# Backup and Restore Guide ## Docker and Ansible When using docker or ansible, there should be a `volumes` folder, which contains both the database, and all the pictures. Copy this folder to the new instance to restore your data. ### Incremental Database backup To incrementally backup the DB to an `.sql` file, you can run: ```bash docker exec -t FOLDERNAME_postgres_1 pg_dumpall -c -U lemmy > lemmy_dump_`date +%Y-%m-%d"_"%H_%M_%S`.sql ``` ### A Sample backup script ```bash #!/bin/sh # DB Backup ssh MY_USER@MY_IP "docker exec -t FOLDERNAME_postgres_1 pg_dumpall -c -U lemmy" > ~/BACKUP_LOCATION/INSTANCE_NAME_dump_`date +%Y-%m-%d"_"%H_%M_%S`.sql # Volumes folder Backup rsync -avP -zz --rsync-path="sudo rsync" MY_USER@MY_IP:/LEMMY_LOCATION/volumes ~/BACKUP_LOCATION/FOLDERNAME ``` ### Restoring the DB If you need to restore from a `pg_dumpall` file, you need to first clear out your existing database ```bash # Drop the existing DB docker exec -i FOLDERNAME_postgres_1 psql -U lemmy -c "DROP SCHEMA public CASCADE; CREATE SCHEMA public;" # Restore from the .sql backup cat db_dump.sql | docker exec -i FOLDERNAME_postgres_1 psql -U lemmy # restores the db # This also might be necessary when doing a db import with a different password. docker exec -i FOLDERNAME_postgres_1 psql -U lemmy -c "alter user lemmy with password 'bleh'" ``` ## More resources - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24718706/backup-restore-a-dockerized-postgresql-database