--- title: Minimalism order: 10 --- ## Inspiration It is rather hard to find good inspiration besides two or three resources, because all minimalists out there are "extremists", owning less than 100 items, being digital nomads or something like that. That "extremist" kind of minimalism can be discouraging and shocking, failing to provide inspiration at all. Some resources I rather like to get inspiration from: * [Kraig Adams youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/user/KadamsMedia) ## Defining Minimalism Minimalism is not about having nothing. Minimalists are [allowed](https://www.reddit.com/r/minimalism/comments/846drx/extreme_minimalism_a_trend/) to have things, even things that might not be "minimalist" at all (whatever that it). The fundamental thing to ask is > Does this item provide value in my life? and if it does not, one can get rid of it. * [(german) blog post on how to start](https://minime.life/wie-reduziere-ich-meinen-besitz/)