KeyDelete: "", tcell.KeyInsert: "", tcell.KeyUp: "", tcell.KeyDown: "", tcell.KeyLeft: "", tcell.KeyRight: "", tcell.KeyHome: "", tcell.KeyEnd: "", tcell.KeyUpLeft: "", tcell.KeyUpRight: "", tcell.KeyDownLeft: "", tcell.KeyDownRight: "", tcell.KeyCenter: "
", tcell.KeyPgDn: "", tcell.KeyPgUp: "", tcell.KeyClear: "", tcell.KeyExit: "", tcell.KeyCancel: "", tcell.KeyPause: "", tcell.KeyPrint: "", tcell.KeyF1: "", tcell.KeyF2: "", tcell.KeyF3: "", tcell.KeyF4: "", tcell.KeyF5: "", tcell.KeyF6: "", tcell.KeyF7: "", tcell.KeyF8: "", tcell.KeyF9: "", tcell.KeyF10: "", tcell.KeyF11: "", tcell.KeyF12: "", tcell.KeyF13: "", tcell.KeyF14: "", tcell.KeyF15: "", tcell.KeyF16: "", tcell.KeyF17: "", tcell.KeyF18: "", tcell.KeyF19: "", tcell.KeyF20: "", tcell.KeyF21: "", tcell.KeyF22: "", tcell.KeyF23: "", tcell.KeyF24: "", tcell.KeyF25: "", tcell.KeyF26: "", tcell.KeyF27: "", tcell.KeyF28: "", tcell.KeyF29: "", tcell.KeyF30: "", tcell.KeyF31: "", tcell.KeyF32: "", tcell.KeyF33: "", tcell.KeyF34: "", tcell.KeyF35: "", tcell.KeyF36: "", tcell.KeyF37: "", tcell.KeyF38: "", tcell.KeyF39: "", tcell.KeyF40: "", tcell.KeyF41: "", tcell.KeyF42: "", tcell.KeyF43: "", tcell.KeyF44: "", tcell.KeyF45: "", tcell.KeyF46: "", tcell.KeyF47: "", tcell.KeyF48: "", tcell.KeyF49: "", tcell.KeyF50: "", tcell.KeyF51: "", tcell.KeyF52: "", tcell.KeyF53: "", tcell.KeyF54: "", tcell.KeyF55: "", tcell.KeyF56: "", tcell.KeyF57: "", tcell.KeyF58: "", tcell.KeyF59: "", tcell.KeyF60: "", tcell.KeyF61: "", tcell.KeyF62: "", tcell.KeyF63: "", tcell.KeyF64: "", tcell.KeyCtrlA: "", tcell.KeyCtrlB: "", tcell.KeyCtrlC: "", tcell.KeyCtrlD: "", tcell.KeyCtrlE: "", tcell.KeyCtrlF: "", tcell.KeyCtrlG: "", tcell.KeyCtrlJ: "", tcell.KeyCtrlK: "", tcell.KeyCtrlL: "", tcell.KeyCtrlN: "", tcell.KeyCtrlO: "", tcell.KeyCtrlP: "", tcell.KeyCtrlQ: "", tcell.KeyCtrlR: "", tcell.KeyCtrlS: "", tcell.KeyCtrlT: "", tcell.KeyCtrlU: "", tcell.KeyCtrlV: "", tcell.KeyCtrlW: "", tcell.KeyCtrlX: "", tcell.KeyCtrlY: "", tcell.KeyCtrlZ: "", tcell.KeyCtrlSpace: "", tcell.KeyCtrlUnderscore: "", tcell.KeyCtrlRightSq: "", tcell.KeyCtrlBackslash: "", tcell.KeyCtrlCarat: "", } var gValKey map[string]tcell.Key func init() { gValKey = make(map[string]tcell.Key) for k, v := range gKeyVal { gValKey[v] = k } } type win struct { w, h, x, y int } func newWin(w, h, x, y int) *win { return &win{w, h, x, y} } func (win *win) renew(w, h, x, y int) { win.w, win.h, win.x, win.y = w, h, x, y } func printLength(s string) int { ind := 0 off := 0 for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { r, w := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:]) if r == gEscapeCode && i+1 < len(s) && s[i+1] == '[' { j := strings.IndexAny(s[i:min(len(s), i+64)], "mK") if j == -1 { continue } i += j continue } i += w - 1 if r == '\t' { ind += gOpts.tabstop - (ind-off)%gOpts.tabstop } else { ind += runewidth.RuneWidth(r) } } return ind } func (win *win) print(screen tcell.Screen, x, y int, st tcell.Style, s string) tcell.Style { off := x var comb []rune for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { r, w := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:]) if r == gEscapeCode && i+1 < len(s) && s[i+1] == '[' { j := strings.IndexAny(s[i:min(len(s), i+64)], "mK") if j == -1 { continue } if s[i+j] == 'm' { st = applyAnsiCodes(s[i+2:i+j], st) } i += j continue } for { rc, wc := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i+w:]) if !unicode.Is(unicode.Mn, rc) { break } comb = append(comb, rc) i += wc } if x < win.w { screen.SetContent(win.x+x, win.y+y, r, comb, st) comb = nil } i += w - 1 if r == '\t' { s := gOpts.tabstop - (x-off)%gOpts.tabstop for i := 0; i < s && x+i < win.w; i++ { screen.SetContent(win.x+x+i, win.y+y, ' ', nil, st) } x += s } else { x += runewidth.RuneWidth(r) } } return st } func (win *win) printf(screen tcell.Screen, x, y int, st