package demo import ( "" . "" ) var customCommandContent = ` customCommands: - key: 'a' command: 'git checkout {{.Form.Branch}}' context: 'localBranches' prompts: - type: 'input' title: 'Enter a branch name to checkout:' key: 'Branch' suggestions: preset: 'branches' ` var CustomCommand = NewIntegrationTest(NewIntegrationTestArgs{ Description: "Invoke a custom command", ExtraCmdArgs: []string{}, Skip: false, IsDemo: true, SetupConfig: func(cfg *config.AppConfig) { // No idea why I had to use version 2: it should be using my own computer's // font and the one iterm uses is version 3. cfg.UserConfig.Gui.NerdFontsVersion = "2" cfg.UserConfig.CustomCommands = []config.CustomCommand{ { Key: "a", Context: "localBranches", Command: `git checkout {{.Form.Branch}}`, Prompts: []config.CustomCommandPrompt{ { Key: "Branch", Type: "input", Title: "Enter a branch name to checkout", Suggestions: config.CustomCommandSuggestions{ Preset: "branches", }, }, }, }, } }, SetupRepo: func(shell *Shell) { shell.CreateNCommitsWithRandomMessages(30) shell.NewBranch("feature/user-authentication") shell.NewBranch("feature/payment-processing") shell.NewBranch("feature/search-functionality") shell.NewBranch("feature/mobile-responsive") shell.EmptyCommit("Make mobile response") shell.NewBranch("bugfix/fix-login-issue") shell.HardReset("HEAD~1") shell.NewBranch("bugfix/fix-crash-bug") shell.CreateFile("custom_commands_example.yml", customCommandContent) }, Run: func(t *TestDriver, keys config.KeybindingConfig) { t.SetCaptionPrefix("Invoke a custom command") t.Wait(1500) t.Views().Branches(). Focus(). Wait(500). Press("a"). Tap(func() { t.Wait(500) t.ExpectPopup().Prompt(). Title(Equals("Enter a branch name to checkout")). Type("mobile"). ConfirmFirstSuggestion() }) }, })