#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #if !defined(HAVE_ISATTY) && defined(HAVE__ISATTY) #undef isatty #define isatty _isatty #endif #if defined(HAVE_ISATTY) || defined(HAVE__ISATTY) #define USE_ISATTY #endif #include "compile.h" #include "jv.h" #include "jq.h" #include "jv_alloc.h" #include "util.h" #include "src/version.h" int jq_testsuite(jv lib_dirs, int verbose, int argc, char* argv[]); static const char* progname; /* * For a longer help message we could use a better option parsing * strategy, one that lets stack options. */ static void usage(int code, int keep_it_short) { FILE *f = stderr; if (code == 0) f = stdout; int ret = fprintf(f, "jq - commandline JSON processor [version %s]\n" "\nUsage:\t%s [options] [file...]\n" "\t%s [options] --args [strings...]\n" "\t%s [options] --jsonargs [JSON_TEXTS...]\n\n" "jq is a tool for processing JSON inputs, applying the given filter to\n" "its JSON text inputs and producing the filter's results as JSON on\n" "standard output.\n\n" "The simplest filter is ., which copies jq's input to its output\n" "unmodified (except for formatting, but note that IEEE754 is used\n" "for number representation internally, with all that that implies).\n\n" "For more advanced filters see the jq(1) manpage (\"man jq\")\n" "and/or https://stedolan.github.io/jq\n\n" "Example:\n\n\t$ echo '{\"foo\": 0}' | jq .\n" "\t{\n\t\t\"foo\": 0\n\t}\n\n", JQ_VERSION, progname, progname, progname); if (keep_it_short) { fprintf(f, "For a listing of options, use %s --help.\n", progname); } else { (void) fprintf(f, "Some of the options include:\n" " -c compact instead of pretty-printed output;\n" " -n use `null` as the single input value;\n" " -e set the exit status code based on the output;\n" " -s read (slurp) all inputs into an array; apply filter to it;\n" " -r output raw strings, not JSON texts;\n" " -R read raw strings, not JSON texts;\n" " -C colorize JSON;\n" " -M monochrome (don't colorize JSON);\n" " -S sort keys of objects on output;\n" " --tab use tabs for indentation;\n" " --arg a v set variable $a to value ;\n" " --argjson a v set variable $a to JSON value ;\n" " --slurpfile a f set variable $a to an array of JSON texts read from ;\n" " --args remaining arguments are string arguments, not files;\n" " --jsonargs remaining arguments are JSON arguments, not files;\n" " -- terminates argument processing;\n\n" "Named arguments are also available as $ARGS.named[], while\n" "positional arguments are available as $ARGS.positional[].\n" "\nSee the manpage for more options.\n"); } exit((ret < 0 && code == 0) ? 2 : code); } static void die() { fprintf(stderr, "Use %s --help for help with command-line options,\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, "or see the jq manpage, or online docs at https://stedolan.github.io/jq\n"); exit(2); } static int isoptish(const char* text) { return text[0] == '-' && (text[1] == '-' || isalpha(text[1])); } static int isoption(const char* text, char shortopt, const char* longopt, size_t *short_opts) { if (text[0] != '-' || text[1] == '-') *short_opts = 0; if (text[0] != '-') return 0; // check long option if (text[1] == '-' && !strcmp(text+2, longopt)) return 1; else if (text[1] == '-') return 0; // must be short option; check it and... if (!shortopt) return 0; if (strchr(text, shortopt) != NULL) { (*short_opts)++; // ...count it (for option stacking) return 1; } return 0; } enum { SLURP = 1, RAW_INPUT = 2, PROVIDE_NULL = 4, RAW_OUTPUT = 8, ASCII_OUTPUT = 32, COLOR_OUTPUT = 64, NO_COLOR_OUTPUT = 128, SORTED_OUTPUT = 256, FROM_FILE = 512, RAW_NO_LF = 1024, UNBUFFERED_OUTPUT = 2048, EXIT_STATUS = 4096, EXIT_STATUS_EXACT = 8192, SEQ = 16384, RUN_TESTS = 32768, /* debugging only */ DUMP_DISASM = 65536, }; static int options = 0; static const char *skip_shebang(const char *p) { if (strncmp(p, "#!", sizeof("#!") - 1) != 0) return p; const char *n = strchr(p, '\n'); if (n == NULL || n[1] != '#') return p; n = strchr(n + 1, '\n'); if (n == NULL || n[1] == '#' || n[1] == '\0' || n[-1] != '\\' || n[-2] == '\\') return p; n = strchr(n + 1, '\n'); if (n == NULL) return p; return n+1; } static int process(jq_state *jq, jv value, int flags, int dumpopts) { int ret = 14; // No valid results && -e -> exit(4) jq_start(jq, value, flags); jv result; while (jv_is_valid(result = jq_next(jq))) { if ((options & RAW_OUTPUT) && jv_get_kind(result) == JV_KIND_STRING) { fwrite(jv_string_value(result), 1, jv_string_length_bytes(jv_copy(result)), stdout); ret = 0; jv_free(result); } else { if (jv_get_kind(result) == JV_KIND_FALSE || jv_get_kind(result) == JV_KIND_NULL) ret = 11; else ret = 0; if (options & SEQ) priv_fwrite("\036", 1, stdout, dumpopts & JV_PRINT_ISATTY); jv_dump(result, dumpopts); } if (!