path: root/vendor/
diff options
authorJesse Duffield <>2021-10-18 19:00:03 +1100
committerJesse Duffield <>2021-10-19 09:02:42 +1100
commitca7252ef8ee26affdc2c74f05c9c20196a8d571b (patch)
tree7323ca472558a435f01ae62e123cc2576e1959b3 /vendor/
parenta496858c629e3c6241b51cf99cd38d6fa1b787bc (diff)
suggest files when picking a path to filter on
async fetching of suggestions remove limit cache the trie for future use more more
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
1 files changed, 525 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..02e7de80a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+package compiler
+// TODO use constructor with all matchers, and to their structs private
+// TODO glue multiple Text nodes (like after QuoteMeta)
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "reflect"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+func optimizeMatcher(matcher match.Matcher) match.Matcher {
+ switch m := matcher.(type) {
+ case match.Any:
+ if len(m.Separators) == 0 {
+ return match.NewSuper()
+ }
+ case match.AnyOf:
+ if len(m.Matchers) == 1 {
+ return m.Matchers[0]
+ }
+ return m
+ case match.List:
+ if m.Not == false && len(m.List) == 1 {
+ return match.NewText(string(m.List))
+ }
+ return m
+ case match.BTree:
+ m.Left = optimizeMatcher(m.Left)
+ m.Right = optimizeMatcher(m.Right)
+ r, ok := m.Value.(match.Text)
+ if !ok {
+ return m
+ }
+ var (
+ leftNil = m.Left == nil
+ rightNil = m.Right == nil
+ )
+ if leftNil && rightNil {
+ return match.NewText(r.Str)
+ }
+ _, leftSuper := m.Left.(match.Super)
+ lp, leftPrefix := m.Left.(match.Prefix)
+ la, leftAny := m.Left.(match.Any)
+ _, rightSuper := m.Right.(match.Super)
+ rs, rightSuffix := m.Right.(match.Suffix)
+ ra, rightAny := m.Right.(match.Any)
+ switch {
+ case leftSuper && rightSuper:
+ return match.NewContains(r.Str, false)
+ case leftSuper && rightNil:
+ return match.NewSuffix(r.Str)
+ case rightSuper && leftNil:
+ return match.NewPrefix(r.Str)
+ case leftNil && rightSuffix:
+ return match.NewPrefixSuffix(r.Str, rs.Suffix)
+ case rightNil && leftPrefix:
+ return match.NewPrefixSuffix(lp.Prefix, r.Str)
+ case rightNil && leftAny:
+ return match.NewSuffixAny(r.Str, la.Separators)
+ case leftNil && rightAny:
+ return match.NewPrefixAny(r.Str, ra.Separators)
+ }
+ return m
+ }
+ return matcher
+func compileMatchers(matchers []match.Matcher) (match.Matcher, error) {
+ if len(matchers) == 0 {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("compile error: need at least one matcher")
+ }
+ if len(matchers) == 1 {
+ return matchers[0], nil
+ }
+ if m := glueMatchers(matchers); m != nil {
+ return m, nil
+ }
+ idx := -1
+ maxLen := -1
+ var val match.Matcher
+ for i, matcher := range matchers {
+ if l := matcher.Len(); l != -1 && l >= maxLen {
+ maxLen = l
+ idx = i
+ val = matcher
+ }
+ }
+ if val == nil { // not found matcher with static length
+ r, err := compileMatchers(matchers[1:])
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return match.NewBTree(matchers[0], nil, r), nil
+ }
+ left := matchers[:idx]
+ var right []match.Matcher
+ if len(matchers) > idx+1 {
+ right = matchers[idx+1:]
+ }
+ var l, r match.Matcher
+ var err error
+ if len(left) > 0 {
+ l, err = compileMatchers(left)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ }
+ if len(right) > 0 {
+ r, err = compileMatchers(right)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ }
+ return match.NewBTree(val, l, r), nil
+func glueMatchers(matchers []match.Matcher) match.Matcher {
+ if m := glueMatchersAsEvery(matchers); m != nil {
+ return m
+ }
+ if m := glueMatchersAsRow(matchers); m != nil {
+ return m
+ }
+ return nil
+func glueMatchersAsRow(matchers []match.Matcher) match.Matcher {
+ if len(matchers) <= 1 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ var (
+ c []match.Matcher
+ l int
+ )
+ for _, matcher := range matchers {
+ if ml := matcher.Len(); ml == -1 {
+ return nil
+ } else {
+ c = append(c, matcher)
+ l += ml
+ }
+ }
+ return match.NewRow(l, c...)
