path: root/pkg/i18n
diff options
authorblack_desk <>2021-09-16 21:25:50 +0800
committerblack_desk <>2021-09-19 19:05:11 +0800
commit5eff56b557e937e91fa1bcdb6583ee5c611021d5 (patch)
treef24e29e6ffd8f827ed963fdceab691afdd4658bb /pkg/i18n
parent60c87b3e70f077ab2f222ddb1a77cf0e5ccf3db4 (diff)
Remove unused strings
Diffstat (limited to 'pkg/i18n')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 177 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/i18n/chinese.go b/pkg/i18n/chinese.go
index 6f2664e9e..4feef785d 100644
--- a/pkg/i18n/chinese.go
+++ b/pkg/i18n/chinese.go
@@ -21,15 +21,12 @@ func chineseTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
return TranslationSet{
NotEnoughSpace: "没有足够的空间来渲染面板",
DiffTitle: "差异",
- LogTitle: "日志",
FilesTitle: "文件",
BranchesTitle: "分支",
CommitsTitle: "提交",
StashTitle: "封存隐藏(Stash)",
UnstagedChanges: `未暂存(Unstaged)更改`,
StagedChanges: `已暂存(Staged)更改`,
- PatchBuildingMainTitle: `将 行/块 添加到补丁`,
- MergingMainTitle: "解决合并冲突",
MainTitle: "主要",
StagingTitle: "正在暂存",
MergingTitle: "合并中",
@@ -48,9 +45,6 @@ func chineseTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
LcNavigate: "导航",
LcMenu: "菜单",
LcExecute: "执行",
- LcOpen: "打开",
- LcIgnore: "忽略",
- LcDelete: "删除",
LcToggleStaged: "切换已暂存(staged)",
LcToggleStagedAll: "暂存(stage)/未暂存(unstage)全部",
LcToggleTreeView: "切换文件树视图",
@@ -58,16 +52,11 @@ func chineseTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
LcRefresh: "刷新",
LcPush: "推送(push)",
LcPull: "拉取(pull)",
- LcEdit: "编辑",
LcScroll: "滚动",
- LcAbortMerge: "中止合并",
- LcResolveMergeConflicts: "解决合并冲突",
MergeConflictsTitle: "合并冲突",
LcCheckout: "签出(checkout)",
LcCommitFileFilter: "过滤提交文件",
NoChangedFiles: "没有更改的文件",
- FileHasNoUnstagedChanges: "文件没有要添加的未暂存更改",
- CannotGitAdd: "无法 git add --patch 未跟踪的文件",
NoFilesDisplay: "没有文件可显示",
NotAFile: "不是文件",
PullWait: "拉取中...",
@@ -75,7 +64,6 @@ func chineseTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
FetchWait: "正在取得...",
FileNoMergeCons: "该文件没有内联合并冲突",
LcSoftReset: "软复位",
- SureTo: "你确定要 {{.deleteVerb}} {{.fileName}} (你会丢失你的更改)?",
AlreadyCheckedOutBranch: "您已经签出了这个分支",
SureForceCheckout: "您确定要强制签出吗? 您将丢失所有本地更改",
ForceCheckoutBranch: "强制签出分支",
@@ -89,28 +77,21 @@ func chineseTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
CantRebaseOntoSelf: "您不能将分支建立在其自身之上",
CantMergeBranchIntoItself: "您不能将分支合并到自身中",
LcForceCheckout: "强制签出",
- LcMerge: "合并",
LcCheckoutByName: "按名称签出",
LcNewBranch: "新分支",
LcDeleteBranch: "删除分支",
- LcForceDeleteBranch: "删除分支 (强制)",
NoBranchesThisRepo: "此仓库没有分支",
- NoTrackingThisBranch: "该分支没有跟踪",
CommitMessageConfirm: "{{.keyBindClose}}: 关闭, {{.keyBindNewLine}}: 新行, {{.keyBindConfirm}}: 确认",
CommitWithoutMessageErr: "没有提交消息就无法提交",
CloseConfirm: "{{.keyBindClose}}: 关闭, {{.keyBindConfirm}}: 确认",
LcClose: "关闭",
LcQuit: "退出",
- SureResetThisCommit: "您确定要重置为此提交吗?",
- ResetToCommit: "重置以提交",
LcSquashDown: "向下聚合(squash down)",
- LcRename: "重命名",
LcResetToThisCommit: "重置为此提交",
LcFixupCommit: "修正提交",
NoCommitsThisBranch: "该分支没有提交",
OnlySquashTopmostCommit: "只能压缩最高提交",
