path: root/src/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-11-07Move code to failure as error handling libraryMatthias Beyer
2017-11-19Fix: Offset problemMatthias Beyer
The core iterator did not yield the base on the first iteration. This is fixed with this commit, using a flag to check whether it already yielded the base and if, start incrementing. Not a clean solution, but a working one.
2017-11-19Add more tests for UntilIterMatthias Beyer
2017-11-19Add parser iterator type -> API iterator type mappingMatthias Beyer
2017-11-19Add "Times" iterator helper typeMatthias Beyer
2017-09-27Add "Until" iterator typeMatthias Beyer
2017-09-27Add WithoutFilter iteratorMatthias Beyer
2017-09-27Fix test: Do not iterate over years and do take only 12 instancesMatthias Beyer
2017-09-26Fix feature-gate-caused compiler errorsMatthias Beyer
2017-09-26Make Iter auto-calculating, eliminate CalculatingIterMatthias Beyer
It turns out that using a cheap iterator which only wraps objects makes the stack overflow with a very basic query: today() .yearly(1) .unwrap() .every(::indicator::Day::Monday) .every(::indicator::Month::January) .collect::<Vec<_>>() So here we cgo and optimize the Iter type to automatically calculate all the things right away. This makes it a bit more expensive to call, of course, but is better than overflowing.
2017-09-26Implement filter interface for matchersMatthias Beyer
2017-09-26Add filter iteratorMatthias Beyer
2017-09-26Add IntoCalculatingIter trait for calling calculate() on all iteratorsMatthias Beyer
2017-09-25Add more testsMatthias Beyer
2017-09-19Add extensions for building iterators convenientlyMatthias Beyer
2017-09-07Add iterator typesMatthias Beyer