package types import ( "" "" "" "" "" ) type ContextKind int const ( // this is your files, branches, commits, contexts etc. They're all on the left hand side // and you can cycle through them. SIDE_CONTEXT ContextKind = iota // This is either the left or right 'main' contexts that appear to the right of the side contexts MAIN_CONTEXT // A persistent popup is one that has its own identity e.g. the commit message context. // When you open a popup over it, we'll let you return to it upon pressing escape PERSISTENT_POPUP // A temporary popup is one that could be used for various things (e.g. a generic menu or confirmation popup). // Because we re-use these contexts, they're temporary in that you can't return to them after you've switched from them // to some other context, because the context you switched to might actually be the same context but rendering different content. // We should really be able to spawn new contexts for menus/prompts so that we can actually return to old ones. TEMPORARY_POPUP // This contains the command log, underneath the main contexts. EXTRAS_CONTEXT // only used by the one global context, purely for the sake of defining keybindings globally GLOBAL_CONTEXT // a display context only renders a view. It has no keybindings associated and // it cannot receive focus. DISPLAY_CONTEXT ) type ParentContexter interface { SetParentContext(Context) // we return a bool here to tell us whether or not the returned value just wraps a nil GetParentContext() (Context, bool) } type NeedsRerenderOnWidthChangeLevel int const ( // view doesn't render differently when its width changes NEEDS_RERENDER_ON_WIDTH_CHANGE_NONE NeedsRerenderOnWidthChangeLevel = iota // view renders differently when its width changes. An example is a view // that truncates long lines to the view width, e.g. the branches view NEEDS_RERENDER_ON_WIDTH_CHANGE_WHEN_WIDTH_CHANGES // view renders differently only when the screen mode changes NEEDS_RERENDER_ON_WIDTH_CHANGE_WHEN_SCREEN_MODE_CHANGES ) type IBaseContext interface { HasKeybindings ParentContexter GetKind() ContextKind GetViewName() string GetView() *gocui.View GetViewTrait() IViewTrait GetWindowName() string SetWindowName(string) GetKey() ContextKey IsFocusable() bool // if a context is transient, then it only appears via some keybinding on another // context. Until we add support for having multiple of the same context, no two // of the same transient context can appear at once meaning one might be 'stolen' // from another window. IsTransient() bool // this tells us if the view's bounds are determined by its window or if they're // determined independently. HasControlledBounds() bool // to what extent the view needs to be rerendered when its width changes NeedsRerenderOnWidthChange() NeedsRerenderOnWidthChangeLevel // true if the view needs to be rerendered when its height changes NeedsRerenderOnHeightChange() bool // returns the desired title for the view upon activation. If there is no desired title (returns empty string), then // no title will be set Title() string GetOptionsMap() map[string]string AddKeybindingsFn(KeybindingsFn) AddMouseKeybindingsFn(MouseKeybindingsFn) ClearAllBindingsFn() // This is a bit of a hack at the moment: we currently only set an onclick function so that // our list controller can come along and wrap it in a list-specific click handler. // We'll need to think of a better way to do this. AddOnClickFn(func() error) AddOnRenderToMainFn(func() error) AddOnFocusFn(func(OnFocusOpts) error) AddOnFocusLostFn(func(OnFocusLostOpts) error) } type Context interface { IBaseContext HandleFocus(opts OnFocusOpts) error HandleFocusLost(opts OnFocusLostOpts) error HandleRender() error HandleRenderToMain() error } type ISearchHistoryContext interface { Context GetSearchHistory() *utils.HistoryBuffer[string] } type IFilterableContext interface { Context IListPanelState ISearchHistoryContext SetFilter(string, bool) GetFilter() string ClearFilter() ReApplyFilter(bool) IsFiltering() bool