(options & RAW_NO_LF)) priv_fwrite("\n", 1, stdout, dumpopts & JV_PRINT_ISATTY); if (options & UNBUFFERED_OUTPUT) fflush(stdout); } if (jq_halted(jq)) { // jq program invoked `halt` or `halt_error` options |= EXIT_STATUS_EXACT; jv exit_code = jq_get_exit_code(jq); if (!jv_is_valid(exit_code)) ret = 0; else if (jv_get_kind(exit_code) == JV_KIND_NUMBER) ret = jv_number_value(exit_code); else ret = 5; jv_free(exit_code); jv error_message = jq_get_error_message(jq); if (jv_get_kind(error_message) == JV_KIND_STRING) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", jv_string_value(error_message)); } else if (jv_get_kind(error_message) == JV_KIND_NULL) { // Halt with no output } else if (jv_is_valid(error_message)) { error_message = jv_dump_string(jv_copy(error_message), 0); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", jv_string_value(error_message)); } // else no message on stderr; use --debug-trace to see a message fflush(stderr); jv_free(error_message); } else if (jv_invalid_has_msg(jv_copy(result))) { // Uncaught jq exception jv msg = jv_invalid_get_msg(jv_copy(result)); jv input_pos = jq_util_input_get_position(jq); if (jv_get_kind(msg) == JV_KIND_STRING) { fprintf(stderr, "jq: error (at %s): %s\n", jv_string_value(input_pos), jv_string_value(msg)); } else { msg = jv_dump_string(msg, 0); fprintf(stderr, "jq: error (at %s) (not a string): %s\n", jv_string_value(input_pos), jv_string_value(msg)); } ret = 5; jv_free(input_pos); jv_free(msg); } jv_free(result); return ret; } static void debug_cb(void *data, jv input) { int dumpopts = *(int *)data; jv_dumpf(JV_ARRAY(jv_string("DEBUG:"), input), stderr, dumpopts & ~(JV_PRINT_PRETTY)); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { jq_state *jq = NULL; int ret = 0; int compiled = 0; int parser_flags = 0; int nfiles = 0; int badwrite; jv ARGS = jv_array(); /* positional arguments */ jv program_arguments = jv_object(); /* named arguments */ #ifdef WIN32 fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); _setmode(fileno(stdout), _O_TEXT | _O_U8TEXT); _setmode(fileno(stderr), _O_TEXT | _O_U8TEXT); int wargc; wchar_t **wargv = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &wargc); assert(wargc == argc); size_t arg_sz; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { argv[i] = alloca((arg_sz = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wargv[i], -1, 0, 0, 0, 0))); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wargv[i], -1, argv[i], arg_sz, 0, 0); } #endif if (argc) progname = argv[0]; jq = jq_init(); if (jq == NULL) { perror("malloc"); ret = 2; goto out; } int dumpopts = JV_PRINT_INDENT_FLAGS(2); const char* program = 0; jq_util_input_state *input_state = jq_util_input_init(NULL, NULL); // XXX add err_cb int further_args_are_strings = 0; int further_args_are_json = 0; int args_done = 0; int jq_flags = 0; size_t short_opts = 0; jv lib_search_paths = jv_null(); for (int i=1; i= argc - 1) { fprintf(stderr, "-L takes a parameter: (e.g. -L /search/path or -L/search/path)\n"); die(); } else { lib_search_paths = jv_array_append(lib_search_paths, jq_realpath(jv_string(argv[i+1]))); i++; } continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 's', "slurp", &short_opts)) { options |= SLURP; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'r', "raw-output", &short_opts)) { options |= RAW_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'c', "compact-output", &short_opts)) { dumpopts &= ~(JV_PRINT_TAB | JV_PRINT_INDENT_FLAGS(7)); if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'C', "color-output", &short_opts)) { options |= COLOR_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'M', "monochrome-output", &short_opts)) { options |= NO_COLOR_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'a', "ascii-output", &short_opts)) { options |= ASCII_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "unbuffered", &short_opts)) { options |= UNBUFFERED_OUTPUT; continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'S', "sort-keys", &short_opts)) { options |= SORTED_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'R', "raw-input", &short_opts)) { options |= RAW_INPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'n', "null-input", &short_opts)) { options |= PROVIDE_NULL; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'f', "from-file", &short_opts)) { options |= FROM_FILE; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'j', "join-output", &short_opts)) { options |= RAW_OUTPUT | RAW_NO_LF; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "tab", &short_opts)) { dumpopts &= ~JV_PRINT_INDENT_FLAGS(7); dumpopts |= JV_PRINT_TAB | JV_PRINT_PRETTY; continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "indent", &short_opts)) { if (i >= argc - 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --indent takes one parameter\n", progname); die(); } dumpopts &= ~(JV_PRINT_TAB | JV_PRINT_INDENT_FLAGS(7)); int indent = atoi(argv[i+1]); if (indent < -1 || indent > 7) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --indent takes a number between -1 and 7\n", progname); die(); } dumpopts |= JV_PRINT_INDENT_FLAGS(indent); i++; continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "seq", &short_opts)) { options |= SEQ; continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "stream", &short_opts)) { parser_flags |= JV_PARSE_STREAMING; continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "stream-errors", &short_opts)) { parser_flags |= JV_PARSE_STREAM_ERRORS; continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'e', "exit-status", &short_opts)) { options |= EXIT_STATUS; if (!short_opts) continue; } // FIXME: For --arg* we should check that the varname is acceptable if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "args", &short_opts)) { further_args_are_strings = 1; further_args_are_json = 0; continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "jsonargs", &short_opts)) { further_args_are_strings = 0; further_args_are_json = 1; continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "arg", &short_opts)) { if (i >= argc - 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --arg takes two parameters (e.g. --arg varname value)\n", progname); die(); } if (!jv_object_has(jv_copy(program_arguments), jv_string(argv[i+1]))) program_arguments = jv_object_set(program_arguments, jv_string(argv[i+1]), jv_string(argv[i+2])); i += 2; // skip the next two arguments continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "argjson", &short_opts)) { if (i >= argc - 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --argjson takes two parameters (e.g. --argjson varname text)\n", progname); die(); } if (!jv_object_has(jv_copy(program_arguments), jv_string(argv[i+1]))) { jv v = jv_parse(argv[i+2]); if (!jv_is_valid(v)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid JSON text passed to --argjson\n", progname); die(); } program_arguments = jv_object_set(program_arguments, jv_string(argv[i+1]), v); } i += 2; // skip the next two arguments continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "argfile", &short_opts) || isoption(argv[i], 0, "slurpfile", &short_opts)) { const char *which; if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "argfile", &short_opts)) which = "argfile"; else which = "slurpfile"; if (i >= argc - 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --%s takes two parameters (e.g. --%s varname filename)\n", progname, which, which); die(); } if (!jv_object_has(jv_copy(program_arguments), jv_string(argv[i+1]))) { jv data = jv_load_file(argv[i+2], 0); if (!jv_is_valid(data)) { data = jv_invalid_get_msg(data); fprintf(stderr, "%s: Bad JSON in --%s %s %s: %s\n", progname, which, argv[i+1], argv[i+2], jv_string_value(data)); jv_free(data); ret = 2; goto out; } if (strcmp(which, "argfile") == 0 && jv_get_kind(data) == JV_KIND_ARRAY && jv_array_length(jv_copy(data)) == 1) data = jv_array_get(data, 0); program_arguments = jv_object_set(program_arguments, jv_string(argv[i+1]), data); } i += 2; // skip the next two arguments continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "debug-dump-disasm", &short_opts)) { options |= DUMP_DISASM; continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "debug-trace=all", &short_opts)) { jq_flags |= JQ_DEBUG_TRACE_ALL; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "debug-trace", &short_opts)) { jq_flags |= JQ_DEBUG_TRACE; continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'h', "help", &short_opts)) { usage(0, 0); if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'V', "version", &short_opts)) { printf("jq-%s\n", JQ_VERSION); ret = 0; goto out; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "run-tests", &short_opts)) { i++; // XXX Pass program_arguments, even a whole jq_state *, through; // could be useful for testing ret = jq_testsuite(lib_search_paths, (options & DUMP_DISASM) || (jq_flags & JQ_DEBUG_TRACE), argc - i, argv + i); goto