use timetype::TimeType; error_chain! { types { KairosError, KairosErrorKind, ResultExt, Result; } links { } foreign_links { NomError(::nom::simple_errors::Err); } errors { UnknownError { description("Unknown Error") display("Unknown Error") } CannotAdd(a: TimeType, b: TimeType) { description("Cannot add") display("Cannot add: {:?} + {:?}", a, b) } CannotSub(a: TimeType, b: TimeType) { description("Cannot subtract") display("Cannot subtract: {:?} - {:?}", a, b) } ArgumentErrorNotAnAmount(tt: TimeType) { description("Argument Error: Not an amount TimeType object") display("The passed argument is not an amount: {:?}", tt) } ArgumentErrorNotAMoment(name: &'static str) { description("Argument Error: Not a moment TimeType object") display("The passed argument is not a moment, but a {}", name) } CannotCalculateEndOfYearOn(tt: TimeType) { description("Argument Error: Cannot calculate end-of-year") display("Argument Error: Cannot calculate end-of-year on a {:?}", tt) } CannotCalculateEndOfMonthOn(tt: TimeType) { description("Argument Error: Cannot calculate end-of-month") display("Argument Error: Cannot calculate end-of-month on a {:?}", tt) } CannotCompareDayTo(tt_rep: &'static str) { description("Cannot compare Day to non-Moment TimeType") display("Cannot compare Day to non-Moment TimeType: {:?}", tt_rep) } CannotCompareMonthTo(tt_rep: &'static str) { description("Cannot compare Month to non-Moment TimeType") display("Cannot compare Month to non-Moment TimeType: {:?}", tt_rep) } UnknownParserError { description("Unknown parser error") display("Unknown parser error") } } }