YouNoCommitsToSquash: "您没有提交来压缩",
- CantFixupWhileUnstagedChanges: "当有未暂存的更改时无法修正",
Fixup: "修正",
SureFixupThisCommit: "您确定要'修复'此提交吗?? 它将合并到下面的提交中",
SureSquashThisCommit: "您确定要将这个提交压缩到下面的提交中吗?",
@@ -125,9 +106,7 @@ func chineseTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
LcEditCommit: "编辑提交",
LcAmendToCommit: "用staged的修改来修改提交",
LcRenameCommitEditor: "使用编辑器重命名提交",
- PotentialErrInGetselectedCommit: "获取选定提交中的潜在错误 (ui和状态不匹配)",
Error: "错误",
- RunningSubprocess: "正在运行的子进程",
LcSelectHunk: "选择块",
LcNavigateConflicts: "解决冲突",
LcPickHunk: "选择块",
@@ -148,8 +127,6 @@ func chineseTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
NoStashTo: "没有stash到 {{.method}}",
NoTrackedStagedFilesStash: "您没有要存储的跟踪/暂存文件到stash",
StashChanges: "Stash更改",
- IssntListOfViews: "{{.name}} 不在视图列表中",
- LcNewFocusedViewIs: "新的焦点视图是 {{.newFocusedView}}",
MergeAborted: "合并中止",
OpenConfig: "打开配置文件",
EditConfig: "编辑配置文件",
@@ -162,8 +139,6 @@ func chineseTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
OnLatestVersionErr: "您已经有最新版本",
MajorVersionErr: "新版本 ({{.newVersion}}) 与当前版本相比,具有向后兼容的更改 ({{.currentVersion}})",
CouldNotFindBinaryErr: "在{{.url}处找不到任何二进制文件}",
- AnonymousReportingTitle: "帮助改善lazygit",
- AnonymousReportingPrompt: "您是否想启用匿名报告数据以帮助改善lazygit? (enter/esc)",
MergeToolTitle: "合并工具",
MergeToolPrompt: "确定要打开 `git mergetool` 吗?",
IntroPopupMessage: chineseIntroPopupMessage,
@@ -185,22 +160,17 @@ func chineseTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
NoAutomaticGitFetchBody: `Lazygit不能在私人仓库中使用"git fetch"; 在文件面板中使用'f'手动运行"git fetch"`,
FileEnter: `暂存单个 块/行 用于文件, 或 折叠/展开 目录`,
FileStagingRequirements: `只能暂存跟踪文件的单独行`,
- SelectHunk: `选择块`,
StageSelection: `切换行 已暂存/未暂存`,
ResetSelection: `删除变更 (git reset)`,
ToggleDragSelect: `切换拖动选择`,
ToggleSelectHunk: `切换选择块`,
ToggleSelectionForPatch: `添加/移除 行到patch`,
TogglePanel: `切换到其他面板`,
- CantStageStaged: `您无法上演已经上演的变更!`,
ReturnToFilesPanel: `返回文件面板`,
- CantFindHunks: `在此补丁中找不到任何块`,
- CantFindHunk: `找不到块`,
FastForward: `从上游快速前进此分支`,
Fetching: "抓取和快进{{.from}} -> {{.to}} ...",
FoundConflicts: "冲突!要中止,请按 'esc', 否则按'enter'",
FoundConflictsTitle: "自动合并失败",
- Undo: "撤销",
PickHunk: "pick hunk",
PickAllHunks: "pick all hunks",
ViewMergeRebaseOptions: "查看 合并/变基 选项",
@@ -212,7 +182,6 @@ func chineseTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
LocalBranchesTitle: "分支标签",
SearchTitle: "搜索",
TagsTitle: "Tags Tab",
- BranchCommitsTitle: "提交标签",
MenuTitle: "菜单",
RemotesTitle: "远程标签",
CredentialsTitle: "证书",
@@ -221,7 +190,6 @@ func chineseTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
InformationTitle: "信息",
SecondaryTitle: "次要",
ReflogCommitsTitle: "Reflog标签",
- Title: "标题",
GlobalTitle: "全局键绑定",
ConflictsResolved: "解决所有合并冲突。继续?",
RebasingTitle: "变基",
@@ -272,8 +240,6 @@ func chineseTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
CommitFiles: "提交文件",
LcViewCommitFiles: "查看提交的文件",
CommitFilesTitle: "提交文件",
- LcGoBack: "返回",
- NoCommiteFiles: "没有用于该提交的文件",
LcCheckoutCommitFile: "签出文件",
LcDiscardOldFileChange: "放弃对此文件的提交更改",
