use std::fmt; use std::io; use std::path::{PathBuf,Path}; use std::str::FromStr; use crate::icalwrap::{IcalVCalendar,IcalVEvent,IcalTime}; use crate::utils::{fileutil,dateutil}; use crate::defaults; use crate::khevent::KhEvent; #[derive(PartialEq,Eq,Debug)] pub struct KhLine { pub path: PathBuf, time: Option, index: Option, } impl KhLine { pub fn new(path: &Path, time: Option) -> Self { let path = if path.is_relative() { defaults::get_caldir().join(path) } else { path.to_path_buf() }; Self { path, time, index: None } } pub fn to_cal(&self) -> io::Result { let content = fileutil::read_file_to_string(&self.path)?; let calendar = IcalVCalendar::from_str(&content, Some(&self.path))?; Ok(calendar) } pub fn to_event(&self) -> io::Result { let calendar = self.to_cal()?; let event = calendar.get_first_event(); Ok(KhEvent::from_event_with_timestamp(event, self.time.clone())) } pub fn with_index(self, index: usize) -> Self { Self { path: self.path, time: self.time, index: Some(index) } } pub fn matches_khevent(&self, event: &KhEvent) -> bool { self == &KhLine::from(event) } pub fn get_path(&self) -> &Path { &self.path } pub fn get_time(&self) -> Option<&IcalTime> { self.time.as_ref() } pub fn get_normalized_path(&self) -> &Path { self.path .strip_prefix(defaults::get_caldir()) .unwrap_or(&self.path) } } impl From<&IcalVEvent> for KhLine { fn from(event: &IcalVEvent) -> Self { let path = event.get_parent().unwrap().get_path().unwrap().to_path_buf(); let time = event.get_dtstart(); KhLine{ path, time, index: None } } } impl From<&KhEvent> for KhLine { fn from(event: &KhEvent) -> Self { let path = event.get_path().unwrap().to_path_buf(); let time = event.get_start(); KhLine{ path, time, index: None } } } impl From<&IcalVCalendar> for KhLine { fn from(cal: &IcalVCalendar) -> Self { (&cal.get_principal_khevent()).into() } } impl fmt::Display for KhLine { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { let path_string = self.get_normalized_path().to_string_lossy(); match self.time { Some(ref time) => { let time_string = format!("{:010}", time.timestamp()); write!(f, "{} {}", time_string, path_string) } None => write!(f, "{}", path_string) } } } impl FromStr for KhLine { type Err = String; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { let parts: Vec<&str> = s.splitn(2, ' ').collect(); if let Some(time) = dateutil::datetime_from_timestamp(parts[0]) { let path = to_filepath_checked(parts[1])?; Ok(Self::new(&path, Some(time.into()))) } else { let path = to_filepath_checked(parts[0])?; Ok(Self::new(&path, None)) } } } fn to_filepath_checked(path_str: &str) -> Result { let path = PathBuf::from(path_str); if defaults::get_caldir().join(&path).is_file() { Ok(path) } else { Err(format!("path {} is not a file", path_str)) } } pub fn lines_to_khlines(lines: impl Iterator) -> impl Iterator {|line| line.parse::()).flatten() } pub fn lines_to_khlines_indexed(lines: impl Iterator) -> impl Iterator { lines .enumerate() .map(|(index, line)| line.parse::().map(|khline| khline.with_index(index))) .flatten() } pub fn khlines_to_events(lines: impl Iterator) -> impl Iterator {|line| line.to_event()).flatten() } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use assert_fs::prelude::*; use crate::testdata; use crate::testutils::*; use crate::icalwrap::IcalVCalendar; #[test] fn test_parse_absolute() { let testdir = prepare_testdir_empty(); let khline_str = "1182988800 ".to_string() + &testdir.path().to_string_lossy() + "/x/y/z.ics"; let testfile = touch_testfile(&testdir, &PathBuf::from("x/y/z.ics")).unwrap(); let khline = khline_str.parse::().unwrap(); assert_eq!