path: root/vendor/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
1 files changed, 696 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3186a387d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
+package str
+//import "testing"
+import "fmt"
+//import "strings"
+func ExampleBetween() {
+ eg(1, Between("<a>foo</a>", "<a>", "</a>"))
+ eg(2, Between("<a>foo</a></a>", "<a>", "</a>"))
+ eg(3, Between("<a><a>foo</a></a>", "<a>", "</a>"))
+ eg(4, Between("<a><a>foo</a></a>", "<a>", "</a>"))
+ eg(5, Between("<a>foo", "<a>", "</a>"))
+ eg(6, Between("Some strings } are very {weird}, dont you think?", "{", "}"))
+ eg(7, Between("This is ateststring", "", "test"))
+ eg(8, Between("This is ateststring", "test", ""))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: foo
+ // 2: foo
+ // 3: <a>foo
+ // 4: <a>foo
+ // 5:
+ // 6: weird
+ // 7: This is a
+ // 8: string
+func ExampleBetweenF() {
+ eg(1, Pipe("abc", BetweenF("a", "c")))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: b
+func ExampleCamelize() {
+ eg(1, Camelize("data_rate"))
+ eg(2, Camelize("background-color"))
+ eg(3, Camelize("-moz-something"))
+ eg(4, Camelize("_car_speed_"))
+ eg(5, Camelize("yes_we_can"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: dataRate
+ // 2: backgroundColor
+ // 3: MozSomething
+ // 4: CarSpeed
+ // 5: yesWeCan
+func ExampleCapitalize() {
+ eg(1, Capitalize("abc"))
+ eg(2, Capitalize("ABC"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: Abc
+ // 2: Abc
+func ExampleCharAt() {
+ eg(1, CharAt("abc", 1))
+ eg(2, CharAt("", -1))
+ eg(3, CharAt("", 0))
+ eg(4, CharAt("", 10))
+ eg(5, CharAt("abc", -1))
+ eg(6, CharAt("abc", 10))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: b
+ // 2:
+ // 3:
+ // 4:
+ // 5:
+ // 6:
+func ExampleCharAtF() {
+ eg(1, Pipe("abc", CharAtF(1)))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: b
+func ExampleChompLeft() {
+ eg(1, ChompLeft("foobar", "foo"))
+ eg(2, ChompLeft("foobar", "bar"))
+ eg(3, ChompLeft("", "foo"))
+ eg(4, ChompLeft("", ""))
+ eg(5, ChompLeft("foo", ""))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: bar
+ // 2: foobar
+ // 3:
+ // 4:
+ // 5: foo
+func ExampleChompLeftF() {
+ eg(1, Pipe("abc", ChompLeftF("ab")))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: c
+func ExampleChompRight() {
+ eg(1, ChompRight("foobar", "foo"))
+ eg(2, ChompRight("foobar", "bar"))
+ eg(3, ChompRight("", "foo"))
+ eg(4, ChompRight("", ""))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: foobar
+ // 2: foo
+ // 3:
+ // 4:
+func ExampleChompRightF() {
+ eg(1, Pipe("abc", ChompRightF("bc")))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: a
+func ExampleClassify() {
+ eg(1, Classify("data_rate"))
+ eg(2, Classify("background-color"))
+ eg(3, Classify("-moz-something"))
+ eg(4, Classify("_car_speed_"))
+ eg(5, Classify("yes_we_can"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: DataRate
+ // 2: BackgroundColor
+ // 3: MozSomething
+ // 4: CarSpeed
+ // 5: YesWeCan
+func ExampleClean() {
+ eg(1, Clean("clean"))
+ eg(2, Clean(""))
+ eg(3, Clean(" please\t clean \t \n me "))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: clean
+ // 2:
+ // 3: please clean me
+func ExampleDasherize() {
+ eg(1, Dasherize("dataRate"))
+ eg(2, Dasherize("CarSpeed"))
+ eg(3, Dasherize("yesWeCan"))
+ eg(4, Dasherize(""))
+ eg(5, Dasherize("ABC"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: data-rate
+ // 2: -car-speed
+ // 3: yes-we-can
+ // 4:
+ // 5: -a-b-c
+func ExampleDecodeHTMLEntities() {
+ eg(1, DecodeHTMLEntities("Ken Thompson &amp; Dennis Ritchie"))
+ eg(2, DecodeHTMLEntities("3 &lt; 4"))
+ eg(3, DecodeHTMLEntities("http:&#47;&#47;"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: Ken Thompson & Dennis Ritchie
+ // 2: 3 < 4
+ // 3: http://
+func ExampleEnsurePrefix() {
+ eg(1, EnsurePrefix("foobar", "foo"))
+ eg(2, EnsurePrefix("bar", "foo"))
+ eg(3, EnsurePrefix("", ""))
+ eg(4, EnsurePrefix("foo", ""))
+ eg(5, EnsurePrefix("", "foo"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: foobar
+ // 2: foobar
+ // 3:
+ // 4: foo
+ // 5: foo
+func ExampleEnsurePrefixF() {
+ eg(1, Pipe("dir", EnsurePrefixF("./")))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: ./dir
+func ExampleEnsureSuffix() {
+ eg(1, EnsureSuffix("foobar", "bar"))
+ eg(2, EnsureSuffix("foo", "bar"))
+ eg(3, EnsureSuffix("", ""))
+ eg(4, EnsureSuffix("foo", ""))
+ eg(5, EnsureSuffix("", "bar"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: foobar
+ // 2: foobar
+ // 3:
+ // 4: foo
+ // 5: bar
+func ExampleHumanize() {
+ eg(1, Humanize("the_humanize_string_method"))
+ eg(2, Humanize("ThehumanizeStringMethod"))
+ eg(3, Humanize("the humanize string method"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: The humanize string method
+ // 2: Thehumanize string method
+ // 3: The humanize string method
+func ExampleIif() {
+ eg(1, Iif(true, "T", "F"))
+ eg(2, Iif(false, "T", "F"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: T
+ // 2: F
+func ExampleIndexOf() {
+ eg(1, IndexOf("abcdef", "a", 0))
+ eg(2, IndexOf("abcdef", "a", 3))
+ eg(3, IndexOf("abcdef", "a", -2))
+ eg(4, IndexOf("abcdef", "a", 10))
+ eg(5, IndexOf("", "a", 0))
+ eg(6, IndexOf("abcdef", "", 2))
+ eg(7, IndexOf("abcdef", "", 1000))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: 0
+ // 2: -1
+ // 3: -1
+ // 4: -1
+ // 5: -1
+ // 6: 2
+ // 7: 6
+func ExampleIsAlpha() {
+ eg(1, IsAlpha("afaf"))
+ eg(2, IsAlpha("FJslfjkasfs"))
+ eg(3, IsAlpha("áéúóúÁÉÍÓÚãõÃÕàèìòùÀÈÌÒÙâêîôûÂÊÎÔÛäëïöüÄËÏÖÜçÇ"))
+ eg(4, IsAlpha("adflj43faljsdf"))
+ eg(5, IsAlpha("33"))
+ eg(6, IsAlpha("TT....TTTafafetstYY"))
+ eg(7, IsAlpha("-áéúóúÁÉÍÓÚãõÃÕàèìòùÀÈÌÒÙâêîôûÂÊÎÔÛäëïöüÄËÏÖÜçÇ"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: true
+ // 2: true
+ // 3: true
+ // 4: false
+ // 5: false
+ // 6: false
+ // 7: false
+func eg(index int, example interface{}) {
+ output := fmt.Sprintf("%d: %v", index, example)
+ fmt.Printf("%s\n", Clean(output))
+func ExampleIsAlphaNumeric() {
+ eg(1, IsAlphaNumeric("afaf35353afaf"))
+ eg(2, IsAlphaNumeric("FFFF99fff"))
+ eg(3, IsAlphaNumeric("99"))
+ eg(4, IsAlphaNumeric("afff"))
+ eg(5, IsAlphaNumeric("Infinity"))
+ eg(6, IsAlphaNumeric("áéúóúÁÉÍÓÚãõÃÕàèìòùÀÈÌÒÙâêîôûÂÊÎÔÛäëïöüÄËÏÖÜçÇ1234567890"))
+ eg(7, IsAlphaNumeric("-Infinity"))
+ eg(8, IsAlphaNumeric("-33"))
+ eg(9, IsAlphaNumeric("aaff.."))