tcell.Style, format string, a ...interface{}) { win.print(screen, x, y, st, fmt.Sprintf(format, a...)) } func (win *win) printLine(screen tcell.Screen, x, y int, st tcell.Style, s string) { win.printf(screen, x, y, st, "%s%*s", s, win.w-printLength(s), "") } func (win *win) printRight(screen tcell.Screen, y int, st tcell.Style, s string) { win.print(screen, win.w-printLength(s), y, st, s) } func (win *win) printReg(screen tcell.Screen, reg *reg, previewLoading bool, sxs *sixelScreen) { if reg == nil { return } st := tcell.StyleDefault if reg.loading { if previewLoading { st = st.Reverse(true) win.print(screen, 2, 0, st, "loading...") } return } for i, l := range reg.lines { if i > win.h-1 { break } st = win.print(screen, 2, i, st, l) } sxs.printSixel(win, screen, reg) } var gThisYear = time.Now().Year() func infotimefmt(t time.Time) string { if t.Year() == gThisYear { return t.Format(gOpts.infotimefmtnew) } return t.Format(gOpts.infotimefmtold) } func fileInfo(f *file, d *dir) string { var info string for _, s := range getInfo(d.path) { switch s { case "size": if f.IsDir() && gOpts.dircounts { switch { case f.dirCount < -1: info = fmt.Sprintf("%s !", info) case f.dirCount < 0: info = fmt.Sprintf("%s ?", info) case f.dirCount < 1000: info = fmt.Sprintf("%s %4d", info, f.dirCount) default: info = fmt.Sprintf("%s 999+", info) } continue } var sz string if f.IsDir() && f.dirSize < 0 { sz = "-" } else { sz = humanize(f.TotalSize()) } info = fmt.Sprintf("%s %4s", info, sz) case "time": info = fmt.Sprintf("%s %*s", info, max(len(gOpts.infotimefmtnew), len(gOpts.infotimefmtold)), infotimefmt(f.ModTime())) case "atime": info = fmt.Sprintf("%s %*s", info, max(len(gOpts.infotimefmtnew), len(gOpts.infotimefmtold)), infotimefmt(f.accessTime)) case "ctime": info = fmt.Sprintf("%s %*s", info, max(len(gOpts.infotimefmtnew), len(gOpts.infotimefmtold)), infotimefmt(f.changeTime)) default: log.Printf("unknown info type: %s", s) } } return info } type dirContext struct { selections map[string]int saves map[string]bool tags map[string]string } type dirRole byte const ( Active dirRole = iota Parent Preview ) type dirStyle struct { colors styleMap icons iconMap role dirRole } func (win *win) printDir(ui *ui, dir *dir, context *dirContext, dirStyle *dirStyle, previewLoading bool) { if win.w < 5 || dir == nil { return } messageStyle := tcell.StyleDefault.Reverse(true) if dir.noPerm { win.print(ui.screen, 2, 0, messageStyle, "permission denied") return } if (dir.loading && len(dir.files) == 0) || (dirStyle.role == Preview && dir.loading && gOpts.dirpreviews) { if dirStyle.role != Preview || previewLoading { win.print(ui.screen, 2, 0, messageStyle, "loading...") } return } if dirStyle.role == Preview && gOpts.dirpreviews && len(gOpts.previewer) > 0 { // Print previewer result instead of default directory print operation. st := tcell.StyleDefault for i, l := range dir.lines { if i > win.h-1 { break } st = win.print(ui.screen, 2, i, st, l) } return } if len(dir.files) == 0 { win.print(ui.screen, 2, 0, messageStyle, "empty") return } beg := max(dir.ind-dir.pos, 0) end := min(beg+win.h, len(dir.files)) if beg > end { return } var lnwidth int if gOpts.number || gOpts.relativenumber { lnwidth = 1 if gOpts.number && gOpts.relativenumber { lnwidth++ } for j := 10; j <= len(dir.files); j *= 10 { lnwidth++ } } for i, f := range dir.files[beg:end] { st := dirStyle.colors.get(f) if lnwidth > 0 { var ln string if gOpts.number && (!gOpts.relativenumber) { ln = fmt.Sprintf("%*d", lnwidth, i+1+beg) } else if gOpts.relativenumber { switch { case i < dir.pos: ln = fmt.Sprintf("%*d", lnwidth, dir.pos-i) case i > dir.pos: ln = fmt.Sprintf("%*d", lnwidth, i-dir.pos) case gOpts.number: ln = fmt.Sprintf("%*d ", lnwidth-1, i+1+beg) default: ln = fmt.Sprintf("%*d", lnwidth, 0) } } win.print(ui.screen, 