+func glueMatchersAsEvery(matchers []match.Matcher) match.Matcher {
+ if len(matchers) <= 1 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ var (
+ hasAny bool
+ hasSuper bool
+ hasSingle bool
+ min int
+ separator []rune
+ )
+ for i, matcher := range matchers {
+ var sep []rune
+ switch m := matcher.(type) {
+ case match.Super:
+ sep = []rune{}
+ hasSuper = true
+ case match.Any:
+ sep = m.Separators
+ hasAny = true
+ case match.Single:
+ sep = m.Separators
+ hasSingle = true
+ min++
+ case match.List:
+ if !m.Not {
+ return nil
+ }
+ sep = m.List
+ hasSingle = true
+ min++
+ default:
+ return nil
+ }
+ // initialize
+ if i == 0 {
+ separator = sep
+ }
+ if runes.Equal(sep, separator) {
+ continue
+ }
+ return nil
+ }
+ if hasSuper && !hasAny && !hasSingle {
+ return match.NewSuper()
+ }
+ if hasAny && !hasSuper && !hasSingle {
+ return match.NewAny(separator)
+ }
+ if (hasAny || hasSuper) && min > 0 && len(separator) == 0 {
+ return match.NewMin(min)
+ }
+ every := match.NewEveryOf()
+ if min > 0 {
+ every.Add(match.NewMin(min))
+ if !hasAny && !hasSuper {
+ every.Add(match.NewMax(min))
+ }
+ }
+ if len(separator) > 0 {
+ every.Add(match.NewContains(string(separator), true))
+ }
+ return every
+func minimizeMatchers(matchers []match.Matcher) []match.Matcher {
+ var done match.Matcher
+ var left, right, count int
+ for l := 0; l < len(matchers); l++ {
+ for r := len(matchers); r > l; r-- {
+ if glued := glueMatchers(matchers[l:r]); glued != nil {
+ var swap bool
+ if done == nil {
+ swap = true
+ } else {
+ cl, gl := done.Len(), glued.Len()
+ swap = cl > -1 && gl > -1 && gl > cl
+ swap = swap || count < r-l
+ }
+ if swap {
+ done = glued
+ left = l
+ right = r
+ count = r - l
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if done == nil {
+ return matchers
+ }
+ next := append(append([]match.Matcher{}, matchers[:left]...), done)
+ if right < len(matchers) {
+ next = append(next, matchers[right:]...)
+ }
+ if len(next) == len(matchers) {
+ return next
+ }
+ return minimizeMatchers(next)
+// minimizeAnyOf tries to apply some heuristics to minimize number of nodes in given tree
+func minimizeTree(tree *ast.Node) *ast.Node {
+ switch tree.Kind {
+ case ast.KindAnyOf:
+ return minimizeTreeAnyOf(tree)
+ default:
+ return nil
+ }
+// minimizeAnyOf tries to find common children of given node of AnyOf pattern
+// it searches for common children from left and from right
+// if any common children are found – then it returns new optimized ast tree
+// else it returns nil
+func minimizeTreeAnyOf(tree *ast.Node) *ast.Node {
+ if !areOfSameKind(tree.Children, ast.KindPattern) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ commonLeft, commonRight := commonChildren(tree.Children)
+ commonLeftCount, commonRightCount := len(commonLeft), len(commonRight)
+ if commonLeftCount == 0 && commonRightCount == 0 { // there are no common parts
+ return nil
+ }
+ var result []*ast.Node
+ if commonLeftCount > 0 {
+ result = append(result, ast.NewNode(ast.KindPattern, nil, commonLeft...))
+ }
+ var anyOf []*ast.Node
+ for _, child := range tree.Children {
+ reuse := child.Children[commonLeftCount : len(child.Children)-commonRightCount]
+ var node *ast.Node
+ if len(reuse) == 0 {
+ // this pattern is completely reduced by commonLeft and commonRight patterns
+ // so it become nothing
+ node = ast.NewNode(ast.KindNothing, nil)
+ } else {
+ node = ast.NewNode(ast.KindPattern, nil, reuse...)
+ }
+ anyOf = appendIfUnique(anyOf, node)
+ }
+ switch {
+ case len(anyOf) == 1 && anyOf[0].Kind != ast.KindNothing:
+ result = append(result, anyOf[0])
+ case len(anyOf) > 1:
+ result = append(result, ast.NewNode(ast.KindAnyOf, nil, anyOf...))