DiscardFileChangesTitle: "放弃文件更改",
@@ -291,7 +257,6 @@ func chineseTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
LcDiscardAnyUnstagedChanges: "放弃未进行的变更",
LcDiscardUntrackedFiles: "丢弃未跟踪的文件",
LcHardReset: "硬重置",
- LcHardResetUpstream: "硬重置到上游分支",
LcViewResetOptions: `查看重置选项`,
LcCreateFixupCommit: `为此提交创建fixup提交`,
LcSquashAboveCommits: `聚合所有的'fixup!'高于所选提交的提交 (自动聚合)`,
@@ -321,8 +286,6 @@ func chineseTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
LcEnterFile: "输入文件以将所选行添加到补丁中(或切换目录折叠)",
ExitLineByLineMode: `退出逐行模式`,
EnterUpstream: `输入上游作为 '<remote> <branchname>'`,
- EnterUpstreamWithSlash: `输入上游作为 '<remote>/<branchname>'`,
- LcNotTrackingRemote: "(不跟踪任何远程)",
ReturnToRemotesList: `返回远程列表`,
LcAddNewRemote: `添加新的远程`,
LcNewRemoteName: `新的远程名称:`,
diff --git a/pkg/i18n/dutch.go b/pkg/i18n/dutch.go
index cd7668ceb..f3d34d94c 100644
--- a/pkg/i18n/dutch.go
+++ b/pkg/i18n/dutch.go
@@ -4,15 +4,12 @@ func dutchTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
return TranslationSet{
NotEnoughSpace: "Niet genoeg ruimte om de panelen te renderen",
DiffTitle: "Diff",
- LogTitle: "Log",
FilesTitle: "Bestanden",
BranchesTitle: "Branches",
CommitsTitle: "Commits",
StashTitle: "Stash",
UnstagedChanges: `Unstaged wijzigingen`,
StagedChanges: `Staged wijzigingen`,
- PatchBuildingMainTitle: `Voeg lijnen/hunks toe aan patch`,
- MergingMainTitle: "Los merge conflicten op",
MainTitle: "Hoofd",
StagingTitle: "Staging",
NormalTitle: "Normaal",
@@ -30,26 +27,18 @@ func dutchTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
LcNavigate: "navigeer",
LcMenu: "menu",
LcExecute: "uitvoeren",
- LcOpen: "open",
- LcIgnore: "negeren",
- LcDelete: "verwijderen",
LcToggleStaged: "toggle staged",
LcToggleStagedAll: "toggle staged alle",
LcRefresh: "verversen",
LcPush: "push",
LcPull: "pull",
- LcEdit: "bewerken",
LcScroll: "scroll",
- LcAbortMerge: "samenvoegen afbreken",
- LcResolveMergeConflicts: "los merge conflicten op",
LcCommitFileFilter: "Commit dossiers filteren",
FilterStagedFiles: "Show only staged files",
FilterUnstagedFiles: "Show only unstaged files",
ResetCommitFilterState: "Reset commit file state filter",
MergeConflictsTitle: "Merge Conflicten",
LcCheckout: "uitchecken",
- FileHasNoUnstagedChanges: "Het bestand heeft geen unstaged veranderingen om toe te voegen",
- CannotGitAdd: "Kan commando niet uitvoeren git add --path untracked files",
NoFilesDisplay: "Geen bestanden om te laten zien",
NotAFile: "Dit is geen bestand",
PullWait: "Pullen...",
@@ -57,7 +46,6 @@ func dutchTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
FetchWait: "Fetchen...",
FileNoMergeCons: "Dit bestand heeft geen merge conflicten",
LcSoftReset: "zacht reset",
- SureTo: "Weet je het zeker dat je {{.fileName}} wilt {{.deleteVerb}} (je veranderingen zullen worden verwijderd)",
AlreadyCheckedOutBranch: "Je hebt deze branch al uitgecheckt",
SureForceCheckout: "Weet je zeker dat je het uitchecken wil forceren? Al je lokale verandering zullen worden verwijdert",
