#include #include #include "builtin.h" #include "compile.h" #include "jq_parser.h" #include "locfile.h" #include "jv_unicode.h" typedef jv (*func_1)(jv); typedef jv (*func_2)(jv,jv); typedef jv (*func_3)(jv,jv,jv); typedef jv (*func_4)(jv,jv,jv,jv); typedef jv (*func_5)(jv,jv,jv,jv,jv); jv cfunction_invoke(struct cfunction* function, jv input[]) { switch (function->nargs) { case 1: return ((func_1)function->fptr)(input[0]); case 2: return ((func_2)function->fptr)(input[0], input[1]); case 3: return ((func_3)function->fptr)(input[0], input[1], input[2]); case 4: return ((func_4)function->fptr)(input[0], input[1], input[2], input[3]); case 5: return ((func_5)function->fptr)(input[0], input[1], input[2], input[3], input[4]); default: return jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string("Function takes too many arguments")); } } static jv type_error(jv bad, const char* msg) { jv err = jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_fmt("%s %s", jv_kind_name(jv_get_kind(bad)), msg)); jv_free(bad); return err; } static jv type_error2(jv bad1, jv bad2, const char* msg) { jv err = jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_fmt("%s and %s %s", jv_kind_name(jv_get_kind(bad1)), jv_kind_name(jv_get_kind(bad2)), msg)); jv_free(bad1); jv_free(bad2); return err; } static jv f_plus(jv input, jv a, jv b) { jv_free(input); if (jv_get_kind(a) == JV_KIND_NULL) { jv_free(a); return b; } else if (jv_get_kind(b) == JV_KIND_NULL) { jv_free(b); return a; } else if (jv_get_kind(a) == JV_KIND_NUMBER && jv_get_kind(b) == JV_KIND_NUMBER) { return jv_number(jv_number_value(a) + jv_number_value(b)); } else if (jv_get_kind(a) == JV_KIND_STRING && jv_get_kind(b) == JV_KIND_STRING) { return jv_string_concat(a, b); } else if (jv_get_kind(a) == JV_KIND_ARRAY && jv_get_kind(b) == JV_KIND_ARRAY) { return jv_array_concat(a, b); } else if (jv_get_kind(a) == JV_KIND_OBJECT && jv_get_kind(b) == JV_KIND_OBJECT) { return jv_object_merge(a, b); } else { return type_error2(a, b, "cannot be added"); } } static jv f_negate(jv input) { if (jv_get_kind(input) != JV_KIND_NUMBER) { return type_error(input, "cannot be negated"); } jv ret = jv_number(-jv_number_value(input)); jv_free(input); return ret; } static jv f_minus(jv input, jv a, jv b) { jv_free(input); if (jv_get_kind(a) == JV_KIND_NUMBER && jv_get_kind(b) == JV_KIND_NUMBER) { return jv_number(jv_number_value(a) - jv_number_value(b)); } else if (jv_get_kind(a) == JV_KIND_ARRAY && jv_get_kind(b) == JV_KIND_ARRAY) { jv out = jv_array(); jv_array_foreach(a, i, x) { int include = 1; jv_array_foreach(b, j, y) { if (jv_equal(jv_copy(x), y)) { include = 0; break; } } if (include) out = jv_array_append(out, jv_copy(x)); jv_free(x); } jv_free(a); jv_free(b); return out; } else { return type_error2(a, b, "cannot be subtracted"); } } static jv f_multiply(jv input, jv a, jv b) { jv_free(input); if (jv_get_kind(a) == JV_KIND_NUMBER && jv_get_kind(b) == JV_KIND_NUMBER) { return jv_number(jv_number_value(a) * jv_number_value(b)); } else { return type_error2(a, b, "cannot be multiplied"); } } static jv f_divide(jv input, jv a, jv b) { jv_free(input); if (jv_get_kind(a) == JV_KIND_NUMBER && jv_get_kind(b) == JV_KIND_NUMBER) { return jv_number(jv_number_value(a) / jv_number_value(b)); } else { return type_error2(a, b, "cannot be divided"); } } static