path: root/vendor/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
1 files changed, 301 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40ace74d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+# go-getter
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+go-getter is a library for Go (golang) for downloading files or directories
+from various sources using a URL as the primary form of input.
+The power of this library is being flexible in being able to download
+from a number of different sources (file paths, Git, HTTP, Mercurial, etc.)
+using a single string as input. This removes the burden of knowing how to
+download from a variety of sources from the implementer.
+The concept of a _detector_ automatically turns invalid URLs into proper
+URLs. For example: "" would turn into a
+Git URL. Or "./foo" would turn into a file URL. These are extensible.
+This library is used by [Terraform]( for
+downloading modules and [Nomad]( for downloading
+## Installation and Usage
+Package documentation can be found on
+Installation can be done with a normal `go get`:
+$ go get
+go-getter also has a command you can use to test URL strings:
+$ go install
+$ go-getter ./foo
+The command is useful for verifying URL structures.
+## URL Format
+go-getter uses a single string URL as input to download from a variety of
+protocols. go-getter has various "tricks" with this URL to do certain things.
+This section documents the URL format.
+### Supported Protocols and Detectors
+**Protocols** are used to download files/directories using a specific
+mechanism. Example protocols are Git and HTTP.
+**Detectors** are used to transform a valid or invalid URL into another
+URL if it matches a certain pattern. Example: "" is
+automatically transformed into a fully valid Git URL. This allows go-getter
+to be very user friendly.
+go-getter out of the box supports the following protocols. Additional protocols
+can be augmented at runtime by implementing the `Getter` interface.
+ * Local files
+ * Git
+ * Mercurial
+ * HTTP
+ * Amazon S3
+In addition to the above protocols, go-getter has what are called "detectors."
+These take a URL and attempt to automatically choose the best protocol for
+it, which might involve even changing the protocol. The following detection
+is built-in by default:
+ * File paths such as "./foo" are automatically changed to absolute
+ file URLs.
+ * GitHub URLs, such as "" are automatically
+ changed to Git protocol over HTTP.
+ * BitBucket URLs, such as "" are automatically
+ changed to a Git or mercurial protocol using the BitBucket API.
+### Forced Protocol
+In some cases, the protocol to use is ambiguous depending on the source
+URL. For example, "" could reference
+an HTTP URL or a Git URL. Forced protocol syntax is used to disambiguate this
+Forced protocol can be done by prefixing the URL with the protocol followed
+by double colons. For example: `git::`
+would download the given HTTP URL using the Git protocol.
+Forced protocols will also override any detectors.
+In the absense of a forced protocol, detectors may be run on the URL, transforming
+the protocol anyways. The above example would've used the Git protocol either
+way since the Git detector would've detected it was a GitHub URL.
+### Protocol-Specific Options
+Each protocol can support protocol-specific options to configure that
+protocol. For example, the `git` protocol supports specifying a `ref`
+query parameter that tells it what ref to checkout for that Git
+The options are specified as query parameters on the URL (or URL-like string)
+given to go-getter. Using the Git example above, the URL below is a valid
+input to go-getter:
+The protocol-specific options are documented below the URL format
+section. But because they are part of the URL, we point it out here so
+you know they exist.
+### Subdirectories
+If you want to download only a specific subdirectory from a downloaded
+directory, you can specify a subdirectory after a double-slash `//`.
+go-getter will first download the URL specified _before_ the double-slash
+(as if you didn't specify a double-slash), but will then copy the
+path after the double slash into the target directory.
+For example, if you're downloading this GitHub repository, but you only
+want to download the `test-fixtures` directory, you can do the following:
+If you downloaded this to the `/tmp` directory, then the file
+`/tmp/archive.gz` would exist. Notice that this file is in the `test-fixtures`
+directory in this repository, but because we specified a subdirectory,
+go-getter automatically copied only that directory contents.
+Subdirectory paths may contain may also use filesystem glob patterns.
+The path must match _exactly one_ entry or go-getter will return an error.
+This is useful if you're not sure the exact directory name but it follows
+a predictable naming structure.
+For example, the following URL would also work:
+### Checksumming
+For file downloads of any protocol, go-getter can automatically verify
+a checksum for you. Note that checksumming only works for downloading files,
+not directories, but checksumming will work for any protocol.