+ eg(10, IsAlphaNumeric(".áéúóúÁÉÍÓÚãõÃÕàèìòùÀÈÌÒÙâêîôûÂÊÎÔÛäëïöüÄËÏÖÜçÇ1234567890"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: true
+ // 2: true
+ // 3: true
+ // 4: true
+ // 5: true
+ // 6: true
+ // 7: false
+ // 8: false
+ // 9: false
+ // 10: false
+func ExampleIsEmpty() {
+ eg(1, IsEmpty(" "))
+ eg(2, IsEmpty("\t\t\t "))
+ eg(3, IsEmpty("\t\n "))
+ eg(4, IsEmpty("hi"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: true
+ // 2: true
+ // 3: true
+ // 4: false
+func ExampleIsLower() {
+ eg(1, IsLower("a"))
+ eg(2, IsLower("A"))
+ eg(3, IsLower("abc"))
+ eg(4, IsLower("aBc"))
+ eg(5, IsLower("áéúóúãõàèìòùâêîôûäëïöüç"))
+ eg(6, IsLower("hi jp"))
+ eg(8, IsLower("áéúóúãõàèìòùâêîôûäëïöüçÁ"))
+ eg(9, IsLower("áéúóúãõàèìòùâêîôû äëïöüç"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: true
+ // 2: false
+ // 3: true
+ // 4: false
+ // 5: true
+ // 6: false
+ // 7: false
+ // 8: false
+ // 9: false
+func ExampleIsNumeric() {
+ eg(1, IsNumeric("3"))
+ eg(2, IsNumeric("34.22"))
+ eg(3, IsNumeric("-22.33"))
+ eg(4, IsNumeric("NaN"))
+ eg(5, IsNumeric("Infinity"))
+ eg(6, IsNumeric("-Infinity"))
+ eg(7, IsNumeric("JP"))
+ eg(8, IsNumeric("-5"))
+ eg(9, IsNumeric("00099242424"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: true
+ // 2: false
+ // 3: false
+ // 4: false
+ // 5: false
+ // 6: false
+ // 7: false
+ // 8: false
+ // 9: true
+func ExampleIsUpper() {
+ eg(1, IsUpper("a"))
+ eg(2, IsUpper("A"))
+ eg(3, IsUpper("ABC"))
+ eg(4, IsUpper("aBc"))
+ eg(5, IsUpper("áéúóúãõàèìòùâêîôûäëïöüç"))
+ eg(6, IsUpper("HI JP"))
+ eg(8, IsUpper("áéúóúãõàèìòùâêîôûäëïöüçÁ"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: false
+ // 2: true
+ // 3: true
+ // 4: false
+ // 5: false
+ // 6: false
+ // 7: true
+ // 8: false
+ // 9: false
+func ExampleLeft() {
+ eg(1, Left("abcdef", 0))
+ eg(2, Left("abcdef", 1))
+ eg(3, Left("abcdef", 4))
+ eg(4, Left("abcdef", -2))
+ // Output:
+ // 1:
+ // 2: a
+ // 3: abcd
+ // 4: ef
+func ExampleLeftOf() {
+ eg(1, LeftOf("abcdef", "def"))
+ eg(2, LeftOf("abcdef", "abc"))
+ eg(3, LeftOf("abcdef", ""))
+ eg(4, LeftOf("", "abc"))
+ eg(5, LeftOf("abcdef", "xyz"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: abc
+ // 2:
+ // 3: abcdef
+ // 4:
+ // 5:
+func ExampleLines() {
+ eg(1, Lines("a\r\nb\nc\r\n"))
+ eg(2, Lines("a\r\nb\nc\r\nd"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: [a b c ]
+ // 2: [a b c d]
+func ExampleMatch() {
+ eg(1, Match("foobar", `^fo.*r$`))
+ eg(2, Match("foobar", `^fo.*x$`))
+ eg(3, Match("", `^fo.*x$`))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: true
+ // 2: false
+ // 3: false
+func ExamplePad() {
+ eg(1, Pad("hello", "x", 5))
+ eg(2, Pad("hello", "x", 10))
+ eg(3, Pad("hello", "x", 11))
+ eg(4, Pad("hello", "x", 6))
+ eg(5, Pad("hello", "x", 1))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: hello
+ // 2: xxxhelloxx
+ // 3: xxxhelloxxx
+ // 4: xhello
+ // 5: hello
+func ExamplePadLeft() {
+ eg(1, PadLeft("hello", "x", 5))
+ eg(2, PadLeft("hello", "x", 10))
+ eg(3, PadLeft("hello", "x", 11))
+ eg(4, PadLeft("hello", "x", 6))
+ eg(5, PadLeft("hello", "x", 1))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: hello
+ // 2: xxxxxhello
+ // 3: xxxxxxhello
+ // 4: xhello
+ // 5: hello
+func ExamplePadRight() {
+ eg(1, PadRight("hello", "x", 5))
+ eg(2, PadRight("hello", "x", 10))
+ eg(3, PadRight("hello", "x", 11))
+ eg(4, PadRight("hello", "x", 6))
