#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "jq_parser.h" #include "locfile.h" #include "jv.h" #include "jq.h" #include "parser.h" #include "util.h" #include "compile.h" struct lib_loading_state { char **names; block *defs; uint64_t ct; }; static int load_library(jq_state *jq, jv lib_path, int is_data, int raw, const char *as, block *out_block, struct lib_loading_state *lib_state); static int path_is_relative(jv p) { const char *s = jv_string_value(p); #ifdef WIN32 int res = PathIsRelativeA(s); #else int res = *s != '/'; #endif jv_free(p); return res; } // Given a lib_path to search first, creates a chain of search paths // in the following order: // 1. lib_path // 2. -L paths passed in on the command line (from jq_state*) or builtin list static jv build_lib_search_chain(jq_state *jq, jv search_path, jv jq_origin, jv lib_origin) { assert(jv_get_kind(search_path) == JV_KIND_ARRAY); jv expanded = jv_array(); jv expanded_elt; jv err = jv_null(); jv_array_foreach(search_path, i, path) { if (jv_get_kind(path) != JV_KIND_STRING) { jv_free(path); continue; } path = expand_path(path); if (!jv_is_valid(path)) { err = path; path = jv_null(); continue; } if (strcmp(".",jv_string_value(path)) == 0) { expanded_elt = jv_copy(path); } else if (strncmp("$ORIGIN/",jv_string_value(path),sizeof("$ORIGIN/") - 1) == 0) { expanded_elt = jv_string_fmt("%s/%s", jv_string_value(jq_origin), jv_string_value(path) + sizeof ("$ORIGIN/") - 1); } else if (jv_get_kind(lib_origin) == JV_KIND_STRING && path_is_relative(jv_copy(path))) { expanded_elt = jv_string_fmt("%s/%s", jv_string_value(lib_origin), jv_string_value(path)); } else { expanded_elt = path; path = jv_invalid(); } expanded = jv_array_append(expanded, expanded_elt); jv_free(path); } jv_free(jq_origin); jv_free(lib_origin); jv_free(search_path); return JV_ARRAY(expanded, err); } // Doesn't actually check that name not be an absolute path, and we // don't have to: we always append relative paths to others (with a '/' // in between). static jv validate_relpath(jv name) { const char *s = jv_string_value(name); if (strchr(s, '\\')) { jv res = jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_fmt("Modules must be named by relative paths using '/', not '\\' (%s)", s)); jv_free(name); return res; } jv components = jv_string_split(jv_copy(name), jv_string("/")); jv rp = jv_array_get(jv_copy(components), 0); components = jv_array_slice(components, 1, jv_array_length(jv_copy(components))); jv_array_foreach(components, i, x) { if (!strcmp(jv_string_value(x), "..")) { jv_free(x); jv_free(rp); jv_free(components); jv res = jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_fmt("Relative paths to modules may not traverse to parent directories (%s)", s)); jv_free(name); return res; } if (i > 0 && jv_equal(jv_copy(x), jv_array_get(jv_copy(components), i - 1))) { jv_free(x); jv_free(rp); jv_free(components); jv res = jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_fmt("module names must not have equal consecutive components: %s", jv_string_value(name))); jv_free(name); return res; } rp = jv_string_concat(rp, jv_string_concat(jv_string("/"), x)); } jv_free(components); jv_free(name); return rp; } // Assumes name has been validated static jv jv_basename(jv name) { const char *s = jv_string_value(name); const char *p = strrchr(s, '/'); if (!p) return name; jv res = jv_string_fmt("%s", p); jv_free(name); return res; } // Asummes validated relative path to module static jv find_lib(jq_state *jq, jv rel_path, jv search, const char *suffix, jv jq_origin, jv lib_origin) { if (jv_get_kind(search) != JV_KIND_ARRAY) return jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_fmt("Module search path must be an array")); if (jv_get_kind(rel_path) != JV_KIND_STRING) return jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_fmt("Module path