path: root/tests
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-12-04Test ltrimstr and rtrimstr functionsNicolas Williams
2013-12-04Test tojson and fromjsonNicolas Williams
2013-12-04Test string slicingNicolas Williams
2013-12-04Add tests for string division/splittingNicolas Williams
2013-12-04Test starts/endswith and string multiplicationNicolas Williams
2013-11-30Add a few more test cases (from the man page)Nicolas Pouillard
2013-11-07Fix a crash on group_by of empty list. Fixes #208.Stephen Dolan
2013-09-14Add test showing calculation of standard deviationMichael Daines
2013-09-11Add sqrt operatorMichael Daines
2013-06-21Add floor operatorNicolas Williams
2013-06-21Add mod (and setmod) operatorsNicolas Williams
2013-06-11Support ."foo" syntax for accessing fields. See #141.Stephen Dolan
2013-05-16Remove the insane "fold" operation, replace with saner "reduce".Stephen Dolan
2013-05-15'length' function now measures string length in codepoints, not bytes.Stephen Dolan
2013-05-15Bugfix for array slices.Stephen Dolan
2013-05-13Array slicing. Closes #2.Stephen Dolan
2013-05-13Fix the //= operator.Stephen Dolan
2013-05-11Fix bug with path handling (used in assignments).Stephen Dolan
2013-05-08Clean up autotools config.Stephen Dolan