+ eg(5, PadRight("hello", "x", 1))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: hello
+ // 2: helloxxxxx
+ // 3: helloxxxxxx
+ // 4: hellox
+ // 5: hello
+func ExamplePipe() {
+ eg(1, Pipe("\nabcdef \n", Clean, BetweenF("a", "f"), ChompLeftF("bc")))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: de
+func ExampleReplaceF() {
+ eg(1, Pipe("abcdefab", ReplaceF("ab", "x", -1)))
+ eg(2, Pipe("abcdefab", ReplaceF("ab", "x", 1)))
+ eg(3, Pipe("abcdefab", ReplaceF("ab", "x", 0)))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: xcdefx
+ // 2: xcdefab
+ // 3: abcdefab
+func ExampleReplacePattern() {
+ eg(1, ReplacePattern("aabbcc", `a`, "x"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: xxbbcc
+func ExampleReplacePatternF() {
+ eg(1, Pipe("aabbcc", ReplacePatternF(`a`, "x")))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: xxbbcc
+func ExampleReverse() {
+ eg(1, Reverse("abc"))
+ eg(2, Reverse("中文"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: cba
+ // 2: 文中
+func ExampleRight() {
+ eg(1, Right("abcdef", 0))
+ eg(2, Right("abcdef", 1))
+ eg(3, Right("abcdef", 4))
+ eg(4, Right("abcdef", -2))
+ // Output:
+ // 1:
+ // 2: f
+ // 3: cdef
+ // 4: ab
+func ExampleRightOf() {
+ eg(1, RightOf("abcdef", "abc"))
+ eg(2, RightOf("abcdef", "def"))
+ eg(3, RightOf("abcdef", ""))
+ eg(4, RightOf("", "abc"))
+ eg(5, RightOf("abcdef", "xyz"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: def
+ // 2:
+ // 3: abcdef
+ // 4:
+ // 5:
+func ExampleRightF() {
+ eg(1, Pipe("abcdef", RightF(3)))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: def
+func ExampleSliceContains() {
+ eg(1, SliceContains([]string{"foo", "bar"}, "foo"))
+ eg(2, SliceContains(nil, "foo"))
+ eg(3, SliceContains([]string{"foo", "bar"}, "bah"))
+ eg(4, SliceContains([]string{"foo", "bar"}, ""))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: true
+ // 2: false
+ // 3: false
+ // 4: false
+func ExampleSliceIndexOf() {
+ eg(1, SliceIndexOf([]string{"foo", "bar"}, "foo"))
+ eg(2, SliceIndexOf(nil, "foo"))
+ eg(3, SliceIndexOf([]string{"foo", "bar"}, "bah"))
+ eg(4, SliceIndexOf([]string{"foo", "bar"}, ""))
+ eg(5, SliceIndexOf([]string{"foo", "bar"}, "bar"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: 0
+ // 2: -1
+ // 3: -1
+ // 4: -1
+ // 5: 1
+func ExampleSlugify() {
+ eg(1, Slugify("foo bar"))
+ eg(2, Slugify("foo/bar bah"))
+ eg(3, Slugify("foo-bar--bah"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: foo-bar
+ // 2: foobar-bah
+ // 3: foo-bar-bah
+func ExampleStripPunctuation() {
+ eg(1, StripPunctuation("My, st[ring] *full* of %punct)"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: My string full of punct
+func ExampleStripTags() {
+ eg(1, StripTags("<p>just <b>some</b> text</p>"))
+ eg(2, StripTags("<p>just <b>some</b> text</p>", "p"))
+ eg(3, StripTags("<a><p>just <b>some</b> text</p></a>", "a", "p"))
+ eg(4, StripTags("<a><p>just <b>some</b> text</p></a>", "b"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: just some text
+ // 2: just <b>some</b> text
+ // 3: just <b>some</b> text
+ // 4: <a><p>just some text</p></a>
+func ExampleSubstr() {
+ eg(1, Substr("abcdef", 2, -1))
+ eg(2, Substr("abcdef", 2, 0))
+ eg(3, Substr("abcdef", 2, 1))
+ eg(4, Substr("abcdef", 2, 3))
+ eg(5, Substr("abcdef", 2, 4))
+ eg(6, Substr("abcdef", 2, 100))
+ eg(7, Substr("abcdef", 0, 1))
+ // Output:
+ // 1:
+ // 2:
+ // 3: c
+ // 4: cde
+ // 5: cdef
+ // 6: cdef
+ // 7: a
+func ExampleTemplateWithDelimiters() {
