# Copyright (C) 2012-2021 jrnl contributors # License: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html import ast from collections import defaultdict import os from pathlib import Path import re import time from unittest.mock import patch from behave import given from behave import then from behave import when import keyring import toml import yaml import jrnl.time from jrnl import Journal from jrnl import __version__ from jrnl import plugins from jrnl.cli import cli from jrnl.config import load_config from jrnl.os_compat import split_args try: import parsedatetime.parsedatetime_consts as pdt except ImportError: import parsedatetime as pdt consts = pdt.Constants(usePyICU=False) consts.DOWParseStyle = -1 # Prefers past weekdays CALENDAR = pdt.Calendar(consts) class TestKeyring(keyring.backend.KeyringBackend): """A test keyring that just stores its values in a hash""" priority = 1 keys = defaultdict(dict) def set_password(self, servicename, username, password): self.keys[servicename][username] = password def get_password(self, servicename, username): return self.keys[servicename].get(username) def delete_password(self, servicename, username): self.keys[servicename][username] = None class NoKeyring(keyring.backend.KeyringBackend): """A keyring that simulated an environment with no keyring backend.""" priority = 2 keys = defaultdict(dict) def set_password(self, servicename, username, password): raise keyring.errors.NoKeyringError def get_password(self, servicename, username): raise keyring.errors.NoKeyringError def delete_password(self, servicename, username): raise keyring.errors.NoKeyringError class FailedKeyring(keyring.backend.KeyringBackend): """ A keyring that cannot be retrieved. """ priority = 2 def set_password(self, servicename, username, password): raise keyring.errors.KeyringError def get_password(self, servicename, username): raise keyring.errors.KeyringError def delete_password(self, servicename, username): raise keyring.errors.KeyringError # set a default keyring keyring.set_keyring(TestKeyring()) def read_journal(context, journal_name="default"): configuration = load_config(context.config_path) with open(configuration["journals"][journal_name]) as journal_file: journal = journal_file.read() return journal def open_journal(context, journal_name="default"): configuration = load_config(context.config_path) journal_conf = configuration["journals"][journal_name] # We can override the default config on a by-journal basis if type(journal_conf) is dict: configuration.update(journal_conf) # But also just give them a string to point to the journal file else: configuration["journal"] = journal_conf return Journal.open_journal(journal_name, configuration) def read_value_from_string(string): if string[0] == "{": # Handle value being a dictionary return ast.literal_eval(string) # Takes strings like "bool:true" or "int:32" and coerces them into proper type t, value = string.split(":") value = {"bool": lambda v: v.lower() == "true", "int": int, "str": str}[t](value) return value @given('we use the config "{config_file}"') def set_config(context, config_file): full_path = os.path.join("features/configs", config_file) context.config_path = os.path.abspath(full_path) if config_file.endswith("yaml") and os.path.exists(full_path): # Add jrnl version to file for 2.x journals with open(context.config_path, "a") as cf: cf.write("version: {}".format(__version__)) @given('we use the password "{password}" if prompted') def use_password_forever(context, password): context.password = password @given('we use the password "{password}" {num:d} times if prompted') def use_password(context, password, num=1): context.password = iter([password] * num) @given("we have a keyring") @given("we have a {type} keyring") def set_keyring(context, type=""): if type == "failed": keyring.set_keyring(FailedKeyring()) else: keyring.set_keyring(TestKeyring()) @given("we do not have a keyring") def disable_keyring(context): keyring.core.set_keyring(NoKeyring()) @given('we set current date and time to "{dt}"') def set_datetime(context, dt): context.now = dt @when('we change directory to "{path}"') def move_up_dir(context, path): os.chdir(path) @when("we open the editor and {method}") @when('we open the editor and {method} "{text}"') @when("we open the editor and {method} nothing") @when("we open the editor and {method} nothing") def open_editor_and_enter(context, method, text=""): text = text or context.text or "" if method == "enter": file_method = "w+" elif method == "append": file_method = "a" else: file_method = "r+" def _mock_editor(command): context.editor_command = command tmpfile = command[-1] with open(tmpfile, file_method) as f: f.write(text) return tmpfile if "password" in context: password = context.password else: password = "" # fmt: off # see: https://github.com/psf/black/issues/664 with \ patch("subprocess.call", side_effect=_mock_editor) as mock_editor, \ patch("getpass.getpass", side_effect=_mock_getpass(password)) as mock_getpass, \ patch("sys.stdin.isatty", return_value=True), \ patch("jrnl.time.parse", side_effect=_mock_time_parse(context)), \ patch("jrnl.config.get_config_path", side_effect=lambda: context.config_path), \ patch("jrnl.install.get_config_path", side_effect=lambda: context.config_path) \ : context.editor = mock_editor context.getpass = mock_getpass try: cli(["--edit"]) context.exit_status = 0 except SystemExit as e: context.exit_status = e.code # fmt: on @then("the editor should have been called") @then("the editor should have been called with {num} arguments") def count_editor_args(context, num=None): assert context.editor.called if isinstance(num, int): assert len(context.editor_command) == int(num) @then("the editor should not have been called") def no_editor_called(context, num=None): assert "editor" not in context or not context.editor.called @then('one editor argument should be "{arg}"') def contains_editor_arg(context, arg): args = context.editor_command assert ( arg in args and args.count(arg) == 1 ), f"\narg not in args exactly 1 time:\n{arg}\n{str(args)}" @then('one editor argument should match "{regex}"') def matches_editor_arg(context, regex): args = context.editor_command matches = list(filter(lambda x: re.search(regex, x), args)) assert ( len(matches) == 1 ), f"\nRegex didn't match exactly 1 time:\n{regex}\n{str(args)}" @then("the editor file content should {method}") @then("the editor file content should {method} empty") @then('the editor file content should {method} "{text}"') def contains_editor_file(context, method, text=""): text = text or context.text or "" content = context.editor_file.get("content") format = f'\n"""\n{content}\n"""\n' if method == "be": assert content == text, format elif method == "contain": assert text in content, format else: assert False, f"Method '{method}' not supported" @then('the temporary filename suffix should be "{suffix}"') def extension_editor_file(context, suffix): filename = Path(context.editor_file["name"]).name delimiter = "-" if "-" in filename else "." filename_suffix = delimiter + filename.split(delimiter)[-1] assert filename_suffix == suffix def _mock_getpass(inputs): def prompt_return(prompt=""): if type(inputs) == str: return inputs try: return next(inputs) except StopIteration: raise KeyboardInterrupt return prompt_return def _mock_input(inputs): def prompt_return(prompt=""): try: val = next(inputs) print(prompt, val) return val except StopIteration: raise KeyboardInterrupt return prompt_return def _mock_time_parse(context): original_parse = jrnl.time.parse if "now" not in context: return original_parse def wrapper(input, *args, **kwargs): input = context.now if input == "now" else input return original_parse(input, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper @when('we run "{command}" and enter') @when('we run "{command}" and enter nothing') @when('we run "{command}" and enter "{inputs}"') def run_with_input(context, command, inputs=""): # create an iterator through all inputs. These inputs will be fed one by one # to the mocked calls for 'input()', 'util.getpass()' and 'sys.stdin.read()' if context.text: text = iter(context.text.split("\n")) else: text = iter([inputs]) args = split_args(command)[1:] def _mock_editor(command): context.editor_command = command tmpfile = command[-1] with open(tmpfile, "r") as editor_file: file_content = editor_file.read() context.editor_file = {"name": tmpfile, "content": file_content} Path(tmpfile).touch() if "password" in context: password = context.password else: password = text # fmt: off # see: https://github.com/psf/black/issues/664 with \ patch("builtins.input", side_effect=_mock_input(text)) as mock_input, \ patch("getpass.getpass", side_effect=_mock_getpass(password)) as mock_getpass, \ patch("sys.stdin.read", side_effect=text) as mock_read, \ patch("subprocess.call", side_effect=_mock_editor) as mock_editor, \ patch("jrnl.time.parse", side_effect=_mock_time_parse(context)), \ patch("jrnl.config.get_config_path", side_effect=lambda: context.config_path), \ patch("jrnl.install.get_config_path", side_effect=lambda: context.config_path) \ : try: cli(args or []) context.exit_status = 0 except SystemExit as e: context.exit_status = e.code # put mocks into context so they can be checked later in "then" statements context.editor = mock_editor context.input = mock_input context.getpass = mock_getpass context.read = mock_read context.iter_text = text context.execute_steps(''' Then all input was used And at least one input method was called ''') # fmt: on @then("at least one input method was called") def inputs_were_called(context): assert ( context.input.called or context.getpass.called or context.read.called or context.editor.called ) @then("we should be prompted for a password") def password_was_called(context): assert context.getpass.called @then("we should not be prompted for a password") def password_was_not_called(context): assert not context.getpass.called @then("all input was used") def all_input_was_used(context): # all inputs were used (ignore if empty string) for temp in context.iter_text: assert "" == temp, "Not all inputs were consumed" @when('we run "{command}"') @when('we run "{command}" and pipe') @when('we run "{command}" and pipe "{text}"') def run(context, command, text=""): text = text or context.text or "" if "cache_dir" in context and context.cache_dir is not None: cache_dir = os.path.join("features", "cache", context.cache_dir) command = command.format(cache_dir=cache_dir) args = split_args(command) def _mock_editor(command): context.editor_command = command tmpfile = command[-1] with open(tmpfile, "r") as editor_file: file_content = editor_file.read() context.editor_file = {"name": tmpfile, "content": file_content} Path(tmpfile).touch() if "password" in context: password = context.password else: password = iter(text) try: # fmt: off # see: https://github.com/psf/black/issues/664 with \ patch("sys.argv", args), \ patch("getpass.getpass", side_effect=_mock_getpass(password)) as mock_getpass, \ patch("subprocess.call", side_effect=_mock_editor) as mock_editor, \ patch("sys.stdin.read", side_effect=lambda: text), \ patch("jrnl.time.parse", side_effect=_mock_time_parse(context)), \ patch("jrnl.config.get_config_path", side_effect=lambda: context.config_path), \ patch("jrnl.install.get_config_path", side_effect=lambda: context.config_path) \ : context.editor = mock_editor context.getpass = mock_getpass cli(args[1:]) context.exit_status = 0 # fmt: on except SystemExit as e: context.exit_status = e.code @given('we load template "{filename}"') def load_template(context, filename): full_path = os.path.join("features/data/templates", filename) exporter = plugins.template_exporter.__exporter_from_file(full_path) plugins.__exporter_types[exporter.names[0]] = exporter @when('we set the keyring password of "{journal}" to "{password}"') def set_keyring_password(context, journal, password): keyring.set_password("jrnl", journal, password) @then("we should get an error") def has_error(context): assert context.exit_status != 0, context.exit_status @then("we should get no error") def no_error(context): assert context.exit_status == 0, context.exit_status @then("we flush the output") def flush_stdout(context): context.stdout_capture.truncate(0) context.stdout_capture.seek(0) @then("we flush the error output") def flush_stderr(context): context.stderr_capture.truncate(0) context.stderr_capture.seek(0) @then("we flush all the output") def flush_all_output(context): context.execute_steps( """ Then we flush the output Then we flush the error output """ ) @then("the output should be") @then("the output should be empty") @then('the output should be "{text}"') def check_output(context, text=None): text = (text or context.text or "").strip().splitlines() out = context.stdout_capture.getvalue().strip().splitlines() assert len(text) == len(out), "Output has {} lines (expected: {})".format( len(out), len(text) ) for line_text, line_out in zip(text, out): assert line_text.strip() == line_out.strip(), [ line_text.strip(), line_out.strip(), ] @then('the output should contain "{text}" in the local time') def check_output_time_inline(context, text): out = context.stdout_capture.getvalue() date, flag = CALENDAR.parse(text) output_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", date) assert output_date in out, output_date @then("the output should contain pyproject.toml version") def check_output_version_inline(context): out = context.stdout_capture.getvalue() pyproject = (Path(__file__) / ".." / ".." / ".." / "pyproject.toml").resolve() pyproject_contents = toml.load(pyproject) pyproject_version = pyproject_contents["tool"]["poetry"]["version"] assert