0, i, tcell.StyleDefault, fmt.Sprintf(optionToFmtstr(gOpts.numberfmt), ln)) } path := filepath.Join(dir.path, f.Name()) if _, ok := context.selections[path]; ok { win.print(ui.screen, lnwidth, i, parseEscapeSequence(gOpts.selectfmt), " ") } else if cp, ok := context.saves[path]; ok { if cp { win.print(ui.screen, lnwidth, i, parseEscapeSequence(gOpts.copyfmt), " ") } else { win.print(ui.screen, lnwidth, i, parseEscapeSequence(gOpts.cutfmt), " ") } } // make space for select marker, and leave another space at the end maxWidth := win.w - lnwidth - 2 // make extra space to separate windows if drawbox is not enabled if !gOpts.drawbox { maxWidth -= 1 } var s []rune // leave space for displaying the tag s = append(s, ' ') var icon iconDef if gOpts.icons { icon = dirStyle.icons.get(f) s = append(s, []rune(icon.icon)...) s = append(s, ' ') } maxFilenameWidth := maxWidth - runeSliceWidth(s) info := fileInfo(f, dir) showInfo := len(info) > 0 && 2*len(info) < maxWidth if showInfo { maxFilenameWidth -= len(info) } filename := []rune(f.Name()) if runeSliceWidth(filename) > maxFilenameWidth { truncatePos := (maxFilenameWidth - 1) * gOpts.truncatepct / 100 lastPart := runeSliceWidthLastRange(filename, maxFilenameWidth-truncatePos-1) filename = runeSliceWidthRange(filename, 0, truncatePos) filename = append(filename, []rune(gOpts.truncatechar)...) filename = append(filename, lastPart...) } for j := runeSliceWidth(filename); j < maxFilenameWidth; j++ { filename = append(filename, ' ') } s = append(s, filename...) if showInfo { s = append(s, []rune(info)...) } ce := "" if i == dir.pos && (ui.focused || !gOpts.hidecursorinactive) { switch dirStyle.role { case Active: ce = gOpts.cursoractivefmt case Parent: ce = gOpts.cursorparentfmt case Preview: ce = gOpts.cursorpreviewfmt } } cursorescapefmt := optionToFmtstr(ce) s = append(s, ' ') styledFilename := fmt.Sprintf(cursorescapefmt, string(s)) win.print(ui.screen, lnwidth+1, i, st, styledFilename) if icon.hasStyle && i != dir.pos { win.print(ui.screen, lnwidth+2, i,, icon.icon) } tag, ok := context.tags[path] if ok { if i == dir.pos { win.print(ui.screen, lnwidth+1, i, st, fmt.Sprintf(cursorescapefmt, tag)) } else { win.print(ui.screen, lnwidth+1, i, tcell.StyleDefault, fmt.Sprintf(optionToFmtstr(gOpts.tagfmt), tag)) } } } } func getWidths(wtot int) []int { rsum := 0 for _, r := range gOpts.ratios { rsum += r } wlen := len(gOpts.ratios) widths := make([]int, wlen) if gOpts.drawbox { wtot -= (wlen + 1) } wsum := 0 for i := 0; i < wlen-1; i++ { widths[i] = gOpts.ratios[i] * wtot / rsum wsum += widths[i] } widths[wlen-1] = wtot - wsum return widths } func getWins(screen tcell.Screen) []*win { wtot, htot := screen.Size() var wins []*win widths := getWidths(wtot) wacc := 0 wlen := len(widths) for i := 0; i < wlen; i++ { if gOpts.drawbox { wacc++ wins = append(wins, newWin(widths[i], htot-4, wacc, 2)) } else { wins = append(wins, newWin(widths[i], htot-2, wacc, 1)) } wacc += widths[i] } return wins } type ui struct { screen tcell.Screen sxScreen sixelScreen polling bool focused bool wins []*win promptWin *win msgWin *win menuWin *win msg string msgIsStat bool regPrev *reg dirPrev *dir exprChan chan expr keyChan chan string tevChan chan tcell.Event evChan chan tcell.Event menuBuf *bytes.Buffer cmdPrefix string cmdAccLeft []rune cmdAccRight []rune cmdYankBuf []rune cmdTmp []rune keyAcc []rune keyCount []rune styles styleMap icons iconMap currentFile string } func newUI(screen tcell.Screen) *ui { wtot, htot := screen.Size() ui := &ui{ screen: screen, polling: true, focused: true, wins: getWins(screen), promptWin: newWin(wtot, 1, 0, 0), msgWin: newWin(wtot, 1, 0, htot-1), menuWin: newWin(wtot, 1, 0, htot-2), msgIsStat: true, exprChan: make(chan expr, 1000), keyChan: make(chan string, 1000), tevChan: make(chan tcell.Event, 1000), evChan: make(chan tcell.Event, 1000), styles: parseStyles(), icons: parseIcons(), currentFile: "", sxScreen: sixelScreen{}, } go ui.pollEvents() return ui } func (ui *ui) winAt(x, y int) (int, *win) { for i := len(ui.wins) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { w := ui.wins[i] if x >= w.x && y >= w.y && y < w.y+w.h { return i, w } } return -1, nil } func (ui *ui) pollEvents() { var ev tcell.Event for { ev = ui.screen.PollEvent() if ev == nil { ui.polling = false return } ui.tevChan <- ev } } func (ui *ui) renew() { ui.wins = getWins(ui.screen) wtot, htot := ui.screen.Size() ui.promptWin.renew(wtot, 1, 0, 0) ui.msgWin.renew(wtot, 1, 0, htot-1) ui.menuWin.renew(wtot, 1, 0, htot-2) } func (ui *ui) sort() { if ui.dirPrev == nil { return } name := ui.dirPrev.sort() ui.dirPrev.sel(name, ui.wins[0].h) } func (ui *ui) echo(msg string) { ui.msg = msg ui.msgIsStat = false } func (ui *ui) echomsg(msg string) { ui.echo(msg) log.Print(msg) } func optionToFmtstr(optstr string) string { if !strings.Contains(optstr, "%s") { return optstr + "%s\033[0m" } else { return optstr } } func (ui *ui) echoerr(msg string) { ui.echo(fmt.Sprintf(optionToFmtstr(gOpts.errorfmt), msg)) log.Printf("error: %s", msg) } func (ui *ui) echoerrf(format string, a ...interface{}) { ui.echoerr(fmt.Sprintf(format, a...)) } type reg struct { loading bool volatile bool loadTime time.Time path string lines []string sixel *string } func (ui *ui) loadFile(app *app, volatile bool) { if !app.nav.init { return } curr, err := app.nav.currFile() if err != nil { return } if curr.path != ui.currentFile { ui.currentFile = curr.path onSelect(app) } if volatile { app.nav.previewChan <- "" } if !gOpts.preview { return } if curr.IsDir() { ui.dirPrev = app.nav.loadDir(curr.path) } else if curr.Mode().IsRegular() { ui.regPrev = app.nav.loadReg(curr.path, volatile) } } func (ui *ui) loadFileInfo(nav *nav) { if !nav.init { return } curr, err := nav.currFile() if err != nil { return } if curr.err != nil { ui.echoerrf("stat: %s", curr.err) return } statfmt := strings.ReplaceAll(gOpts.statfmt, "|", "\x1f") replace := func(s string, val string) { if val == "" { val = "\x00" } statfmt = strings.ReplaceAll(statfmt, s, val) } replace("%p", curr.Mode().String()) replace("%c", linkCount(curr)) replace("%u", userName(curr)) replace("%g", groupName(curr)) replace("%s", humanize(curr.Size())) replace("%S", fmt.Sprintf("%4s", humanize(curr.Size()))) replace("%t", curr.ModTime().Format(gOpts.timefmt)) replace("%l", curr.linkTarget) fileInfo := "" for _, section := range strings.Split(statfmt, "\x1f") { if !strings.Contains(section, "\x00") { fileInfo += section } } ui.msg = fileInfo ui.msgIsStat = true } func (ui *ui) drawPromptLine(nav *nav) { st := tcell.StyleDefault dir := nav.currDir() pwd := dir.path if strings.HasPrefix(pwd, gUser.HomeDir) { pwd = filepath.Join("~", strings.TrimPrefix(pwd, gUser.HomeDir)) } sep := string(filepath.Separator) var fname string curr, err := nav.currFile() if err == nil { fname = filepath.Base(curr.path) } var prompt string prompt = strings.ReplaceAll(gOpts.promptfmt, "%u", gUser.Username) prompt = strings.ReplaceAll(prompt, "%h", gHostname) prompt = strings.ReplaceAll(prompt, "%f", fname) if printLength(strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ReplaceAll(prompt, "%w", pwd), "%d", pwd)) > ui.promptWin.w { names := strings.Split(pwd, sep) for i := range names { if names[i] == "" { continue } r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(names[i]) names[i] = string(r) if printLength(strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ReplaceAll(prompt, "%w", strings.Join(names, sep)), "%d", strings.Join(names, sep))) <= ui.promptWin.w { break } } pwd = strings.Join(names, sep) } prompt = strings.ReplaceAll(prompt, "%w", pwd) if !strings.HasSuffix(pwd, sep) { pwd += sep } prompt = strings.ReplaceAll(prompt, "%d", pwd) if len(dir.filter) != 0 { prompt = strings.ReplaceAll(prompt, "%F", fmt.Sprint(dir.filter)) } else { prompt = strings.ReplaceAll(prompt, "%F", "") } // spacer avail := ui.promptWin.w - printLength(prompt) + 2 if avail > 0 { prompt = strings.Replace(prompt, "%S", strings.Repeat(" ", avail), 1) } prompt = strings.ReplaceAll(prompt, "%S", "") ui.promptWin.print(ui.screen, 0, 0, st, prompt) } func formatRulerOpt(name string, val string) string { // handle escape character so it doesn't mess up the ruler val = strings.ReplaceAll(val, "\033", "\033[7m\\033\033[0m") // display name of builtin options for clarity if !strings.HasPrefix(name, "lf_user_") { val = fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", strings.TrimPrefix(name, "lf_"), val) } return val } func (ui *ui) drawRuler(nav *nav) { st := tcell.StyleDefault dir := nav.currDir() ui.msgWin.print(ui.screen, 0, 0, st, ui.msg) tot := len(dir.files) ind := min(dir.ind+1, tot) hid := len(dir.allFiles) - tot acc := string(ui.keyCount) + string(ui.keyAcc) selection := []string{} copy := 0 move := 0 if len(nav.saves) > 0 { for _, cp := range nav.saves { if cp { copy++ } else { move++ } } if copy > 0 { copyStr := fmt.Sprintf(optionToFmtstr(gOpts.copyfmt), fmt.Sprintf(" %d ", copy)) selection = append(selection, copyStr) } if move > 0 { moveStr := fmt.Sprintf(optionToFmtstr(gOpts.cutfmt), fmt.Sprintf(" %d ", move)) selection = append(selection, moveStr) } } currSelections := nav.currSelections() if len(currSelections) > 0 { selectStr := fmt.Sprintf(optionToFmtstr(gOpts.selectfmt), fmt.Sprintf(" %d ", len(currSelections))) selection = append(selection, selectStr) } progress := []string{} if nav.copyTotal > 0 { percentage := int((100 * float64(nav.copyBytes)) / float64(nav.copyTotal)) progress = append(progress, fmt.Sprintf("[%d%%]", percentage)) } if nav.moveTotal > 0 { progress = append(progress, fmt.Sprintf("[%d/%d]", nav.moveCount, nav.moveTotal)) } if nav.deleteTotal > 0 { progress = append(progress, fmt.Sprintf("[%d/%d]", nav.deleteCount, nav.deleteTotal)) } opts := getOptsMap() // 'ruler' option is deprecated and can be removed in future if len(gOpts.ruler) > 0 { ruler := []string{} for _, s := range gOpts.ruler { switch s { case "df": df := diskFree(dir.path) if df != "" { ruler = append(ruler, df) } case "acc": ruler = append(ruler, acc) case "progress": ruler = append(ruler, progress...) case "selection": ruler = append(ruler, selection...) case "filter": if len(dir.filter) != 0 { ruler = append(ruler, "\033[34;7m F \033[0m") } case "ind": ruler = append(ruler, fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", ind, tot)) default: if val, ok := opts[s]; ok { ruler = append(ruler, formatRulerOpt(s, val)) } } } ui.msgWin.printRight(ui.screen, 0, st, strings.Join(ruler, " ")) return } rulerfmt := strings.ReplaceAll(gOpts.rulerfmt, "|", "\x1f") rulerfmt = reRulerSub.ReplaceAllStringFunc(rulerfmt, func(s string) string { var result string switch s { case "%a": result = acc case "%p": result = strings.Join(progress, " ") case "%m": result = fmt.Sprintf("%.d", move) case "%c": result = fmt.Sprintf("%.d", copy) case "%s": result = fmt.Sprintf("%.d", len(currSelections)) case "%f": result = strings.Join(dir.filter, " ") case "%i": result = fmt.Sprint(ind) case "%t": result = fmt.Sprint(tot) case "%h": result = fmt.Sprint(hid) case "%d": result = diskFree(dir.path) default: s = strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(s, "%{"), "}") if val, ok := opts[s]; ok { result = formatRulerOpt(s, val) } } if result == "" { return "\x00" } return result }) ruler := "" for _, section := range strings.Split(rulerfmt, "\x1f") { if !strings.Contains(section, "\x00") { ruler += section } } ui.msgWin.printRight(ui.screen, 0, st, ruler) } func (ui *ui) drawBox() { st := parseEscapeSequence(gOpts.borderfmt) w, h := ui.screen.Size() for i := 1; i < w-1; i++ { ui.screen.SetContent(i, 1, tcell.RuneHLine, nil, st) ui.screen.SetContent(i, h-2, tcell.RuneHLine, nil, st) } for i := 2; i < h-2; i++ { ui.screen.SetContent(0, i, tcell.RuneVLine, nil, st) ui.screen.SetContent(w-1, i, tcell.RuneVLine, nil, st) } if gOpts.roundbox { ui.screen.SetContent(0, 1, '╭', nil, st) ui.screen.SetContent(w-1, 1, '╮', nil, st) ui.screen.SetContent(0, h-2, '╰', nil, st) ui.screen.SetContent(w-1, h-2, '╯', nil, st) } else { ui.screen.SetContent(0, 1, tcell.RuneULCorner, nil, st) ui.screen.SetContent(w-1, 1, tcell.RuneURCorner, nil, st) ui.screen.SetContent(0, h-2, tcell.RuneLLCorner, nil, st) ui.screen.SetContent(w-1, h-2, tcell.RuneLRCorner, nil, st) } wacc := 0 for wind := 0; wind < len(ui.wins)-1; wind++ { wacc += ui.wins[wind].w + 1 ui.screen.SetContent(wacc, 1, tcell.RuneTTee, nil, st) for i := 2; i < h-2; i++ { ui.screen.SetContent(wacc, i, tcell.RuneVLine, nil, st) } ui.screen.SetContent(wacc, h-2, tcell.RuneBTee, nil, st) } } func (ui *ui) dirOfWin(nav *nav, wind int) *dir { wins := len(ui.wins) if gOpts.preview { wins-- } ind := len(nav.dirs) - wins + wind if ind < 0 { return nil } return nav.dirs[ind] } func (ui *ui) draw(nav *nav) { st := tcell.StyleDefault context := dirContext{selections: nav.selections, saves: nav.saves, tags: nav.tags} // XXX: manual clean without flush to avoid flicker on Windows wtot, htot := ui.screen.Size() for i := 0; i < wtot; i++ { for j := 0; j < htot; j++ { ui.screen.SetContent(i, j, ' ', nil, st) } } ui.sxScreen.sixel = nil ui.drawPromptLine(nav) wins := len(ui.wins) if gOpts.preview { wins-- } for i := 0; i < wins; i++ { role := Parent if i == wins-1 { role = Active } if dir := ui.dirOfWin(nav, i); dir != nil { ui.wins[i].printDir(ui, dir, &context, &dirStyle{colors: ui.styles, icons: ui.icons, role: role}, nav.previewLoading) } } switch ui.cmdPrefix { case "": ui.drawRuler(nav) ui.screen.HideCursor() case ">": maxWidth := ui.msgWin.w - 1 // leave space for cursor at the end prefix := runeSliceWidthRange([]rune(ui.cmdPrefix), 0, maxWidth) left := runeSliceWidthLastRange(ui.cmdAccLeft, maxWidth-runeSliceWidth(prefix)-printLength(ui.msg)) ui.msgWin.printLine(ui.screen, 0, 0, st, string(prefix)+ui.msg) ui.msgWin.print(ui.screen, runeSliceWidth(prefix)+printLength(ui.msg), 0, st, string(left)+string(ui.cmdAccRight)) ui.screen.ShowCursor(ui.msgWin.x+runeSliceWidth(prefix)+printLength(ui.msg)+runeSliceWidth(left), ui.msgWin.y) default: maxWidth := ui.msgWin.w - 1 // leave space for cursor at the end prefix := runeSliceWidthRange([]rune(ui.cmdPrefix), 0, maxWidth) left := runeSliceWidthLastRange(ui.cmdAccLeft, maxWidth-runeSliceWidth(prefix)) ui.msgWin.printLine(ui.screen, 0, 0, st, string(prefix)+string(left)+string(ui.cmdAccRight)) ui.screen.ShowCursor(ui.msgWin.x+runeSliceWidth(prefix)+runeSliceWidth(left), ui.msgWin.y) } if gOpts.preview { curr, err := nav.currFile() if err == nil { preview := ui.wins[len(ui.wins)-1] if curr.IsDir() { preview.printDir(ui, ui.dirPrev, &context, &dirStyle{colors: ui.styles, icons: ui.icons, role: Preview}, nav.previewLoading) } else if curr.Mode().IsRegular() { preview.printReg(ui.screen, ui.regPrev, nav.previewLoading, &ui.sxScreen) } } } if gOpts.drawbox { ui.drawBox() } if ui.menuBuf != nil { lines := strings.Split(ui.menuBuf.String(), "\n") lines = lines[:len(lines)-1] ui.menuWin.h = len(lines) - 1 ui.menuWin.y = ui.wins[0].h - ui.menuWin.h if gOpts.drawbox { ui.menuWin.y += 2 } ui.menuWin.printLine(ui.screen, 0, 0, st.Bold(true), lines[0]) for i, line := range lines[1:] { ui.menuWin.printLine(ui.screen, 0, i+1, st, "") ui.menuWin.print(ui.screen, 0, i+1, st, line) } } ui.screen.Show() if ui.menuBuf == nil && ui.cmdPrefix == "" && ui.sxScreen.sixel != nil { ui.sxScreen.lastFile = ui.regPrev.path ui.sxScreen.showSixels() } } func findBinds(keys map[string]expr, prefix string) (binds