package popup import ( "context" "strings" "" "" "" "" ) type PopupHandler struct { *common.Common createPopupPanelFn func(context.Context, types.CreatePopupPanelOpts) error onErrorFn func() error popContextFn func() error currentContextFn func() types.Context createMenuFn func(types.CreateMenuOptions) error withWaitingStatusFn func(message string, f func(gocui.Task) error) withWaitingStatusSyncFn func(message string, f func() error) error toastFn func(message string, kind types.ToastKind) getPromptInputFn func() string inDemo func() bool } var _ types.IPopupHandler = &PopupHandler{} func NewPopupHandler( common *common.Common, createPopupPanelFn func(context.Context, types.CreatePopupPanelOpts) error, onErrorFn func() error, popContextFn func() error, currentContextFn func() types.Context, createMenuFn func(types.CreateMenuOptions) error, withWaitingStatusFn func(message string, f func(gocui.Task) error), withWaitingStatusSyncFn func(message string, f func() error) error, toastFn func(message string, kind types.ToastKind), getPromptInputFn func() string, inDemo func() bool, ) *PopupHandler { return &PopupHandler{ Common: common, createPopupPanelFn: createPopupPanelFn, onErrorFn: onErrorFn, popContextFn: popContextFn, currentContextFn: currentContextFn, createMenuFn: createMenuFn, withWaitingStatusFn: withWaitingStatusFn, withWaitingStatusSyncFn: withWaitingStatusSyncFn, toastFn: toastFn, getPromptInputFn: getPromptInputFn, inDemo: inDemo, } } func (self *PopupHandler) Menu(opts types.CreateMenuOptions) error { return self.createMenuFn(opts) } func (self *PopupHandler) Toast(message string) { self.toastFn(message, types.ToastKindStatus) } func (self *PopupHandler) ErrorToast(message string) { self.toastFn(message, types.ToastKindError) } func (self *PopupHandler) SetToastFunc(f func(string, types.ToastKind)) { self.toastFn = f } func (self *PopupHandler) WithWaitingStatus(message string, f func(gocui.Task) error) error { self.withWaitingStatusFn(message, f) return nil } func (self *PopupHandler) WithWaitingStatusSync(message string, f func() error) error { return self.withWaitingStatusSyncFn(message, f) } func (self *PopupHandler) ErrorHandler(err error) error { // Need to set bold here explicitly; otherwise it gets cancelled by the red colouring. coloredMessage := style.FgRed.SetBold().Sprint(strings.TrimSpace(err.Error())) if err := self.onErrorFn(); err != nil { return err } return self.Alert(self.Tr.Error, coloredMessage) } func (self *PopupHandler) Alert(title string, message string) error { return self.Confirm(types.ConfirmOpts{Title: title, Prompt: message}) } func (self *PopupHandler) Confirm(opts types.ConfirmOpts) error { return self.createPopupPanelFn(context.Background(), types.CreatePopupPanelOpts{ Title: opts.Title, Prompt: opts.Prompt, HandleConfirm: opts.HandleConfirm, HandleClose: opts.HandleClose, }) } func (self *PopupHandler) Prompt(opts types.PromptOpts) error { return self.createPopupPanelFn(context.Background(), types.CreatePopupPanelOpts{ Title: opts.Title, Prompt: opts.InitialContent, Editable: true, HandleConfirmPrompt: opts.HandleConfirm, HandleClose: opts.HandleClose, HandleDeleteSuggestion: opts.HandleDeleteSuggestion, FindSuggestionsFunc: opts.FindSuggestionsFunc, AllowEditSuggestion: opts.AllowEditSuggestion, Mask: opts.Mask, }) } // returns the content that has currently been typed into the prompt. Useful for // asynchronously updating the suggestions list under the prompt. func (self *PopupHandler) GetPromptInput() string { return self.getPromptInputFn() }