AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-03-15icalvevent: mark datetime argument in .with_timestamp unusedNora
2019-03-12remove instance timestamp from icalveventNora
2019-03-11rustfmt kheventNora
2019-03-11make khevent.event privateNora
2019-03-11move prettyprint to archiveNora
2019-03-10make clippy happyNora
2019-03-10fix last testNora
2019-03-10all tests passing againNora
2019-03-10use khevent, add get_principal_kheventNora
2019-03-09working kheventNora
2019-03-09start extracting kheventNora
2019-03-08update dependenciesNora
2019-03-02update dependenciesNora
2019-03-01use local timezone configNora
2019-02-26move argument structs to the action modulesNora
2019-02-26move gen_completions to an actionNora
2019-02-26fix typosNora
2019-02-26create shell completions for release buildNora
2019-02-25index: fix testNora
2019-02-25rename command argument structs for clarityNora
2019-02-25remove version flag from subcommandsNora
2019-02-25structopt getNora
2019-02-25remove author lines from helpNora
2019-02-25make the shortcuts work with global parameters like -vNora
2019-02-25structopt undo and unrollNora
2019-02-25structopt showNora
2019-02-25structopt seqNora
2019-02-25structopt: selectNora
2019-02-24structopt: newNora
2019-02-24structopt: listNora
2019-02-24cursor: show possible values in --helpNora
2019-02-24fix testsNora
2019-02-24structopt editNora
2019-02-24use enum for cursor movement directionsNora
2019-02-24structopt: deleteNora
2019-02-24structopt: cursorNora
2019-02-24structopt: copyNora
2019-02-24make index work againNora
2019-02-24move cli to cli.rsNora
2019-02-24make index workNora
2019-02-24make agenda workNora
2019-02-24move logger init to functionNora
2019-02-24remove unused importNora
2019-02-24make verbosity workNora