path: root/ui/package.json
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-07-10Merge branch 'master' of
2020-07-10Split code into cargo workspaces (#67)nutomic
More fixes - fixed docker builds - fixed mentions regex test - fixed DATABASE_URL stuff - change schema path in diesel.toml Address review comments - add jsonb column back into activity table - remove authors field from cargo.toml - adjust LEMMY_DATABASE_URL env var usage - rename all occurences of LEMMY_DATABASE_URL to DATABASE_URL Decouple utils and db Split code into cargo workspaces Co-authored-by: Felix Ableitner <> Reviewed-on:
2020-07-10Replacing selectr with choices.js for community searching. (#932)Dessalines
- Fixes #839 - Fixes #847
2020-07-09Removing twemoji, and the massive emoji picker. Fixes #895Dessalines
2020-04-23Adding a test bed for API testing. #658Dessalines
2020-04-14Merge branch 'dev' into federationDessalines
2020-04-14Updating front end packages.Dessalines
2020-04-12Add Emoji squashed commit.Dessalines
2020-03-18Updating rust, rust deps, yarn deps. Fixes #605Dessalines
2020-03-03Only show tribute menu after a minlength of 3 characters.Dessalines
- Fixes #562
2020-03-03A first pass at adding icons, and tippy tooltips.Dessalines
- Adding icons for post-listing, comment-node, and navbar. - Adding html titles. - Updating moment expand to use users locale.
2020-03-02Upgrading inferno.Dessalines
2020-02-29Adding generate report for yarn start.Dessalines
2020-02-29remove translation report from readmeFelix Ableitner
2020-02-29generate typescript during compilationFelix
2020-02-29make i18n compatible with weblateFelix
2020-02-27Use image thumbnails from pictshare. Fixes #555Dessalines
2020-02-12Add community refine by searching on new post creation. Fixes #521Dessalines
2020-02-08Fixing some technical debt. Fixes #524Dessalines
2020-02-02Fixing issue with multiple notifications.Dessalines
2020-02-01Testing out reconnecting websocket instead of rxJS one. #496Dessalines
2020-01-28Adding yarn run ts-node to husky pre-commit.Dessalines
2020-01-24Updating front end packages.Dessalines
2020-01-22Adding a toaster to replace alerts. Fixes #457Dessalines
2020-01-19Automatically update translation report. Fixes #439Dessalines
2020-01-13Adding a better rust formatter.Dessalines
2020-01-06Removing outdateds from package.json.Dessalines
2020-01-06Upgrade package.json.Dessalines
2020-01-04Adding cargo checking to husky pre-commit. Fixes #402Dessalines
2019-10-20Externalize into sort-select component.Dessalines
- Fixes #311
2019-10-19Update translation report.Dessalines
2019-10-18Adding prettier.Dessalines
2019-10-18add husky, lint-staged, sortpackzacanger
2019-10-18chore: switch from tslint to eslintzacanger
2019-10-15Adding 8 different themes.Dessalines
- Fixes #276
2019-09-11Reverting tribute, didnt work for non-dev build.Dessalines
2019-09-11Fixing tribute positioning issue, moving recent comments to top.Dessalines
2019-09-04Adding emoji-short-name package.Dessalines
- Fixes #266
2019-09-02Removing markdown-it-emoji from index.htmlDessalines
2019-08-31Switch to TwemojiDessalines
- Fixes #257
2019-08-29Adding support for mentions via tribute.Dessalines
- Adding mentions in comment textareas for users (@) and communities (#). Fixes #129 - Removing balloon-css
2019-08-29Adding emoji support.Dessalines
2019-08-13Squashed commit of the following:Dessalines
commit ecd6c5a2f47cbbb2fc4bf482fadd78380303a904 Author: Dessalines <> Date: Tue Aug 13 19:49:38 2019 -0700 Adding some docs commit 3babd09affb1920da3d0a0ceb7e24c8aeeb9cf1a Author: Dessalines <> Date: Tue Aug 13 19:28:46 2019 -0700 Adding save user settings commit 6e8da9cc9e522d0da668bfa31944c3348cc79620 Merge: 3246d5d c148eef Author: Dessalines <> Date: Tue Aug 13 17:26:25 2019 -0700 Merge branch 'dev' into nsfw commit b3d4a5c4ce441bcc664704aba44cedb51d887599 Author: Dessalines <> Date: Sun Aug 11 20:55:09 2019 -0700 nsfw mostly done, except for settings page.
2019-08-09Adding support for internationalization / i18n (#189)Dessalines
* Still not working * Starting to work on internationalization * Main done. * i18n translations first pass. * Localization testing mostly done. * Second front end pass. * Added a few more translations. * Adding back end translations.
2019-06-11Fixing GetSiteDessalines
- Fixes #171
2019-06-01Adding emoji supportDessalines
- Fixes #163 - Bad because it doubles the size of the codebase, and it breaks hot module reloading. Decide later on merge.
2019-05-05Upgrading front end dependencies.Dessalines
2019-04-29Adding support for spoilers.Dessalines
- Fixes #104 example : ``` ::: spoiler hidden stuff *a bunch of spoilers here* ::: ```
2019-04-07Adding user details / overview page.Dessalines
- Fixes #19
2019-04-05Adding docker.Dessalines
- Adding docker support. Fixes #6 - Completing the name change to lemmy. Fixes #36 - Running DB migrations from code. Fixes #38