(testfile.path(), khline.path); assert_eq!(1182988800, khline.get_time().unwrap().timestamp()); assert_eq!(khline_str, khline.to_string()); } #[test] fn test_parse_absolute_no_timestamp() { let testdir = prepare_testdir_empty(); let khline_str = testdir.path().to_string_lossy() + "/x/y/z.ics"; let testfile = touch_testfile(&testdir, &PathBuf::from("x/y/z.ics")).unwrap(); let khline = khline_str.parse::().unwrap(); assert_eq!(testfile.path(), khline.path); assert_eq!(None, khline.time); assert_eq!(khline_str, khline.to_string()); } #[test] fn test_parse_relative_no_timestamp() { let testdir = prepare_testdir_empty(); let khline_str = "x/y.ics"; let mut path = PathBuf::from(defaults::DATADIR); path.push(defaults::CALDIR); path.push(khline_str); let testfile = touch_testfile(&testdir, &path).unwrap(); let khline = khline_str.parse::().unwrap(); assert_eq!(testfile.path(), khline.path); assert_eq!(None, khline.time); assert_eq!(khline_str, khline.to_string()); } #[test] fn test_parse_relative_timestamp() { let testdir = prepare_testdir_empty(); let filepath = "x/y.ics"; let khline_str = "1182988800 ".to_owned() + filepath; let mut path = PathBuf::from(defaults::DATADIR); path.push(defaults::CALDIR); path.push(filepath); let testfile = touch_testfile(&testdir, &path).unwrap(); let khline = khline_str.parse::().unwrap(); assert_eq!(testfile.path(), khline.path); assert_eq!(1182988800, khline.get_time().unwrap().timestamp()); assert_eq!(khline_str, khline.to_string()); } #[test] fn test_khline_from_calendar() { let path = PathBuf::from("test/path"); let cal = IcalVCalendar::from_str(testdata::TEST_EVENT_MULTIDAY_ALLDAY, Some(&path)).unwrap(); let khline = KhLine::from(&cal); assert_eq!(String::from("1182988800 test/path"), khline.to_string()); } #[test] fn test_khline_from_event() { let path = PathBuf::from("test/path"); let cal = IcalVCalendar::from_str(testdata::TEST_EVENT_MULTIDAY_ALLDAY, Some(&path)).unwrap(); let khline = KhLine::from(&cal); assert_eq!(String::from("1182988800 test/path"), khline.to_string()); } #[test] fn test_empty_string() { let khline = "".parse::(); assert!(khline.is_err()); } #[test] fn test_matches() { let path = PathBuf::from("test/path"); let cal = IcalVCalendar::from_str(testdata::TEST_EVENT_MULTIDAY_ALLDAY, Some(&path)).unwrap(); let khline = KhLine::from(&cal); assert!(khline.matches_khevent(&cal.get_principal_khevent())); } #[test] #[ignore] fn test_to_event_timestamp() { let testdir = prepare_testdir("testdir"); let khline = "12345 twodaysacrossbuckets.ics".parse::().unwrap(); let event = khline.to_event().unwrap(); //TODO actually, to_event should fail bc of the wrong timestamp assert_eq!( testdir.child(".khaleesi/cal/twodaysacrossbuckets.ics").path(), event.get_path().unwrap() ); assert_eq!(12345, event.get_start().unwrap().timestamp()); } #[test] fn test_to_event_no_timestamp() { let testdir = prepare_testdir("testdir"); let khline = "twodaysacrossbuckets.ics".parse::().unwrap(); let event = khline.to_event().unwrap(); assert_eq!( testdir.child(".khaleesi/cal/twodaysacrossbuckets.ics").path(), event.get_path().unwrap() ); assert_eq!( IcalTime::floating_ymd(2018, 12, 13).and_hms(23, 30, 00), event.get_start().unwrap() ); } }