AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-05-24try sudo for kcovNora
2019-05-23images now with 100% more rustupNora
2019-05-23add .cargo/bin to PATH in docker containers, bump versions to 0.6Nora
2019-05-23use rustup in containersNora
2019-05-17update image version to 0.4, rebuilt for newer rust versionNora
2019-05-17bump dependenciesNora
2019-05-16recur: unroll events up to 1 year in the future, relative to the current day,...Nora
2019-04-28replace import chrono::* with chorno::prelude::*Nora
2019-04-28selectors: rustfmtNora
2019-04-28utils: duration.as_millis stabilized, use itNora
2019-04-26actions/new: extract path assembly to helper functionNora
2019-04-26use existing timezone when changing dtstart/dtend.Nora
2019-04-26actions/new: remove timezone from parsed timesNora
2019-04-26actions/new: rustfmtNora
2019-04-26bump dependenciesNora
2019-04-26clippy: disable redundant closure lintNora
2019-04-17use CamelCase for enum elementsNora
2019-04-17select: rust 1.34: str does not implement PartialOrd<String>, so use slice in...Nora
2019-04-17bump dependenciesNora
2019-04-02delete: improve help messageNora
2019-03-27bump dependencies: toml 0.5Nora
2019-03-27bump dependencies: patch versionsNora
2019-03-27icalvevent: add test for dtstart and dtendNora
2019-03-27icalvevent: make get_duration_internal a little more elegantNora
2019-03-27khevent: remove intemediate IcalVCalendarNora
2019-03-27move duration handling to icalwrap/icalvcalendarNora
2019-03-27icalvevent: rustfmtNora
2019-03-26fix get_end according to ical specNora
2019-03-22move get_recur_instances to kheventNora
2019-03-22icalvcalendar: remove with_internal_timestamp functionNora
2019-03-22khline: remove matches functionNora
2019-03-22ignore wrong testNora
2019-03-22make get_start and get_end more logicalNora
2019-03-15icalvevent: mark datetime argument in .with_timestamp unusedNora
2019-03-12remove instance timestamp from icalveventNora
2019-03-11rustfmt kheventNora
2019-03-11make khevent.event privateNora
2019-03-11move prettyprint to archiveNora
2019-03-10make clippy happyNora
2019-03-10fix last testNora
2019-03-10all tests passing againNora
2019-03-10use khevent, add get_principal_kheventNora
2019-03-09working kheventNora
2019-03-09start extracting kheventNora
2019-03-08update dependenciesNora
2019-03-02update dependenciesNora
2019-03-01use local timezone configNora