map[string]expr, ok bool) { binds = make(map[string]expr) for key, expr := range keys { if !strings.HasPrefix(key, prefix) { continue } binds[key] = expr if key == prefix { ok = true } } return } func listExprMap(binds map[string]expr, title string) *bytes.Buffer { t := new(tabwriter.Writer) b := new(bytes.Buffer) var keys []string for k := range binds { keys = append(keys, k) } sort.Strings(keys) t.Init(b, 0, gOpts.tabstop, 2, '\t', 0) fmt.Fprintf(t, "%s\tcommand\n", title) for _, k := range keys { fmt.Fprintf(t, "%s\t%v\n", k, binds[k]) } t.Flush() return b } func listBinds(binds map[string]expr) *bytes.Buffer { return listExprMap(binds, "keys") } func listCmds() *bytes.Buffer { return listExprMap(gOpts.cmds, "name") } func listJumps(jumps []string, ind int) *bytes.Buffer { t := new(tabwriter.Writer) b := new(bytes.Buffer) maxlength := len(strconv.Itoa(max(ind, len(jumps)-1-ind))) t.Init(b, 0, gOpts.tabstop, 2, '\t', 0) fmt.Fprintln(t, " jump\tpath") // print jumps in order of most recent, Vim uses the opposite order for i := len(jumps) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { switch { case i < ind: fmt.Fprintf(t, " %*d\t%s\n", maxlength, ind-i, jumps[i]) case i > ind: fmt.Fprintf(t, " %*d\t%s\n", maxlength, i-ind, jumps[i]) default: fmt.Fprintf(t, "> %*d\t%s\n", maxlength, 0, jumps[i]) } } t.Flush() return b } func listHistory(history []cmdItem) *bytes.Buffer { t := new(tabwriter.Writer) b := new(bytes.Buffer) maxlength := len(strconv.Itoa(len(history))) t.Init(b, 0, gOpts.tabstop, 2, '\t', 0) fmt.Fprintln(t, "number\tcommand") for i, cmd := range history { fmt.Fprintf(t, "%*d\t%s%s\n", maxlength, i+1, cmd.prefix, cmd.value) } t.Flush() return b } func listMarks(marks map[string]string) *bytes.Buffer { t := new(tabwriter.Writer) b := new(bytes.Buffer) var keys []string for k := range marks { keys = append(keys, k) } sort.Strings(keys) t.Init(b, 0, gOpts.tabstop, 2, '\t', 0) fmt.Fprintln(t, "mark\tpath") for _, k := range keys { fmt.Fprintf(t, "%s\t%s\n", k, marks[k]) } t.Flush() return b } func (ui *ui) pollEvent() tcell.Event { select { case val := <-ui.keyChan: var ch rune var mod tcell.ModMask k := tcell.KeyRune if key, ok := gValKey[val]; ok { return tcell.NewEventKey(key, ch, mod) } switch { case utf8.RuneCountInString(val) == 1: ch, _ = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(val) case val == "": ch = '<' case val == "": ch = '>' case val == "": ch = ' ' case reModKey.MatchString(val): matches := reModKey.FindStringSubmatch(val) switch matches[1] { case "c": mod = tcell.ModCtrl case "s": mod = tcell.ModShift case "a": mod = tcell.ModAlt } val = matches[2] if utf8.RuneCountInString(val) == 1 { ch, _ = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(val) break } else if key, ok := gValKey["<"+val+">"]; ok { k = key break } fallthrough default: k = tcell.KeyESC ui.echoerrf("unknown key: %s", val) } return tcell.NewEventKey(k, ch, mod) case ev := <-ui.tevChan: return ev } } func addSpecialKeyModifier(val string, mod tcell.ModMask) string { switch { case !strings.HasPrefix(val, "<"): return val case mod == tcell.ModCtrl && !strings.HasPrefix(val, "")...) case tev.Rune() == '>': ui.keyAcc = append(ui.keyAcc, []rune("")...) case tev.Rune() == ' ': ui.keyAcc = append(ui.keyAcc, []rune("")...) case tev.Modifiers() == tcell.ModAlt: ui.keyAcc = append(ui.keyAcc, '<', 'a', '-', tev.Rune(), '>') case unicode.IsDigit(tev.Rune()) && len(ui.keyAcc) == 0: ui.keyCount = append(ui.keyCount, tev.Rune()) default: ui.keyAcc = append(ui.keyAcc, tev.Rune()) } } else { val := gKeyVal[tev.Key()] val = addSpecialKeyModifier(val, tev.Modifiers()) if val == "" && string(ui.keyAcc) != "" { ui.keyAcc = nil ui.keyCount = nil ui.menuBuf = nil return draw } ui.keyAcc = append(ui.keyAcc, []rune(val)...) } if len(ui.keyAcc) == 0 { return draw } binds, ok := findBinds(gOpts.keys, string(ui.keyAcc)) switch len(binds) { case 0: ui.echoerrf("unknown mapping: %s", string(ui.keyAcc)) ui.keyAcc = nil ui.keyCount = nil ui.menuBuf = nil return draw default: if ok { if len(ui.keyCount) > 0 { c, err := strconv.Atoi(string(ui.keyCount)) if err != nil { log.Printf("converting command count: %s", err) } count = c } expr := gOpts.keys[string(ui.keyAcc)] if e, ok := expr.