+To checksum a file, append a `checksum` query parameter to the URL.
+The paramter value should be in the format of `type:value`, where
+type is "md5", "sha1", "sha256", or "sha512". The "value" should be
+the actual checksum value. go-getter will parse out this query parameter
+automatically and use it to verify the checksum. An example URL
+is shown below:
+The checksum query parameter is never sent to the backend protocol
+implementation. It is used at a higher level by go-getter itself.
+### Unarchiving
+go-getter will automatically unarchive files into a file or directory
+based on the extension of the file being requested (over any protocol).
+This works for both file and directory downloads.
+go-getter looks for an `archive` query parameter to specify the format of
+the archive. If this isn't specified, go-getter will use the extension of
+the path to see if it appears archived. Unarchiving can be explicitly
+disabled by setting the `archive` query parameter to `false`.
+The following archive formats are supported:
+ * `tar.gz` and `tgz`
+ * `tar.bz2` and `tbz2`
+ * `tar.xz` and `txz`
+ * `zip`
+ * `gz`
+ * `bz2`
+ * `xz`
+For example, an example URL is shown below:
+This will automatically be inferred to be a ZIP file and will be extracted.
+You can also be explicit about the archive type:
+And finally, you can disable archiving completely:
+You can combine unarchiving with the other features of go-getter such
+as checksumming. The special `archive` query parameter will be removed
+from the URL before going to the final protocol downloader.
+## Protocol-Specific Options
+This section documents the protocol-specific options that can be specified
+for go-getter. These options should be appended to the input as normal query
+parameters. Depending on the usage of go-getter, applications may provide
+alternate ways of inputting options. For example, [Nomad](
+provides a nice options block for specifying options rather than in the URL.
+## General (All Protocols)
+The options below are available to all protocols:
+ * `archive` - The archive format to use to unarchive this file, or "" (empty
+ string) to disable unarchiving. For more details, see the complete section
+ on archive support above.
+ * `checksum` - Checksum to verify the downloaded file or archive. See
+ the entire section on checksumming above for format and more details.
+ * `filename` - When in file download mode, allows specifying the name of the
+ downloaded file on disk. Has no effect in directory mode.
+### Local Files (`file`)
+### Git (`git`)
+ * `ref` - The Git ref to checkout. This is a ref, so it can point to
+ a commit SHA, a branch name, etc. If it is a named ref such as a branch
+ name, go-getter will update it to the latest on each get.
+ * `sshkey` - An SSH private key to use during clones. The provided key must
+ be a base64-encoded string. For example, to generate a suitable `sshkey`
+ from a private key file on disk, you would run `base64 -w0 <file>`.
+ **Note**: Git 2.3+ is required to use this feature.
+### Mercurial (`hg`)
+ * `rev` - The Mercurial revision to checkout.
+### HTTP (`http`)
+#### Basic Authentication
+To use HTTP basic authentication with go-getter, simply prepend `username:password@` to the
+hostname in the URL such as ``. All special
+characters, including the username and password, must be URL encoded.
+### S3 (`s3`)
+S3 takes various access configurations in the URL. Note that it will also
+read these from standard AWS environment variables if they're set. S3 compliant servers like Minio
+are also supported. If the query parameters are present, these take priority.
+ * `aws_access_key_id` - AWS access key.
+ * `aws_access_key_secret` - AWS access key secret.
+ * `aws_access_token` - AWS access token if this is being used.
+#### Using IAM Instance Profiles with S3
+If you use go-getter and want to use an EC2 IAM Instance Profile to avoid
+using credentials, then just omit these and the profile, if available will
+be used automatically.
+### Using S3 with Minio
+ If you use go-gitter for Minio support, you must consider the following:
+ * `aws_access_key_id` (required) - Minio access key.
+ * `aws_access_key_secret` (required) - Minio access key secret.
+ * `region` (optional - defaults to us-east-1) - Region identifier to use.
+ * `version` (optional - defaults to Minio default) - Configuration file format.
+#### S3 Bucket Examples
+S3 has several addressing schemes used to reference your bucket. These are
+listed here:
+Some examples for these addressing schemes:
+- s3::
+- s3::
+- "s3::"