pyproject_version in out, pyproject_version @then("the output should contain") @then('the output should contain "{text}"') @then('the output should contain "{text}" or "{text2}"') def check_output_inline(context, text=None, text2=None): text = text or context.text out = context.stdout_capture.getvalue() assert (text and text in out) or (text2 and text2 in out) @then("the error output should contain") @then('the error output should contain "{text}"') @then('the error output should contain "{text}" or "{text2}"') def check_error_output_inline(context, text=None, text2=None): text = text or context.text out = context.stderr_capture.getvalue() assert (text and text in out) or (text2 and text2 in out) @then('the output should match "{regex}"') @then('the output should match "{regex}" {num} times') def matches_std_output(context, regex, num=1): out = context.stdout_capture.getvalue() matches = re.findall(regex, out) assert ( matches and len(matches) == num ), f"\nRegex didn't match exactly {num} time(s):\n{regex}\n{str(out)}\n{str(matches)}" @then('the error output should match "{regex}"') @then('the error output should match "{regex}" {num} times') def matches_err_ouput(context, regex, num=1): out = context.stderr_capture.getvalue() matches = re.findall(regex, out) assert ( matches and len(matches) == num ), f"\nRegex didn't match exactly {num} time(s):\n{regex}\n{str(out)}\n{str(matches)}" @then('the output should not contain "{text}"') def check_output_not_inline(context, text): out = context.stdout_capture.getvalue() assert text not in out @then('we should see the message "{text}"') @then('the error output should be "{text}"') def check_message(context, text): out = context.stderr_capture.getvalue() assert text in out, [text, out] @then('we should not see the message "{text}"') def check_not_message(context, text): out = context.stderr_capture.getvalue() assert text not in out, [text, out] @then('the journal should contain "{text}"') @then('journal "{journal_name}" should contain "{text}"') def check_journal_content(context, text, journal_name="default"): journal = read_journal(context, journal_name) assert text in journal, journal @then('the journal should not contain "{text}"') @then('journal "{journal_name}" should not contain "{text}"') def check_not_journal_content(context, text, journal_name="default"): journal = read_journal(context, journal_name) assert text not in journal, journal @then("the journal should not exist") @then('journal "{journal_name}" should not exist') def journal_doesnt_exist(context, journal_name="default"): configuration = load_config(context.config_path) journal_path = configuration["journals"][journal_name] assert not os.path.exists(journal_path) @then("the journal should exist") @then('journal "{journal_name}" should exist') def journal_exists(context, journal_name="default"): configuration = load_config(context.config_path) journal_path = configuration["journals"][journal_name] assert os.path.exists(journal_path) @then('the config should have "{key}" set to') @then('the config should have "{key}" set to "{value}"') @then('the config for journal "{journal}" should have "{key}" set to "{value}"') def config_var(context, key, value="", journal=None): value = read_value_from_string(value or context.text or "") configuration = load_config(context.config_path) if journal: configuration = configuration["journals"][journal] assert key in configuration assert configuration[key] == value @then('the config for journal "{journal}" should not have "{key}" set') def config_no_var(context, key, value="", journal=None): configuration = load_config(context.config_path) if journal: configuration = configuration["journals"][journal] assert key not in configuration @then("the journal should have {number:d} entries") @then("the journal should have {number:d} entry") @then('journal "{journal_name}" should have {number:d} entries') @then('journal "{journal_name}" should have {number:d} entry') def check_journal_entries(context, number, journal_name="default"): journal = open_journal(context, journal_name) assert len(journal.entries) == number @when("the journal directory is listed") def list_journal_directory(context, journal="default"): with open(context.config_path) as config_file: configuration = yaml.load(config_file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) journal_path = configuration["journals"][journal] for root, dirnames, f in os.walk(journal_path): for file in f: print(os.path.join(root, file)) @then("fail") def debug_fail(context): assert False