path: root/ui/src/components/navbar.tsx
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-07-08HTML title bugs.Dessalines
- Fixing HTML titles for some pages. Fixes #801 - Removing, fetching site on demand now.
2020-07-04Some navbar fixes.Dessalines
2020-07-03Adding a search icon, and a faster transition.Dessalines
2020-07-03Modify search button to be expandable.Ricardo de Arruda
* Accordingly issue#814. * Input contract if un-focus input element * Search text data persisted when contracted/expanded
2020-07-01Replace search button to input field at navbar.Ricardo de Arruda
* Search input not rendered at /search path. * Navbar wrapped with withRouter for accessing history props. * Flex-grow/shrink control the width of the input element dynamically.
2020-06-09Fixing some front end pictshare to pictrs conversions.Dessalines
2020-04-10Adding an admin settings page.Dessalines
- Fixes #620 - Adding a UserListing component. Fixes #627
2020-04-01Browser notification as plain markdown. Fixes #618Dessalines
2020-03-20Fixing navbar bell padding.Dessalines
2020-03-20Notification improvements.Dessalines
- Adding a navbar notification icon for mobile. - Adding an in-app notification toast. To be improved later. - Fixes #607
2020-03-04Better tippy loading. Fixes #577Dessalines
2020-03-03A first pass at adding icons, and tippy tooltips.Dessalines
- Adding icons for post-listing, comment-node, and navbar. - Adding html titles. - Updating moment expand to use users locale.
2020-02-11Fixing unread indicator on link click. Fixes #527Dessalines
2020-02-04Websocket reconnect reload page data. Fixes #504Dessalines
2020-02-02Merge branch 'dev' into websocket_scopesDessalines
2020-02-02Finishing up interpolation rework.Dessalines
2020-02-01Merge branch 'dev' into websocket_scopesDessalines
2020-01-31Merge branch 'feature/frontend-a11y' of ↵Dessalines
into richardj-feature/frontend-a11y
2020-01-31Mostly done eliminating recurring fetches.Dessalines
2020-01-31Starting to work on user message scope.Dessalines
2020-01-31usability featuresRichard
This are all the commits from another PR combined into a single commit.
2020-01-30Remove empty div tag containing the navbar.Richie Zhang
In preliminary, the appearance and behavior of the navbar was not affected when the `<nav>` element was not wrapped, and an empty `<div>` element doesn't do anything anyway. I'm also pretty sure that the `<nav>` tag in HTML5 is basically a div with a fancy name, so it can do everything a div can.
2020-01-28Fixing coffee cup offset. Fixes #479Dessalines
2020-01-25Fixing front end error messages. Fixes #462Dessalines
2020-01-23Done merging http-api and private_messageDessalines
2020-01-22Adding a toaster to replace alerts. Fixes #457Dessalines
2020-01-22Adding private messaging, and matrix user ids.Dessalines
- Fixes #244
2020-01-19Fixing sponsor page. Fixes #444Dessalines
2020-01-19Strongly typing WebsocketJsonResponse. Forgot comment-form.tsxDessalines
2020-01-18First pass at fixing UI to work with new websocketresponses.Dessalines
2020-01-15Adding limits to inbox fetching. Fixes #420Dessalines
2020-01-02Adding show_avatar user setting, and option to send notifications to inbox.Dessalines
- Fixes #254 - Fixes #394
2019-12-29Adding user avatars / icons. Requires pictshare.Dessalines
- Fixes #188
2019-10-29Halfway done with email, not fully working yet.Dessalines
2019-10-19Adding username mentions / tagging from comments.Dessalines
- Fixes #293
2019-10-18Running prettier on code.Dessalines
- #305 , #309
2019-09-05Fixing inbox refresh issue.Dessalines
- Fixes #265
2019-08-19Adding cards for sidebars in UI.Dessalines
2019-08-17Fixing navbar icon position.Dessalines
2019-08-16Adding new icon by Andy Cuccaro.Dessalines
- Fixes #203
2019-08-09Making a few internationalization fixes.Dessalines
2019-08-09Second front end pass.Dessalines
2019-08-08i18n translations first pass.Dessalines
2019-05-19Mark as read if viewing link.Dessalines
- Fixes #154. #153
2019-05-18Adding browser notifications.Dessalines
- Fixes #153
2019-05-02Externalizing JWT tokenDessalines
2019-04-30Custom site name.Dessalines
- Fixes #113
2019-04-29Auto-select current community if creating a post from the communityDessalines
page. Fixes #133
2019-04-28Changing from forum to communityDessalines
- Fixes #121
2019-04-28Switching back to hash routerDessalines