ForceCheckoutBranch: "Forceer uitchecken op deze branch",
@@ -71,27 +59,20 @@ func dutchTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
CantRebaseOntoSelf: "Je kan niet een branch rebasen op zichzelf",
CantMergeBranchIntoItself: "Je kan niet een branch in zichzelf mergen",
LcForceCheckout: "forceer checkout",
- LcMerge: "samenvoegen",
LcCheckoutByName: "uitchecken bij naam",
LcNewBranch: "nieuwe branch",
LcDeleteBranch: "verwijder branch",
- LcForceDeleteBranch: "verwijder branch (forceer)",
NoBranchesThisRepo: "Geen branches voor deze repo",
- NoTrackingThisBranch: "deze branch wordt niet gevolgd",
CommitMessageConfirm: "{{.keyBindClose}}: Sluiten, {{.keyBindNewLine}}: Nieuwe lijn, {{.keyBindConfirm}}: Bevestig",
CommitWithoutMessageErr: "Je kan geen commit maken zonder commit bericht",
CloseConfirm: "{{.keyBindClose}}: Sluiten, {{.keyBindConfirm}}: Bevestig",
LcClose: "sluiten",
LcQuit: "quit",
- SureResetThisCommit: "Weet je het zeker dat je wil resetten naar deze commit?",
- ResetToCommit: "Reset Naar Commit",
LcSquashDown: "squash beneden",
- LcRename: "hernoemen",
LcResetToThisCommit: "reset naar deze commit",
LcFixupCommit: "Fixup commit",
OnlySquashTopmostCommit: "Kan alleen bovenste commit squashen",
YouNoCommitsToSquash: "Je hebt geen commits om mee te squashen",
- CantFixupWhileUnstagedChanges: "Kan geen Fixup uitvoeren op unstaged veranderingen",
Fixup: "Fixup",
SureFixupThisCommit: "Weet je zeker dat je fixup wil uitvoeren op deze commit? De commit hieronder zol worden squashed in deze",
SureSquashThisCommit: "Weet je zeker dat je deze commit wil samenvoegen met de commit hieronder?",
@@ -106,10 +87,8 @@ func dutchTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
LcEditCommit: "wijzig commit",
LcAmendToCommit: "wijzig commit met staged veranderingen",
LcRenameCommitEditor: "hernoem commit met editor",
- PotentialErrInGetselectedCommit: "Er is mogelijk een error in getSelected Commit (geen match tussen ui en state)",
NoCommitsThisBranch: "Geen commits in deze branch",
Error: "Foutmelding",
- RunningSubprocess: "subprocess lopend",
LcSelectHunk: "selecteer stuk",
LcNavigateConflicts: "navigeer conflicts",
LcPickHunk: "kies stuk",
@@ -130,8 +109,6 @@ func dutchTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
NoStashTo: "Geen stash voor {{.method}}",
NoTrackedStagedFilesStash: "Je hebt geen tracked/staged bestanden om te laten stashen",
StashChanges: "Stash veranderingen",
- IssntListOfViews: "{{.name}} is niet in de lijst van weergaves",
- LcNewFocusedViewIs: "nieuw gefocussed weergave is {{.newFocusedView}}",
NoChangedFiles: "Geen veranderde bestanden",
MergeAborted: "Merge afgebroken",
OpenConfig: "open config bestand",
@@ -145,8 +122,6 @@ func dutchTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
OnLatestVersionErr: "Je hebt al de laatste versie",
MajorVersionErr: "Nieuwe versie ({{.newVersion}}) is niet backwards compatibele vergeleken met de huidige versie ({{.currentVersion}})",
CouldNotFindBinaryErr: "Kon geen binary vinden op {{.url}}",
