import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import { LoginForm, LoginResponse, PostForm, PostResponse, SearchResponse, FollowCommunityForm, CommunityResponse, GetFollowedCommunitiesResponse, GetPostForm, GetPostResponse, CommentForm, CommentResponse, CommunityForm, GetCommunityForm, GetCommunityResponse, } from '../interfaces'; let lemmyAlphaUrl = 'http://localhost:8540'; let lemmyBetaUrl = 'http://localhost:8550'; let lemmyAlphaApiUrl = `${lemmyAlphaUrl}/api/v1`; let lemmyBetaApiUrl = `${lemmyBetaUrl}/api/v1`; let lemmyAlphaAuth: string; let lemmyBetaAuth: string; // Workaround for tests being run before beforeAll() is finished // describe('main', () => { beforeAll(async () => { console.log('Logging in as lemmy_alpha'); let form: LoginForm = { username_or_email: 'lemmy_alpha', password: 'lemmy', }; let res: LoginResponse = await fetch(`${lemmyAlphaApiUrl}/user/login`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(form), }).then(d => d.json()); lemmyAlphaAuth = res.jwt; console.log('Logging in as lemmy_beta'); let formB = { username_or_email: 'lemmy_beta', password: 'lemmy', }; let resB: LoginResponse = await fetch(`${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/user/login`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(formB), }).then(d => d.json()); lemmyBetaAuth = resB.jwt; }); describe('beta_fetch', () => { test('Create test post on alpha and fetch it on beta', async () => { let name = 'A jest test post'; let postForm: PostForm = { name, auth: lemmyAlphaAuth, community_id: 2, creator_id: 2, nsfw: false, }; let createResponse: PostResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyAlphaApiUrl}/post`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(postForm), } ).then(d => d.json()); expect(; let searchUrl = `${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/search?q=${}&type_=All&sort=TopAll`; let searchResponse: SearchResponse = await fetch(searchUrl, { method: 'GET', }).then(d => d.json()); // TODO: check more fields expect(searchResponse.posts[0].name).toBe(name); }); }); describe('follow_accept', () => { test('/u/lemmy_alpha follows and accepts lemmy_beta/c/main', async () => { // Make sure lemmy_beta/c/main is cached on lemmy_alpha let searchUrl = `${lemmyAlphaApiUrl}/search?q=http://lemmy_beta:8550/c/main&type_=All&sort=TopAll`; let searchResponse: SearchResponse = await fetch(searchUrl, { method: 'GET', }).then(d => d.json()); expect(searchResponse.communities[0].name).toBe('main'); let followForm: FollowCommunityForm = { community_id: searchResponse.communities[0].id, follow: true, auth: lemmyAlphaAuth, }; let followRes: CommunityResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyAlphaApiUrl}/community/follow`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(followForm), } ).then(d => d.json()); // Make sure the follow response went through expect(; expect('main'); // Check that you are subscribed to it locally let followedCommunitiesUrl = `${lemmyAlphaApiUrl}/user/followed_communities?&auth=${lemmyAlphaAuth}`; let followedCommunitiesRes: GetFollowedCommunitiesResponse = await fetch( followedCommunitiesUrl, { method: 'GET', } ).then(d => d.json()); expect(followedCommunitiesRes.communities[1].community_local).toBe(false); }); }); describe('create test post', () => { test('/u/lemmy_alpha creates a post on /c/lemmy_beta/main, its on both instances', async () => { let name = 'A jest test federated post'; let postForm: PostForm = { name, auth: lemmyAlphaAuth, community_id: 3, creator_id: 2, nsfw: false, }; let createResponse: PostResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyAlphaApiUrl}/post`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(postForm), } ).then(d => d.json()); expect(; expect(; expect(; expect(; let getPostUrl = `${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/post?id=2`; let getPostRes: GetPostResponse = await fetch(getPostUrl, { method: 'GET', }).then(d => d.json()); expect(; expect(; expect(; expect(; }); }); describe('update test post', () => { test('/u/lemmy_alpha updates a post on /c/lemmy_beta/main, the update is on both', async () => { let name = 'A jest test federated post, updated'; let postForm: PostForm = { name, edit_id: 2, auth: lemmyAlphaAuth, community_id: 3, creator_id: 2, nsfw: false, }; let updateResponse: PostResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyAlphaApiUrl}/post`, { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(postForm), } ).then(d => d.json()); expect(; expect(; expect(; let getPostUrl = `${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/post?id=2`; let getPostRes: GetPostResponse = await fetch(getPostUrl, { method: 'GET', }).then(d => d.json()); expect(; expect(; expect(; }); }); describe('create test comment', () => { test('/u/lemmy_alpha creates a comment on /c/lemmy_beta/main, its on both instances', async () => { let content = 'A jest test federated comment'; let commentForm: CommentForm = { content, post_id: 2, auth: lemmyAlphaAuth, }; let createResponse: CommentResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyAlphaApiUrl}/comment`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(commentForm), } ).then(d => d.json()); expect(createResponse.comment.content).toBe(content); expect(createResponse.comment.community_local).toBe(false); expect(createResponse.comment.creator_local).toBe(true); expect(createResponse.comment.score).toBe(1); let getPostUrl = `${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/post?id=2`; let getPostRes: GetPostResponse = await fetch(getPostUrl, { method: 'GET', }).then(d => d.json()); expect(getPostRes.comments[0].content).toBe(content); expect(getPostRes.comments[0].community_local).toBe(true); expect(getPostRes.comments[0].creator_local).toBe(false); expect(getPostRes.comments[0].score).toBe(1); // Now do beta replying to that comment, as a child comment let contentBeta = 'A child federated comment from beta'; let commentFormBeta: CommentForm = { content: contentBeta, post_id:, parent_id: getPostRes.comments[0].id, auth: lemmyBetaAuth, }; let createResponseBeta: CommentResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/comment`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(commentFormBeta), } ).then(d => d.json()); expect(createResponseBeta.comment.content).toBe(contentBeta); expect(createResponseBeta.comment.community_local).toBe(true); expect(createResponseBeta.comment.creator_local).toBe(true); expect(createResponseBeta.comment.parent_id).toBe(1); expect(createResponseBeta.comment.score).toBe(1); // Make sure lemmy alpha sees that new child comment from beta let getPostUrlAlpha = `${lemmyAlphaApiUrl}/post?id=2`; let getPostResAlpha: GetPostResponse = await fetch(getPostUrlAlpha, { method: 'GET', }).then(d => d.json()); // The newest show up first expect(getPostResAlpha.comments[0].content).toBe(contentBeta); expect(getPostResAlpha.comments[0].community_local).toBe(false); expect(getPostResAlpha.comments[0].creator_local).toBe(false); expect(getPostResAlpha.comments[0].score).toBe(1); }); }); describe('update test comment', () => { test('/u/lemmy_alpha updates a comment on /c/lemmy_beta/main, its on both instances', async () => { let content = 'A jest test federated comment update'; let commentForm: CommentForm = { content, post_id: 2, edit_id: 1, auth: lemmyAlphaAuth, creator_id: 2, }; let updateResponse: CommentResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyAlphaApiUrl}/comment`, { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(commentForm), } ).then(d => d.json()); expect(updateResponse.comment.content).toBe(content); expect(updateResponse.comment.community_local).toBe(false); expect(updateResponse.comment.creator_local).toBe(true); let getPostUrl = `${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/post?id=2`; let getPostRes: GetPostResponse = await fetch(getPostUrl, { method: 'GET', }).then(d => d.json()); expect(getPostRes.comments[1].content).toBe(content); expect(getPostRes.comments[1].community_local).toBe(true); expect(getPostRes.comments[1].creator_local).toBe(false); }); }); describe('delete things', () => { test('/u/lemmy_beta deletes and undeletes a federated comment, post, and community, lemmy_alpha sees its deleted.', async () => { // Create a test community let communityName = 'test_community'; let communityForm: CommunityForm = { name: communityName, title: communityName, category_id: 1, nsfw: false, auth: lemmyBetaAuth, }; let createCommunityRes: CommunityResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/community`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(communityForm), } ).then(d => d.json()); expect(; // Cache it on lemmy_alpha let searchUrl = `${lemmyAlphaApiUrl}/search?q=http://lemmy_beta:8550/c/${communityName}&type_=All&sort=TopAll`; let searchResponse: SearchResponse = await fetch(searchUrl, { method: 'GET', }).then(d => d.json()); let communityOnAlphaId = searchResponse.communities[0].id; // Follow it let followForm: FollowCommunityForm = { community_id: communityOnAlphaId, follow: true, auth: lemmyAlphaAuth, }; let followRes: CommunityResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyAlphaApiUrl}/community/follow`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(followForm), } ).then(d => d.json()); // Make sure the follow response went through expect(; expect(; // Lemmy beta creates a test post let postName = 'A jest test post with delete'; let createPostForm: PostForm = { name: postName, auth: lemmyBetaAuth, community_id:, creator_id: 2, nsfw: false, }; let createPostRes: PostResponse = await fetch(`${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/post`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(createPostForm), }).then(d => d.json()); expect(; // Lemmy beta creates a test comment let commentContent = 'A jest test federated comment with delete'; let createCommentForm: CommentForm = { content: commentContent, post_id:, auth: lemmyBetaAuth, }; let createCommentRes: CommentResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/comment`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(createCommentForm), } ).then(d => d.json()); expect(createCommentRes.comment.content).toBe(commentContent); // lemmy_beta deletes the comment let deleteCommentForm: CommentForm = { content: commentContent, edit_id:, post_id:, deleted: true, auth: lemmyBetaAuth, creator_id: createCommentRes.comment.creator_id, }; let deleteCommentRes: CommentResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/comment`, { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(deleteCommentForm), } ).then(d => d.json()); expect(deleteCommentRes.comment.deleted).toBe(true); // lemmy_alpha sees that the comment is deleted let getPostUrl = `${lemmyAlphaApiUrl}/post?id=3`; let getPostRes: GetPostResponse = await fetch(getPostUrl, { method: 'GET', }).then(d => d.json()); expect(getPostRes.comments[0].deleted).toBe(true); // lemmy_beta undeletes the comment let undeleteCommentForm: CommentForm = { content: commentContent, edit_id:, post_id:, deleted: false, auth: lemmyBetaAuth, creator_id: createCommentRes.comment.creator_id, }; let undeleteCommentRes: CommentResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/comment`, { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(undeleteCommentForm), } ).then(d => d.json()); expect(undeleteCommentRes.comment.deleted).toBe(false); // lemmy_alpha sees that the comment is undeleted let getPostUndeleteRes: GetPostResponse = await fetch(getPostUrl, { method: 'GET', }).then(d => d.json()); expect(getPostUndeleteRes.comments[0].deleted).toBe(false); // lemmy_beta deletes the post let deletePostForm: PostForm = { name: postName, edit_id:, auth: lemmyBetaAuth, community_id:, creator_id:, nsfw: false, deleted: true, }; let deletePostRes: PostResponse = await fetch(`${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/post`, { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(deletePostForm), }).then(d => d.json()); expect(; // Make sure lemmy_alpha sees the post is deleted let getPostResAgain: GetPostResponse = await fetch(getPostUrl, { method: 'GET', }).then(d => d.json()); expect(; // lemmy_beta undeletes the post let undeletePostForm: PostForm = { name: postName, edit_id:, auth: lemmyBetaAuth, community_id:, creator_id:, nsfw: false, deleted: false, }; let undeletePostRes: PostResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/post`, { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(undeletePostForm), } ).then(d => d.json()); expect(; // Make sure lemmy_alpha sees the post is undeleted let getPostResAgainTwo: GetPostResponse = await fetch(getPostUrl, { method: 'GET', }).then(d => d.json()); expect(; // lemmy_beta deletes the community let deleteCommunityForm: CommunityForm = { name: communityName, title: communityName, category_id: 1, edit_id:, nsfw: false, deleted: true, auth: lemmyBetaAuth, }; let deleteResponse: CommunityResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/community`, { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(deleteCommunityForm), } ).then(d => d.json()); // Make sure the delete went through expect(; // Re-get it from alpha, make sure its deleted there too let getCommunityUrl = `${lemmyAlphaApiUrl}/community?id=${communityOnAlphaId}&auth=${lemmyAlphaAuth}`; let getCommunityRes: GetCommunityResponse = await fetch(getCommunityUrl, { method: 'GET', }).then(d => d.json()); expect(; // lemmy_beta undeletes the community let undeleteCommunityForm: CommunityForm = { name: communityName, title: communityName, category_id: 1, edit_id:, nsfw: false, deleted: false, auth: lemmyBetaAuth, }; let undeleteCommunityRes: CommunityResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/community`, { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(undeleteCommunityForm), } ).then(d => d.json()); // Make sure the delete went through expect(; // Re-get it from alpha, make sure its deleted there too let getCommunityResAgain: GetCommunityResponse = await fetch( getCommunityUrl, { method: 'GET', } ).then(d => d.json()); expect(; }); }); describe('remove things', () => { test('/u/lemmy_beta removes and unremoves a federated comment, post, and community, lemmy_alpha sees its removed.', async () => { // Create a test community let communityName = 'test_community_rem'; let communityForm: CommunityForm = { name: communityName, title: communityName, category_id: 1, nsfw: false, auth: lemmyBetaAuth, }; let createCommunityRes: CommunityResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/community`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(communityForm), } ).then(d => d.json()); expect(; // Cache it on lemmy_alpha let searchUrl = `${lemmyAlphaApiUrl}/search?q=http://lemmy_beta:8550/c/${communityName}&type_=All&sort=TopAll`; let searchResponse: SearchResponse = await fetch(searchUrl, { method: 'GET', }).then(d => d.json()); let communityOnAlphaId = searchResponse.communities[0].id; // Follow it let followForm: FollowCommunityForm = { community_id: communityOnAlphaId, follow: true, auth: lemmyAlphaAuth, }; let followRes: CommunityResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyAlphaApiUrl}/community/follow`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(followForm), } ).then(d => d.json()); // Make sure the follow response went through expect(; expect(; // Lemmy beta creates a test post let postName = 'A jest test post with remove'; let createPostForm: PostForm = { name: postName, auth: lemmyBetaAuth, community_id:, creator_id: 2, nsfw: false, }; let createPostRes: PostResponse = await fetch(`${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/post`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(createPostForm), }).then(d => d.json()); expect(; // Lemmy beta creates a test comment let commentContent = 'A jest test federated comment with remove'; let createCommentForm: CommentForm = { content: commentContent, post_id:, auth: lemmyBetaAuth, }; let createCommentRes: CommentResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/comment`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(createCommentForm), } ).then(d => d.json()); expect(createCommentRes.comment.content).toBe(commentContent); // lemmy_beta removes the comment let removeCommentForm: CommentForm = { content: commentContent, edit_id:, post_id:, removed: true, auth: lemmyBetaAuth, creator_id: createCommentRes.comment.creator_id, }; let removeCommentRes: CommentResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/comment`, { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(removeCommentForm), } ).then(d => d.json()); expect(removeCommentRes.comment.removed).toBe(true); // lemmy_alpha sees that the comment is removed let getPostUrl = `${lemmyAlphaApiUrl}/post?id=4`; let getPostRes: GetPostResponse = await fetch(getPostUrl, { method: 'GET', }).then(d => d.json()); expect(getPostRes.comments[0].removed).toBe(true); // lemmy_beta undeletes the comment let unremoveCommentForm: CommentForm = { content: commentContent, edit_id:, post_id:, removed: false, auth: lemmyBetaAuth, creator_id: createCommentRes.comment.creator_id, }; let unremoveCommentRes: CommentResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/comment`, { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(unremoveCommentForm), } ).then(d => d.json()); expect(unremoveCommentRes.comment.removed).toBe(false); // lemmy_alpha sees that the comment is undeleted let getPostUnremoveRes: GetPostResponse = await fetch(getPostUrl, { method: 'GET', }).then(d => d.json()); expect(getPostUnremoveRes.comments[0].removed).toBe(false); // lemmy_beta deletes the post let removePostForm: PostForm = { name: postName, edit_id:, auth: lemmyBetaAuth, community_id:, creator_id:, nsfw: false, removed: true, }; let removePostRes: PostResponse = await fetch(`${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/post`, { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(removePostForm), }).then(d => d.json()); expect(; // Make sure lemmy_alpha sees the post is deleted let getPostResAgain: GetPostResponse = await fetch(getPostUrl, { method: 'GET', }).then(d => d.json()); expect(; // lemmy_beta unremoves the post let unremovePostForm: PostForm = { name: postName, edit_id:, auth: lemmyBetaAuth, community_id:, creator_id:, nsfw: false, removed: false, }; let unremovePostRes: PostResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/post`, { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(unremovePostForm), } ).then(d => d.json()); expect(; // Make sure lemmy_alpha sees the post is unremoved let getPostResAgainTwo: GetPostResponse = await fetch(getPostUrl, { method: 'GET', }).then(d => d.json()); expect(; // lemmy_beta deletes the community let removeCommunityForm: CommunityForm = { name: communityName, title: communityName, category_id: 1, edit_id:, nsfw: false, removed: true, auth: lemmyBetaAuth, }; let removeCommunityRes: CommunityResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/community`, { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(removeCommunityForm), } ).then(d => d.json()); // Make sure the delete went through expect(; // Re-get it from alpha, make sure its removed there too let getCommunityUrl = `${lemmyAlphaApiUrl}/community?id=${communityOnAlphaId}&auth=${lemmyAlphaAuth}`; let getCommunityRes: GetCommunityResponse = await fetch(getCommunityUrl, { method: 'GET', }).then(d => d.json()); expect(; // lemmy_beta unremoves the community let unremoveCommunityForm: CommunityForm = { name: communityName, title: communityName, category_id: 1, edit_id:, nsfw: false, removed: false, auth: lemmyBetaAuth, }; let unremoveCommunityRes: CommunityResponse = await fetch( `${lemmyBetaApiUrl}/community`, { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: wrapper(unremoveCommunityForm), } ).then(d => d.json()); // Make sure the delete went through expect(; // Re-get it from alpha, make sure its deleted there too let getCommunityResAgain: GetCommunityResponse = await fetch( getCommunityUrl, { method: 'GET', } ).then(d => d.json()); expect(; }); }); }); function wrapper(form: any): string { return JSON.stringify(form); }