+ eg(1, TemplateWithDelimiters("Hello {{name}} at {{date-year}}", map[string]interface{}{"name": "foo", "date-year": 2014}, "{{", "}}"))
+ eg(2, TemplateWithDelimiters("Hello #{name} at #{date-year}", map[string]interface{}{"name": "foo", "date-year": 2014}, "#{", "}"))
+ eg(3, TemplateWithDelimiters("Hello (name) at (date-year)", map[string]interface{}{"name": "foo", "date-year": 2014}, "(", ")"))
+ eg(4, TemplateWithDelimiters("Hello [name] at [date-year]", map[string]interface{}{"name": "foo", "date-year": 2014}, "[", "]"))
+ eg(5, TemplateWithDelimiters("Hello *name* at *date-year*", map[string]interface{}{"name": "foo", "date-year": 2014}, "*", "*"))
+ eg(6, TemplateWithDelimiters("Hello $name$ at $date-year$", map[string]interface{}{"name": "foo", "date-year": 2014}, "$", "$"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: Hello foo at 2014
+ // 2: Hello foo at 2014
+ // 3: Hello foo at 2014
+ // 4: Hello foo at 2014
+ // 5: Hello foo at 2014
+ // 6: Hello foo at 2014
+func ExampleTemplate() {
+ eg(1, Template("Hello {{name}} at {{date-year}}", map[string]interface{}{"name": "foo", "date-year": 2014}))
+ eg(2, Template("Hello {{name}}", map[string]interface{}{"name": ""}))
+ SetTemplateDelimiters("{", "}")
+ eg(3, Template("Hello {name} at {date-year}", map[string]interface{}{"name": "foo", "date-year": 2014}))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: Hello foo at 2014
+ // 2: Hello
+ // 3: Hello foo at 2014
+func ExampleToArgv() {
+ eg(1, QuoteItems(ToArgv(`GO_ENV=test gosu --watch foo@release "some quoted string 'inside'"`)))
+ eg(2, QuoteItems(ToArgv(`gosu foo\ bar`)))
+ eg(3, QuoteItems(ToArgv(`gosu --test="some arg" -w -s a=123`)))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: ["GO_ENV=test" "gosu" "--watch" "foo@release" "some quoted string 'inside'"]
+ // 2: ["gosu" "foo bar"]
+ // 3: ["gosu" "--test=some arg" "-w" "-s" "a=123"]
+func ExampleToBool() {
+ eg(1, ToBool("true"))
+ eg(2, ToBool("yes"))
+ eg(3, ToBool("1"))
+ eg(4, ToBool("on"))
+ eg(5, ToBool("false"))
+ eg(6, ToBool("no"))
+ eg(7, ToBool("0"))
+ eg(8, ToBool("off"))
+ eg(9, ToBool(""))
+ eg(10, ToBool("?"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: true
+ // 2: true
+ // 3: true
+ // 4: true
+ // 5: false
+ // 6: false
+ // 7: false
+ // 8: false
+ // 9: false
+ // 10: false
+func ExampleToBoolOr() {
+ eg(1, ToBoolOr("foo", true))
+ eg(2, ToBoolOr("foo", false))
+ eg(3, ToBoolOr("true", false))
+ eg(4, ToBoolOr("", true))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: true
+ // 2: false
+ // 3: true
+ // 4: true
+func ExampleToIntOr() {
+ eg(1, ToIntOr("foo", 0))
+ eg(2, ToIntOr("", 1))
+ eg(3, ToIntOr("100", 0))
+ eg(4, ToIntOr("-1", 1))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: 0
+ // 2: 1
+ // 3: 100
+ // 4: -1
+func ExampleUnderscore() {
+ eg(1, Underscore("fooBar"))
+ eg(2, Underscore("FooBar"))
+ eg(3, Underscore(""))
+ eg(4, Underscore("x"))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: foo_bar
+ // 2: _foo_bar
+ // 3:
+ // 4: x
+func ExampleWrapHTML() {
+ eg(1, WrapHTML("foo", "span", nil))
+ eg(2, WrapHTML("foo", "", nil))
+ eg(3, WrapHTML("foo", "", map[string]string{"class": "bar"}))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: <span>foo</span>
+ // 2: <div>foo</div>
+ // 3: <div class="bar">foo</div>
+func ExampleWrapHTMLF() {
+ eg(1, Pipe("foo", WrapHTMLF("div", nil)))
+ // Output:
+ // 1: <div>foo</div>