# Federation Development ## Setup If you don't have a local clone of the Lemmy repo yet, just run the following command: ```bash git clone https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy ``` ## Running locally You need to have the following packages installed, the Docker service needs to be running. - docker - docker-compose - cargo - yarn Then run the following ```bash cd docker/federation ./run-federation-test.bash -yarn ``` The federation test sets up 3 instances: Instance / Username | Location --- | --- lemmy_alpha | []( lemmy_beta | []( lemmy_gamma | []( You can log into each using the instance name, and `lemmy` as the password, IE (`lemmy_alpha`, `lemmy`). Firefox containers are a good way to test them interacting. ## Integration tests To run a suite of suite of federation integration tests: ```bash cd docker/federation-test ./run-tests.sh ``` ## Running on a server Note that federation is currently in alpha. **Only use it for testing**, not on any production server, and be aware that turning on federation may break your instance. Follow the normal installation instructions, either with [Ansible](administration_install_ansible.md) or [manually](administration_install_docker.md). Then replace the line `image: dessalines/lemmy:v0.x.x` in `/lemmy/docker-compose.yml` with `image: dessalines/lemmy:federation`. Also add the following in `/lemmy/lemmy.hjson`: ``` federation: { enabled: true tls_enabled: true, allowed_instances: example.com, } ``` Afterwards, and whenever you want to update to the latest version, run these commands on the server: ``` cd /lemmy/ sudo docker-compose pull sudo docker-compose up -d ```