package branch import ( "" . "" ) var CheckoutByNameRemote = NewIntegrationTest(NewIntegrationTestArgs{ Description: "Checkout a remote branch by name, both using the full name and the local name.", ExtraCmdArgs: []string{}, Skip: false, SetupConfig: func(config *config.AppConfig) {}, SetupRepo: func(shell *Shell) { shell.EmptyCommit("initial commit") // create an origin/foo remote branch shell.CloneIntoRemote("origin") shell.NewBranch("foo") shell.PushBranch("origin", "foo") // delete the local version of the branch because we need to test checking it out from scratch shell.Checkout("master") shell.DeleteBranch("foo") }, Run: func(t *TestDriver, keys config.KeybindingConfig) { t.Views().Branches(). Focus(). Lines( Contains("master").IsSelected(), ). // maximising window so that we can see the tracked branch Press(keys.Universal.NextScreenMode). Press(keys.Branches.CheckoutBranchByName). Tap(func() { t.ExpectPopup().Prompt(). Title(Equals("Branch name:")). Type("foo"). SuggestionLines( Contains("foo"), Contains("origin/foo"), ). ConfirmFirstSuggestion() }). Lines( Contains("foo"). // we have not checked out origin/foo... DoesNotContain("origin/foo"). // ... but we are tracking it (formatted as ' ') Contains("origin foo"), Contains("master"), ). Press(keys.Branches.CheckoutBranchByName). Tap(func() { t.ExpectPopup().Prompt(). Title(Equals("Branch name:")). Type("origin/foo"). SuggestionLines( Contains("origin/foo"), ). ConfirmFirstSuggestion() }). Lines( Contains("HEAD detached at origin/foo"), Contains("foo"), Contains("master"), ) }, })