- AnonymousReportingTitle: "Help lazygit te verbeteren",
- AnonymousReportingPrompt: "Zou je anonieme data rapportage willen aanzetten om lazygit beter te kunnen maken? (enter/esc)",
IntroPopupMessage: "Bedankt voor het gebruik maken van lazygit! 2 dingen die je moet weten:\n\n1) Als je meer van lazygit zijn features wilt leren bekijk dan deze video:\n\n\n2) Als je git gebruikt, ben je een programmeur! Met jouw hulp kunnen we lazygit verbeteren, dus overweeg om een ​​donateur te worden en mee te doen aan het plezier op\n",
GitconfigParseErr: `Gogit kon je gitconfig bestand niet goed parsen door de aanwezigheid van losstaande '\' tekens. Het weghalen van deze tekens zou het probleem moeten oplossen. `,
LcEditFile: `verander bestand`,
@@ -166,22 +141,17 @@ func dutchTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
NoAutomaticGitFetchBody: `Lazygit kan niet "git fetch" uitvoeren in een privé repository, gebruik f in het branches paneel om "git fetch" manueel uit te voeren`,
FileEnter: `stage individuele hunks/lijnen`,
FileStagingRequirements: `Kan alleen individuele lijnen stagen van getrackte bestanden met onstaged veranderingen`,
- SelectHunk: `selecteer hunk`,
StageSelection: `toggle lijnen staged / unstaged`,
ResetSelection: `verwijdert change (git reset)`,
ToggleDragSelect: `toggle drag selecteer`,
ToggleSelectHunk: `toggle selecteer hunk`,
ToggleSelectionForPatch: `voeg toe/verwijder lijn(en) in patch`,
TogglePanel: `ga naar een ander paneel`,
- CantStageStaged: `Je kan niet al gestaged verandering stagen!`,
ReturnToFilesPanel: `ga terug naar het bestanden paneel`,
- CantFindHunks: `Kan geen hunks vinden in deze patch`,
- CantFindHunk: `Kan geen hunk vinden`,
FastForward: `fast-forward deze branch vanaf zijn upstream`,
Fetching: "fetching en fast-forwarding {{.from}} -> {{.to}} ...",
FoundConflicts: "Conflicten!, Om af te breken druk 'esc', anders druk op 'enter'",
FoundConflictsTitle: "Auto-merge mislukt",
- Undo: "ongedaan maken",
PickHunk: "kies hunk",
PickAllHunks: "kies bijde hunks",
ViewMergeRebaseOptions: "bekijk merge/rebase opties",
@@ -193,7 +163,6 @@ func dutchTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
LocalBranchesTitle: "Branches Tabblad",
SearchTitle: "Zoek",
TagsTitle: "Tags Tabblad",
- BranchCommitsTitle: "Commits Tabblad",
MenuTitle: "Menu",
RemotesTitle: "Remotes Tabblad",
CredentialsTitle: "Credentials",
@@ -202,7 +171,6 @@ func dutchTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
InformationTitle: "Informatie",
SecondaryTitle: "Secondary",
ReflogCommitsTitle: "Reflog Tabblad",
- Title: "Title",
GlobalTitle: "Globale Sneltoetsen",
ConflictsResolved: "alle merge conflicten zijn opgelost. Wilt je verder gaan?",
RebasingTitle: "Rebasen",
@@ -252,8 +220,6 @@ func dutchTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
CommitFiles: "Commit bestanden",
LcViewCommitFiles: "bekijk gecommite bestanden",
CommitFilesTitle: "Commit bestanden",
- LcGoBack: "ga terug",
- NoCommiteFiles: "Geen bestanden voor deze commit",