out; } // check for unknown options... if this argument was a short option if (strlen(argv[i]) != short_opts + 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown option %s\n", progname, argv[i]); die(); } } } #ifdef USE_ISATTY if (isatty(STDOUT_FILENO)) { dumpopts |= JV_PRINT_ISATTY; #ifndef WIN32 /* Disable color by default on Windows builds as Windows terminals tend not to display it correctly */ dumpopts |= JV_PRINT_COLOR; #endif } #endif if (options & SORTED_OUTPUT) dumpopts |= JV_PRINT_SORTED; if (options & ASCII_OUTPUT) dumpopts |= JV_PRINT_ASCII; if (options & COLOR_OUTPUT) dumpopts |= JV_PRINT_COLOR; if (options & NO_COLOR_OUTPUT) dumpopts &= ~JV_PRINT_COLOR; if (getenv("JQ_COLORS") != NULL && !jq_set_colors(getenv("JQ_COLORS"))) fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set $JQ_COLORS\n"); if (jv_get_kind(lib_search_paths) == JV_KIND_NULL) { // Default search path list lib_search_paths = JV_ARRAY(jv_string("~/.jq"), jv_string("$ORIGIN/../lib/jq"), jv_string("$ORIGIN/lib")); } jq_set_attr(jq, jv_string("JQ_LIBRARY_PATH"), lib_search_paths); char *origin = strdup(argv[0]); if (origin == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: out of memory\n"); exit(1); } jq_set_attr(jq, jv_string("JQ_ORIGIN"), jv_string(dirname(origin))); free(origin); if (strchr(JQ_VERSION, '-') == NULL) jq_set_attr(jq, jv_string("VERSION_DIR"), jv_string(JQ_VERSION)); else jq_set_attr(jq, jv_string("VERSION_DIR"), jv_string_fmt("%.*s-master", (int)(strchr(JQ_VERSION, '-') - JQ_VERSION), JQ_VERSION)); #ifdef USE_ISATTY if (!program && (!isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) || !isatty(STDIN_FILENO))) program = "."; #endif if (!program) usage(2, 1); if (options & FROM_FILE) { char *program_origin = strdup(program); if (program_origin == NULL) { perror("malloc"); exit(2); } jv data = jv_load_file(program, 1); if (!jv_is_valid(data)) { data = jv_invalid_get_msg(data); fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", progname, jv_string_value(data)); jv_free(data); ret = 2; goto out; } jq_set_attr(jq, jv_string("PROGRAM_ORIGIN"), jq_realpath(jv_string(dirname(program_origin)))); ARGS = JV_OBJECT(jv_string("positional"), ARGS, jv_string("named"), jv_copy(program_arguments)); program_arguments = jv_object_set(program_arguments, jv_string("ARGS"), jv_copy(ARGS)); compiled = jq_compile_args(jq, skip_shebang(jv_string_value(data)), jv_copy(program_arguments)); free(program_origin); jv_free(data); } else { jq_set_attr(jq, jv_string("PROGRAM_ORIGIN"), jq_realpath(jv_string("."))); // XXX is this good? ARGS = JV_OBJECT(jv_string("positional"), ARGS, jv_string("named"), jv_copy(program_arguments)); program_arguments = jv_object_set(program_arguments, jv_string("ARGS"), jv_copy(ARGS)); compiled = jq_compile_args(jq, program, jv_copy(program_arguments)); } if (!compiled){ ret = 3; goto out; } if (options & DUMP_DISASM) { jq_dump_disassembly(jq, 0); printf("\n"); } if ((options & SEQ)) parser_flags |= JV_PARSE_SEQ; if ((options & RAW_INPUT)) jq_util_input_set_parser(input_state, NULL, (options & SLURP) ? 1 : 0); else jq_util_input_set_parser(input_state, jv_parser_new(parser_flags), (options & SLURP) ? 1 : 0); // Let jq program read from inputs jq_set_input_cb(jq, jq_util_input_next_input_cb, input_state); // Let jq program call `debug` builtin and have that go somewhere jq_set_debug_cb(jq, debug_cb, &dumpopts); if (nfiles == 0) jq_util_input_add_input(input_state, "-"); if (options & PROVIDE_NULL) { ret = process(jq, jv_null(), jq_flags, dumpopts); } else { jv value; while (jq_util_input_errors(input_state) == 0 && (jv_is_valid((value = jq_util_input_next_input(input_state))) || jv_invalid_has_msg(jv_copy(value)))) { if (jv_is_valid(value)) { ret = process(jq, value, jq_flags, dumpopts); continue; } // Parse error jv msg = jv_invalid_get_msg(value); if (!(options & SEQ)) { // --seq -> errors are not fatal ret = 4; fprintf(stderr, "parse error: %s\n", jv_string_value(msg)); jv_free(msg); break; } fprintf(stderr, "ignoring parse error: %s\n", jv_string_value(msg)); jv_free(msg); } } if (jq_util_input_errors(input_state) != 0) ret = 2; out: badwrite = ferror(stdout); if (fclose(stdout)!=0 || badwrite) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: writing output failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); ret = 2; } jv_free(ARGS); jv_free(program_arguments); jq_util_input_free(&input_state); jq_teardown(&jq); if (ret >= 10 && (options & EXIT_STATUS)) return ret - 10; if (ret >= 10 && !(options & EXIT_STATUS_EXACT)) return 0; return ret; }