#!/bin/sh set -e # Set the database variable to the default first. # Don't forget to change this string to your actual database parameters # if you don't plan to initialize the database in this script. export LEMMY_DATABASE_URL=postgres://lemmy:password@localhost:5432/lemmy # Set other environment variables export JWT_SECRET=changeme export HOSTNAME=rrr yes_no_prompt_invalid() { echo "Invalid input. Please enter either \"y\" or \"n\"." 1>&2 } ask_to_init_db() { init_db_valid=0 init_db_final=0 while [ "$init_db_valid" == 0 ] do read -p "Initialize database (y/n)? " init_db case "$init_db" in [yY]* ) init_db_valid=1; init_db_final=1;; [nN]* ) init_db_valid=1; init_db_final=0;; * ) yes_no_prompt_invalid;; esac echo done if [ "$init_db_final" = 1 ] then source ./server/db-init.sh read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press ANY KEY to continue execution of this script, press CTRL+C to quit..." echo fi } ask_to_auto_reload() { auto_reload_valid=0 auto_reload_final=0 while [ "$auto_reload_valid" == 0 ] do echo "Automagically reload the project when source files are changed?" echo "ONLY ENABLE THIS FOR DEVELOPMENT!" read -p "(y/n) " auto_reload case "$auto_reload" in [yY]* ) auto_reload_valid=1; auto_reload_final=1;; [nN]* ) auto_reload_valid=1; auto_reload_final=0;; * ) yes_no_prompt_invalid;; esac echo done if [ "$auto_reload_final" = 1 ] then cd ui && yarn start cd server && cargo watch -x run fi } # Optionally initialize the database ask_to_init_db # Build the web client cd ui yarn yarn build # Build and run the backend cd ../server RUST_LOG=debug cargo run # For live coding, where both the front and back end, automagically reload on any save ask_to_auto_reload