must be a string")); struct stat st; int ret; // Ideally we should cache this somewhere search = build_lib_search_chain(jq, search, jq_origin, lib_origin); jv err = jv_array_get(jv_copy(search), 1); search = jv_array_get(search, 0); jv bname = jv_basename(jv_copy(rel_path)); jv_array_foreach(search, i, spath) { if (jv_get_kind(spath) == JV_KIND_NULL) { jv_free(spath); break; } if (jv_get_kind(spath) != JV_KIND_STRING || strcmp(jv_string_value(spath), "") == 0) { jv_free(spath); continue; /* XXX report non-strings in search path?? */ } // Try ${search_dir}/${rel_path}.jq jv testpath = jq_realpath(jv_string_fmt("%s/%s%s", jv_string_value(spath), jv_string_value(rel_path), suffix)); ret = stat(jv_string_value(testpath),&st); if (ret == -1 && errno == ENOENT) { jv_free(testpath); // Try ${search_dir}/$(dirname ${rel_path})/jq/main.jq testpath = jq_realpath(jv_string_fmt("%s/%s/%s%s", jv_string_value(spath), jv_string_value(rel_path), "jq/main", suffix)); ret = stat(jv_string_value(testpath),&st); } if (ret == -1 && errno == ENOENT) { jv_free(testpath); // Try ${search_dir}/${rel_path}/$(basename ${rel_path}).jq testpath = jq_realpath(jv_string_fmt("%s/%s/%s%s", jv_string_value(spath), jv_string_value(rel_path), jv_string_value(bname), suffix)); ret = stat(jv_string_value(testpath),&st); } if (ret == 0) { jv_free(err); jv_free(rel_path); jv_free(search); jv_free(bname); jv_free(spath); return testpath; } jv_free(testpath); jv_free(spath); } jv output; if (!jv_is_valid(err)) { err = jv_invalid_get_msg(err); output = jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_fmt("module not found: %s (%s)", jv_string_value(rel_path), jv_string_value(err))); } else { output = jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_fmt("module not found: %s", jv_string_value(rel_path))); } jv_free(err); jv_free(rel_path); jv_free(search); jv_free(bname); return output; } static jv default_search(jq_state *jq, jv value) { if (!jv_is_valid(value)) { // dependent didn't say; prepend . to system search path listj jv_free(value); return jv_array_concat(JV_ARRAY(jv_string(".")), jq_get_lib_dirs(jq)); } if (jv_get_kind(value) != JV_KIND_ARRAY) return JV_ARRAY(value); return value; } // XXX Split this into a util that takes a callback, and then... static int process_dependencies(jq_state *jq, jv jq_origin, jv lib_origin, block *src_block, struct lib_loading_state *lib_state) { jv deps = block_take_imports(src_block); block bk = *src_block; int nerrors = 0; const char *as_str = NULL; jv_array_foreach(deps, i, dep) { int is_data = jv_get_kind(jv_object_get(jv_copy(dep), jv_string("is_data"))) == JV_KIND_TRUE; int raw = 0; jv v = jv_object_get(jv_copy(dep), jv_string("raw")); if (jv_get_kind(v) == JV_KIND_TRUE) raw = 1; jv_free(v); jv relpath = validate_relpath(jv_object_get(jv_copy(dep), jv_string("relpath"))); jv as = jv_object_get(jv_copy(dep), jv_string("as")); assert(!jv_is_valid(as) || jv_get_kind(as) == JV_KIND_STRING); if (jv_get_kind(as) == JV_KIND_STRING) as_str = jv_string_value(as); jv search = default_search(jq, jv_object_get(dep, jv_string("search"))); // dep is now freed; do not reuse // find_lib does a lot of work that could be cached... jv resolved = find_lib(jq, relpath, search, is_data ? ".json" : ".jq", jv_copy(jq_origin), jv_copy(lib_origin)); // XXX ...move the rest of this into a callback. if (!jv_is_valid(resolved)) { jv emsg = jv_invalid_get_msg(resolved); jq_report_error(jq, jv_string_fmt("jq: error: %s\n",jv_string_value(emsg))); jv_free(emsg); jv_free(as); jv_free(deps); jv_free(jq_origin); jv_free(lib_origin); return 1; } uint64_t state_idx = 0; for (; state_idx < lib_state->ct; ++state_idx) { if (strcmp(lib_state->names[state_idx],jv_string_value(resolved)) == 0) break; } if (state_idx < lib_state->ct) { // Found jv_free(resolved); // Bind the library to the