package gui type BasicContext struct { OnFocus func() error OnFocusLost func() error OnRender func() error Kind ContextKind Key ContextKey ViewName string WindowName string OnGetOptionsMap func() map[string]string ParentContext Context // we can't know on the calling end whether a Context is actually a nil value without reflection, so we're storing this flag here to tell us. There has got to be a better way around this hasParent bool } func (c *BasicContext) GetOptionsMap() map[string]string { if c.OnGetOptionsMap != nil { return c.OnGetOptionsMap() } return nil } func (c *BasicContext) SetParentContext(context Context) { c.ParentContext = context c.hasParent = true } func (c *BasicContext) GetParentContext() (Context, bool) { return c.ParentContext, c.hasParent } func (c *BasicContext) SetWindowName(windowName string) { c.WindowName = windowName } func (c *BasicContext) GetWindowName() string { windowName := c.WindowName if windowName != "" { return windowName } // TODO: actually set this for everything so we don't default to the view name return c.ViewName } func (c *BasicContext) HandleRender() error { if c.OnRender != nil { return c.OnRender() } return nil } func (c *BasicContext) GetViewName() string { return c.ViewName } func (c *BasicContext) HandleFocus() error { return c.OnFocus() } func (c *BasicContext) HandleFocusLost() error { if c.OnFocusLost != nil { return c.OnFocusLost() } return nil } func (c *BasicContext) GetKind() ContextKind { return c.Kind } func (c *BasicContext) GetKey() ContextKey { return c.Key }