LcCheckoutCommitFile: "bestand uitchecken",
LcDiscardOldFileChange: "uitsluit deze commit zijn veranderingen aan dit bestand",
DiscardFileChangesTitle: "uitsluit bestand zijn veranderingen",
@@ -272,7 +238,6 @@ func dutchTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
LcDiscardUntrackedFiles: "negeer niet-gevonden bestanden",
LcViewResetOptions: `bekijk reset opties`,
LcHardReset: "harde reset",
- LcHardResetUpstream: "harde naar upstream branch",
LcCreateFixupCommit: `creëer fixup commit voor deze commit`,
LcSquashAboveCommits: `squash bovenstaande commits`,
SquashAboveCommits: `Squash bovenstaande commits`,
@@ -301,8 +266,6 @@ func dutchTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
LcEnterFile: "enter bestand om geselecteerde regels toe te voegen aan de patch",
ExitLineByLineMode: `sluit lijn-bij-lijn modus`,
EnterUpstream: `Enter upstream als '<remote> <branchnaam>'`,
- EnterUpstreamWithSlash: `Enter upstream als '<remote>/<branchnaam>'`,
- LcNotTrackingRemote: "(nog geen remote aan het volgen)",
ReturnToRemotesList: `Ga terug naar remotes lijst`,
LcAddNewRemote: `voeg een nieuwe remote toe`,
LcNewRemoteName: `Nieuwe remote name:`,
diff --git a/pkg/i18n/english.go b/pkg/i18n/english.go
index 590693949..5a88ba396 100644
--- a/pkg/i18n/english.go
+++ b/pkg/i18n/english.go
@@ -13,15 +13,12 @@ package i18n
type TranslationSet struct {
NotEnoughSpace string
DiffTitle string
- LogTitle string
FilesTitle string
BranchesTitle string
CommitsTitle string
StashTitle string
UnstagedChanges string
StagedChanges string
- PatchBuildingMainTitle string
- MergingMainTitle string
MainTitle string
StagingTitle string
MergingTitle string
@@ -41,9 +38,6 @@ type TranslationSet struct {
LcNavigate string
LcMenu string
LcExecute string
- LcOpen string
- LcIgnore string
- LcDelete string
LcToggleStaged string
LcToggleStagedAll string
LcToggleTreeView string
@@ -51,10 +45,7 @@ type TranslationSet struct {
LcRefresh string
LcPush string
LcPull string
- LcEdit string
LcScroll string
- LcAbortMerge string
- LcResolveMergeConflicts string
LcCommitFileFilter string
FilterStagedFiles string
FilterUnstagedFiles string
@@ -62,8 +53,6 @@ type TranslationSet struct {
MergeConflictsTitle string
LcCheckout string
NoChangedFiles string
- FileHasNoUnstagedChanges string
- CannotGitAdd string
NoFilesDisplay string
NotAFile string
PullWait string
@@ -71,7 +60,6 @@ type TranslationSet struct {
FetchWait string
FileNoMergeCons string
LcSoftReset string
- SureTo string
AlreadyCheckedOutBranch string
SureForceCheckout string
ForceCheckoutBranch string
@@ -85,27 +73,20 @@ type TranslationSet struct {
CantRebaseOntoSelf string
CantMergeBranchIntoItself string
LcForceCheckout string
- LcMerge string
LcCheckoutByName string
LcNewBranch string
LcDeleteBranch string
- LcForceDeleteBranch string
NoBranchesThisRepo string
- NoTrackingThisBranch string
CommitMessageConfirm string
CommitWithoutMessageErr string
CloseConfirm string
LcClose string
LcQuit string
- SureResetThisCommit string