program bk = block_bind_library(lib_state->defs[state_idx], bk, OP_IS_CALL_PSEUDO, as_str); } else { // Not found. Add it to the table before binding. block dep_def_block = gen_noop(); nerrors += load_library(jq, resolved, is_data, raw, as_str, &dep_def_block, lib_state); // resolved has been freed if (nerrors == 0) { // Bind the library to the program bk = block_bind_library(dep_def_block, bk, OP_IS_CALL_PSEUDO, as_str); } } jv_free(as); } jv_free(lib_origin); jv_free(jq_origin); jv_free(deps); return nerrors; } // Loads the library at lib_path into lib_state, putting the library's defs // into *out_block static int load_library(jq_state *jq, jv lib_path, int is_data, int raw, const char *as, block *out_block, struct lib_loading_state *lib_state) { int nerrors = 0; struct locfile* src = NULL; block program; jv data; if (is_data && !raw) data = jv_load_file(jv_string_value(lib_path), 0); else data = jv_load_file(jv_string_value(lib_path), 1); int state_idx; if (!jv_is_valid(data)) { if (jv_invalid_has_msg(jv_copy(data))) data = jv_invalid_get_msg(data); else data = jv_string("unknown error"); jq_report_error(jq, jv_string_fmt("jq: error loading data file %s: %s\n", jv_string_value(lib_path), jv_string_value(data))); nerrors++; goto out; } else if (is_data) { // import "foo" as $bar; program = gen_const_global(jv_copy(data), as); } else { // import "foo" as bar; src = locfile_init(jq, jv_string_value(lib_path), jv_string_value(data), jv_string_length_bytes(jv_copy(data))); nerrors += jq_parse_library(src, &program); if (nerrors == 0) { char *lib_origin = strdup(jv_string_value(lib_path)); nerrors += process_dependencies(jq, jq_get_jq_origin(jq), jv_string(dirname(lib_origin)), &program, lib_state); free(lib_origin); } } state_idx = lib_state->ct++; lib_state->names = realloc(lib_state->names, lib_state->ct * sizeof(const char *)); lib_state->defs = realloc(lib_state->defs, lib_state->ct * sizeof(block)); lib_state->names[state_idx] = strdup(jv_string_value(lib_path)); lib_state->defs[state_idx] = program; *out_block = program; if (src) locfile_free(src); out: jv_free(lib_path); jv_free(data); return nerrors; } // FIXME It'd be nice to have an option to search the same search path // as we do in process_dependencies. jv load_module_meta(jq_state *jq, jv mod_relpath) { // We can't know the caller's origin; we could though, if it was passed in jv lib_path = find_lib(jq, validate_relpath(mod_relpath), jq_get_lib_dirs(jq), ".jq", jq_get_jq_origin(jq), jv_null()); if (!jv_is_valid(lib_path)) return lib_path; jv meta = jv_null(); jv data = jv_load_file(jv_string_value(lib_path), 1); if (jv_is_valid(data)) { block program; struct locfile* src = locfile_init(jq, jv_string_value(lib_path), jv_string_value(data), jv_string_length_bytes(jv_copy(data))); int nerrors = jq_parse_library(src, &program); if (nerrors == 0) { meta = block_module_meta(program); if (jv_get_kind(meta) == JV_KIND_NULL) meta = jv_object(); meta = jv_object_set(meta, jv_string("deps"), block_take_imports(&program)); } locfile_free(src); block_free(program); } jv_free(lib_path); jv_free(data); return meta; } int load_program(jq_state *jq, struct locfile* src, block *out_block) { int nerrors = 0; block program; struct lib_loading_state lib_state = {0,0,0}; nerrors = jq_parse(src, &program); if (nerrors) return nerrors; nerrors = process_dependencies(jq, jq_get_jq_origin(jq), jq_get_prog_origin(jq), &program, &lib_state); block libs = gen_noop(); for (uint64_t i = 0; i < lib_state.ct; ++i) { free(lib_state.names[i]); if (nerrors == 0 && !block_is_const(lib_state.defs[i])) libs = block_join(libs, lib_state.defs[i]); else block_free(lib_state.defs[i]); } free(lib_state.names); free(lib_state.defs); if (nerrors) block_free(program); else *out_block = block_drop_unreferenced(block_join(libs, program)); return nerrors; }