use std::path::PathBuf; use crate::defaults; use crate::selectors::{SelectFilters,daterange::SelectFilterFrom,daterange::SelectFilterTo}; use crate::utils::fileutil as utils; use crate::khline::KhLine; use crate::KhResult; use structopt::StructOpt; #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] pub struct SelectArgs { /// the arguments for the selection #[structopt(name = "args")] pub args: Vec, } impl SelectFilters { fn predicate_path_skip_while(&self) -> impl Fn(&PathBuf) -> bool + '_ { move |path| { let bucketname = match path.file_name() { Some(path_os_str) => path_os_str.to_string_lossy(), None => panic!("{:?} not a file", path), }; self.from.is_bucket_before(&bucketname) } } fn predicate_path_take_while<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Fn(&PathBuf) -> bool + 'a { move |path| { let bucketname = match path.file_name() { Some(path_os_str) => path_os_str.to_string_lossy(), None => panic!("{:?} not a file", path), }; } } } impl SelectFilterFrom { fn is_bucket_before(&self, bucketname: &str) -> bool { // cargo check && cargo build are fine, // cargo test gives this error: // error[E0277]: can't compare `str` with `std::string::String` //--> src/actions/ //| //| self.bucket.as_ref().map_or(true, |bucket| bucketname < bucket) //| ^ no implementation for `str < std::string::String` and `str > std::string::String` //| //= help: the trait `std::cmp::PartialOrd` is not implemented for `str` //= note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::cmp::PartialOrd<&std::string::String>` for `&str` self.bucket.as_ref().map_or(false, |bucket| bucketname < bucket.as_str()) } } impl SelectFilterTo { fn is_bucket_while(&self, bucketname: &str) -> bool { self.bucket.as_ref().map_or(true, |bucket| bucketname <= bucket.as_str()) } } pub fn select_by_args(args: &[&str]) -> KhResult<()> { let filters = SelectFilters::parse_from_args(args)?; let indexdir = defaults::get_indexdir(); let mut buckets: Vec = utils::file_iter(&indexdir) .collect(); buckets.sort_unstable(); let buckets = buckets.into_iter() .skip_while(filters.predicate_path_skip_while()) .take_while(filters.predicate_path_take_while()); let cals =|bucket| utils::read_lines_from_file(&bucket)) .filter_map(|lines| lines.ok()) .flatten() .map(|line| line.parse::()) .filter_map(|cal| cal.ok()) .map(|khline| khline.to_event()) .flatten() ; let mut lines: Vec = cals .filter(|event| filters.is_selected(event)) .map(|event| KhLine::from(&event)) .map(|khline| khline.to_string()) .collect(); lines.sort_unstable(); lines.dedup(); for line in lines { println!("{}", line); } Ok(()) }