Documentation ============= The jq website, manpages and some of the tests are generated from this directory. The manual is a YAML file in `content/manual`. To build the documentation (including building the jq manpage), you'll need python3 and pipenv. You can install pipenv like so: pip install pipenv Though, you may need to say pip3 instead, depending on your system. Once you have pipenv installed, you can install the dependencies by running `pipenv install` from the `docs` directory. Also, you may need to run `virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv/` and then `source venv/bin/activate`, and only then `pipenv install`. Once this is done, rerun `./configure` in the jq root directory and then the Makefile will be able to generate the jq manpage. You can also just run `pipenv run` in the `docs` directory to build the `jq.1` page manually, and `pipenv run` to build the contents of `tests/man.test`. To build the website, run `pipenv run ./` from inside the `docs` directory.