+ }
+ if commonRightCount > 0 {
+ result = append(result, ast.NewNode(ast.KindPattern, nil, commonRight...))
+ }
+ return ast.NewNode(ast.KindPattern, nil, result...)
+func commonChildren(nodes []*ast.Node) (commonLeft, commonRight []*ast.Node) {
+ if len(nodes) <= 1 {
+ return
+ }
+ // find node that has least number of children
+ idx := leastChildren(nodes)
+ if idx == -1 {
+ return
+ }
+ tree := nodes[idx]
+ treeLength := len(tree.Children)
+ // allocate max able size for rightCommon slice
+ // to get ability insert elements in reverse order (from end to start)
+ // without sorting
+ commonRight = make([]*ast.Node, treeLength)
+ lastRight := treeLength // will use this to get results as commonRight[lastRight:]
+ var (
+ breakLeft bool
+ breakRight bool
+ commonTotal int
+ )
+ for i, j := 0, treeLength-1; commonTotal < treeLength && j >= 0 && !(breakLeft && breakRight); i, j = i+1, j-1 {
+ treeLeft := tree.Children[i]
+ treeRight := tree.Children[j]
+ for k := 0; k < len(nodes) && !(breakLeft && breakRight); k++ {
+ // skip least children node
+ if k == idx {
+ continue
+ }
+ restLeft := nodes[k].Children[i]
+ restRight := nodes[k].Children[j+len(nodes[k].Children)-treeLength]
+ breakLeft = breakLeft || !treeLeft.Equal(restLeft)
+ // disable searching for right common parts, if left part is already overlapping
+ breakRight = breakRight || (!breakLeft && j <= i)
+ breakRight = breakRight || !treeRight.Equal(restRight)
+ }
+ if !breakLeft {
+ commonTotal++
+ commonLeft = append(commonLeft, treeLeft)
+ }
+ if !breakRight {
+ commonTotal++
+ lastRight = j
+ commonRight[j] = treeRight
+ }
+ }
+ commonRight = commonRight[lastRight:]
+ return
+func appendIfUnique(target []*ast.Node, val *ast.Node) []*ast.Node {
+ for _, n := range target {
+ if reflect.DeepEqual(n, val) {
+ return target
+ }
+ }
+ return append(target, val)
+func areOfSameKind(nodes []*ast.Node, kind ast.Kind) bool {
+ for _, n := range nodes {
+ if n.Kind != kind {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+func leastChildren(nodes []*ast.Node) int {
+ min := -1
+ idx := -1
+ for i, n := range nodes {
+ if idx == -1 || (len(n.Children) < min) {
+ min = len(n.Children)
+ idx = i
+ }
+ }
+ return idx
+func compileTreeChildren(tree *ast.Node, sep []rune) ([]match.Matcher, error) {
+ var matchers []match.Matcher
+ for _, desc := range tree.Children {
+ m, err := compile(desc, sep)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ matchers = append(matchers, optimizeMatcher(m))
+ }
+ return matchers, nil
+func compile(tree *ast.Node, sep []rune) (m match.Matcher, err error) {
+ switch tree.Kind {
+ case ast.KindAnyOf:
+ // todo this could be faster on pattern_alternatives_combine_lite (see glob_test.go)
+ if n := minimizeTree(tree); n != nil {
+ return compile(n, sep)
+ }
+ matchers, err := compileTreeChildren(tree, sep)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return match.NewAnyOf(matchers...), nil
+ case ast.KindPattern:
+ if len(tree.Children) == 0 {
+ return match.NewNothing(), nil
+ }
+ matchers, err := compileTreeChildren(tree, sep)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ m, err = compileMatchers(minimizeMatchers(matchers))
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ case ast.KindAny:
+ m = match.NewAny(sep)
+ case ast.KindSuper:
+ m = match.NewSuper()
+ case ast.KindSingle:
+ m = match.NewSingle(sep)
+ case ast.KindNothing:
+ m = match.NewNothing()
+ case ast.KindList:
+ l := tree.Value.(ast.List)
+ m = match.NewList([]rune(l.Chars), l.Not)
+ case ast.KindRange:
+ r := tree.Value.(ast.Range)
+ m = match.NewRange(r.Lo, r.Hi, r.Not)
+ case ast.KindText:
+ t := tree.Value.(ast.Text)
+ m = match.NewText(t.Text)
+ default:
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not compile tree: unknown node type")
+ }
+ return optimizeMatcher(m), nil
+func Compile(tree *ast.Node, sep []rune) (match.Matcher, error) {
+ m, err := compile(tree, sep)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return m, nil