--- title: Money order: 10 --- ## Money It is strange that, in germany, people are not willing to talk about money. Asking your employer for a raise feels strange, like asking something nasty. I had to _learn_ that talking about money isn't something that should feel "forbidden" at all, and that asking your employer for a raise is nothing to be ashamed of. Also, if you have enough money to take care of yourself and your family, you have "one problem less". Having not enough money to take care of yourself, though, means that everything you do resolves around money. Being "rich", whatever that means in our western society, just results in one problem less to have to think about... until you have that much money that problems are a direct result from that money (false friends, resulting possibly in psychological issues for yourself). Either way, this section will mostly be a collection of links I find interesting, not of thoughts on money. ### Tooling * [plaintextaccounting](https://plaintextaccounting.org) * [beancount (project)](https://github.com/beancount/) * [beancount itself](https://github.com/beancount/beancount) * [fava](https://beancount.github.io/fava/) * [github](https://github.com/beancount/fava) * [beanprice](https://github.com/beancount/beanprice) ### Investing * [What are some high risk high reward stocks that could explode in the next couple years?](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/pi34nx/what_are_some_high_risk_high_reward_stocks_that/) * [(de) ETFs und Steuern: Steuerliche Aspekte beim Investieren](https://www.finanzfluss.de/etf-handbuch/steuern/) ### Crypto * [(de) Wann fallen Steuern auf Kryptowährungen an?](https://www.hanseaticbank.de/klarmacher/wissen/kryptowaehrungen-versteuern-wann-und-wie-viel-sie-der-handel-kostet) * [plaintextco.in](https://plaintextco.in/) ### Tax (German) * [(de) Einkommenssteuerrechner](https://www.finanzfluss.de/rechner/einkommensteuer/) * [(de) Sparerpauschbetrag steigt 2023 – so reizen Sie ihn schon jetzt richtig aus](https://www.smartsteuer.de/blog/2022/02/15/sparerpauschbetrag-steigt-2023-so-reizen-sie-ihn-schon-jetzt-richtig-aus) ### Other * [How Europe became so rich](https://aeon.co/essays/how-did-europe-become-the-richest-part-of-the-world)