- ResetToCommit string
LcSquashDown string
- LcRename string
LcResetToThisCommit string
LcFixupCommit string
OnlySquashTopmostCommit string
YouNoCommitsToSquash string
- CantFixupWhileUnstagedChanges string
Fixup string
SureFixupThisCommit string
SureSquashThisCommit string
@@ -120,10 +101,8 @@ type TranslationSet struct {
LcEditCommit string
LcAmendToCommit string
LcRenameCommitEditor string
- PotentialErrInGetselectedCommit string
NoCommitsThisBranch string
Error string
- RunningSubprocess string
LcSelectHunk string
LcNavigateConflicts string
LcPickHunk string
@@ -144,8 +123,6 @@ type TranslationSet struct {
NoStashTo string
NoTrackedStagedFilesStash string
StashChanges string
- IssntListOfViews string
- LcNewFocusedViewIs string
MergeAborted string
OpenConfig string
EditConfig string
@@ -158,8 +135,6 @@ type TranslationSet struct {
OnLatestVersionErr string
MajorVersionErr string
CouldNotFindBinaryErr string
- AnonymousReportingTitle string
- AnonymousReportingPrompt string
MergeToolTitle string
MergeToolPrompt string
IntroPopupMessage string
@@ -181,22 +156,17 @@ type TranslationSet struct {
NoAutomaticGitFetchBody string
FileEnter string
FileStagingRequirements string
- SelectHunk string
StageSelection string
ResetSelection string
ToggleDragSelect string
ToggleSelectHunk string
ToggleSelectionForPatch string
TogglePanel string
- CantStageStaged string
ReturnToFilesPanel string
- CantFindHunks string
- CantFindHunk string
FastForward string
Fetching string
FoundConflicts string
FoundConflictsTitle string
- Undo string
PickHunk string
PickAllHunks string
ViewMergeRebaseOptions string
@@ -208,7 +178,6 @@ type TranslationSet struct {
LocalBranchesTitle string
SearchTitle string
TagsTitle string
- BranchCommitsTitle string
MenuTitle string
RemotesTitle string
CredentialsTitle string
@@ -217,7 +186,6 @@ type TranslationSet struct {
InformationTitle string
SecondaryTitle string
ReflogCommitsTitle string
- Title string
ConflictsResolved string
RebasingTitle string
ConfirmRebase string
@@ -267,8 +235,6 @@ type TranslationSet struct {
CommitFiles string
LcViewCommitFiles string
CommitFilesTitle string
- LcGoBack string
- NoCommiteFiles string
LcCheckoutCommitFile string
LcDiscardOldFileChange string
DiscardFileChangesTitle string
@@ -286,7 +252,6 @@ type TranslationSet struct {
LcDiscardAnyUnstagedChanges string
LcDiscardUntrackedFiles string
LcHardReset string
- LcHardResetUpstream string
LcViewResetOptions string
LcCreateFixupCommit string
LcSquashAboveCommits string
@@ -316,8 +281,6 @@ type TranslationSet struct {
LcEnterFile string
ExitLineByLineMode string
EnterUpstream string
- EnterUpstreamWithSlash string
- LcNotTrackingRemote string
ReturnToRemotesList string
LcAddNewRemote string
LcNewRemoteName string
@@ -569,15 +532,12 @@ func englishTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
return TranslationSet{
NotEnoughSpace: "Not enough space to render panels",
DiffTitle: "Diff",
- LogTitle: "Log",
FilesTitle: "Files",
BranchesTitle: "Branches",
