use timetype::TimeType; use thiserror::Error; pub type Result = ::std::result::Result; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Error)] pub enum Error { #[error("Unknown Error")] UnknownError, #[error("Cannot add: {0:?} + {1:?}")] CannotAdd(TimeType, TimeType), #[error("Cannot subtract: {0:?} - {1:?}")] CannotSub(TimeType, TimeType), #[error("The passed argument is not an amount: {0:?}")] ArgumentErrorNotAnAmount(TimeType), #[error("The passed argument is not a moment, but a {0}")] ArgumentErrorNotAMoment(&'static str), #[error("Argument Error: Cannot calculate end-of-year on a {0:?}")] CannotCalculateEndOfYearOn(TimeType), #[error("Argument Error: Cannot calculate end-of-month on a {0:?}")] CannotCalculateEndOfMonthOn(TimeType), #[error("Cannot compare Day to non-Moment TimeType: {0:?}")] CannotCompareDayTo(&'static str), #[error("Cannot compare Month to non-Moment TimeType: {0:?}")] CannotCompareMonthTo(&'static str), #[error("Out of bounds: {0}-{1}-{2}T{3}:{4}:{5}")] OutOfBounds(i32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32), #[error("Cannot calculate date for iterator")] NotADateInsideIterator, #[error("Unknown parser error")] UnknownParserError, #[error("Tokenizer error")] NomError(#[from] nom::Err), }