sudo: false language: c stages: - name: test - name: build # Don't run build stage for pull requests to save time and resources. if: type != pull_request jobs: include: # Build with gcc and run tests on Ubuntu. - &test-ubuntu stage: test os: linux compiler: gcc addons: apt: packages: - valgrind - bison - automake before_install: - uname -s - rvm install ruby-1.9.3-p551 - rvm use 1.9.3 - rm src/{lexer,parser}.{c,h} - sed -i.bak '/^AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(\[-Wno-portability 1\.14\])$/s/14/11/' modules/oniguruma/ install: - bundle install --gemfile=docs/Gemfile - wget - ar p bison_3.0.2.dfsg-2_amd64.deb data.tar.xz | tar xJ - if [ -n "$COVERAGE" ]; then pip install --user cpp-coveralls; fi before_script: # If this is OS X we'll get bison from brew, else we'll get bison # from the .deb unpacked above in the install section. - PATH=/usr/local/opt/bison/bin:$PWD/usr/bin:$PATH - echo SHELL=$SHELL - echo PATH=$PATH - which bison - bison --version - autoreconf -if - ./configure --with-oniguruma=builtin YACC="$(which bison) -y" $COVERAGE script: # When using the bison from Debian we need to tell that bison where # to find its data. Yay non-relocatable code. Not. - echo PATH=$PATH - which bison - make BISON_PKGDATADIR=$PWD/usr/share/bison src/parser.c || make src/parser.c # Make dist! # # Make it first to fail the build early, before we test with # valgrind. - make dist # Build and test the dist (without valgrind) - | ( tar xvf jq-`scripts/version`.tar.gz && cd jq-`scripts/version` && pwd && ./configure --disable-valgrind --with-oniguruma=builtin YACC="$(which bison) -y" $COVERAGE && make BISON_PKGDATADIR=$PWD/usr/share/bison src/parser.c || make src/parser.c && make -j4 && make check -j4 || true ) # Build and test the HEAD - make -j4 - make check -j4 after_failure: - cat test-suite.log - cat tests/*.log # Build with clang and run tests on Ubuntu. - <<: *test-ubuntu compiler: clang # Build with gcc and run tests with gcov on Ubuntu. - <<: *test-ubuntu env: COVERAGE="--disable-valgrind --enable-gcov" after_script: - rm -rf src/.libs # don't care about coverage for libjq - coveralls --gcov-options '\-lp' -e src/lexer.c -e src/parser.c -e src/jv_dtoa.c # Build with gcc and run tests on macOS. - &test-osx <<: *test-ubuntu os: osx before_install: - uname -s - brew update - brew install flex bison - rvm install ruby-1.9.3-p551 - rvm use 1.9.3 - gem install bundler - rm src/{lexer,parser}.{c,h} - sed -i.bak '/^AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(\[-Wno-portability 1\.14\])$/s/14/11/' modules/oniguruma/ install: - bundle install --gemfile=docs/Gemfile - if [ -n "$COVERAGE" ]; then pip install --user cpp-coveralls; fi # Build with clang and run tests on macOS. - <<: *test-osx compiler: clang # Build with gcc and run tests on Alpine Linux v3.7 (inside chroot). # Note: Alpine uses musl libc. - &test-alpine stage: test os: linux language: minimal compiler: gcc sudo: true before_install: - "wget '' \ && echo '090d323d887ef3a2fd4e752428553f22a52b87bb alpine-chroot-install' | sha1sum -c || travis_terminate 1" - alpine() { /alpine/enter-chroot -u "$USER" "$@"; } install: - sudo sh alpine-chroot-install -b v3.7 -a "$ARCH" -p 'build-base automake autoconf bison libtool oniguruma-dev' before_script: - autoreconf -if script: - alpine ./configure --disable-docs - alpine make - alpine make check # Build release binary statically linked with musl libc on Alpine Linux # (inside chroot). If building a tagged commit, then deploy release # tarball to GitHub Releases. - &build-alpine <<: *test-alpine stage: build env: ARCH=x86_64 script: - alpine ./configure --disable-docs --enable-all-static CFLAGS='-Os -static -no-pie' CXXFLAGS='-Os -static -no-pie' - alpine make - alpine strip jq - jq -V - ls -lah jq - file jq # Ensure that the built executable is really statically linked. - file jq | grep -Fw 'statically linked' before_deploy: - PKGNAME="jq-$TRAVIS_TAG-$ARCH-linux" - mkdir $PKGNAME && mv jq $PKGNAME/ - tar -czf $PKGNAME.tar.gz $PKGNAME/ - sha256sum $PKGNAME.tar.gz > $PKGNAME.tar.gz.sha256 deploy: provider: releases api_key: secure: # TODO: put encrypted GitHub token here! file: jq-$TRAVIS_TAG-*.tar.gz* file_glob: true skip_cleanup: true on: tags: true # Build binaries for other architectures using QEMU user-mode emulation. - <<: *build-alpine env: ARCH=x86 - <<: *build-alpine env: ARCH=aarch64 - <<: *build-alpine env: ARCH=armhf - <<: *build-alpine env: ARCH=ppc64le notifications: email: false