IsFilterableContext() } type ISearchableContext interface { Context ISearchHistoryContext // These are all implemented by SearchTrait SetSearchString(string) GetSearchString() string ClearSearchString() IsSearching() bool IsSearchableContext() RenderSearchStatus(int, int) // This must be implemented by each concrete context. Return nil if not searching the model. ModelSearchResults(searchStr string, caseSensitive bool) []gocui.SearchPosition } type DiffableContext interface { Context // Returns the current diff terminals of the currently selected item. // in the case of a branch it returns both the branch and it's upstream name, // which becomes an option when you bring up the diff menu, but when you're just // flicking through branches it will be using the local branch name. GetDiffTerminals() []string } type IListContext interface { Context GetSelectedItemId() string GetSelectedItemIds() ([]string, int, int) IsItemVisible(item HasUrn) bool GetList() IList ViewIndexToModelIndex(int) int ModelIndexToViewIndex(int) int FocusLine() IsListContext() // used for type switch RangeSelectEnabled() bool RenderOnlyVisibleLines() bool } type IPatchExplorerContext interface { Context GetState() *patch_exploring.State SetState(*patch_exploring.State) GetIncludedLineIndices() []int RenderAndFocus(isFocused bool) error Render(isFocused bool) error Focus() error GetContentToRender(isFocused bool) string NavigateTo(isFocused bool, selectedLineIdx int) error GetMutex() *deadlock.Mutex IsPatchExplorerContext() // used for type switch } type IViewTrait interface { FocusPoint(yIdx int) SetRangeSelectStart(yIdx int) CancelRangeSelect() SetViewPortContent(content string) SetViewPortContentAndClearEverythingElse(content string) SetContentLineCount(lineCount int) SetContent(content string) SetFooter(value string) SetOriginX(value int) ViewPortYBounds() (int, int) ScrollLeft() ScrollRight() ScrollUp(value int) ScrollDown(value int) PageDelta() int SelectedLineIdx() int SetHighlight(bool) } type OnFocusOpts struct { ClickedWindowName string ClickedViewLineIdx int } type OnFocusLostOpts struct { NewContextKey ContextKey } type ContextKey string type KeybindingsOpts struct { GetKey func(key string) Key Config config.KeybindingConfig Guards KeybindingGuards } type ( KeybindingsFn func(opts KeybindingsOpts) []*Binding MouseKeybindingsFn func(opts KeybindingsOpts) []*gocui.ViewMouseBinding ) type HasKeybindings interface { GetKeybindings(opts KeybindingsOpts) []*Binding GetMouseKeybindings(opts KeybindingsOpts) []*gocui.ViewMouseBinding GetOnClick() func() error GetOnRenderToMain() func() error GetOnFocus() func(OnFocusOpts) error GetOnFocusLost() func(OnFocusLostOpts) error } type IController interface { HasKeybindings Context() Context } type IList interface { IListCursor Len() int GetItem(index int) HasUrn } type IListCursor interface { GetSelectedLineIdx() int SetSelectedLineIdx(value int) SetSelection(value int) MoveSelectedLine(delta int) ClampSelection() CancelRangeSelect() GetRangeStartIdx() (int, bool) GetSelectionRange() (int, int) IsSelectingRange() bool AreMultipleItemsSelected() bool ToggleStickyRange() ExpandNonStickyRange(int) } type IListPanelState interface { SetSelectedLineIdx(int) SetSelection(int) GetSelectedLineIdx() int } type ListItem interface { // ID is a hash when the item is a commit, a filename when the item is a file, 'stash@{4}' when it's a stash entry, 'my_branch' when it's a branch ID() string // Description is something we would show in a message e.g. '123as14: push blah' for a commit Description() string } type IContextMgr interface { Push(context Context, opts ...OnFocusOpts) error Pop() error Replace(context Context) error Current() Context CurrentStatic() Context CurrentSide() Context IsCurrent(c Context) bool ForEach(func(Context)) AllList() []IListContext AllFilterable() []IFilterableContext AllSearchable() []ISearchableContext AllPatchExplorer() []IPatchExplorerContext }