path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 148 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index c5a30598..5109d169 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -36,63 +36,6 @@ Front Page|Post
![main screen](|![chat screen](
-## 📝 Table of Contents
-<!-- toc -->
-- [Features](#features)
-- [About](#about)
- * [Why's it called Lemmy?](#whys-it-called-lemmy)
-- [Install](#install)
- * [Docker](#docker)
- + [Updating](#updating)
- * [Ansible](#ansible)
- * [Kubernetes](#kubernetes)
-- [Develop](#develop)
- * [Docker Development](#docker-development)
- * [Local Development](#local-development)
- + [Requirements](#requirements)
- + [Set up Postgres DB](#set-up-postgres-db)
- + [Running](#running)
-- [Configuration](#configuration)
-- [Documentation](#documentation)
-- [Support](#support)
-- [Translations](#translations)
-- [Credits](#credits)
-<!-- tocstop -->
-## Features
-- Open source, [AGPL License](/LICENSE).
-- Self hostable, easy to deploy.
- - Comes with [Docker](#docker), [Ansible](#ansible), [Kubernetes](#kubernetes).
-- Clean, mobile-friendly interface.
- - Live-updating Comment threads.
- - Full vote scores `(+/-)` like old reddit.
- - Themes, including light, dark, and solarized.
- - Emojis with autocomplete support. Start typing `:`
- - User tagging using `@`, Community tagging using `#`.
- - Notifications, on comment replies and when you're tagged.
- - i18n / internationalization support.
- - RSS / Atom feeds for `All`, `Subscribed`, `Inbox`, `User`, and `Community`.
-- Cross-posting support.
- - A *similar post search* when creating new posts. Great for question / answer communities.
-- Moderation abilities.
- - Public Moderation Logs.
- - Both site admins, and community moderators, who can appoint other moderators.
- - Can lock, remove, and restore posts and comments.
- - Can ban and unban users from communities and the site.
- - Can transfer site and communities to others.
-- Can fully erase your data, replacing all posts and comments.
-- NSFW post / community support.
-- High performance.
- - Server is written in rust.
- - Front end is `~80kB` gzipped.
- - Supports arm64 / Raspberry Pi.
-## About
[Lemmy]( is similar to sites like [Reddit](, [](, [Raddle](, or [Hacker News]( you subscribe to forums you're interested in, post links and discussions, then vote, and comment on them. Behind the scenes, it is very different; anyone can easily run a server, and all these servers are federated (think email), and connected to the same universe, called the [Fediverse](
For a link aggregator, this means a user registered on one server can subscribe to forums on any other server, and can have discussions with users registered elsewhere.
@@ -101,15 +44,6 @@ The overall goal is to create an easily self-hostable, decentralized alternative
Each lemmy server can set its own moderation policy; appointing site-wide admins, and community moderators to keep out the trolls, and foster a healthy, non-toxic environment where all can feel comfortable contributing.
-### Why's it called Lemmy?
-- Lead singer from [Motörhead](
-- The old school [video game](<>).
-- The [Koopa from Super Mario](
-- The [furry rodents](
-Made with [Rust](, [Actix](, [Inferno](, [Typescript]( and [Diesel](
## Install
### Docker
@@ -157,88 +91,6 @@ nano inventory # enter your server, domain, contact email
ansible-playbook lemmy.yml --become
-### Kubernetes
-You'll need to have an existing Kubernetes cluster and [storage class](
-Setting this up will vary depending on your provider.
-To try it locally, you can use [MicroK8s]( or [Minikube](
-Once you have a working cluster, edit the environment variables and volume sizes in `docker/k8s/*.yml`.
-You may also want to change the service types to use `LoadBalancer`s depending on where you're running your cluster (add `type: LoadBalancer` to `ports)`, or `NodePort`s.
-By default they will use `ClusterIP`s, which will allow access only within the cluster. See the [docs]( for more on networking in Kubernetes.
-**Important** Running a database in Kubernetes will work, but is generally not recommended.
-If you're deploying on any of the common cloud providers, you should consider using their managed database service instead (RDS, Cloud SQL, Azure Databse, etc.).
-Now you can deploy:
-# Add `-n foo` if you want to deploy into a specific namespace `foo`;
-# otherwise your resources will be created in the `default` namespace.
-kubectl apply -f docker/k8s/db.yml
-kubectl apply -f docker/k8s/pictshare.yml
-kubectl apply -f docker/k8s/lemmy.yml
-If you used a `LoadBalancer`, you should see it in your cloud provider's console.
-## Develop
-### Docker Development
-git clone
-cd lemmy/docker/dev
-./ # This builds and runs it, updating for your changes
-and go to http://localhost:8536.
-### Local Development
-#### Requirements
-- [Rust](
-- [Yarn](
-- [Postgres](
-#### Set up Postgres DB
- psql -c "create user lemmy with password 'password' superuser;" -U postgres
- psql -c 'create database lemmy with owner lemmy;' -U postgres
- export DATABASE_URL=postgres://lemmy:password@localhost:5432/lemmy
-#### Running
-git clone
-cd lemmy
-# For live coding, where both the front and back end, automagically reload on any save, do:
-# cd ui && yarn start
-# cd server && cargo watch -x run
-## Configuration
-The configuration is based on the file [defaults.hjson](server/config/defaults.hjson). This file also contains documentation for all the available options. To override the defaults, you can copy the options you want to change into your local `config.hjson` file.
-Additionally, you can override any config files with environment variables. These have the same name as the config options, and are prefixed with `LEMMY_`. For example, you can override the `database.password` with
-An additional option `LEMMY_DATABASE_URL` is available, which can be used with a PostgreSQL connection string like `postgres://lemmy:password@lemmy_db:5432/lemmy`, passing all connection details at once.
-## Documentation
-- [Websocket API for App developers](docs/
-- [ActivityPub](docs/
-- [Goals](docs/
-- [Ranking Algorithm](docs/
## Support
Lemmy is free, open-source software, meaning no advertising, monetizing, or venture capital, ever. Your donations directly support full-time development of the project.