CommitsTitle: "Commits",
StashTitle: "Stash",
UnstagedChanges: `Unstaged Changes`,
StagedChanges: `Staged Changes`,
- PatchBuildingMainTitle: `Add Lines/Hunks To Patch`,
- MergingMainTitle: "Resolve merge conflicts",
MainTitle: "Main",
StagingTitle: "Staging",
MergingTitle: "Merging",
@@ -596,9 +556,6 @@ func englishTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
LcNavigate: "navigate",
LcMenu: "menu",
LcExecute: "execute",
- LcOpen: "open",
- LcIgnore: "ignore",
- LcDelete: "delete",
LcToggleStaged: "toggle staged",
LcToggleStagedAll: "stage/unstage all",
LcToggleTreeView: "toggle file tree view",
@@ -606,10 +563,7 @@ func englishTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
LcRefresh: "refresh",
LcPush: "push",
LcPull: "pull",
- LcEdit: "edit",
LcScroll: "scroll",
- LcAbortMerge: "abort merge",
- LcResolveMergeConflicts: "resolve merge conflicts",
MergeConflictsTitle: "Merge Conflicts",
LcCheckout: "checkout",
LcCommitFileFilter: "Filter commit files",
@@ -617,8 +571,6 @@ func englishTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
FilterUnstagedFiles: "Show only unstaged files",
ResetCommitFilterState: "Reset filter",
NoChangedFiles: "No changed files",
- FileHasNoUnstagedChanges: "File has no unstaged changes to add",
- CannotGitAdd: "Cannot git add --patch untracked files",
NoFilesDisplay: "No file to display",
NotAFile: "Not a file",
PullWait: "Pulling...",
@@ -626,7 +578,6 @@ func englishTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
FetchWait: "Fetching...",
FileNoMergeCons: "This file has no inline merge conflicts",
LcSoftReset: "soft reset",
- SureTo: "Are you sure you want to {{.deleteVerb}} {{.fileName}} (you will lose your changes)?",
AlreadyCheckedOutBranch: "You have already checked out this branch",
SureForceCheckout: "Are you sure you want force checkout? You will lose all local changes",
ForceCheckoutBranch: "Force Checkout Branch",
@@ -640,28 +591,21 @@ func englishTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
CantRebaseOntoSelf: "You cannot rebase a branch onto itself",
CantMergeBranchIntoItself: "You cannot merge a branch into itself",
LcForceCheckout: "force checkout",
- LcMerge: "merge",
LcCheckoutByName: "checkout by name",
LcNewBranch: "new branch",
LcDeleteBranch: "delete branch",
- LcForceDeleteBranch: "delete branch (force)",
NoBranchesThisRepo: "No branches for this repo",
- NoTrackingThisBranch: "There is no tracking for this branch",
CommitMessageConfirm: "{{.keyBindClose}}: close, {{.keyBindNewLine}}: new line, {{.keyBindConfirm}}: confirm",
CommitWithoutMessageErr: "You cannot commit without a commit message",
CloseConfirm: "{{.keyBindClose}}: close, {{.keyBindConfirm}}: confirm",
LcClose: "close",
LcQuit: "quit",
- SureResetThisCommit: "Are you sure you want to reset to this commit?",
- ResetToCommit: "Reset To Commit",
LcSquashDown: "squash down",
- LcRename: "rename",
LcResetToThisCommit: "reset to this commit",
LcFixupCommit: "fixup commit",
NoCommitsThisBranch: "No commits for this branch",