jv f_equal(jv input, jv a, jv b) { jv_free(input); return jv_bool(jv_equal(a, b)); } static jv f_notequal(jv input, jv a, jv b) { jv_free(input); return jv_bool(!jv_equal(a, b)); } enum cmp_op { CMP_OP_LESS, CMP_OP_GREATER, CMP_OP_LESSEQ, CMP_OP_GREATEREQ }; static jv order_cmp(jv input, jv a, jv b, enum cmp_op op) { jv_free(input); int r = jv_cmp(a, b); return jv_bool((op == CMP_OP_LESS && r < 0) || (op == CMP_OP_LESSEQ && r <= 0) || (op == CMP_OP_GREATEREQ && r >= 0) || (op == CMP_OP_GREATER && r > 0)); } static jv f_less(jv input, jv a, jv b) { return order_cmp(input, a, b, CMP_OP_LESS); } static jv f_greater(jv input, jv a, jv b) { return order_cmp(input, a, b, CMP_OP_GREATER); } static jv f_lesseq(jv input, jv a, jv b) { return order_cmp(input, a, b, CMP_OP_LESSEQ); } static jv f_greatereq(jv input, jv a, jv b) { return order_cmp(input, a, b, CMP_OP_GREATEREQ); } static jv f_contains(jv a, jv b) { if (jv_get_kind(a) == jv_get_kind(b)) { return jv_bool(jv_contains(a, b)); } else { return type_error2(a, b, "cannot have their containment checked"); } } static jv f_tonumber(jv input) { if (jv_get_kind(input) == JV_KIND_NUMBER) { return input; } if (jv_get_kind(input) == JV_KIND_STRING) { jv parsed = jv_parse(jv_string_value(input)); if (!jv_is_valid(parsed) || jv_get_kind(parsed) == JV_KIND_NUMBER) { jv_free(input); return parsed; } } return type_error(input, "cannot be parsed as a number"); } static jv f_length(jv input) { if (jv_get_kind(input) == JV_KIND_ARRAY) { return jv_number(jv_array_length(input)); } else if (jv_get_kind(input) == JV_KIND_OBJECT) { return jv_number(jv_object_length(input)); } else if (jv_get_kind(input) == JV_KIND_STRING) { return jv_number(jv_string_length_codepoints(input)); } else if (jv_get_kind(input) == JV_KIND_NULL) { jv_free(input); return jv_number(0); } else { return type_error(input, "has no length"); } } static jv f_tostring(jv input) { if (jv_get_kind(input) == JV_KIND_STRING) { return input; } else { return jv_dump_string(input, 0); } } #define CHARS_ALPHANUM "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" static jv escape_string(jv input, const char* escapings) { assert(jv_get_kind(input) == JV_KIND_STRING); const char* lookup[128] = {0}; const char* p = escapings; while (*p) { lookup[(int)*p] = p+1; p++; p += strlen(p); p++; } jv ret = jv_string(""); const char* i = jv_string_value(input); const char* end = i + jv_string_length_bytes(jv_copy(input)); const char* cstart; int c = 0; while ((i = jvp_utf8_next((cstart = i), end, &c))) { assert(c != -1); if (c < 128 && lookup[c]) { ret = jv_string_append_str(ret, lookup[c]); } else { ret = jv_string_append_buf(ret, cstart, i - cstart); } } jv_free(input); return ret; } static jv f_format(jv input, jv fmt) { if (jv_get_kind(fmt) != JV_KIND_STRING) { jv_free(input); return type_error(fmt, "is not a valid format"); } const char* fmt_s = jv_string_value(fmt); if (!strcmp(fmt_s, "json")) { jv_free(fmt); return jv_dump_string(input, 0); } else if (!strcmp(fmt_s, "text")) { jv_free(fmt); return f_tostring(input); } else if (!strcmp(fmt_s, "csv")) { jv_free(fmt); if (jv_get_kind(input) != JV_KIND_ARRAY) return type_error(input, "cannot be csv-formatted, only array"); jv line = jv_string(""); jv_array_foreach(input, i, x) { if (i) line = jv_string_append_str(line, ","); switch (jv_get_kind(x)) { case JV_KIND_NULL: /* null rendered as empty string */ jv_free(x); break; case JV_KIND_TRUE: case JV_KIND_FALSE: line = jv_string_concat(line, jv_dump_string(x, 0)); break; case JV_KIND_NUMBER: if (jv_number_value(x) != jv_number_value(x)) { /* NaN, render as empty string */ jv_free(x); } else { line = jv_string_concat(line, jv_dump_string(x, 0)); } break; case JV_KIND_STRING: { line = jv_string_append_str(line, "\""); line = jv_string_concat(line, escape_string(x, "\"\"\"\0")); line = jv_string_append_str(line, "\""); break; } default: jv_free(input); jv_free(line); return type_error(x, "is not valid in a csv row"); } } jv_free(input); return line; } else if (!strcmp(fmt_s, "html")) { jv_free(fmt); return escape_string(f_tostring(input), "&&\0<<\0>>\0''\0\""\0"); } else if (!strcmp(fmt_s, "uri")) { jv_free(fmt); input = f_tostring(input); int unreserved[128] = {0}; const char* p = CHARS_ALPHANUM "-_.!~*'()"; while (*p) unreserved[(int)*p++] = 1; jv line = jv_string(""); const char* s = jv_string_value(input); for (int i=0; i= 3 ? 3 : len-i; for (int j=0; j<3; j++) { code <<= 8; code |= j < n ? (unsigned)data[i+j] : 0; } char buf[4]; for (int j=0; j<4; j++) { buf[j] = b64[(code >> (18 - j*6)) & 0x3f]; } if (n < 3) buf[3] = '='; if (n < 2) buf[2] = '='; line = jv_string_append_buf(line, buf, sizeof(buf)); } jv_free(input); return line; } else { jv_free(input); return jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_concat(fmt, jv_string(" is not a valid format"))); } } static jv f_keys(jv input) { if (jv_get_kind(input) == JV_KIND_OBJECT || jv_get_kind(input) == JV_KIND_ARRAY) { return jv_keys(input); } else { return type_error(input, "has no keys"); } } static jv f_sort(jv input){ if (jv_get_kind(input) == JV_KIND_ARRAY) { return jv_sort(input, jv_copy(input)); } else { return type_error(input, "cannot be sorted, as it is not an array"); } } static jv f_sort_by_impl(jv input, jv keys) { if (jv_get_kind(input) == JV_KIND_ARRAY && jv_get_kind(keys) == JV_KIND_ARRAY && jv_array_length(jv_copy(input)) == jv_array_length(jv_copy(keys))) { return jv_sort(input, keys); } else { return type_error2(input, keys, "cannot be sorted, as they are not both arrays"); } } static jv f_group_by_impl(jv input, jv keys) { if (jv_get_kind(input) == JV_KIND_ARRAY && jv_get_kind(keys) == JV_KIND_ARRAY && jv_array_length(jv_copy(input)) == jv_array_length(jv_copy(keys))) { return jv_group(input, keys); } else { return type_error2(input, keys, "cannot be sorted, as they are not both arrays"); } } static jv minmax_by(jv values, jv keys, int is_min) { if (jv_get_kind(values) != JV_KIND_ARRAY) return type_error2(values, keys, "cannot be iterated over"); if (jv_get_kind(keys) != JV_KIND_ARRAY) return type_error2(values, keys, "cannot be iterated over"); if (jv_array_length(jv_copy(values)) != jv_array_length(jv_copy(keys))) return type_error2(values, keys, "have wrong length"); if (jv_array_length(jv_copy(values)) == 0) { jv_free(values); jv_free(keys); return jv_null(); } jv ret = jv_array_get(jv_copy(values), 0); jv retkey = jv_array_get(jv_copy(keys), 0); for (int i=1; i=0; i--) { nerrors = builtins_bind_one(bb, jq_builtins[i]); assert(!nerrors); } *bb = bind_bytecoded_builtins(*bb); *bb = gen_cbinding(function_list, sizeof(function_list)/sizeof(function_list[0]), *bb); return nerrors; }