(*callExpr); ok && count != 0 { expr = &callExpr{, e.args, e.count} expr.(*callExpr).count = count } else if e, ok := expr.(*listExpr); ok && count != 0 { expr = &listExpr{e.exprs, e.count} expr.(*listExpr).count = count } ui.keyAcc = nil ui.keyCount = nil ui.menuBuf = nil return expr } ui.menuBuf = listBinds(binds) return draw } case *tcell.EventMouse: if ui.cmdPrefix != "" { return nil } var button string switch tev.Buttons() { case tcell.Button1: button = "" case tcell.Button2: button = "" case tcell.Button3: button = "" case tcell.Button4: button = "" case tcell.Button5: button = "" case tcell.Button6: button = "" case tcell.Button7: button = "" case tcell.Button8: button = "" case tcell.WheelUp: button = "" case tcell.WheelDown: button = "" case tcell.WheelLeft: button = "" case tcell.WheelRight: button = "" case tcell.ButtonNone: return nil } if tev.Modifiers() == tcell.ModCtrl { button = "'}) if expr, ok := gOpts.cmdkeys[val]; ok { return expr } } else { return &callExpr{"cmd-insert", []string{string(tev.Rune())}, 1} } } else { val := gKeyVal[tev.Key()] val = addSpecialKeyModifier(val, tev.Modifiers()) if expr, ok := gOpts.cmdkeys[val]; ok { return expr } } } return nil } func (ui *ui) readEvent(ev tcell.Event, nav *nav) expr { if ev == nil { return nil } if _, ok := ev.(*tcell.EventKey); ok && ui.cmdPrefix != "" { return readCmdEvent(ev) } return ui.readNormalEvent(ev, nav) } func (ui *ui) readExpr() { go func() { for { ui.evChan <- ui.pollEvent() } }() } func (ui *ui) suspend() error { return ui.screen.Suspend() } func (ui *ui) resume() error { err := ui.screen.Resume() if !ui.polling { go ui.pollEvents() ui.polling = true } return err } func (ui *ui) exportMode() { getMode := func() string { if strings.HasPrefix(ui.cmdPrefix, "delete") { return "delete" } if strings.HasPrefix(ui.cmdPrefix, "replace") || strings.HasPrefix(ui.cmdPrefix, "create") { return "rename" } switch ui.cmdPrefix { case "filter: ": return "filter" case "find: ", "find-back: ": return "find" case "mark-save: ", "mark-load: ", "mark-remove: ": return "mark" case "rename: ": return "rename" case "/", "?": return "search" case ":": return "command" case "$", "%", "!", "&": return "shell" case ">": return "pipe" case "": return "normal" default: return "unknown" } } os.Setenv("lf_mode", getMode()) } func (ui *ui) exportSizes() { w, h := ui.screen.Size() os.Setenv("lf_width", strconv.Itoa(w)) os.Setenv("lf_height", strconv.Itoa(h)) } func anyKey() { fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, gOpts.waitmsg) defer fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "\n") oldState, err := term.MakeRaw(int(os.Stdin.Fd())) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer term.Restore(int(os.Stdin.Fd()), oldState) b := make([]byte, 1) os.Stdin.Read(b) } func listMatches(screen tcell.Screen, matches []string, selectedInd int) *bytes.Buffer { if len(matches) < 2 { return nil } b := new(bytes.Buffer) wtot, _ := screen.Size() wcol := 0 for _, m := range matches { wcol = max(wcol, len(m)) } wcol += gOpts.tabstop - wcol%gOpts.tabstop ncol := max(wtot/wcol, 1) b.WriteString("possible matches\n") for i := 0; i < len(matches); { for j := 0; j < ncol && i < len(matches); i, j = i+1, j+1 { target := matches[i] if selectedInd == i { target = fmt.Sprintf("\033[7m%s\033[0m%*s", target, wcol-len(target), "") } else { target = fmt.Sprintf("%s%*s", target, wcol-len(target), "") } b.WriteString(target) } b.WriteByte('\n') } return b }