path: root/ui/src/index.html
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-07-10Replacing selectr with choices.js for community searching. (#932)Dessalines
- Fixes #839 - Fixes #847
2020-06-22Making a better light theme, litely. #822Dessalines
2020-06-10Add default themes with media queries (#796)Lorenz Schmidt
* Indicate unstable API in README and mdbook * Support user preference for light and dark theme * Add default themes and load them in `setTheme` * Fixes #758
2020-03-03A first pass at adding icons, and tippy tooltips.Dessalines
- Adding icons for post-listing, comment-node, and navbar. - Adding html titles. - Updating moment expand to use users locale.
2020-02-12Add community refine by searching on new post creation. Fixes #521Dessalines
2020-01-25Adding a noscript message. Fixes #464Dessalines
2020-01-22Adding a toaster to replace alerts. Fixes #457Dessalines
2019-11-11Dynamically loading CSS theme, removing all but darkly from index.htmlDessalines
- Fixes #333
2019-10-21Adding vaporwave theme.Dessalines
- Fixes #315
2019-10-15Adding 8 different themes.Dessalines
- Fixes #276
2019-09-02Removing markdown-it-emoji from index.htmlDessalines
2019-08-30Better tribute.Dessalines
2019-08-29Fixing tribute.Dessalines
2019-08-29Adding emoji support.Dessalines
2019-08-17Fixing up index.htmlDessalines
2019-06-02Fix page titles for custom site nameDessalines
- Fixes #113
2019-06-01Adding emoji supportDessalines
- Fixes #163 - Bad because it doubles the size of the codebase, and it breaks hot module reloading. Decide later on merge.
2019-05-27Use local assets instead of cloudflare cdnperflyst
2019-04-30Adding paging on communities.Dessalines
2019-04-29remove changesAnthony Ettinger
2019-04-29add apple-touch-iconAnthony Ettinger
2019-04-29fix apple ios icon. add gitignoreAnthony Ettinger
2019-04-19Saving replies, the actual fixes will be in the merge to dev.Dessalines
2019-04-06Adding Favicon.Dessalines
2019-04-05Adding docker.Dessalines
- Adding docker support. Fixes #6 - Completing the name change to lemmy. Fixes #36 - Running DB migrations from code. Fixes #38
2019-04-05Adding a front page / fetching subscribed forums.Dessalines
- Adding subscribed to post view. Fixes #25
2019-04-04Adding forum / community pageDessalines
- Adding the page. Fixes #17. - Adding number of comments for community. - Add sorting to that table.
2019-03-27Adding moment time parsingDessalines
2019-03-20Adding initial UI and Websocket server.Dessalines