#!/bin/bash set -e if [[ $(id -u) != 0 ]]; then echo "This migration needs to be run as root" exit fi if [[ ! -f docker-compose.yml ]]; then echo "No docker-compose.yml found in current directory. Is this the right folder?" exit fi # Fixing pictrs permissions mkdir -p volumes/pictrs sudo chown -R 991:991 volumes/pictrs echo "Restarting docker-compose, making sure that pictrs is started and pictshare is removed" docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans if [[ -z $(docker-compose ps | grep pictrs) ]]; then echo "Pict-rs is not running, make sure you update Lemmy first" exit fi # echo "Stopping Lemmy so that users dont upload new images during the migration" # docker-compose stop lemmy pushd volumes/pictshare/ echo "Importing pictshare images to pict-rs..." IMAGE_NAMES=* for image in $IMAGE_NAMES; do IMAGE_PATH="$(pwd)/$image/$image" if [[ ! -f $IMAGE_PATH ]]; then continue fi echo -e "\nImporting $IMAGE_PATH" ret=0 curl --silent --fail -F "images[]=@$IMAGE_PATH" || ret=$? if [[ $ret != 0 ]]; then echo "Error for $IMAGE_PATH : $ret" fi done echo "Fixing permissions on pictshare folder" find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; popd echo "Rewrite image links in Lemmy database" docker-compose exec -u postgres postgres psql -U lemmy -c "UPDATE user_ SET avatar = REPLACE(avatar, 'pictshare', 'pictrs/image') WHERE avatar is not null;" docker-compose exec -u postgres postgres psql -U lemmy -c "UPDATE post SET url = REPLACE(url, 'pictshare', 'pictrs/image') WHERE url is not null;" echo "Moving pictshare data folder to pictshare_backup" mv volumes/pictshare volumes/pictshare_backup echo "Migration done, starting Lemmy again" echo "If everything went well, you can delete ./volumes/pictshare_backup/" docker-compose start lemmy